Home Movie Johnny Keep Walking!
《Johnny Keep Walking!》Finale

In the movie《Johnny Keep Walking!》, Hu Jianlin, an ordinary workshop worker, used a rap song to draw the group's senior management's attention to the plight of the factory, thus avoiding large-scale layoffs.This ending is full of hope for change, but it also reveals some deeper problems.

Hu Jianlin's rap did attract the attention of the group's senior management and successfully avoided layoffs.This is certainly a positive sign that an ordinary employee’s voice can be heard and his actions can have an impact.However, this change is only a superficial phenomenon and it does not fundamentally solve the dilemma faced by the factory.

The factory's problems are far more complex than layoffs.The film reveals the problem of executive corruption within the factory, which is a serious ethical and governance issue that needs to be dealt with seriously.However, this is not the whole story.The factory's products and technology lag behind market demand and lack competitiveness. This is the root cause of the factory's difficulties.

The film's ending doesn't touch on these core issues, opting instead for a more manageable (albeit necessary) solution of avoiding layoffs and making some cosmetic changes.This is undoubtedly an optimistic ending, but it also raises some questions: Without fundamental changes, will the future of the factory remain uncertain?

The ending of 《Johnny Keep Walking!》 is a hopeful twist, but also a reminder.The hope is that it demonstrates the power and possibilities of ordinary workers, even if they don’t have advanced degrees or professional backgrounds.But at the same time, we must also realize that relying solely on the actions of individual individuals is not enough to solve deep-seated structural problems.The future of the factory depends on the direction of the market and policy, not just on the actions or decisions of individual employees.This requires us to think and act more deeply to achieve real change.