Home Movie fight to the end
《fight to the end》Release

《fight to the end》Will be at 2020-9-17 broadcast,《fight to the end》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

During the difficult years of the Anti-Japanese War, the Shandong Military Region Special Agent Battalion, with its indomitable fighting spirit and heroic and fearless spirit, fought a tragic battle against the Japanese army in order to protect the safety of the Shandong Combat Command Center.This battle is not only a struggle against the enemy's military power, but also a vivid interpretation of the patriotism of the Chinese people.

In the battle against Junshan in 1942, the spy battalion faced extremely severe tasks.They need to fight to the death with the Japanese army while ensuring the safe transfer of the Shandong combat command center.In this battle, instructor Tang Jianheng set an example and demonstrated the firm belief and noble spirit of sacrifice of Communist Party members.When the battle entered the most difficult moment, he resolutely fired the grenade and died with the Japanese army, using his own life to defend the safety of his comrades and the command center.

Battalion Commander Yan Yulin also demonstrated outstanding leadership skills and fearless courage.After receiving the order to hold on to the top of the mountain for the last 20 minutes, he quickly organized the deployment of troops to ensure that every soldier knew his or her mission.At the last moment when they ran out of ammunition and food, Yan Yulin and 14 comrades were not afraid and chose to sacrifice themselves by jumping off a cliff, using their lives to buy precious time for the smooth transfer of the Shandong Military Region.

Although the spy battalion made huge sacrifices in this battle against Junshan, their heroic deeds will forever be engraved on the monument of history.Yan Yulin and seven comrades survived. They continued to fight after returning to the team, passing on this indomitable spirit of resistance.

The Battle of Junshan was a heroic struggle under the leadership of the Party in Beiyimeng Region during the Anti-Japanese War.It not only demonstrates the spirit of unity, cooperation and selfless dedication of the Chinese people at a time of national crisis, but also reflects the Chinese people's deep feelings for the party and loyalty to the country.This battle is an example of the war against germs and blood. It eulogized the indomitable and heroic spirit of patriotism of the Chinese people and left us with precious historical wealth.