Home Movie Lose to Win
《Lose to Win》Release

《Lose to Win》Will be at 2023-9-28 broadcast,《Lose to Win》 Wiil be Screened in theaters.

《Lose to Win》 is produced by Xing Wenxiong, directed by Gao Hu, and starring Wei Xiang, Wang Zhi, and Yue Liang.Wei Xiang in the film came to the “House of Humanity” team to support coaching, starting his “0” experience as a coach for the Special Olympics team.

Victory is the only pursuit in basketball coach Wei Guozheng's life.He has always believed that as long as he works hard and puts in enough sweat, victory will definitely belong to him.However, fate gave him a huge challenge.As a result of being punished for violating the rules, he was forced to teach in a school for mentally retarded children.

Wei Guozheng felt angry and helpless about this decision.He couldn't understand why he was forced to get along with and train with a group of players with negative “ ability values.He felt his talents and experience were being wasted in the wrong places.Little did he know, however, that this experience would change his outlook on life and basketball.

After entering a school for intellectual disabilities, Wei Guozheng saw the sincerity and love of basketball among these players.Although their abilities are limited, everyone tries their best to chase their dreams.They have no desire to win, they just purely enjoy the happiness that basketball brings them.This shocked and moved Wei Guozheng.

Wei Guozheng decided to change his attitude.He de-emphasized winning and instead focused on developing the skills and confidence of his players.He pays attention to each player's strengths, respects their individual differences, and develops a training plan that suits them.He knows that a team can only be truly strong if everyone reaches their potential.

Under the leadership of Wei Guozheng, the team's performance gradually improved.Although there is still a big gap between them, they have become more united and understand each other.They began to understand how to cooperate with each other and how to use their own advantages in the game.Wei Guozheng no longer pursues perfect tactics, but encourages players to use their creativity and imagination.

The upcoming league is a brand new challenge for the basketball team of this mentally retarded school.They have to face powerful opponents and face doubts and ridicule from the outside world.However, they no longer care about this.They just want to do their best, enjoy the process of the game, and show their progress and growth.

The game started and there was a tense atmosphere on the court.Wei Guozheng stood on the sidelines, watching his students devote themselves to the game.They showed amazing progress and defeated powerful opponents one after another in their own unique way.

Although they did not win the championship in the end, they have surpassed themselves and created miracles.They proved that they are not players with negative ” ability value, they are basketball enthusiasts with dreams and potential.

For Wei Guozheng, this teaching experience was a soul-touching journey.He learned to respect everyone's differences and to focus on the true meaning behind the game.He understands that winning is not always the most important, what is important is our love and pursuit of basketball.

After this, he decided to change his coaching philosophy.He will continue to pay attention to the growth and progress of each student and encourage them to bravely pursue their dreams.He would use basketball as a tool to build character and develop self-confidence in his students.

The basketball team of this mentally retarded school may never win the game, but they have won something more important: friendship, teamwork and self-confidence.For Wei Guozheng, he has found the victory he truly pursues, which is to cultivate a happy and confident basketball team.