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《Happy Parents》 Summ

Screenwriter Liu Xiangshang has a relatively free schedule in his daily schedule. He is responsible for the education and care of his son Guoning and daughter Guobao at home, while his wife Dai Jing chooses to work in an out-of-town company with a higher salary.With the implementation of the double reduction policy, the original plans and arrangements are bound to be adjusted, and the couple has differences in their knowledge and understanding of the policy.

In the parent group, Liu Xueguang, an old father who came to help, said that the workload should not be reduced, and some parents questioned academic performance and test results. Influenced by these, Dai Jing gave up a high-paying job outside the city and returned to her family to accompany her children as they grew up.

After a series of events happened, they realized that education requires the comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, artistic and physical skills.The family of four enjoys happiness in learning and grows together.

《Happy Parents》Episode 1 Details

Liu Guoning ran away from home

Liu Xiangshang, the screenwriter character played by Zhang Jiayi, is relatively free during his daily working hours. He mainly takes care of and educates his son Liu Guoning and daughter Liu Guobao at home, while his wife Dai Jing (played by Chen Hao) works hard in a company with a higher salary in other places.

One day, when Liu Shang went to get a haircut, the owner of the barber shop offered a discount to celebrate his son's entrance into junior high school, and at the same time expressed his expectations for Liu Shang's new drama.When her son Liu Guoning left home, he left alone, leaving Zhang Wenping anxious and uneasy.Then when the shampoo shop owner asked Liu to recommend a school, he received a call from his mother and learned that the child was missing.After returning home, Liu Shang found the letter left by his child and thought it was just a prank. However, Zhang Wenping felt very worried and realized that there might be something wrong with the education methods of Liu Guoning's parents.

Liu Shangshang asked Liu Guobao about Liu Guoning's whereabouts, but Liu Guobao remained silent.Later, Liu Shangshang saw the note left by his son and learned that his son left home because he had not finished his homework and was preparing to get rid of his mother's restraint.Zhang Wenping thought Liu Xiang could handle this problem, and her mother returned home.

While eating fried chicken and burgers, Liu Guoning thought repeatedly about the past two hours, why no one came to him, even though they could track the location of the phone and watch, why no one came to him?

Liu Guoning finally decided to call the devil in the family, her mother, a working woman, and directly tell her parents that they no longer wanted her.When Dai Jing heard the news, she temporarily put down her work and took her son home to ask Liu Shang.When Liu Guoning saw his parents entering the room for discussion, he secretly used a tea cup to eavesdrop outside the door.

Dai Jing believed that such a son was because her husband was spoiled, while Liu Xiangxiang pointed out that his son was disciplined by his wife before he was seven years old, and now it is his turn to discipline him.The couple got into an argument.

Liu Guoning told her father that the homework assigned by the teacher was written voluntarily.Liu checked his cell phone records and found that this was indeed the case, but other students had turned it in.Dai Jing believed that her son lacked endurance. The teacher said he would volunteer, so he really volunteered.Liu Guoning felt that voluntary means following one's own wishes and there is nothing wrong with it. This idea successfully angered her mother.

The child has accumulated 900 questions, and Liu Shangshang decided to help his son complete his homework, but Dai Jing thought that her husband doted on the child too much.

Liu Guoning told Liu Guobao that going to school was very painful, which aroused Liu Guobao's unwillingness to go to school.Dai Jing expressed concerns about the pressure of study this year.At the opening meeting of the class, Teacher Wang explained the double reduction policy and established a group of three classes.Jing Tingting was frightened by some parents' suspicion of Teacher Wang, and at the same time she began to ask Liu Xiang what he needed.

I hope the above informative description can meet your requirements.On the first day of junior high school, I was frightened by my mother's harsh attitude.She found her mother's attitude a little scary to her, which made her want to go to school even more.Faced with her mother's attitude, in the first year of junior high school, the idea of ​​skipping school arose in her heart, and she kept thinking of ways to escape.

At the same time, Liu Guoning also protested due to a lot of work pressure.Why did he think he had to do so much homework while his sister had none?This gave Liu Xiangshang a very headache. He knew that his son was facing a lot of learning pressure.

On the other hand, Liu Shang's wife's company is going to lay off employees and she is under great pressure.He said he would always support his wife and hoped to relieve her stress.In order to support Liu Guoning, the whole family went out to help him copy homework. Even Jing Tingting was busy copying questions for her daughter.

During this period, the newly moved Tang Xiaowei also gave a cake to Liu Shang's family.Liu Xiangshang expressed his support for the policy of double % reduction.When Liu Xiangshang was sending his children to school, he met Tang Xiaowei, and the two of them sent their children to school together.

In the end, although she was very resistant to going to school in the first year of junior high school, she successfully entered the campus after seeing her friends.The whole family also supports each other in all aspects and gets through the difficulties.

《Happy Parents》Episode 2 Details

Liu Guobao fights

Tang Xiaowei met Jing Tingting and others under the introduction of Liu Shangshang, and then they established a parent group.

Qin Ying told Dai Jing that the company had not laid off employees and suggested that Dai Jing find another assistant.Liu Xiangshang looked at the messages in the group. Parents were discussing the matter of their children hitting others. Liu Xiangshang looked at Aite and guessed that Liu Guobao had a fight at school.Liu Xiangshang received a call from Teacher Wang and came to school. After asking about it, he found out that the shopping bag was the cause of the trouble.Xiao Jiarui laughed at his classmates because Jiang Feihu had never played Happy Valley. Liu Guobao couldn't stand it anymore and helped Jiang Feihu beat Xiao Jiarui.

Xiao Jiarui's mother never admitted that her son hit someone first.After Liu Shangshang figured out the whole story, Xiao Jiarui's mother defended her son, saying that it was Liu Guobao who hit him first, which led to her son hitting someone with a water glass.Teacher Wang couldn't stand it anymore and directly told Xiao Jiarui's mother that Xiao Jiarui had done it.

Jing Tingting was a little surprised to learn that her daughter peed her pants. Yang Chuyi, who was in the first year of junior high school, was laughed at by the whole class and cried.Before Liu Shangshang could finish his daughter's matter, he was pulled in by his son's teacher to lecture him.Liu Guoning was afraid that his sister would be bullied, so he went to help her fight.

Liu Xiangshang heard the teacher say that there are four kinds of homework, and he felt a little embarrassed and said that he did not understand the message clearly.When Xiao Jiarui's mother heard that her son had frightened her into peeing in the first grade of junior high school, Jing Tingting was very angry and asked Xiao Jiarui to apologize to her daughter.As soon as Liu Shangshang came downstairs, his son's teacher called him up again and he ran back and forth several times.After Tang Xiaowei sorted out the situation, she felt that Xiao Jiarui did not need to apologize, after all, he was such a coward.Xiao Jiarui's mother was very angry after hearing this.Yang Mingbiao came to the school arrogantly and asked who hit the first grade of junior high school.Teacher Chen came over to clarify the facts and let the children apologize to each other.Xiao Jiarui's mother is still protecting her son.Xiao Jiarui saw his friend apologizing to him. When he was about to apologize to his friend, his mother stopped him.

Teacher Chen feels that a meeting with parents is needed to address today’s issues.When Liu went home, he reflected on himself and sent a message to Teacher Wang.Dai Jing returned home and asked her daughter how her school was going today.Liu Guobao thinks it’s okay.Jing Tingting told junior high school students to listen to Liu Guobao at school.Jing Tingting asked Yang Mingbiao to call Shishi. Yang Mingbiao found it a bit difficult, but still called his son.

Ma Ziheng wanted to know about his father, but Tang Xiaowei felt that his son was the most important.Dai Jing heard Liu Xiang's description of Xiao Jiarui's mother and felt that she was very unqualified.Liu Guobao established an alliance group with Liu Guoning and Ma Ziheng.Ma Ziheng suggested that Liu Guoning pick out 200 of the 900 questions to be written and write them repeatedly, so that the teacher would not find out.As soon as Teacher Wang posted a message on WeChat Moments after cleaning the classroom, parents over-interpreted it and started complimenting her.As soon as Liu Xiang asked his wife to post it, Teacher Wang deleted it from the circle of friends.At this time, Liu Xiang felt that these parents were too flattering.

Yang Mingbiao took a broom and was going to clean the classroom, and his wife posted it in the group chat. As soon as Teacher Wang deleted it from his circle of friends, Yang Mingbiao felt very embarrassed.Jing Tingting felt that there was no need to compliment the teacher, it was just to get her daughter more attention.

Tang Xiaowei worked overtime late at night to broadcast live.Ma Yingjie didn't know much about his son's studies because of work and entertainment. Ma Ziheng called Ma Yingjie. Ma Yingjie couldn't reach Tang Xiaowei and entered the live broadcast room to send text messages to Tang Xiaowei. As a result, Tang Xiaowei was very angry that the goods were not sold.Dai Jing saw the reading notes written by her son and brought them to her husband. Fortunately, Liu Xiangshang prepared school uniforms for his daughters and sons in advance. Some parents have not yet received the school uniforms.

Because many parents did not buy school uniforms and were chatting in the parent group, Dai Jing was very dissatisfied when she found out that Jing Tingting had contacted Liu Xiang to inquire.

《Happy Parents》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Happy Parents Episode 3 plot introduction: School uniform incident

When Ma Ziheng saw his mother's cell phone beeping, he thought there must be something important coming out and asked about the school uniform. He advised his mother not to worry and to go to bed quickly.Tang Xiaowei told Ma Ziheng that he must wear school uniform when raising the flag tomorrow.Ma Ziheng said that he didn’t know that it was also his first time to go to school.Tang Xiaowei also said that she was a first-time mother and didn't know this.Ma Ziheng suggested that his mother borrow Liu Guoning's old school uniform.Tang Xiaowei suddenly felt that her son was too smart.

Tang Xiaowei came to Liu Xiang to borrow an old school uniform.Dai Jing saw that Tang Xiaowei was very beautiful, and was a little jealous that Liu Xiangshang was a little too enthusiastic about helping.Ma Ziheng apologized to his mother and said that it was because of him that his mother could not sell the goods today.Tang Xiaowei felt reluctant to stop because her husband was unreliable.Jing Tingting is very worried that her child will not have uniforms when he goes to school tomorrow.Yang Mingbiao felt that this was a trivial matter and there was nothing to worry about. The teacher would not let the child drop out of school.Ma Yingjie called Tang Xiaowei and asked his wife to invite him to the parents group. Tang Xiaowei felt that her husband was unreliable and refused.

Liu Xiangshang prayed to God before writing, hoping nothing would happen again today.Jing Tingting came to Liu Xiangshang and felt that the teacher or principal was targeting her children.Liu Xiangshang thought it was because the children were not wearing school uniforms and there were not so many twists and turns.Parents are complaining in the group and want to file a complaint against the clothing factory.Jing Tingting asked Liu Xiang which team he was on?Liu Xiangshang suggested that she dive.Jing Tingting found a tailor shop and wanted to customize school uniforms for her daughter.

Dai Jing saw her daughter being measured for height and weight, and felt that the school was more humane now, unlike when she was a child.Dai Jing was a little worried when she heard that her daughter was not learning English. She was afraid that Liu Guobao would not be able to keep up in the future, so she wanted to give her daughter English lessons after get off work.Jing Tingting got the school uniform and showed it to the first grade of junior high school. The first grade of junior high school was very happy.Since the teacher has to adjust the classmates' homework, he is a little busy and wants to ask parents to help.After reading it, Jing Tingting wanted to hire a worker to help the teacher, but she was besieged by her parents to show off her wealth.Teacher Chen told Teacher Wang not to do this. These parents were a bit difficult to treat. Teacher Chen suggested that Teacher Wang increase parent interaction and treat every student with care.

Dai Jing comforted Jing Tingting and advised Jing Tingting to be more careful when speaking in the future and stop speaking without thinking.Ma Ziheng told his friends that his mother was wronged in the group.Ma Ziheng didn't understand why his parents were afraid of the teacher, and the children didn't understand, so he called his fifteenth brother.After fifteen analyzed it with these children, they felt that the teacher was a bit scary.Liu Xiangshang felt that what Shi Fifteen said was very reasonable. In order to get more attention for their children, some parents complimented the teacher and excessively speculated on the teacher's thoughts.Liu Xiangshang feels that today's children are already difficult to deal with, and he doesn't know what to do after a few years.Liu Guoning told Liu Guoning that teacher Liu Xiang asked parents to volunteer on campus, but his father did not go at all, which was very embarrassing.Dai Jing asked Liu Shang to go up, and Liu Shang felt a little melancholy for a moment.

When Dai Jing heard that her son was running for class president, she felt it was more difficult than running for president of the United States.Liu Guoning felt that he must give it a try, and maybe he would be chosen.Liu Guobao wants to be a sports committee member, but Dai Jing feels that her daughter does not look like a girl.Tang Xiaowei asked Ma Ziheng if he was willing to be the monitor?After hearing her son say that she should consider it, Tang Xiaowei supported her son's voluntary choice. After hearing Ma Ziheng tell her husband, Ma Yingjie, that he wanted to join the parents' group, she made a three-part agreement with her husband not to speak in the group.As soon as Ma Yingjie entered, he sent a message and was scolded by Tang Xiaowei.

