Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 20th: Malya - The Lost God of Cooking - ranked first

Auth:Little Diu Time:Oct 21, 2024 Source:Network

The recent broadcast - The Lost God of Cooking - is very popular. A topic that everyone has been paying close attention to recently is the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 20th: Malt - The Lost God of Cooking - topped the list, and everyone is very excited about it.Eager to learn more about it.Therefore, today, the editor specially brings you some details about the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 20: Malt - The Lost God of Cooking - reaching the top spot, hoping to satisfy everyone's curiosity about this topic..

Popularity ranking of short dramas on October 20th: Malya - The Lost God of Cooking - ranked first

Malt - the disappearing god of cooking - ranks first.

Kuai Chuang - Jiaojiao Concubine's Promotion Story - ranked second.

Tomato - the young master who committed suicide and went crazy after being reborn - ranked third.

The market popularity value is 63.73 million.

The above is the complete content about the popularity ranking of short dramas on October 20: Malt - the missing chef god - topped the list.If you are interested in our website, we will also provide more detailed plot introduction, analysis and character analysis later. You can learn more by following our website.

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