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Spring and summer

Spring and summer

Mainland Chinese actress, model
  • Gender:female
  • Birth:Dec 05, 1992
  • Height:165cm
  • Nat:China
  • Birthplace:Kunming City, Yunnan Province
  • Works: 《My heart is bright》《 my husband and wife》《 my doctor husband》《 life is like the first time we met》
Spring and summerBio

In the entertainment industry, there are many actors who have realized their acting dreams through continuous hard work and talent.Chun Xia, whose real name is Li Junjie, is such a legendary actress.She debuted as a graphic model. With her outstanding appearance and unique temperament, she has photographed the covers of many magazines and books, winning the love of many fans.

However, Chunxia is not satisfied with the achievements of her modeling career. She is eager to show her talents on a larger stage.In 2013, she finally got her chance, starring in the TV series "My Heart Is Bright" for the first time, and officially entered the entertainment industry.This year, she is only 21 years old, but she has already shown great acting skills and potential.

In 2014, spring and summer ushered in the pinnacle of her acting career.She starred in the movie - Blood and Plum Blossoms -, playing the heroine Wang Jiamei.This film not only made her famous in one fell swoop, but also made her the first post-90s Best Actress at the Academy Awards, which was a high recognition of her acting skills.In addition, she also won many awards such as the Best Actress Award at the 19th Bucheon International Fantasy Film Festival and the Best Actress Award at the 22nd Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards, becoming a high-profile rising star at the time.

After winning the Best Actress honor, Chunxia did not stop moving forward.She has successively appeared in many films such as - Before Dawn -, - When Will the Moon Come -, - Hiding on the Back of a Knife -, - Leaving Singles - and many other films, constantly challenging different types of roles and showing her multi-facetedDepth of sex and acting.Whether it is a literary film or a commercial film, she is able to master the role with ease, winning unanimous praise from the audience and industry insiders.

On December 25, 2020, Chun Xia's first costume movie starring Chun Xia - Qing Ya Ji - was released.In this movie, she changed her previous role in literary films and played a character with a lot of action scenes.This is not only a test of her physical fitness, but also a new challenge for her acting skills.However, Chunxia successfully completed this task with outstanding performance, once again proving his strength and potential.

In addition to his acting career, Chunxia also actively participates in charity activities and social affairs.She was selected into the 2019 Forbes China 30 Under 30 list and the 2020 Forbes China Celebrity List. These honors are not only recognition of her personal achievements, but also recognition of her contribution to society.

Spring and summerFilm & TV
Spring and summerRoles