Not going home on the 15th Sunday made Jing Tingting feel a little disappointed.In the first grade of junior high school, I wanted to be an art class representative, but I was too scared to tell the teacher and wanted my mother to help me.Jing Tingting encouraged the first-year students to fight for it with their teachers.Liu Guoning took the initiative to ask his father to revise his speech.Liu Xiangshang saw his son's speech. He felt that his son's speech was perfect and unique.Liu Guobao is even more confident.Liu Xiang thought his son's writing was very good and wanted his wife to listen to it.Dai Jing felt that her son's writing needed to be revised.Liu Xiangshang supported the children to polish it themselves.

Gao Yuxuan's mother called Liu Shang to get votes for her.Zhou Wenhan also wanted to be the managing parent, and Xiao Jiarui's mother also joined the fight. The group of parents suddenly became quarrelsome, and Liu Xiangshang felt that these people were a bit boring.

《Happy Parents》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Happy Parents Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Parent-Student Election Controversy

When Tang Xiaowei came out to pick up her son, she saw her husband Ma Yingjie at the school gate. Ma Yingjie felt that she was very grateful to her wife Tang Xiaowei for dragging her into the parent group. However, Tang Xiaowei accused her husband of talking nonsense in the group. She had dragged Ma Yingjie into the group in the first place., just so as not to affect the children's learning, Tang Xiaowei asked her husband to promise not to talk nonsense in the group in the future, as the parents group is more sensitive.

Dai Jing returned home and asked Liu why there were so many messages in the parent group?Liu Xiangxiang felt that it was really unnecessary for these parents to fight over a parent committee director.At this time, Jing Tingting called Liu Xiangxiang and asked if she would run for the chairman of the family committee?Liu Xiangxiang felt that this was a puddle of muddy water, and advised Jing Tingting not to participate. This responsibility was relatively large, and he did not have any special rights. Sometimes the handling was not pleasing to the eye.

Tang Xiaowei asked Ma Ziheng and Ma Yingjie to go out. Before the child went downstairs, Ma Yingjie was standing in line in the group of parents. Tang Xiaowei was very angry and pulled Ma Yingjie's ears, and asked the group leader to kick Ma Yingjie out.group.Tang Xiaowei expressed her position in the group, no matter what attitude she took, she did not need to consider Ma Yingjie's attitude.Ma Ziheng and Ma Yingjie proposed to support Zhou Wenhan's father, so that Zhou Wenhan's father would not kick him out of the group if he became the leader of the group.Liu Xiangshang saw that Liu Guoning was seriously reading his speech and wanted to run for class cadre. He felt that his son had really worked hard and was very promising.On Thursday, the students all started running for class committee.Liu Guoning happily went on stage to introduce his candidacy for class cadres. When he read out the competition draft, Liu Guoning was very angry because of his classmate's interruption and beat that classmate.Liu Xiang was honored to be called to school again by his teacher.

The teacher said that Liu Guoning's beating of students in front of the whole class would have a bad influence and he would not be elected in the class cadre election this time.Liu Guoning felt a little disappointed.Liu Xiang persuaded his son that failure is not terrible. His son did the right thing this time. On the contrary, he encouraged him and felt that his son's failure this time was a great honor.Dai Jing was encouraged when he heard that Liu Guoning did not choose to be a cadre at work, but encouraged his children to continue to be elected next year.Liu Xiangshang was a little disgusted with making such a fuss and stating in the parent group that he would not run for the chairman of the Parent Committee.Gao Yuxuan's mother specially invited the parents to have afternoon tea to win votes, and also deliberately exaggerated the facts.Tang Xiaowei couldn't stand it anymore and spoke for Liu Xiangshang.After Jing Tingting finished her afternoon tea, she quickly went to tell Liu Xiangshang how Gao Yuxuan's mother described him. Liu Xiangshang felt that Jing Tingting's gossip made him feel very uncomfortable.

In the first year of junior high school, Jing Tingting wanted to be the art class representative. Jing Tingting heard her husband say that if she became the director of the parent committee, she could win the position of art class representative for her daughter.Gao Yuxuan's mother and Jing Tingting started a fight in the group.Liu Xiangshang didn't understand why Jing Tingting wanted to take part in this thankless position?Dai Jing feels that Jing Tingting is at a disadvantage, and as a good sister, she needs to help Jing Tingting.Ma Ziheng saw a quarrel in the group and quickly told his mother Tang Xiaowei.Tang Xiaowei saw some criticism in the parent group, which turned into personal attacks. It was a bit scary, but she also felt that it might really be a matter of breath at this time.Jing Tingting was very angry.

Yang Mingbiao saw that his wife was in a weak position and wanted to help her with a rich look. Dai Jing also felt that Yang Mingbiao was at a disadvantage in this tug-of-war.Dai Jing called Jing Tingting and told them that the children were running for class cadres and that the teacher would not interfere and it was a fair competition.Jing Tingting felt that she must run for the position of director of the Family Committee.Dai Jing also tried to get her husband to participate.Liu Xiangshang felt that this was a thankless matter and refused to participate.Liu Guobao prepared gifts for his friends and distributed them to his classmates the next day.Xiao Jiarui thought Liu Guobao was soliciting votes, and Gao Yuxuan's parents heard this.

Liu Xiangxiang thinks there must be some purpose behind why Gao Yuxuan's mother is so keen on this position in the Family Committee?Tang Xiaowei also felt that if it didn't work out, she would choose Gao Yuxuan's mother.The effect of the candies Liu Guobao distributed to the students made them all vote for Ma Ziheng. Ma Ziheng successfully ran for class president.Gao Yuxuan cried because of Luoxue.

《Happy Parents》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Happy Parents Episode 5 Plot Introduction: Gao Yuxuan’s mother is the director of the family committee

When Dai Jing went to work, she was very happy when her superiors said that she had found an assistant for her. However, when she saw Ding Ding, she was shocked by Ding Ding's exaggerated appearance.In the first grade, Xu Mengyao, a class cadre, wanted to run for the art class representative. Yang Chuyi also wanted to be the class representative, but she did not dare to express it.Liu Guobao didn't dare to speak when he saw Chu Yi, so he hurriedly helped her speak.Yang Chuyi was not selected as the representative of the art class because she did not dare to go on stage to introduce herself due to stage fright.

Ding Ding kept playing with his mobile phone. Dai Jing felt that Ding Ding was a little too young and didn't know anything. He was more like a child.Dai Jing was very angry that Ding Ding had been playing with his mobile phone while he was discussing business.Dai Jing asked Ding Ding to work overtime to complete the task, but Ding Ding refused to work overtime and said that it was the first day of work and there was no need to work overtime.Dai Jing had no choice but to work overtime by herself.Dai Jing and Liu Xiangxiang complained that today’s post-00 generation are really young and don’t know what it’s like to suffer.As soon as Liu Xiang saw the news on his mobile phone that someone bribed his classmates to run for class cadres, Liu Xiangshang received a call from Teacher Wang, asking him to go to school on Monday, saying that Liu Guobao was suspected of bribing his classmates to run for class cadres.

Tang Xiaowei also felt something was wrong and hurriedly came to Liu Xiang and the others to explain.Dai Jing thought it would be a good time to have a picnic with three families on the weekend.Yang Mingbiao told everyone that his daughter would not follow his temper in the first year of junior high school. If she were like him, she would not be bullied in the class.Liu Xiangxiang feels that parents need to sort out their emotions at work and at home, and that today’s school is also a small society and needs to be a good representative for their children.

Dai Jing and the others all supported the first year of junior high school to run for class committee.After receiving encouragement in the first year of junior high school, I felt confident and became more confident.After much thought, Jing Tingting decided to withdraw from the election for the Family Committee.The first grade of junior high school was very worried about running for class committee. Jing Tingting told the first grade of junior high school to always support her daughter and let her daughter show herself boldly.When Liu Shang went to school, he asked Liu Guobao if he really bribed students with candy?Liu Guobao told his father seriously that he did not do this and just wanted to share the candy with his good friends.Teacher Wang also explained to Liu Shangshang that the misunderstanding was caused by Xiao Jiarui's misunderstanding.After some reasonable adjustments by the teacher, Yang Chuyi also successfully became the representative of the art class.

Zhou Wenhan's father heard that the work of the parent committee director was rather complicated, so he handed over this task to Gao Yuxuan's mother.Gao Yuxuan's mother was very happy after her successful election.Dai Jing blocked the TV while mopping the floor. Liu Guobao and Liu Guoning were both yelling. Dai Jing felt that it was not good for the health of these three people to stay at home during the weekend.When Shi Fifteen came back, Jing Tingting was a little panicked when her son came back. She wanted takeout from home, and she called her husband to ask him to come home for dinner.Dai Jing felt that Liu Xiang was a little annoyed, and the two quarreled.

Yang Mingbiao was happy that Shi Shi was back home, but Shi Shi was disgusted with his father and felt that the three of them were happier when his father was not home.Fifteen thinks that as long as he doesn't stay at home and goes abroad, it will be fine.Dai Jing noticed that Shi Shi seemed to want to go abroad just to escape from his family.Dai Jing told Jing Tingting to pay attention to Fifteen.When Ding Ding went to work, he saw that the president was not humble.Dai Jing was embarrassed and got into the next elevator with Qin Ying.

Dai Jing kindly reminded her assistant that she still needs to be a little more sophisticated in the company. The elevator was overweight just now and Ding Ding was so close to the elevator entrance. Why didn't he get down and let Mr. Qin get on first.Ding Ding feels that if Mr. Qin is late, he will definitely not be fined, but he will be fined if he is late, and he is here to go to work and is not doing anything worldly.When Liu Xiang was in the theater, his cell phone suddenly rang with school information.Liu Guoning told Liu Xiang that he wanted to be among the top three in his grade and was afraid that his father would hold him back.Liu Xiangshang was provoked by his son and decided to get up and exercise tomorrow morning.Liu Guobao and Ma Ziheng discussed allowing the first grade students to practice more, and the three of them might succeed.Jiang Feihu also participated.The friends agreed to exercise downstairs in their own park.

Dai Jing feels that having a good body is the most important thing now, and she immediately nags her husband when she hears him buying fried chicken.Dai Jing heard that Gao Yuxuan's mother posted a message in the group again. Gao Yuxuan's mother served as the parent committee and was very comprehensive, assigning every task to the family.

《Happy Parents》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Happy Parents Episode 6 plot introduction: Dai Jing was kicked out of the group

Gao Yuxuan's mother wanted Liu Xiangshang to edit a catchy and energetic class slogan.Liu Xiangshang was very angry. He felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother was a little annoyed by giving orders casually, so she also sent him orders at will.Liu Shang went up to Gao Yuxuan’s mother and needed to think carefully.When Liu Xiangshang was thinking about the class slogan, he heard that his wife was kicked out by someone in the group, and he quickly contacted the group leader.Dai Jing felt angry that she was kicked out of the group by Gao Yuxuan's mother.After Dai Jing was dragged into the group by her husband, she told the group owner that she was Liu Guoning's mother. People in the parent group responded by saying that Liu Guoning actually had a mother.

Dai Jing saw her husband sleeping soundly there, and couldn't help but slap her husband to wake him up. She felt a little angry.Dai Jing kept reading the news in the group and wanted to contribute to this event.Gao Yuxuan's mother asked Dai Jing to be responsible for photography and maintaining order.Dai Jing actively wanted to contact the photographer to take pictures of the children.When Ding Ding heard that Dai Jing was looking for a photographer to take photos, she said that her boyfriend was very professional.Dai Jing wants Ding Ding to help.

Gao Yuxuan's mother was checking the status of parents' completion of tasks. She felt that the class slogan was not very good and wanted Liu Xiang to think of a good slogan.Jing Tingting and Tang Xiaowei also cooked mung bean soup together.Father and son Liu Xiangshang and Liu Guoning tied their feet together to practice coordination.Liu Guobao saw that the first grade of junior high school was not performing very well, and wanted to encourage the first grade of junior high school to practice well. If not, he would not have fun with the first grade of junior high school.In the first year of junior high school, my mind was more delicate, and I suddenly felt a little unhappy.Seeing that his father was very tired, Liu Guoning pretended to go back. When Liu Shangshang heard that his son wanted to continue playing football, he knew that his son was considerate and felt sorry for him.

When Liu Shang went back, his waist twisted.I was very sad when I got home on the first day of junior high school and kept crying.Jing Tingting saw her daughter crying, and she felt that both Liu Guoning and Liu Guobao were talking angry words.The first grade of junior high school also cares about these two friends.Yang Mingbiao felt that there was nothing that money couldn't solve, so he found a coach to let him practice in the first grade of junior high school.On the first day of junior high school, he decided to keep practicing in order not to make Ma Ziheng and Liu Guobao hate him.Dai Jing handed over the photography task to Ding Ding.Liu Xiangxiang felt that this photo shoot should be mentioned in advance, otherwise everyone would be a little unhappy in the end.Dai Jing thought it was no big deal if they put them on first.Gao Yuning's mother felt that she had found a sense of presence in this group. She was a little unhappy when she saw that few people responded when they heard about paying money.

