Home Movie Fight Against Evil
《Fight Against Evil》“Li Hongqi”Intro
The actor playing Li Hongqi in the show《Fight Against Evil》is“Xie Miao
Xie Miao

In the vast land of Northeast China, there is a policeman who, with his unique personality and unyielding spirit, has become the nemesis of the evil forces in Songbei District.He is not only a law enforcer, but also a warrior. He never flinches in the face of darkness, and uses his iron fist and wisdom to bring peace to this land.

This policeman is informal and always goes out of his way to do things.He knows that traditional law enforcement methods are sometimes difficult to deal with complex and changeable criminal forms, so he often uses surprising strategies to deal with criminals.There is no such word as “impossible” in his dictionary.He dares to challenge authority and break conventions. Every action he takes is full of momentum and makes people look at him with suspicion.

When he discovered that there were evil forces in Songbei District, he did not choose to sit back and watch, but took the initiative and determined to eradicate these cancers in society one by one.He goes deep into the tiger's den and fights wits and courage with the evil forces. His courage and wisdom are amazing.Under his leadership, a capable team gradually formed. They are not afraid of power or darkness, and only fight for justice.

In the contest with the evil forces, he showed a very strong side.He knows very well that for these criminals, kindness is cruelty to himself and the people.He used the most severe legal means to crack down on criminal gangs one after another, making the residents of Songbei District feel safe and peaceful again.

However, he was not satisfied with this.He understands that fighting crime is just a means, and the real purpose is to maintain social fairness and justice.Therefore, he not only strictly abides by the law during law enforcement, but also actively participates in community construction on weekdays and strives to enhance residents' awareness of the rule of law.He believes that only when everyone becomes a guardian of the law can society truly achieve harmony and stability.