Home Movie Sunny Sisters
Sunny Sisters

Sunny Sisters

Adapted from the Korean movie of the same name
《Sunny Sisters》 Summ

In a busy city corner, housewife Zhang Lijun's life revolves around her family and daily necessities.One day, an unexpected phone call broke the peace.On the other end of the phone, the voice of Lin Qing, a good sister from high school who was seriously ill, was weak but full of expectation: Lijun, I really want to get together with the sisters from back then.%

Lin Qing's words brought Zhang Lijun's mind back to her youthful campus days.The laughter, tears, disputes and reconciliation in their youth have become the most precious memories in their hearts.Back then, they had gone through the ups and downs and beauty of youth together. Now, their respective life trajectories have taken them in different directions.

In order to fulfill Lin Qing's wish, Zhang Lijun decided to embark on a journey to find other sisters.She first contacted the class monitor of that year, and through social media and various inquiries, she gradually found those familiar faces from back then.Some people have become professional elites, some are pursuing their dreams in foreign countries, and some, like her, have become the guardians of their families.

During the reunion, they shared their life experiences, with laughter and tears.Everyone discovered that although time has changed each other's appearance, the deep friendship has never changed.Together they recalled every detail of those years, and also talked about their current family and career.Everyone has their own responsibilities and concerns, but the memories of youth are always the most precious wealth.

This reunion made Zhang Lijun realize that although time has passed, the power of friendship can travel through time and space, tightly linking them together.They decided that no matter how life changes in the future, they must keep in touch and protect this precious friendship together.

Lin Qing ultimately failed to survive that winter, but she felt the deep friendship between the sisters before she passed away.For Zhang Lijun and other sisters, this search is not only a memory of youth, but also a re-examination of life.They understand that no matter where they are, they must cherish the present and the people around them.

《Sunny Sisters》Cast
Zhou Jieqiong / Li Youran Wang Qing&Jiang Xiaohan / Zhu Zhu Ni Hongjie&Xia Meng / Qiu Yuhong Ma Su&Zhao Ming / bayberry
Zhang Xinyi&Yang Han / Huang Xiaojuan Zeng Li&Liang Songqing / Lin Qing Yin Tao&Wang Yueting / Zhang Lijun
《Sunny Sisters》Character Info
《Sunny Sisters》Stills
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  • Sunny SistersStills

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  • Sunny SistersStills

  • Sunny SistersStills

  • Sunny SistersStills

《Sunny Sisters》Related Info

Movie remakes have always been a controversial topic.For many viewers, the original often occupies a special place in their hearts, and any changes may be seen as disrespectful.Yet when Sunny Sisters, a beloved Korean film, was remade in China, the audience's reaction was surprisingly mixed.

First of all, let's admit, the remake of 《Sunny Sisters》 is technically pretty good.From the plot to the camerawork and lines, they are all highly similar to the original work, almost to the point of being a frame-by-frame remake.This undoubtedly reflects the director and production team's respect for the original work and their pursuit of excellence in details.However, because of this high degree of similarity, for those viewers who have already seen the original work, watching the remake again may feel that it lacks freshness.

However, a remake doesn't just copy the original.Every country and culture has its own unique background and perspective, and these differences can often bring new life and depth to the original work.In the remake of Sunny Sisters, there is one plot that caught the attention of the audience: the original scene of a girl’s date turned into a conflict with urban management and law enforcement in the Chinese version.This change not only avoids possible political sensitivities, but also reflects certain realities in Chinese society to a certain extent.

However, it was this change that made many viewers question the remake.In a vegetable market with popcorn flying everywhere, several groups of people are having sex with each other passionately while eating radish and green vegetables. Although this scene is quite MV style, it makes people feel that it is far from the original work.This also raises a question: How should the remake deal with the plot and details of the original work?

In fact, remaking a movie is no easy task.It needs to take into account the cultural background and aesthetic habits of the target audience while maintaining the essence of the original work.In that sense, the remake of 《Sunny Sisters》perhaps doesn't quite do it.However, that doesn't mean it's a failed film.On the contrary, it presents a familiar story in a unique way, allowing the audience to feel the unique charm of Chinese culture while being nostalgic.

As The Paper commented, although the film may not be a good movie, it still has its unique value.It reminds us that in our busy life, we should not forget the friends and memories that have accompanied us through our youth.For those tired middle-aged Chinese women, this movie is a reminder that they can find their own sunshine and warmth in their busy lives.