Xiao Jiarui’s mother thinks 100 is too little, and each family needs to contribute at least 500.Liu Xiangshang felt that Xiao Jiarui's mother was just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.Xu Mengyao called Jing Tingting and wanted Jing Tingting to get a head start in the group.Jing Tingting didn't want to be used as a weapon, so it didn't matter how much money she said.Tang Xiaowei knew that Jing Tingting had been used as a gunman.Liu Xiangshang made a bet with Dai Jing on how much money he would have to pay.Chen Jing was reprimanding his subordinates for doing something wrong.Ding Ding couldn't bear to see Chen Jing helping her colleagues to fight against Chen Jing.Chen Jing and Ding Ding started fighting.Chen Jing deliberately complained about his grievances in front of Qin Ying.After Dai Jing's investigation, Ding Ding and Chen Jing were demoted to junior employees.Liu Xiangshang worked hard at home to get into the top three in his son's sports meet.

Liu Xiangshang received a call from the crew to discuss work.Dai Jing helped Ding Ding this time, which made Ding Ding very fond of him.Dai Jing advises Ding Ding to learn more about the world now. After all, work is still needed.Liu Guoning was worried that her father would not be able to come back after he went to work and would not be able to participate in the sports meeting.Gao Yuxuan's mother didn't agree with the price because of the price, and the parents all felt a little uncomfortable.Dai Jing made up ideas for the group and got support from parents.Gao Yuxuan's mother felt that Liu Guobao's mother had completely occupied her limelight by making this proposal, and let Liu Guobao's mother be solely responsible for the task of buying fruits.

Liu Xiangshang is on a business trip.Tang Xiaowei heard that Dai Jing was in a hurry and took the initiative to send Liu Guobao and Liu Guoning to school.When Liu Xiang was on a business trip, he was delayed by heavy rain and did not return home in time.Chen Jing wanted to take revenge on Dai Jing because of the last time Dai Jing fucked her.After Qin Ying received the message, she came to see Dai Jing. Ding Ding told Mr. Qin that after Dai Jing went to pick up the child, Mr. Qin looked very unhappy.

《Happy Parents》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Happy Parents Episode 7 plot introduction: Dai Jing takes Liu Guoning to participate in the sports meeting

Knowing that Liu Guoshang could go home as long as the rain stopped, Liu Guoning prayed for the rain to stop, but Dai Jing thought that he was only thinking about the game and not worrying about his father.

Dai Jing complained that Xiao Jiarui's mother was too picky and insisted on asking Tang Xiaowei to buy fruits early in the morning. She also said that the fruits were fresh in the morning. Tang Xiaowei didn't understand this and asked Dai Jing to deliver Ma Ziheng tomorrow.

Liu Guoning felt that since his father was not back, he could run away with his uncle today.Dai Jing felt that she could run with her son.Jing Tingting was very enthusiastic about cooking mung bean soup and accidentally burned her feet.Yang Mingbiao discussed with his wife that he would send his first grader to school and send his wife to the hospital.

Tang Xiaowei was stuck in traffic while buying fruit, and wanted to entrust Dai Jing to take care of Ma Ziheng. At this time, Ma Yingjie came, and Tang Xiaowei asked Ma Yingjie to listen to Dai Jing and not speak nonsense.Yang Mingbiao was anxious to send Jing Tingting to the hospital, so he handed the child over to Dai Jing.

When all the parents were ready and heard Teacher Wang at the school gate saying that they didn’t need to bring anything with them and that photographers were not allowed to enter the school, Xiao Jiarui’s mother was dumbfounded, and the parents also complained about Xiao Jiarui’s mother.Gao Yuxuan's mother was also very angry. Dai Jing felt that she had also been fooled, and angrily said that Tang Xiaowei was blocked at the intersection and Jing Tingting was burned while making mung bean soup.Teacher Wang also felt a little panicked. Xiao Jiarui’s mother complained that it was different from last year. Teacher Wang told all parents that she had informed the parents in the group that last year it was outside, but this year it was in the school stadium, which was different.

Parents hurriedly checked their phones, and Gao Yuxuan's father also complained that everyone was patronizing another group and didn't see the message sent by Teacher Wang.

At this time, Xiao Jiarui's mother knew that she had made a mistake and quickly apologized to everyone.The sports meeting was in full swing. On the first day of junior high school, he saw that his parents didn't come, so he lacked self-confidence. Liu Guobao thought that it would be enough if he worked hard on the first day of junior high school.

Dai Jing took Liu Guoning to participate in the sports meeting and successfully won the first place. Liu Xiangshang was very happy that Dai Jing was still waiting for Dai Jing's sword to grow old.The first year of junior high school also worked very hard in the competition. Yang Mingbiao also came to school to cheer for his daughter. The first year of junior high school increased her confidence and finally won the competition.

As soon as Dai Jing arrived at the company, she felt that something was wrong with Mr. Qin. Chen Jing mysteriously told Dai Jing that Ding Ding had betrayed Dai Jing. Dai Jing heard that Ding Ding had signed the contract for her. Dai Jing did not say anything and just went to find Mr. Qin., after hearing Mr. Qin say that the contract was signed well, Dai Jing quickly recovered and answered.Mr. Qin was in a bad mood recently. Dai Jing noticed it and asked. Mr. Qin said that Luo Wen had changed jobs and that the company had been busy lately.

Mr. Qin intends to recommend Dai Jing as deputy director.Dai Jing was surprised and very happy. Mr. Qin reminded Dai Jing that this was internal information and had not been released yet, and asked Dai Jing to be careful recently.Dai Jing was very grateful to Ding Ding and liked Ding Ding's frankness.

Liu Xiangxiang volunteered to make a jack-o'-lantern after seeing his homework. Liu Xiangxiang thought about volunteering and bought one online.Liu Guoning takes handicrafts very seriously and wants Liu Xiangshang to care about him too.Dai Jing was very happy to say that her burden was relieved when she ran for the deputy director's house.

Liu Guoning has poor hands-on skills, so Liu Xiangshang thought he could train his children.Dai Jing thinks this is a parent-child assignment and needs to be done together.Liu Xiangshang promised to help Liu Guoning do it, and he thought it was okay to do it casually.Dai Jing came up with the idea to ask Liu Shang to borrow cardboard boxes from Tang Xiaowei's house.Liu Xiangxiang learned from Tang Xiaowei that the pumpkin lanterns must be made by hand.

Chen Jing came to flatter Dai Jing in the morning.Dai Jing's promotion made her colleagues jealous.Ding Ding told Dai Jing after seeing it. Seeing Dai Jing endure it, he felt that Dai Jing's ideas were a bit outdated and advised Dai Jing not to settle the matter.Dai Jing felt that it was calm for a while.

Liu Guobao cried and said that his handiwork was a fake jack-o-lantern. Dai Jing came to her husband to argue. Liu Guobao looked confused. Dai Jing wanted to impress Liu Xiang.

Dai Jing went shopping for pumpkins but didn't find any. When she heard that Jing Tingting had pumpkins, the two of them made jack-o'-lanterns together.Dai Jing was frightened by Jing Tingting's battle.

Because the jack-o-lantern was too difficult to make, Liu Xiangshang asked Yang Mingbiao for help.

《Happy Parents》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Happy Parents Episode 8 Synopsis: Moms make jack-o-lanterns together

Tang Xiaowei saw that there were many pumpkins in Jing Tingting's house, and she immediately knew why she couldn't buy them. She felt that Jing Tingting must have beaten the pumpkin seller to death, and Jing Tingting also felt a little headache.Dai Jing felt that the three of them were so smart that it would be impossible for them to be stumped by this jack-o'-lantern, so she decided to find a video on her phone to learn how to make a jack-o'-lantern.

Liu Xiangshang was also very anxious about Liu Guoning's handiwork, and hurriedly contacted his work partners to help with the handiwork.When Liu Guoning heard that her father was going to go out to find Teacher Liu, she felt that it was not a big deal if her sister and the two of them were at home. She wanted to work hard with her father. She felt that it was so late to bother Teacher Liu and spend money. It was really not that kind of thing..Liu Xiangshang persuaded his son to do his homework, and he must have completed the task.Liu Guobao, Ma Ziheng and three friends from junior high school were discussing on the phone together.In the first grade of junior high school, he felt that the pumpkin lanterns made by mothers might need to wait for a while. Ma Ziheng felt that mothers actually did not know what they wanted. This kind of homework should be done together with parents, but Liu Guobao felt that face was very important.

Liu Xiangshang asked Teacher Liu to do it. Teacher Liu was very neat and told Liu Xiangshang that there were many parents asking him to do it. As long as he paid the money, he could do it quickly.When Liu Xiangshang heard that he had to pay 500, he was stunned for a moment, but he still gritted his teeth and paid.Dai Jing and the others tried it once and failed. Jing Tingting saw that there were only three pumpkins left and wanted to buy more. If it didn't work, she would pay for someone to do it.Dai Jing felt that no matter how hard he persisted in learning, the three of them would never be able to settle on this pumpkin.Tang Xiaowei called her husband Ma Yingjie for help. Ma Yingjie told the three mothers that the skin of the pumpkins was relatively thin and they had to be picked carefully. After Ma Yingjie's guidance, the three mothers finally made progress. Tang Xiaowei looked at the pumpkin lanterns she had successfully made.I think Ma Yingjie is of some use.Ma Yingjie looked very happy when he saw the three mothers finishing the jack-o'-lanterns. He said weakly, "Isn't this something you should do with the children?" Obviously the three mothers did not hear it.

Dai Jing had just returned home after finishing work, and Liu Xiangshang also came back. The two children finished their handiwork at the same time and handed in their homework in the little time left.Ma Ziheng saw the pumpkin lantern held by Tang Xiaowei and told his mother that this was a parent-child homework. It didn't matter how it was done, but that it was important to do it with the children.Tang Xiaowei silently wanted to steam the pumpkin.Now in the first grade of junior high school, I am a little confused about whose homework is the pumpkin lantern?Liu Guobao didn't understand. It was obviously a parent-child homework, so why didn't his parents let them participate?But Liu Guoning felt that no matter who did it, face was the most important, and his parents didn't want to fall behind and get involved.As soon as Dai Jing sat down, he saw Ding Ding coming to him. Ding Ding asked Dai Jing to call Mr. Qin. Mr. Qin told Dai Jing to prepare the deputy director's speech materials.

Dai Jing dreamed that when she met Liu Guobao and she cried again, she accidentally kicked her husband to the bed.Dai Jing got up and looked at Liu Guobao.Liu Guobao woke up in the morning and told his mother that he had beaten a dinosaur and kissed him. Liu Xiangshang told his son that he had kicked a dinosaur yesterday.Dai Jing's qualifications as a director are not enough, and some people are making a fuss about it. Mr. Qin wants to let her work in Mentougou for half a year.Dai Jing asked people in the work group if they wanted to go to the branch to work with her?Everyone was very hesitant.Dai Jing felt a little disappointed when she saw this.

Dai Jing went home and told her husband that it would be an opportunity if she went, but she would be far away from her children.Liu Xiangshang is very supportive of his wife's work.Dai Jing wants to hold a parent-child activity on Sunday.Ding Ding was going to the store with Dai Jing. Dai Jing was very happy, but overheard that Ding Ding had broken up with her boyfriend.Dai Jing repeatedly confirmed that Ding Ding broke up not because she didn't feel guilty in her heart.Liu Guoning's class teacher called Liu Shangxiang. The end of the semester was approaching and she hoped that parents would give her more snacks.As soon as Liu Xiang put down his cell phone, he saw the message that he was going to the Science and Technology Museum and that his children would spend the night. The group of parents started talking again.

Ma Yingjie was also worried about his son going out alone, but Tang Xiaowei thought it was okay for his son to be independent and strong.Dai Jing is worried about what the children should bring this weekend.Liu Xiangshang was worried about his son's final grades.Jing Tingting was also panicked and worried that her daughter had never left her.Jing Tingting trained the first grader of junior high school to take out the trash, but the first grader of junior high school refused because she was afraid of the dark.Dai Jing was also considering at this time that if she didn't go to the store, her husband would not be able to take care of the children alone.Dai Jing advised Jing Tingting not to worry, as there will be teachers in the school to take care of her and nothing will happen.

When Liu Guoning heard that her father was coming, she hurriedly hid the tablet.Liu Xiangshang knew that his son was playing with a tablet just now, and he made a promise with his son that he wanted his son not to be at the bottom of the final grade.Liu Guoning felt that she also wanted to get good grades in the exam, but she was confused as soon as the exam came.Liu Xiangshang asked his son to study at home after school and refused to play with any electronic products.In order to highlight her sense of superiority, Gao Yuxuan's mother spoke in the parent group and wanted to arouse the approval of other parents.Zhou Wenhan's father kept quarreling with Gao Yuxuan's mother.However, Gao Yuxuan's mother relied on her eldest son's previous experience and received unanimous praise from everyone.

The children were very happy to finally be free from their parents.In the first grade of junior high school, I was also worried about spending the night outside.Gao Yuxuan's mother asked Jing Tingting to bring an extra pair of underwear for her child, which made Jing Tingting very angry and immediately blocked Gao Yuxuan's mother.Gao Yuxuan's mother quickly told Xiao Jiarui's mother that Yang Chuyi's mother not only scolded her, but also blocked her.In the first year of junior high school, I didn't want to go out camping, so I walked around the house nervously, trying to think of a way to prevent this from happening.

