Home Movie Ready or Rot
《Ready or Rot》Release

《Ready or Rot》Will be at 2023-11-30 broadcast,《Ready or Rot》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

In the previous movie - The Husband's Club - three male protagonists with very different personalities - Ajia, Grizzly Bear and Ajian - successfully resolved a forced marriage crisis, showing how they, as modern men, navigate the complex emotional world.wisdom and responsibility.However, life is always full of variables. This time the troubles they faced have escalated again, and each has encountered unprecedented challenges on the road of love and life.

Ajia, a typical "mama's boy", was dragged into a dilemma by the offensive and defensive battle between his girlfriend Keyi and his mother Jiamu during the process of preparing for marriage.He wanted to meet his mother's expectations, but he also didn't want to hurt his beloved girlfriend. This double pressure made him feel embarrassed, and the originally sweet relationship sounded the alarm.This is not only a question about choice, but also a test of Ajia's personal growth and self-understanding.He must learn to find a balance between his mother and his girlfriend, while also bravely facing his inner fears and insecurities.

Grizzly Bear, who was once a soft-boiled man, has now changed his ways and is focusing on his life of marrying and educating his daughter.However, when he discovered that his rich wife Jenny was suspected of secretly raising wolf puppies, his world completely collapsed.For Grizzly Bear, this is not only an operation to catch an adulterer, but also a re-examination of his own views on marriage and values.He needs to figure out what he really wants and how to maintain trust and fidelity in a marriage.

Ajian, as a “三不男” (not proactive, non-rejecting, and irresponsible), unexpectedly won a prize during the passionate life with his girlfriend Jessica during the epidemic. Faced with the baby born from the sky, he didn't know whether he was happy or sad for a moment..This sudden change forced Ajian to face his fear of responsibility and commitment.He needs to learn to grow from a person who avoids responsibilities to a mature man who is willing to take responsibility for family and love.

Faced with these seemingly unsolvable problems of the century, how will the three male protagonists make choices to get their love and life back on track?This is not only their personal challenge, but also a common dilemma faced by modern men.They need to find solutions to problems through self-reflection, communication and courage, while also learning to maintain balance and growth in love and life.