Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 7: Palm Play - Addicted to Her at Night - ranked first

Auth:Holy Son Time:Oct 08, 2024 Source:Network

The reversal and twists in the plot of the currently popular show - Addicted to Her at Night - make it impossible to predict the subsequent plot development, which has become one of the most attractive features of the show.Whether it is in terms of appearance, acting skills or plot, the play can quickly and accurately attract people's attention.Today we specially provide some personal answers to the audience’s doubts about the October 7th short drama popularity ranking: Palm Play - Addicted to Her at Night - reaching the top of the list.

Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 7: Palm Play - Addicted to Her at Night - ranked first

Palm games - addicted to her at night - ranked first.

Meguiar's - Advanced Pregnancy Queen - ranked second.

Kuaichuang《Qingyisha》ranked third.

The market popularity value is 64.15 million.

To sum up, the editor has provided you with all the content about the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 7: Handheld Game - Addicted to Her at Night - reaching the top.If you think this article is beneficial to you, please continue to follow us, we will present more latest and richest plot analysis and character analysis for you.

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