《Happy Parents》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Happy Parents Episode 9 Plot Introduction: Learning to be independent in the first grade of junior high school

On the first day of junior high school, I called my brother and told him that I was going to swim in the Science and Technology Museum on the weekend. I was very scared.On the first day of junior high school, he also told his brother that he was afraid of sleeping alone.Fifteenth told the first grade students not to be afraid when they are accompanied by their classmates and teachers.On the first day of junior high school, he asked his brother if he missed home. On the fifteenth day, he told his sister that he only wanted her.Dai Jing packed up Liu Guobao's daily necessities and gave instructions to her daughter. She also said that she didn't trust anything her husband said.Friday is coming quickly and parents are ready.Xu Mengyao's mother kept asking the teacher in the group, and even asked if dry and wet wipes should be packed separately.Dai Jing felt that Xu Mengyao's mother was too busy, and even ignored the teacher's notice.Dai Jing criticized Xu Mengyao's mother in the group. Liu Xiangxiang felt that Dai Jing had taken away the position of Gao Yuxuan's mother as the director of the family committee, which would definitely make Gao Yuxuan's mother dissatisfied.Sure enough, Gao Yuxuan's mother spoke in the group, her tone revealing a very unhappy mood.

Jing Tingting sent a private message to Teacher Wang and wanted to pick up her daughter at night. Teacher Wang refused to let the parents pick up the child in order not to cause imbalance to other children.Tang Xiaowei told her son to remember to use the things he installed.Jing Tingting was very nervous, but Tang Xiaowei felt that nothing was wrong.Liu Guobao comforted Chu Yi not to be afraid. Ma Ziheng suggested that if Chu Yi was scared, it would be better to put his favorite toys and family photos on the bed.Liu Guobao helped junior high school find Teacher Wang to contact parents.

Parents are very worried that their children keep asking the teacher in the group.Liu Xiangshang was very curious about what he was holding in the first grade of junior high school.Entering the science and technology museum, Teacher Wang popularized various things about science and technology management to the children, which aroused their interest. Time passed very quickly and the children were tireless.Parents kept asking the teacher to send photos in the group.Liu Xiangshang saw the photos of his children and couldn't help but save them.Parents saw that there were relatively few photos of their children, and they kept clamoring for Teacher Wang to post more.

This incident about the photo has triggered a strong discussion among parents.Liu Xiang thought the children were innocent, but these parents were really troublesome.Jing Tingting was also worried about the first grade of junior high school. She felt that there were too few photos of the first grade of junior high school. She kept taking out her anger on her husband. When she turned on her phone, she saw perverts abusing children. Jing Tingting became even more cranky and worried about her daughter.

Listening to Liu Guoning's composition, Liu Xiang was demonizing himself, feeling that he would lose half his life just by tutoring his son on homework.Dai Jing felt that since she was in sales, she could definitely control her son.While watching TV, Tang Xiaowei received a call from her mother saying that she was going on a blind date. She refused at first, but when her mother said that Ma Yingjie was having a lot of fun and even went on a blind date, Tang Xiaowei was so angry that she decided to go on a blind date.

Liu Guobao and the others ate in an orderly manner.Liu Xiangshang quickly took a few quick-acting Jiuxin Pills.Dai Jing helped her son with his homework, but Liu Guoning countered the routine.Teacher Chen told Teacher Wang that adults always underestimate the independence of their children. These children are great, but these parents have not noticed it.Liu Xiangshang saw that his daughter could take the initiative to eat, and thought that these activities should be held more often in the future.

Dai Jing was very angry and hit Liu Guoning. Liu Shangshang looked a little distressed from a distance.Jing Tingting was very happy when Yang Mingbiao came back. When she came back on the 15th, she broke the atmosphere and Jing Tingting felt very embarrassed.Dai Jing feels that she has made a qualitative change by tutoring her son on his homework notes once.Liu Guoning tried every means to hide when he saw his father coming while cheating.Liu Xiangshang was very angry when he saw Liu Guoning cheating.

Yang Mingbiao came to care about his son but couldn't understand what Shi Shi said. He felt a little guilty.Jing Tingting knew that she had not slept with Liu Guobao in the first year of junior high school, so she called Teacher Wang worriedly.Teacher Wang wants to teach the first grade students to be brave.Yang Mingbiao persuaded Jing Tingting to sleep, but Jing Tingting was worried that she would not be able to sleep on the first day of the new year.Teacher Wang sent photos of children sleeping to the group.Xiao Jiarui's mother didn't want her child to sleep with Jiang Feihu, and she said she had mysophobia. Jiang Feihu's mother got very angry and started quarreling with Xiao Jiarui's mother in the group.

《Happy Parents》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Happy Parents Episode 10 Synopsis: Tang Xiaowei helps Jing Tingting find a nanny

Jiang Feihu's mother was arguing in the group, and Xiao Jiarui's mother felt that Xiao Jiarui's mother was a bit rich, and she also disliked her children for being dirty.Zhou Wenhan's father also felt that what Xiao Jiarui's mother said was a bit too much, so he was replying to Xiao Jiarui's mother.Dai Jing also felt that there was some injustice, so she drew her sword to help Jiang Feihu's mother against Xiao Jiarui's mother.Gao Yuxuan's mother felt that this turmoil in the group could not happen without her. She also said that if parents do not follow the harmony in the group in the future, as the group leader, she will kick this person out of the group.

Jiang Feihu’s mother quickly sent a private message to Teacher Wang to explain that her child had rhinitis and was afraid that she might develop rhinitis due to the strange smell.Teacher Wang doesn't understand these parents.Dai Jing felt that Liu Xiang was a bit too Buddhist.Liu Xiangxiang felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother was too shrewd and would show up when there was nothing wrong.When the first grader wanted to go to the toilet, Liu Guobao accompanied the first grader to the toilet and told the first grader to learn to be independent. Teacher Wang was very pleased to see this.

Xiao Jiarui wet Jiang Feihu's pillow, and Teacher Wang asked Jiang Feihu to turn around and sleep.At this time, a scream caught the attention of the classmates. Gao Yuxuan wet the bed. For a while, the classmates were laughing at Gao Yuxuan.Teacher Wang quickly asked Teacher Lin to take the child to change underwear. Zhou Wenhan didn't want to sleep with Gao Yuxuan, so Ma Ziheng took the initiative to ask Teacher Wang to arrange himself in Gao Yuxuan's tent.The first year of junior high school always held a family photo in his hand, which scared Xu Mengyao. Liu Guobao encouraged the first year of junior high school to do a great job.

Jing Tingting and Yang Mingbiao came in the middle of the night. Dai Jing felt that Jing Tingting was really too worried.When Jing Tingting heard that her daughter was able to go to the toilet independently in the first year of junior high school, she thought her daughter was really great.Liu Guobao told his parents that he and the first grade student were doing great and that the first grade student could now go to the toilet independently.When Dai Jing heard what her daughter said, she felt that her daughter had grown up.Ma Ziheng told his mother that Gao Yuxuan wet the bed and he took the initiative to change beds with Zhou Wenhan. Tang Xiaowei felt that her son was too considerate.Liu Guoning wanted to see Liu Guoning's results. Liu Guoning asked his father what happened if he did not do well in the test. At this time, when his mother said that if they did not do well in the test, they should not call them mom and dad. Liu Guoning hurriedly handed his paper to his father.He called uncle and aunt and fled back to his room.

When Dai Jing and Ding Ding went to work in the new store, they saw no one in the store. At this time, manager Hu and Hu Jin came out to welcome them with the clerk.Ding Ding saw Miaomiao and Li Jing saying they love you, love you, and felt that this store was really hopeless.Ding Ding said directly that Dai Jing came here for gold plating, and he hoped that they would not exclude strangers, let alone hide them.Dai Jing quickly realized that Ding Ding should shut up.Dai Jing felt that he had to find a job in his position and must help improve this place.Ding Ding feels that Dai Jing is a little too serious.

Tang Xiaowei went on a lot of dates and felt that all of them were weird and not suitable for her at all. She even felt that her third aunt was not her real aunt.As soon as Tang Xiaowei put down her cell phone, she received a call from Ma Yingjie. Ma Yingjie told her that she had been ordered to hold a blind date to get singles in the company to get out of singles. Tang Xiaowei suddenly felt that people were different. She compared Ma Yingjie with those weird people.Pretty normal.Liu Shangshang was cooking and tutoring his two children with their homework. He was very busy.

When Liu Shang went to work, there was a character script that needed to be revised. The director persuaded him to stay, so he had to entrust Tang Xiaowei to take over Liu Guobao.Tang Xiaowei wants to live broadcast and let Ma Ziheng be optimistic about Liu Guoning and Liu Guobao.Liu Guoning envied Ma Ziheng's free-range way of raising animals.Liu Xiangshang told Dai Jing that Tang Xiaowei had free-range children at home. The two children played with him all afternoon and suddenly felt a little envious of other people's children.Dai Jing proposed to let her mother-in-law see the child.

Jing Tingting wants Tang Xiaowei to help her find a nanny.Tang Xiaowei recruited a suitable nanny for Jing Tingting.Liu Guobao and Liu Guobao were very happy to hear that grandma was coming to take care of them.Liu Xiangshang felt that he felt much more relaxed with his mother's help, and his home became more orderly.Jing Tingting was very dissatisfied with the nanny, and Yang Mingbiao was also very angry.

《Happy Parents》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Happy Parents Episode 11 Synopsis: Dai Jing is worried about her mother-in-law’s education methods

Dai Jing hurried to work after dinner, not forgetting to tell Liu Shang to go and see the child off quickly. When she heard that her mother-in-law was going to see the child off, Dai Jing couldn't help but tell the child a few more times.Liu Xiangshang was very happy to hear that his mother was helping him deliver his child, and he felt relieved.After dinner, Liu Shang went back to the house to catch up on his sleep.The task of picking up the children was left to grandma. Liu Guobao and Liu Guoning were very happy to see grandma after school and asked grandma to buy them snacks.Yang Mingbiao almost got angry. He couldn't help but complained to Jing Tingting that the nanny had packed his suitcase wrong, causing him to miss the plane.Jing Tingting felt that the nanny had amnesia. As soon as she finished speaking, she received a call from Teacher Wang. Jing Tingting found that the nanny was still at school in the first grade of junior high school and the nanny forgot to pick up the child when she came back.Jing Tingting felt more tired than raising a child herself.

In order to prevent Liu Xiang from forgetting to buy school supplies for his children, he invited his mother to the parent group.Jing Tingting felt that her children were her bottom line, and the nanny had offended her bottom line this time. On the first day of the year, she felt that Aunt Cao was pitiful and asked her mother not to complain to Aunt Cao.Jing Tingting knew that Aunt Cao's family was not well-off, so she quietly stuffed a red envelope for Aunt Cao when she left.

When Liu Shang came back, he saw that Liu Guobao and Liu Guoning had been pampered by their mother. He felt that he had raised two losers, but he could not refute his mother's words in front of the children. He found that his words were useless now.Dai Jing felt that it was wrong for her husband to talk about her mother like that.On the first day of junior high school, I felt that the food cooked by my mother was too unpalatable.When Yang Mingbiao came back and saw that his wife had finally driven away the nanny, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Xiangshang received a call from his son's teacher, saying that his mother signed for his son and concealed his grades, which had caused his son's grades to decline. He immediately became furious and wanted to come to Liu Guoning to settle the score, but it turned out that his mother was very protective of his grandson, which left him helpless.Ma Ziheng told Liu Guobao that he had to do small things like the bathroom by himself and not rely on others, otherwise he would become a giant baby.Liu Guobao felt that what Ma Ziheng said was very reasonable. When he went home, he told his grandma that he could wash clothes and wash his hands. If grandma washed it for him, the whole class would laugh at him.

Liu Guobao heard her grandma say that it would not be too late to do it when she grows up, but she didn't know whether she should do it or not. Liu Xiangshang tried to reason with his mother about ways to educate children, but was silenced by her mother.When Dai Jing came back and saw Liu Guoning holding the test paper for her mother-in-law to see in person, she hurriedly hid, knowing that her son had done very poorly in the test this time.Liu Xiangshang told his wife to find a suitable way to let her mother know that this approach was wrong.

Liu Xiangshang told his mother that the two children had forgotten to bring things to school and asked his mother to deliver them to school. Before he could catch his breath, he told his mother that the two children would wear school uniforms tomorrow and asked her to iron them.Grandma suddenly felt that these two grandchildren were using her as a nanny.Liu Guobao cried and told his grandma that the teacher asked him to sew guanjun, but his grandma did it and was criticized.Liu Guoning also received corresponding punishment.Liu Xiangshang saw the uncomfortable look on his mother's face and knew that her mother had realized her mistake.

Dai Jing received instructions from her mother-in-law and continued to urge her children to study.The teacher held an online parent meeting and told parents that a game has become popular recently, which has made students obsessed with it, and suggested that parents control the time their children spend playing electronic products.As soon as Gao Yuxuan's mother finished summarizing the content of the teacher's meeting, she gave electronic products to her children to play with.In order to prevent his son from playing with electronic products, Liu Xiang went to the room to check when his son was not paying attention.

