Home Movie mi wu ci sha
《mi wu ci sha》 Summ

A political conspiracy ten years ago led to the death of the general of the current dynasty, and the government and the public were shocked by it.Behind this murder, it was secretly planned by the Prime Minister and carried out with the help of the Assassin Organization.Qingtian, the daughter of the general, was adopted by the prime minister after witnessing her father's bloody death and lived in the prime minister's house, unaware that her enemy was close at hand.

As time went by, Qingtian grew up, and by chance, she discovered that the prime minister who adopted her was the mastermind behind the murder of her biological father.What is even more shocking is that Wei Ping, the commander of the bodyguards in the prime minister's palace, turned out to be one of the assassins who killed his father.Endless hatred surged in Qingtian's heart, and she decided to expose all this and avenge her father.

Qingtian carefully planned what looked like a suicide trap, but was actually a revenge plan against everyone involved in his father's death.The prime minister, the escaped bodyguard Li Dong, and the leader of the assassin organization An all fell into her trap and died one by one.Her plan seemed seamless, but at the last moment, facing Weiping's counterattack, Qingcai learned about Weiping's past.

It turned out that Wei Ping deliberately exposed his flaws during the assassination of the general because he could not bear to kill innocent people. He was regarded as a traitor by the Assassin Alliance and expelled from the division.He has been working undercover in the Prime Minister's house, looking for opportunities to expose the Prime Minister's crimes.Qingtian's revenge plan gave him hope, but in the end he couldn't bear to hurt Qingtian and chose to reveal the truth.

After learning the truth, Qingtian felt mixed emotions in her heart.She originally thought Wei Ping was her father's enemy, but unexpectedly he turned out to be the only one who really wanted to expose the truth.Between hatred and the truth, Qingtian finally chose to let go of her hatred, but her heart was already riddled with holes.

With the deaths of the prime minister and others, Qingtian and Weiping became the only insiders.Qingtian chose to leave the Prime Minister's Mansion and start a new life, while Wei Ping stuck to his beliefs and continued to look for ways to expose the Prime Minister's crimes.