Home Movie No More Bets
《No More Bets》“Pan Sheng”Intro
The actor playing Pan Sheng in the show《No More Bets》is“Zhang Yixing
Zhang Yixing

In the bustling city, there is a frustrated programmer named Pan Sheng.Pan Sheng works in a small technology company. Although he is talented, he has never been reused due to various reasons.He felt that his talents were buried and his ambitions were unfulfilled.So, he decided to leave this place that disappointed him and go out to hunt for gold in search of better development opportunities.

Pan Sheng took a simple luggage and boarded the train to the prosperous city in the south.He believed there would be a chance for him to realize his dream.However, things didn't go as smoothly as he imagined.By chance, he was involved in a well-planned trap of an overseas fraud factory.

He is taken to a remote fraud factory, a place full of mystery and terror.The fraud leader, Manager Lu, threatened Pan Sheng's family and forced him to become a member of the fraud gang.Pan Sheng was forced to engage in illegal activities and help the fraud gang complete the fraud performance.He was deprived of his freedom and treated cruelly.Every day was full of pain and fear, and his life fell into darkness.

Pan Sheng once tried to escape, but was caught every time and suffered more cruel torture.His legs were broken and his body and mind were severely damaged.However, he did not give up hope. He always believed that he could escape from this devil's cave.

By chance, Pan Sheng discovered a secret document about a fraudulent factory.The documents revealed the true face of this fraud factory and the criminal group behind Manager Lu.Pan Sheng realized that only by exposing the true face of this criminal group can he completely get rid of this dark world.

As a result, Pan Sheng began to secretly collect evidence and looked for opportunities to seek help from the outside world.After hard work, he finally contacted a righteous reporter.With the help of reporters, Pan Sheng made the evidence public and attracted the attention of the police.In the end, the criminal group was wiped out and Pan Sheng was freed.