Liu Guoning told Liu Guobao to let his sister watch TV alone in the living room while he secretly played games in the room.Ma Yingjie was a little concerned when she saw that Tang Xiaowei was dressed very naked and wanted to live broadcast.Tang Xiaowei noticed that the top brother in the live broadcast room gave gifts from time to time and talked in a trumpet, which made him feel like he was being asked for help.Shi Fifteen was playing games. He was annoyed that Yang Mingbiao was talking to him and asked Yang Mingbiao to pay attention to his privacy.Liu Xiangshang found out that his son had used his mother's mobile phone to download games and recharge it. He knew that Liu Guoning had asked Liu Guobao to copy his homework, so he became furious and confiscated Liu Guoning's electronic products.Liu Guoning, do you think dad can't defend himself?Liu Guoning asked his father to teach him rope skipping, while Liu Guobao secretly used his father's computer at work to play games.

《Happy Parents》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Happy Parents Episode 12 plot introduction: Liu Guoning and Liu Xiangxiang fighting game

Liu Guoning felt that his father had a superhuman plan and he had a ladder.Liu Xiangshang took photos of his daughter seriously. When he came back, he saw Liu Guoning in his office. When he touched the computer and it became hot, he knew that his son was playing on the computer.Liu Guoning hurriedly ran to her grandma to ask her for protection, but Liu Guoning couldn't do anything to Liu Guoning.Ma Yingjie and Ma Ziheng were outside helping Tang Xiaowei in her live broadcast. Tang Xiaowei discovered that her son and Ma Ziheng were very close, and their relationship had recently been blocked by her in her live broadcast room.Tang Xiaowei told Ma Yingjie that they would be reported if they did this.Ma Yingjie felt that he had no ill intentions, and since the two of them were divorced, it was not too much to give Tang Xiaowei a gift.Ma Ziheng also said seriously that he wanted to help his mother promote performance.

Tang Xiaowei told Ma Ziheng that she knew her son was worried about her, but this method was wrong and left her son to think alone.Ma Yingjie felt that Tang Xiaowei was prejudiced against him and was fierce every time he spoke. When Tang Xiaowei heard Ma Yingjie's mean words, she couldn't help but kick Ma Yingjie.Liu Guobao asked Liu Guobao to supervise Liu Guoning's use of electronic products. Liu Guoning felt that the house was like guarding against thieves.When Liu Shangshang saw Liu Guoning playing games at Ma Ziheng's house and yelled that he couldn't go home, he was very angry and prepared to beat Liu Guoning. However, his mother was always there to protect Liu Guoning.Liu Xiangshang was about to delete Liu Guoning's game account but forgot his computer password.Liu Xiangshang told Dai Jing that his computer was useless and that Liu Guoning was thinking about playing all day long and it was useless.Liu Guoning called Fifteen, and Fifteen gave Liu Guoning advice on how to play games.Dai Jing discovered that his son was playing games, and Liu Xiangxiang felt that he should tell Yang Mingbiao to deal with Liu Guoning's assist.

Yang Mingbiao was fierce at Shi Fifteen, and Shi Fifteen wanted to go back to school. Jing Tingting asked the first grader to persuade Shi Fifteen to stay.The first year of junior high school is very special in Fifteen's heart, and Fifteen stays.Jing Tingting asked Shi Shi what she wanted to do, and Shi Shi said she wanted to study film.Jing Tingting told Yang Mingbiao that she wanted to study film when she was fifteen, and Yang Mingbiao felt that her son was very much like herself.Yang Mingbiao came to see Shi Shi and felt that Shi Shi was on guard against him. Jing Tingting was a little afraid that Shi Shi might have fallen in love prematurely.

Liu Xiangxiang wanted to suppress Liu Guoning from the source, and became Liu Guoning's opponent. Liu Guoning was very sad when he failed in the game.Liu Xiangshang told Liu Guoning that he supported his son playing games and even supported his son dropping out of school to play games.Liu Guoning was stunned and told his father that he was just playing casual games and there was no need to pay such a high price.Liu Shangshang continued to stimulate Liu Guoning, and Liu Guoning decided to put down the game and continue studying.Dai Jing went back to the company for a meeting. President Qin told Dai Jing that the store was going to lay off employees. Dai Jing was a little miserable and didn't know what to do.Ding Ding feels that this is a test given by President Qin to Dai Jing. Dai Jing is indecisive at this time and may lose the opportunity of deputy director.

Dai Jing felt that what Ding Ding said made sense.When Dai Jing went to the store, everyone enthusiastically reported the situation to her.Dai Jing felt that everyone in the store was very nervous, and she was also embarrassed when she was laid off.Liu Xiangshang asked Shi Shi to help him and said that he would treat Shi Shi to dinner.Dai Jing had a headache when he thought about laying off three employees. Liu Xiangshang felt that Dai Jing was too tough and too soft. He really didn't know what to do with his wife.

Liu Xiangshang's work was accepted and he had to travel for a few days to collect works. Before leaving, he told his mother how to use a mobile app to supervise her children's studies.In the first grade of junior high school, I saw that everyone spoke very well in the first minute of class. It’s my turn tomorrow and I also want to make a presentation.Jing Tingting agreed to do it with Chu Yi.Ding Ding inquired about the store's news. The relationship between the employees in the store was complicated, and Dai Jing found it even more difficult to handle.Jing Tingting hired a professional to make a presentation for her daughter, added the elements she wanted, and made the presentation very complicated without taking her daughter into consideration at all.

Liu Guoning kept telling her grandma that she had online homework that needed to be submitted online, but her grandma didn't understand and thought Liu Guoning wanted to use her mobile phone to make excuses.Liu Guoning really felt helpless. The communication with her grandma was not on the same channel at all.

《Happy Parents》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Happy Parents Episode 13 Synopsis: Zhang Wenping manages Liu Guoning’s online class controversy

Liu Guoning took grandma's cell phone and enlarged the word "voluntary" and told grandma that she could submit the assignment voluntarily.Grandma thought it was a bit strange that these days homework only had to be handed in voluntarily, but she still believed her grandson's words.Liu Guoning knew that grandma believed it and his plan succeeded.Liu was late for the flight and asked Dai Jing to check his children's homework.As soon as Dai Jing hung up the phone, her boss informed her that her two-day business trip was still an important task, so she had no choice but to tell her mother-in-law.

Dai Jing told her mother-in-law that she had signed up for an online class for her children and that she needed to listen to it on the computer. She could just tell her mother-in-law the password and give it to her.Dai Jing worriedly told her mother-in-law to take good care of these two children.After her daughter-in-law left, Zhang Wenping complained that using electronic products in class these days was really ruining the children's eyes.Tang Xiaowei received a call from her mother during the live broadcast and thought something big had happened.Tang Xiaowei immediately became angry when her mother said that she was the third aunt. Tang Xiaowei was even more angry when her father said that she wanted him to continue the blind date.When Ma Ziheng heard that his grandmother asked his mother to go on a blind date, he hurried back to the house to inform Ma Yingjie.

In the first year of junior high school, I took the speech script given by my mother and looked at it before giving a speech.Other students felt it was unfair, so Teacher Wang asked the first graders to go back and prepare.Jing Tingting heard Teacher Wang say that the PPT was too professional and not good enough for children to understand and explain.Jing Tingting suddenly felt that she was thinking of something high and mighty to put her daughter in an embarrassing place.Zhang Wenping repeatedly logged into the software but could not figure it out, so she had no choice but to ask her son for help.Liu Shang was also busy at work and was not of much help.

Liu Guobao suggested that grandma ask the teacher.Gao Yuxuan's mother saw this and actively called Zhang Wenping to guide Zhang Wenping.Zhang Wenping still didn't board, so she hurriedly brought Liu Guobao to Tang Xiaowei for help.Jing Tingting was anxious to help her daughter make PPT and did not go cycling with the first grade of junior high school. The first grade of junior high school was very disappointed.In the first grade of junior high school, she told her mother that this task needs to be completed by parents and children together, but Jing Tingting felt that there were some things that the first grade of junior high school couldn't do.

Liu Guoning knew that her grandma didn't know how to play this app, so she tricked her into buying fried chicken.Zhang Wenping wanted to ask Gao Yuxuan's mother but she didn't get through the phone, but Tang Xiaowei happened to come out and help her.Zhang Wenping is now very afraid of online homework.Ma Yingjie and his son took a telescope to peek at Tang Xiaowei. After Tang Xiaowei came out from the blind date, she heard Ma Yingjie say that she directly grabbed Ma Yingjie's ear.Ma Ziheng asked his mother if he was dragging her down. Tang Xiaowei told her son seriously that the blind date must accept that he has a son.Ma Yingjie's talk made Tang Xiaowei very annoyed.Ma Ziheng felt that his father was very nervous about his mother going out on a blind date, but Tang Xiaowei thought it was impossible.

Zhang Wenping found out through her son that she had been fooled by her two grandsons and was very angry.As soon as Dai Jing finished the meeting, her boss urged her to get a layoff list.Zhang Wenping didn't know how to play with these electronic products, so Liu Guoning took advantage of the opportunity to deceive her grandma.Teacher Li called Zhang Wenping to tell Zhang Wenping that Liu Guoning had not studied the online course.Zhang Wenping was a little strange, obviously watching her grandson listening to the class.Liu Guobao told grandma that his brother was actually playing games.

Ma Ziheng wanted to make a small suggestion to his mother, asking her to go live broadcast in the community park tomorrow. There might be some surprises, and outdoor live broadcasts are relatively new.Tang Xiaowei knew that her son must be hiding some bad ideas but did not expose them, so she promised her son to live broadcast in the park tomorrow.Jing Tingting woke up and saw that she had made five ppts and was very happy to call her daughter.Zhang Wenping asked Liu Guobao to supervise Liu Guoning.Liu Guoning bribed Liu Guobao to cover for him.On the first day of junior high school, she asked her mother which one she was reading. She said that Jing Tingting didn't care about her opinion. Jing Tingting was very sad.

Zhang Wenping saw her grandson playing games from the mirror she held in her granddaughter's hand, and immediately became furious.Liu Guobao suggested that grandma hire a teacher.Tang Xiaowei went to the park to live broadcast and was surrounded by people on a blind date. She was frightened. She knew it might be Ma Ziheng who did it.Tang Xiaowei angrily told her son to go find Ma Yingjie if it didn't work. Ma Ziheng told her mother that she didn't want her to be too tired. Tang Xiaowei was very touched that her son thought about herself.Zhang Wenping asked Gao Yuxuan’s mother for advice on how to manage her children’s online classes.

《Happy Parents》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Happy Parents Episode 14 Synopsis: Liu Guobao was bullied at school

Zhang Wenping took her little board and told her grandson that from now on, all incentives in his body must be cut off for online classes. Then he asked his grandson to turn up the volume of the online class, listen to the class with his grandson, and ask his grandson questions and answer them in a timely manner.Liu Guoning was very afraid of grandma's trick.Liu Guoning just came back when Liu Shangshang came back, and Liu Guoning felt that he had been rescued.Jing Tingting asked Chu Yi to choose one of the five PPTs she made.On the first day of junior high school, he refused and chose to listen to his mother.Jing Tingting knew that Chu Yi was angry, but she didn't know why.When Yang Mingbiao came back, he heard Jing Tingting say that she felt chilled because of the ppt on the first day of junior high school.

Liu Xiangshang didn't know what happened to his mother. When Dai Jing came back, he saw that his mother-in-law was unhappy.Liu Xiangshang told Dai Jing that the two of them came back early and did not give their mother a chance to show off their skills. Her mother might be a little depressed.The next morning, Liu Xiangshang and Dai Jing told Zhang Wenping that they were very busy recently and asked Zhang Wenping to take care of the children.As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Wenping immediately came back to life.

Dai Jing is preparing to lay off employees, but there are many related people among the employees who are not easy to deal with.Dai Jing was in a dilemma and could only come to Ding Ding.Ding Ding feels that Dai Jing is indecisive.Zhang Wenping directly asked Liu Guoning to search her body for study. Liu Guoning was very angry with the person who suggested the idea to her grandma.Liu Shang came to pick up Dai Jing, and Dai Jing thought her mother-in-law was very cute.Dai Jing told Liu Xiangshang to be cautious about layoffs.Zhang Wenping encountered a problem again, and Ma Ziheng suggested that her grandma use translation software.Zhang Wenping successfully downloaded the translation software with Liu Guobao's help. Liu Guoning told her grandma that there were some problems that the software could not solve.Dai Jing saw that Zhang Wenping was excited and wanted to go home and quickly deal with Liu Guoning.

Today it is the turn of the first graders to give a one-minute speech. Teacher Wang told everyone that the first grade students drew a speech today. The story told in the first graders was also vivid and colorful, which attracted the students. Teacher Wang also praised the stories of the first graders in junior high school as being very exciting.He also praised the first-year students in front of the whole class. The first-year students felt very happy.When Jing Tingting saw the video of her daughter painting and giving a speech independently, she suddenly felt that children can also complete things independently, and she should not underestimate those children.

