Home Movie The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon
《The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon》What is the allusion

《The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon》The plot uses allusions to describe the wanted criminal Chen Guilin's arrogant pursuit of revenge at the farewell ceremony of Brother Corner, only to find that he is only the third most wanted criminal.He found out the whereabouts of the first two wanted criminals and wanted to get rid of them one by one. He thought that he had become the contemporary The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon, but he did not expect that greed, anger, and ignorance that could never be understood were the fate of his life.The crime and punishment to be faced.

Zhou Chu, whose courtesy name was Ziyin, was born in Yangxian, Wu County (now Yixing, Jiangsu Province).He was a minister and general during the Western Jin Dynasty, and the son of Zhou Li, the governor of Poyang in the Eastern Wu Dynasty.When he was young, he indulged his desires and brought trouble to the village.However, he later changed his ways, visited the famous scholars Lu Ji and Lu Yun, and began to study hard.After he reformed, he left behind the legend of “The Pig, the Snake, and the Pigeon”.He served as Dongguan Zuocheng and Wunan Governor, and his achievements even exceeded those of his father.After the fall of Wu, he served as an official in the Western Jin Dynasty and served as the prefect of Xinping. Later, he was transferred to the prefect of Guanghan and managed the place in an orderly manner.

What is the allusion

Zhou Chu's parents died when he was young. He is tall, strong in arms, and skilled in martial arts.He likes to hunt in the fields, does not cultivate himself carefully, indulges his desires, and becomes a scourge to the village.Folklore: “ was born in Xiaozhou, with strong physical strength. He played with swords and bows during the day and guns at night.Punching Li and kicking Zhang were like tigers attacking sheep.The villagers were so frightened that they screamed in unison, and no one dared to compare with him.”This“ young orphan, a seven-foot-tall boy who did not cultivate himself and was a troubled person in the state, was called the ”three evils“ of Yangxian City by the villagers together with the Nanshan Tiger and the Xijiao Dragon.

Later, this statement reached the ears of Zhou Chu. He realized that he was hated by people, and suddenly realized that he went into the mountains alone and shot the tiger. He went down the mountain to fight with the evil dragon, chased it in the water for three days and three nights, and finally killed it.Kill the tiger and the evil dragon.He himself also changed his evil behavior and sincerely studied literature and martial arts under his master.As a result, ” of the three evils% in the city disappeared.

After Zhou Chu got rid of the three evils, he became ambitious and became a disciple of the writers Lu Ji and Lu Yun. He finally became proficient in literature and martial arts at the same time and was reused by the imperial court.He successively served as the Zuocheng of Dongguan in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, the Grand Administrator of Xinping in the Jin Dynasty, the Grand Administrator of Guanghan, and was promoted to Zhongcheng of the Censor.He was an upright official and did not fear the powerful, so he was ostracized by powerful ministers.