Home Movie Love Life Light / The Shop of the Lamp
《Love Life Light / The Shop of the Lamp》Taglines

1. “Every ghost you are afraid of is someone others think about day and night.”

2. “ of the secrets are in the most inconspicuous places.”

3.“You know, some birds are not destined to be locked in a cage. Every feather of theirs shines with the brilliance of freedom.”

4. “Everyone here has an unspeakable secret in their hearts.”

5. “ On a stormy night, she walked into Love Life Light / The Shop of the Lamp at the end of the alley, and the answer was gradually revealed.”

6. “We are all looking for light, but often ignore the warmth around us.”

7. “ Hope is a good thing, maybe the best. Good things will never die.”

8. “ Fear makes you a prisoner, hoping to feel free.”

9. “ are either busy living or busy dying.”

10. “Don’t forget that the thing in this world that penetrates all high walls is deep in our hearts. They cannot reach it or touch it. That is hope.”

11.“ There are some things in life that you can only accept but cannot understand.”

12. “Life is like a book, sometimes you need to turn a page to see the next story.”

13. “ Bravery does not mean not being afraid, but being able to keep moving forward even when you are afraid.”

14. “Everyone has their own story. Sometimes we need to listen, understand and accept.”

15. “There are some things that you can only experience but cannot explain.”

16.“The best things in life are often those indescribable moments.”

17. “We are all looking for answers, but often ignore the questions themselves.”

18. “Sometimes, you need to stop to see the road ahead clearly.”

19. “Life is like a journey, the important thing is not the destination, but the scenery along the way.”

20. “No matter when and where you are, don’t forget the light in your heart.”