Dai Jing told Jing Tingting that sometimes it’s time to let go. These children are very creative.Liu Xiangshang asked Liu Guoning to apologize to his mother, and asked his son to discuss things with his parents, instead of secretly contending like this.Zhang Wenping was very happy to see that the conflict with her grandson had been resolved.Liu Xiangshang told Dai Jing that he could try to cancel the online English class. When he heard his wife agreed to the English class, he even felt that he was hearing hallucinations

Tang Xiaowei asked Ma Ziheng if he had submitted his resume again?Ma Ziheng told Tang Xiaowei that he really didn't do anything.Tang Xiaowei came to see Ma Yingjie. Even before she came, she knew that the email was sent to her by Ma Yingjie.Ma Yingjie told Tang Xiaowei that she had bought a house in the community next door to her mother. Tang Xiaowei was very angry. Ma Yingjie was a mama's boy. When he was married, he was bullied by his mother-in-law and sister all day long. Ma Yingjie did not speak for him, and they were just like this.People with feelings are separated.

Dai Jing prepared to let people vote, but Ding Ding was not present. The employees were ready to vote for Ding Ding. Ding Ding told everyone that the head office decided not to lay off employees and they were very happy.Liu Xiangshang saw a video of school bullying in a parent group, and parents were talking about it in the group.Xiao Jiarui's mother said intentionally or unintentionally in the group that there were low-quality people in the school who were afraid of bullying her son.Liu Guobao told his father that Xiao Jiarui was very annoying bragging in class all day long and even pushed Gao Yuxuan down, so Jiang Feihu beat Xiao Jiarui.

Zhang Wenping was very worried about her grandson being bullied at school, and also mentioned that her son was bullied when he was a child.Dai Jing suppressed a smile.Liu Xiangshang suddenly felt a little embarrassed.Liu Xiangshang heard that Liu Guobao had been kicked and injured.Zhang Wenping couldn't bear it when she heard that her granddaughter was being bullied.Liu Xiangshang advised his mother not to jump to conclusions before the matter was clarified.Dai Jing asked the teacher angrily.Liu Xiangshang noticed something was wrong when he heard Liu Guobao said that he didn't like the phone and the watch and wanted to replace it with one that didn't need to be repaired.

《Happy Parents》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Happy Parents Episode 15 Synopsis: Liu Guobao confesses the truth about bullying

Dai Jing felt that Liu Guobao was being bullied and needed to be dealt with seriously. If the teacher couldn't solve the problem, he would file a complaint.Liu Xiangxiang thought that we should first see what the results of the teacher's investigation are on this matter.Dai Jing was very angry when her husband persuaded her to calm down.Liu Xiangshang felt that he should not yell at the teacher, because the teacher did not bully Liu Guobao.Dai Jing was concerned about whether her daughter was injured, but Liu Guobao wanted to change to a smart phone watch.Dai Jing told Liu Guobao to find the bad guy and change his daughter's watch.

Liu Xiangxiang felt something was wrong and asked Liu Guobao if he knew who kicked her. Liu Guobao said seriously that he didn't know and refused to let his parents talk about it. He was very concerned about whether he would change his phone or watch.Liu Guoning came back and saw that her grandma was not in a good mood. After questioning, she found out that her sister had been bullied.Liu Xiangshang told his wife that he did not feel like he had been bullied when he picked up Liu Guobao.Dai Jing felt that Liu Xiangxiang thought Liu Guobao was lying and that Liu Xiangshang had an occupational disease.Liu Xiangxiang felt that sometimes things might not be as terrible as imagined.

Liu Guoning was also very angry and wanted to find the person who bullied his sister.Liu Xiangshang wanted to ask Ma Ziheng if Liu Guobao had any disputes in the class?Ma Ziheng said no.Liu Xiangshang asked the first day of junior high school if anyone had kicked Liu Guobao, and the first day of junior high school nervously said no.Liu Guobao told his brother that he just wanted to change his watch.Liu Xiang called Gao Yuxuan's mother and asked who kicked his daughter?Gao Yuxuan told his mother that no one was kicking him.Xiao Jiarui's mother made an appointment with Liu Shang to talk about Liu Guobao. She guessed that Jiang Feihu kicked him and said that her son saw it.Xiao Jiarui's mother told Liu Xiang that Jiang Feihu used to shout slogans, but recently it was Liu Guobao who shouted slogans. Jiang Feihu was jealous and kicked Liu Guobao.

Dai Jing came to Jiang Feihu's mother and told her that Liu Guobao was kicked by Jiang Feihu, and Jiang Feihu's mother quickly apologized.Liu Guoning went to Jiang Feihu to settle the score. When Xiao Jiarui came out, he told Liu Guoning that he told his mother yesterday that Jiang Feihu might have kicked him.Liu Guoning suddenly didn't know who to believe.Teacher Wang asked the classmate who kicked him to find him privately in the class and warned him not to let the children lie.

Liu Guobao felt a little guilty when she heard the teacher tell her not to lie. She went home and told Liu Xiang that she didn't know how to wear a watch, and she didn't want Liu Xiang to pursue the matter.Liu Guobao was in the toilet thinking about how to tell Liu Shang the truth.At this time, Liu Guobao knew that he was finished when the first day of junior high school came.The first day of junior high school told Liu Xiang that Liu Guobao wanted to change a phone watch because everyone in the class used Xiaozhi, so he went to the first day of junior high school and kicked him and wanted to change the watch.Liu Xiangshang felt a little complicated after hearing this.Liu Guobao was forced out.

Liu Guobao was very angry that Chu Yi had betrayed him.Liu Guobao quickly admitted his mistake.Liu Xiangshang and Dai Jing angrily told Liu Guobao that she was really wrong this time, and Liu Guobao took the initiative to admit his mistake, apologized to the misunderstood person, and deducted money from the new year's money to buy a phone watch.

Dai Jing took Liu Guobao to Jiang Feihu's mother to apologize, but Jiang Feihu was being criticized.Xiao Jiarui's mother was very angry. Her son was very cowardly and was bullied by others.On the first day of junior high school, I was very happy to hear my mother praise me.Liu Guoning and his friends picked up a wallet after school. They thought the owner would be very anxious, so they waited for someone to claim it.Dai Jing felt that it was really great for Liu Guoning to be praised.Liu Guoning was very happy to hear that the missing person wanted to come to school to express his gratitude to them in person. However, what he did not expect was that the uncle also prepared a thick exercise book for them. Liu Guoning was dumbfounded and thought that this was the legendary repayment of kindness with revenge.

Ma Ziheng saw Liu Guobao playing with Chuyi after they had a falling out. Liu Guobao was very angry when he came back and asked his friends not to play with Chuyi.I was isolated in my first year of junior high school, deceived by other college students, and even threatened by college students.Ma Ziheng asked Liu Guobao to follow him in the first year of junior high school. Liu Guobao felt that he was scolded by his parents because he reported him in the first year of junior high school.Liu Guobao told Ma Ziheng that Chu would talk to him first and then he would play with her.On the first day of junior high school, he found a college student to play with. He felt that he had done nothing wrong. Ma Ziheng also looked confused if he didn't play with Liu Guobao.When Liu Guobao saw Chu Yi being protected by his eldest sister, he felt that he was no longer friends with Chu Yi.Ma Ziheng feels that girls’ minds are really changeable.

《Happy Parents》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Happy Parents Episode 16 Synopsis: Mental school bullying

As soon as Fifteen got off the bus, he saw a grandma lying on the ground. He was kind and helped her up.Grandma suddenly said that her leg was injured, and she was still holding Fifteen. She said that Fifteen had hit her and asked Fifteen to pay for it. After the grandma was pushed to the hospital, she kept pulling Fifteen.Afterwards, the police came to the hospital to inquire about the situation, and the old lady's son and daughter-in-law held Fifteen to hold him accountable.Yang Mingbiao came to the hospital and told the police that he would actively cooperate with the investigation. The son who wanted to take the child away from the old lady refused to let him go, and asked Yang Mingbiao and his son to pay compensation quickly.

Yang Mingbiao told the police that money was not the problem. If the investigation revealed that it was his son's problem, he would definitely get a lot of money. He was very angry when he saw the other party yelling at his son.Yang Mingbiao saw that Shi Shi said seriously that he did not hit the old lady, and he believed in his child.Yang Mingbiao looked for people everywhere and found that there was no surveillance and no witnesses were found.For a while, netizens on the Internet also thought that it was because this rich second-generation child had a guilty conscience that he paid for the medical expenses.

Yang Mingbiao looked around for the owner of the convenience store who wanted to be a convenience store owner. The convenience store owner said that since the child's father posted a reward, many people wanted to find clues to make money.The employees in Dai Jing's store are also discussing this matter.Tintin felt that the old lady must be blackmailing someone.Due to the disagreement, some people think that the child's parents must be guilty of wanting to take money as hush money.Tintin was very angry and wanted to make a bet with those people.Dai Jing, who was nearby, saw everyone arguing and hurriedly came out to disrupt the situation, and then called Ding Ding out.

When the old lady's son was being interviewed by Xiao Xigua, he kept telling everyone that it was the child who hit his mother, and they would never tolerate it. The other party was very rich and wanted to use money to silence them, but theyI will definitely not give in to this money.Yang Mingbiao felt that it was okay to bully himself, but not his son.Jing Tingting also felt that she had to go to court, no matter how much money she spent.Fifteen listened very moved.

Dai Jing made a phone call in the store to express her support for Fifteen. The employee next to her was thankful that she didn't make a bet.Jing Tingting kept calling to prove her son's innocence. She noticed that her daughter kept asking her for pocket money recently, but she didn't pay much attention to it.Liu Xiangshang persuaded Yang Mingbiao to spend 50,000 yuan to settle the matter in order to reduce the influence on his son and family members.Yang Mingbiao initially agreed.The old lady's son secretly put the matter online, hoping to use public opinion to extort money, and even temporarily increased the price until it rose to 300,000.Yang Mingbiao was very angry and decided not to give them a penny.

In the first year of junior high school, I was bullied by senior students, and even made my students bark and buy them food every day.Ma Ziheng watched from the side and was a little unhappy when she returned home. She told Tang Xiaowei that Tang Xiaowei followed Ma Ziheng there, called out the first grade of junior high school, and recorded a video by the way.Liu Shang went home and, inspired by his mother, found the camera on the bus, proving Shi Shi's innocence.Liu Xiangshang asked Shi Shi if he would help with such things in the future. Shi Shi replied that he would still help, but he would record a video in the future.Jing Tingting saw that the first day of junior high school was bullied like that, and saw that her daughter said she believed in those friends. The first day of junior high school told her mother that Liu Guobao no longer played with her, and she would play with those people.

Liu Guobao heard that the first grade student was bullied by college students because she didn't play with her, so she quickly reconciled with the first grade student.When the college students saw the first grade students, they wanted to bully the first grade students.Ma Ziheng and Liu Guobao protected them. At this time, Liu Guoning brought his friends to help the sisters. Seeing the crowd, those people took the initiative to apologize and left in despair.Jing Tingting found the other parent, and the other parent said that the first year of junior high school was voluntary. Jing Tingting immediately became angry, and the other parent also took the initiative to admit her mistake.

Liu Xiangshang told the first year of junior high school that there is a kind of bullying called weakness-based bullying on campus.Teacher Wang saw that Liu Xiang was telling a good story and wanted him to go to school to tell some short stories to the children.Liu Xiang felt very honored. He had to prepare lessons. He was the first parent invited by Teacher Liu to give lectures at the school and he had to perform well.Liu Xiangshang's speech was very successful.Dai Jing saw that parents in the group had been wanting to sign up to speak.Dai Jing felt that Liu Xiangshang was silently invited by Teacher Wang, which aroused everyone's desire to win.Parents feel that the relationship between Liu Xiangshang and Teacher Wang is very good, and they are eager to give it a try.Ma Yingjie wanted to sign up to speak at the class meeting, but Tang Xiaowei refused. Ma Yingjie reported Tang Xiaowei's name and wanted to see what Tang Xiaowei would say.

《Happy Parents》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Happy Parents Episode 17 Plot Introduction: Tang Xiaowei goes to school to give lectures

Tang Xiaowei was very angry when she saw Ma Yingjie signing up for her. She called Ma Yingjie, but Ma Yingjie smartly turned off the phone.Ma Ziheng expressed that he really wanted his mother to give lectures in school.Tang Xiaowei felt that she knew nothing.Ma Ziheng suggested that his mother could go find everyone to stack trash cans.Yang Mingbiao saw that Liu Xiangshang in the group was great at giving lectures at school, and suggested that Jing Tingting also sign up.Jing Tingting signed up in advance. She wanted to ask the first year of junior high school what she could talk about. After the first year of junior high school told her mother what other parents said, Jing Tingting became a little timid.

Jing Tingting called Shi Shi and asked Shi Shi what she should talk about. Shi Shi suggested that Jing Tingting talk about cooking. Jing Ting Ting knew that Shi Shi did it on purpose, so Shi Shi told Jing Tingting that she could help her think about it.On the 15th, I was chatting with friends on WeChat and wanted to make an appointment to meet.In order not to embarrass her son, Tang Xiaowei kept looking for suitable clothes in the house.Tang Xiaowei came to teach the children about tips in life today. When the students saw Ma Ziheng's mother dressed beautifully, they immediately looked forward to this class.Tang Xiaowei's class was very interesting, and Teacher Wang was very grateful to Tang Xiaowei for coming to the school to teach.Tang Xiaowei came to pick up the child. Liu Xiangshang felt that Tang Xiaowei gave a good lecture yesterday.Tang Xiaowei was confused. All the parents around her greeted her, and she felt a little confused.

