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《Sing lek lek tee reak wa rak》“A Liang”Intro
The actor playing A Liang in the show《Sing lek lek tee reak wa rak》is“Mario Maurer
Mario Maurer

In the bustling city, everyone has their own story, and A Liang's story is like a gripping campus youth drama, full of passion, dreams and waiting.

Ah Liang, a man of the hour who is unknown to everyone on campus.He is handsome and has excellent grades. He is the prince charming in the hearts of many girls.But what stands out most about him is his presence on the football field.Whenever he steps onto that green field, it seems like the whole world is boiling.Every run and every shot he makes is full of power and passion, and people can't help but cheer for it.

However, in addition to football, A Liang also has another passion - photography.He likes to capture every moment in life and use his lens to record those beautiful and short-lived images.His photography is always full of emotions and stories, making people feel as if they can feel the breath of every life under his lens.

Xiao Shui is also one of A Liang's fans on campus.She silently paid attention to A Liang, admiring his grace on the football field, and also liked the emotions revealed in his photography.What she didn't know was that A Liang had been paying attention to her, and the seeds of love had already been planted in his heart.

But A Liang is a person who values ​​love and justice. He once made a promise to his friends. In order not to break this promise, he chose to hide his sincerity.He was afraid that once he confessed, it would affect the friendship between him and Xiao Shui, so he chose silence and waited.

Nine years have passed in a blink of an eye, and A Liang has successfully transformed from a superstar to a photographer.His photography became increasingly recognized and his name began to emerge in the photography world.But the waiting in his heart never changed.He has been looking for opportunities, hoping to see Xiaoshui again and tell her the emotions in his heart.

Finally one day, A Liang's opportunity came.He learned that Xiaoshui was about to hold a photography exhibition, so he signed up without hesitation.When he saw Xiao Shui again, his heart was filled with excitement and expectation.He knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to express his emotions.

At the photography exhibition, A Liang captured every moment of Xiao Shui with his own lens.He used his works to tell Xiao Shui that he had been paying attention to her and waiting for her.When Xiao Shui saw A Liang's work, ripples appeared in her heart.She finally understood A Liang's thoughts and the emotions in her heart.