Liu looked up and looked at the messages in the group. The mothers all said that Tang Xiaowei's clothes were revealing and inappropriate.Liu Xiangshang felt that those parents were really pretending to be moral.When Tang Xiaowei saw the news in the group, the bastards kept discussing that she was very angry and wanted to quit the group, but she decided to endure it for the sake of her son.Dai Jing also came back to ask Liu Xiang and Tang Xiaowei if they were beautiful.Dai Jing asked Liu Guobao and his son whether Ma Ziheng's mother was better-looking or she was better-looking.Liu Guoning felt that Tang Xiaowei and her mother were not from the same generation and there was no comparison. This made Dai Jing feel a little uncomfortable and asked Ding Ding how she was doing at work.When Dai Jing returned home after hearing Ding Ding's evaluation of herself, she immediately made up her mind to lose weight.

Liu Guoning secretly ate instant noodles at night. Dai Jing came out to drive her son away. When she was about to eat, Liu Guoning came out. Dai Jing had the guts to give the instant noodles to Liu Guoning to eat. Liu Guoning was very happy.Tang Xiaowei was surprised to see many people adding her on WeChat.Ma Yingjie came to Tang Xiaowei early in the morning and told Tang Xiaowei that the dress she wore at the class meeting yesterday was a bit too revealing, which was not good.Tang Xiaowei yelled at Ma Yingjie angrily, and Ma Ziheng was also worried about her mother.Xiao Jiarui said in class that Ma Ziheng's mother was a vixen.Ma Ziheng was very angry and Liu Guobao was also very angry. Xiao Jiarui, Gao Yuxuan and them started fighting.

Teacher Wang called all the parents who had been invited over this matter and asked them to cultivate themselves and not talk nonsense in front of their children.Both Xiao Jiarui and Gao Yuxuan’s mother felt a little embarrassed.Dai Jing advised Tang Xiaowei not to care about these things.Jing Tingting was also a little angry at those people for doing what they did.Dai Jing told Liu Xiang that it would be better if he had a sense of crisis. Liu Xiang felt that Dai Jing was a bit unruly.Ma Yingjie told Tang Xiaowei that he had a big fight with his mother when he went home. Tang Xiaowei was not angry and did not forgive Ma Yingjie.

Liu Guobao was going to be late for school, and the family was in a hurry.Teacher Wang asked parents to correct their children's bad habits in a timely manner.Liu Xiangshang wanted Liu Guobao to control his own school time.Dai Jing felt that Liu Xiangshang's method would not work.Liu Xiangshang felt that Yang Sihao, who was in Liu Guobao's ink, had not cared about him, so he should be punished accordingly by losing weight.As soon as Liu Xiang arrived at school, he was called to the school for a meeting by his teacher.Teacher Liu Guoning told me that Liu Xiangxiang and Liu Guoning were a bit too rebellious and might have a little ADHD.Jing Tingting heard the teacher say that the first grade students were eating improperly, and she asked her daughter that the first grade students were picky eaters and made her mother angry.

Tang Xiaowei took Ma Ziheng to read a book. Teacher Wang happened to meet them and told Tang Xiaowei that if Ma Ziheng loved reading too much, it would affect his physical development, and sitting down for a long time would not be good for his eyes.Tang Xiaowei quickly took her son out.She suddenly fainted during physical education class in the first grade of junior high school. The teacher told Jing Tingting that she had hypoglycemia.Jing Tingting was very anxious.Liu Guoning was distracted in class and was asked some inappropriate questions by the teacher. Liu Guoning kept arguing with the teacher, causing chaos in the whole class.

《Happy Parents》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Happy Parents Episode 18 Synopsis: Get rid of the bad habit of picky eaters in the first year of junior high

Liu Xiangshang complained to other parents that Liu Guoning used to be naughty, but now Liu Guobao is also very troublesome, and her procrastination is really bad. Everything she does is a grind, and everyone who looks at her wants to slap her.Yang Mingbiao also felt that Chu Yiyi was very picky about food and would not eat this or that, even if he was beaten or scolded.

Tang Xiaowei lamented that children are so busy.Tang Xiaowei asked Liu Xiangshang for advice on what to do if his children didn't like to move. Loving to read has now become a bad thing. She shouldn't yell at her children to study. It would also be a problem if they turned into nerds.Liu Xiangshang felt that Tang Xiaowei was a bit Versailles.Tang Xiaowei wanted to enroll Ma Ziheng in a taekwondo class. Liu Shangshang thought it was necessary to ask for the children's opinions. Liu Shangshang suggested that the three families set up a small group. The children would all be together. If there was anything going on at school or if the children had any minor problems, they could join the group.Let’s discuss it, even if it’s just moral support.Tang Xiaowei feels very good.In this way, the fault correction group was established.

Dai Jing wanted to take care of Liu Guobao's problems.Yang Mingbiao took care of the first grade of junior high school to prevent him from being picky about food. Jing Tingting saw that the first grade of junior high school was being brutalized and cried, and she was very distressed and asked Yang Mingbiao to keep her voice down.Dai Jing asked Liu Guobao to sit still while eating, but Liu Guobao Momojiji was forcibly taken away by Dai Jing. Just halfway, Liu Guobao forgot to take something, and Dai Jing was forced to go back.Tang Xiaowei let Ma Ziheng play outside for an hour. Ma Ziheng was playing chess with his grandfathers. When Tang Xiaowei saw it, he was very angry and called Ma Ziheng away.Parents from the three families complained in the group that these naughty children were really difficult to control. Dai Jing felt that he must use special methods to discipline Liu Guobao tomorrow.Tang Xiaowei also felt that this would not work and that new measures should be taken to control Ma Ziheng.Liu Shangshang felt that he would be forced to deal cruelly to Liu Guoning, but Dai Jing felt that Liu Shangshang should have done this long ago.

When having breakfast in the morning, Dai Jing resisted not urging Liu Guobao. Liu Guobao was still playing with his tablet on the sofa with great interest. Liu Guoning was a little envious of Liu Guobao while eating breakfast.Dai Jing suppressed her anger, and Zhang Wenping couldn't stand it anymore. She quickly urged Liu Guobao, but Dai Jing told her mother-in-law to leave it alone.Dai Jing walked very slowly, and Liu Guobao kept urging her mother. Dai Jing walked slowly on purpose. Liu Guobao was finally late. She told the teacher that it was her mother who made her late.Dai Jing was very angry with Liu Guobao for cheating.In the first year of junior high school, Teacher Wang found out that he was not eating when he brought snacks and posted it in the group. Yang Mingbiao made an argument with Jing Tingting. Jing Tingting was very angry, and Yang Mingbiao suddenly became weak.

Tang Xiaowei took Ma Ziheng to play badminton. Ma Ziheng had a hard time learning. Tang Xiaowei told Ma Ziheng that playing badminton is easy, and scientists also need to practice physical fitness to study better.When Ma Ziheng brought up Hawking, Tang Xiaowei was speechless.Parents are complaining that today’s naughty children are really annoying.Liu Xiangshang feels that children know their parents as well as parents know their children.Ma Ziheng was woken up early in the morning by his mother's whistle.Come back on the 15th day to supervise the students to get rid of their picky eating habits in the first year of junior high school.Ma Ziheng came to call Liu Guobao to go to school, but Liu Guobao was not ready. In order to go to school with Ma Ziheng, Liu Guobao decided to go to school with Ma Ziheng tomorrow.Dai Jing and Liu Guoning agreed that if their son got into the top 20 in the exam, they would buy him a computer, and if he called his parents, he would be punished differently.Liu Guoning was immediately full of energy.

Ma Ziheng knew that his mother took him running to exercise himself in order to prevent his eyes from being damaged by frequent reading.Tang Xiaowei also explained to her son that she came to exercise to correct her son's problems and to exercise herself.Liu Xiangshang was very pleased to see Liu Guobao taking the initiative to pack his things.Fifteenth year also makes sense with the first year of junior high school. The first year of junior high school has also changed.When the parents of the three families discussed together, they all discovered that the children had changed a lot. Fifteen proposed that the parents should also correct their shortcomings. Liu Xiangshang thought this suggestion was good.Fifteen's text message was overheard by Yang Mingbiao. Yang Mingbiao thought that Fifteen was in love and wanted to investigate.Yang Mingbiao entered Fifteen's room and took Fifteen's computer, but there was no password.Yang Mingbiao took the computer and unlocked it everywhere.Jing Tingting also found that Fifteen's chat history was a bit ambiguous.Liu Guobao was chatting with his friends and talked about his boyfriend. Liu Shangshang happened to hear that something was wrong.

《Happy Parents》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Happy Parents Episode 19 Synopsis: Yang Mingbiao suspects puppy love at fifteen years old

Liu Xiangshang advised Dai Jing that maybe what he heard was not true. If this matter was true, it might also infect Liu Guobao.Dai Jing felt that Liu Xiangshang was too sensitive.Liu Xiangxiang felt that today's children are all precocious. If he hadn't heard it, he wouldn't have believed it. He even thought he was in the wrong group.Dai Jing advised Liu Xiang not to make a fuss. Now at Liu Guobao's age, he probably doesn't know the difference between a boyfriend and a male friend. If he gets nervous, the children will be more sensitive to this matter.

Dai Jing advised her husband not to handle these matters too sensitively, otherwise it would trigger Liu Guobao's rebellious universe. The more his parents tried to stop him, the more he would go against them. Dai Jing also said that her family did not agree to let her and Liu Shang be together., she still had no hesitation, and Liu Xiangshang was suddenly a little angry. He didn't know why his mother-in-law looked down on him, and he didn't neglect his family.Dai Jing quickly changed the topic. Liu Xiang kept talking about why his mother-in-law looked down on him. Dai Jing saw that Liu Xiang could not get out and felt that he had caused trouble.

Tang Xiaowei took the small note received by Ma Ziheng and came to Dai Jing and Liu Shangshang to give her advice. Liu Shangshang looked at the note and felt that it was really too premature.Liu Xiangxiang felt that it could not be confirmed yet, but Tang Xiaowei felt that these four words alone could prove Ma Ziheng's puppy love.Liu Xiangshang also felt that he needed to pay attention to it.Yang Mingbiao was always worried about Fifteen's puppy love in his dreams. He woke up and persuaded Fifteen to go for a walk. Fifteen asked him to wait. Yang Mingbiao called the child out. Yang Mingbiao wanted to confirm whether Fifteen was in love.

Liu Xiangshang looked at Liu Guobao with a complicated expression, and carefully asked if there were any male or female classmates in the child's class who had reconciled.Liu Guobao did not shy away from saying that there were classmates in the class who openly fell in love and showed off their affection.Liu Xiangshang asked his daughter if anyone liked Liu Guobao. After hearing his daughter's answer, Liu Xiangshang hurried back to discuss it with his wife.Tang Xiaowei asked Ma Yingjie to come out to discuss Ma Ziheng's puppy love.Yang Mingbiao told Jing Tingting that the girlfriend he was talking to on the 15th was coming to the house. Yang Mingbiao got angry when he saw the girl.

Ma Yingjie looked at the note and said happily that it would be better if Tang Xiaowei sent him a text message, and what kind of love letter was she writing? Tang Xiaowei felt that Ma Yingjie was sick.Ma Yingjie felt that his son was too attractive, so Tang Xiaowei gave Ma Yingjie half a day to find out who this person was.Yang Mingbiao became unhappy when he saw Yue Jiatong came to see his son and kicked him out on the fifteenth day.Ma Yingjie heard her son's shocking words and felt that his son was a scumbag. He also said how he chased Tang Xiaowei back then.Ma Ziheng told Ma Yingjie that what he heard was different from what his mother said. He knew that his father had a bad mouth.

Dai Jing was afraid that Fifteen would commit trouble, so Yang Mingbiao hurried back.Tang Xiaowei felt that Ma Yingjie was useless and felt that if Ma Yingjie asked again, Ma Ziheng would wipe out everything.Yang Mingbiao thought that Fifteen was in love, so he pushed the door open and walked out quickly when he saw them rehearsing.When Tang Xiaowei started the live broadcast, she was told it was boring and had to be turned off. She thought she should ask Ma Ziheng about his situation.Fifteen was very angry that Yang Mingbiao was spying on him. Yang Mingbiao felt that Fifteen was very angry, and Fifteen was angry and left.Jing Tingting advised Yang Mingbiao to calm down and communicate properly.Tang Xiaowei brought the note to Ma Ziheng and asked Ma Ziheng. Tang Xiaowei was shocked when she heard that her son had agreed to the girl. Ma Ziheng also found it strange. She explained that she had borrowed a classmate's book, and Tang Xiaowei felt that it was a false alarm.Liu Guobao told his father that a classmate in his class had been dealt with. Dai Jing felt that Liu Guobao should be reminded about this matter, but she also felt that Liu Guoning was stubborn.

Liu Guoning came to see Liu Guoning while he was sleeping. He felt that his son was fine.Liu Guobao was very angry with his grandma for messing up his toys and thought there was magic in the world.Liu Guoning told Liu Guobao that the exam was like a big mountain, very difficult and painful.Liu Xiangxiang and Dai Jing were asked to eat spicy hotpot if they lost in a competition. As a result, neither of them did very well.Dai Jing heard that she had to prepare for a show and had to show off.Regarding the newspaper program, Gao Yuxuan’s mother kept discussing in the group.Dai Jing really wanted to take this program seriously.

《Happy Parents》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Happy Parents episode 20 plot introduction: Dai Jing leads the staff to prepare for the program

Ding Ding kept saying depressing words beside him. Dai Jing felt that they had great potential and should not make things too bad.Everyone felt that acting in a skit was too stressful and it would be better to sing.Dai Jing suddenly discovered that there was an age difference, and the songs that some people said might not be on the same level as those proposed by young people.Dai Jing wanted to find a popular song for the program.

Gao Yuxuan's mother led everyone in the parent group to prepare for this program. She felt that the children could not cut the window grilles and needed help from parents.After the last incident, Gao Yuxuan's mother obviously had experience in handling things, and this time she assigned tasks to people in an orderly manner.When Dai Jing was choosing songs, there was a lot of discussion because everyone had different opinions.Ma Yingjie also wanted to take photos of the children on site.Liu Guoning walked thoughtfully in the room. He called and asked if he had thrown away the papers from elementary school before the first and fifteenth day of junior high school?I want the first grade of junior high school to help me find it.After Liu Guoning heard the location of the papers for the fifteenth grade in the first grade of junior high school, he felt that God would help him.Jing Tingting also wanted to run for makeup. Yang Mingbiao thought it was scary when he saw Jing Tingting's makeup. Gao Yuxuan's mother saw that there were so many applicants and wanted them to run for these positions through their own abilities.

Ma Yingjie is fully equipped and wants to compete with other parents in photography.Tang Xiaowei knew that Ma Yingjie must have some bad intentions. When she heard that Ma Yingjie wanted to live at her place, she firmly disagreed, but Ma Ziheng was looking forward to her father living here.Dai Jing finally chose a song, but she couldn't keep up with her movements and decided to sing. For a while, everyone dispersed without interest.Liu Guoning came to the first grade of junior high school and wanted to steal the fifteenth grade paper, and he was so happy that he could do it without any effort.Dai Jing told the staff that the song they chose was a duplicate of someone else's.

Gao Yuxuan's mother wanted Liu Xiang to distribute gifts to the children.Ding Ding wanted them to sing Rap, but everyone refused because they felt that the elderly were not as energetic as the young people.Liu Guoning saw Liu Guobao coming to him and hid quickly. Liu Guobao told Dai Jing that Liu Guoning was studying. Dai Jing felt that the sun was coming out from the west and hurried to see her son.Dai Jing and Liu Guoning had some simulation questions, and Liu Guoning felt like he was going to collapse. These questions were so varied that he couldn't figure out the rules at all.Liu Guoning asked Liu Guoning a little distressedly why he wanted to study. After hearing what his father said, he felt that studying was very important.The school anniversary event began. Gao Yuxuan's mother never expected that the situation at the scene would be a bit changeable. Many problems suddenly occurred and she didn't know how to solve them.

Liu Xiangxiang and Ma Yingjie took over the task at the critical moment and helped Gao Yuxuan's mother solve many problems.Jing Tingting felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother was useless.Parents are very pleased to watch the live broadcast of their children's school anniversary. They feel that their children have grown up and their world is very simple. Parents just want to be sophisticated and make the campus less simple.The New Year is here, and the three families of Jing Tingting, Dai Jing, and Tang Xiaowei gather together for a dinner.Ma Yingjie was drunk, and Ma Ziheng quickly asked his father to sleep on the sofa.Ma Yingjie rolled off the sofa at night, went to the toilet, and ran to Tang Xiaowei's room to sleep.

Tang Xiaowei woke up and felt that there was someone on the bed. When she saw it was Ma Yingjie, she thought Ma Yingjie was a pervert and immediately kicked Ma Yingjie out of bed.Tang Xiaowei felt that Ma Yingjie had planned this for a long time.Ma Yingjie wanted to go to bed and innocently said that he was drunk yesterday and had no idea what happened.Tang Xiaowei asked Ma Yingjie to go and shut up.Ma Ziheng was very happy that his parents were accompanying him to dinner.When Tang Xiaowei heard what her son said, she felt a little guilty for her son.Liu Guobao put his shoes on the table to clean, and Liu Guoning was also very diligent in mopping the floor, and poured tea when his father came back.When Liu Xiangshang saw his son and daughter acting so abnormally, he felt that something must have happened and there might be a parent-teacher meeting.When Liu Xiangshang saw the smile on the child's face, he knew he had guessed correctly.

《Happy Parents》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Happy Parents Episode 21 Plot introduction: Teacher Wang holds a parent-teacher meeting

The show performed by Dai Jing and the others was very good. Mr. Qin also felt that he was being flattered, so he asked the Finance Department to give Dai Jing's store an extra batch of bonuses, and asked Dai Jing to watch the distribution. He also said that Dai Jing's deputy director position was easily available..Dai Jing was very happy to hear this and thanked Mr. Qin for his cultivation.After the manager behind the door heard about the extra bonus, he quickly gossiped to other employees.When Ding Ding heard that Dai Jing had no intention of doing so, he advised everyone to leave quickly.As the parent-teacher meeting was approaching, Dai Jing felt that it was a little too good to please these two children and let them go to the parent-teacher meeting now.Liu Guoning and Liu Guobao were secretly listening to their parents' conversation.When Yang Mingbiao saw Jing Tingting busy setting the alarm clock and thinking about what parents would wear, he was very afraid that his wife would find that she smelled of alcohol at this time, so he hurriedly went to bed.Jing Tingting told Yang Mingbiao about singing and would settle the score with him later.

Tang Xiaowei came to school a little confused and asked Dai Jing how to hold a parent-teacher meeting. When Dai Jing was explaining, she saw Jing Tingting in the distance dressed like a lady, wearing a famous brand and having her hair done specially.Xiao Jiarui's mother was even more showy and brought a bodyguard and a nanny. Jing Tingting was stunned for a moment, thinking that holding a parent-teacher meeting would be a big deal, but seeing Dai Jing and Tang Xiaowei looking at her, she felt a little embarrassed..Liu Shang came up to hold a parent-teacher meeting for Liu Guoning, but the teacher left him alone to talk.

Liu Guobao told the first grader that his brother was not afraid of parent-teacher meetings, but that he was afraid. His mother was going to hold a parent-teacher meeting for him. Liu Guoning scared the first grader by saying that parent-teacher meetings were scary. Ma Ziheng couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly explained to the first grader that,A parent-teacher conference is when the teacher tells parents how the students are doing recently.Xiao Jiarui's mother kept showing off that she had a mine at home. Everyone was very dissatisfied, and Teacher Wang couldn't hold on to the scene.Teacher Wang told parents that there is no other meaning in letting children bring their favorite books to school and learn to share them.

Liu Xiangshang listened to the teacher saying that he wanted to add some courses to his son to help him improve his grades.Teacher Li told Liu that his home and school should cooperate with each other.Teacher Wang told Dai Jing that Liu Guobao was a better person in the class, but he couldn't tell the difference between p and d, and wanted Dai Jing to go back home and make some corrections.When Jiang Feihu's mother saw Xiao Jiarui's mother looking down on her, she got very angry and quarreled with him.Tang Xiaowei and the others also felt that Xiao Jiarui's mother was a little too showy and was not good for her children.

Tang Xiaowei returned home and felt that Ma Yingjie was a bit useless.Ma Ziheng told Tang Xiaowei that he knew that his father and mother were drunk and slept together that morning.Tang Xiaowei rolled up her sleeves and chased Ma Yingjie. Ma Yingjie felt that this son was a bit troublesome for him.When I returned home on the first day of junior high school, I was afraid that my mother would hit me.Jing Tingting told the first grade teacher that she thought her daughter had performed very well and wanted to reward her daughter with something.Liu Guobao was afraid that his mother would hit him and wanted his grandma to stay. Dai Jing wanted to praise Liu Guobao, and Liu Guobao felt relieved.

Liu Xiangshang returned home with a complicated mood and asked his son what he was going to do during the winter vacation.When I heard my son say that he wanted to learn to ski, I was immediately very angry and felt that my son had no plans other than playing.Liu Guoning felt that she needed some trust from her parents. When her father said that she needed to make a study plan, Liu Guoning felt that this winter vacation was scary.Dai Jing returned to the company and felt that something was wrong with the employees. After discussing with Ding Ding, Dai Jing decided to spend the 10,000 yuan.Dai Jing saw the employees talking a lot and couldn't make up his mind for a moment.Dai Jing finally divided them into two groups based on age, and these people went to relax.Dai Jing and others suddenly caught fire while they were singing, and ran away in a hurry.Tintin told the others that there was also a problem in the secret room, so they did not spend the money.

Ding Ding suggested that Dai Jing distribute the money equally to these people.Xiao Jiarui's mother saw Teacher Wang's circle of friends and found out that Teacher Wang wanted to rent a house. She wanted to take active action and find a place for Teacher Wang.Xiao Jiarui’s mother wants the whole class to raise funds to buy an electric car for the teacher.Tang Xiaowei felt that there was something wrong with Xiao Jiarui's mother.Liu Xiangshang said in the group that he wanted Jiang Xiao Jiarui's mother to buy a car, but Xiao Jiarui's mother changed her mind and wanted to buy a car.Yang Mingbiao knew that Liu Xiangxiang's provocative general had been turned against his general, and he needed to help this guy.As a result, Xiao Jiarui's mother agreed again.

Tang Xiaowei complained to Ma Yingjie that the people in the group were very lacking in quality.After Ma Yingjie found out that Xiao Jiarui's mother was the one who complained about Tang Xiaowei last time, he satirized Xiao Jiarui's mother in the group despite Tang Xiaowei's obstruction. What he didn't expect was that he also offended Yang Mingbiao.Xiao Jiarui's mother was very angry and complained in the group.

《Happy Parents》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Happy Parents Episode 22 Synopsis: Parents are looking for a house for Teacher Wang.

Xiao Jiarui's mother saw that the parents in the parent group were criticizing her again, and felt that they were really meaningless. Gao Yuxuan's mother and Xu Mengyao's mother were also singled out.It was like singing a three-person dance in the group. It was a bit chaotic, and many parents were watching.Dai Jing felt that these parents were really terrible, and they used all thirty-six strategies.Ma Yingjie was stirring up trouble in the group again.Liu Xiangshang asked Dai Jing to send a message to Tang Xiaowei to take care of the people in their family.

Yang Mingbiao was very angry when he saw that the turmoil in the group involved him again.After Tang Xiaowei saw the news, she hurried off the broadcast to beat Ma Yingjie.Yang Mingbiao told his wife that he could buy a house in the school district first, put his wife's name on it, and then let Teacher Wang live there first.Jing Tingting suddenly felt that what her husband said made sense.Ma Yingjie felt that he wanted to change his son's school to an international school. After all, it would be helpful for his son to go abroad in the future.Tang Xiaowei thought it could be considered, and sometimes she felt that Ma Yingjie was like a lunatic.Dai Jing gave Gao Yuxuan's mother an idea and asked Gao Yuxuan's mother to send a message to Teacher Wang to put an end to this farce.What Dai Jing didn't expect was that Gao Yuxuan's mother was stupid enough to post a message in the group, which suddenly offended many parents.

Teacher Wang told parents in the group that he had found a house, and hoped that parents would not over-interpret what he posted, which calmed everyone's emotions.But Xiao Jiarui's mother was very angry. She felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother was a bit too despicable and even told Teacher Wang in front of the group.Gao Yuxuan's mother hurriedly gathered the crowd, hoping to get Sugar Bean's mother Liu Guobao and his mother to come up with ideas for her. She was very afraid of being beaten by Xiao Jiarui's mother.Gao Yuxuan's mother wanted Sugar Bean's mother to go with her because she was afraid of being beaten.

Because Zhang Wenping had time at home and had to rush back to her hometown, she wanted her son to call her in-laws to take care of her granddaughter and grandson.Tang Xiaowei brought Gao Yuxuan's mother to find Xiao Jiarui's mother.Xiao Jiarui's mother told them that she was outspoken and that she had made a mistake, but she was very afraid that her son would also be implicated in the class and there would be no one to play with.Tang Xiaowei told Xiao Jiarui's mother that no matter how rich the family was, they could not show it off. In the end, it was Xiao Jiarui who exaggerated to bear.After Xiao Jiarui's mother heard that Tangdou's mother said that Tangdou would play with her son if there was no one to play with, she immediately said that Tangdou would be able to enjoy the life of a superior person in the future.Tang Xiaowei left very angry when she heard this.

Tang Xiaowei wants you, Ma Yingjie, to leave.Ma Yingjie told Tang Xiaowei that he still liked her in his heart.Ma Yingjie felt that his ex-wife still had feelings for him in her heart.After Ma Yingjie heard that there was still room for relaxation, he hurried home to negotiate with his mother.When Tang Xiaowei saw Ma Yingjie saying that they wanted to be ordinary friends, she felt that she should not give hope to Ma Yingjie. He was just a proper mama's boy.Dai Jing was very happy to see her parents coming to help her.Liu Guoning smacked his lips while eating and played games, which made his grandma very unhappy.Liu Guobao was unruly when watching TV, and his grandma drove him away.Liu Xiangshang felt so comfortable.Dai Jing was stunned for a moment after hearing that her mother wanted to train the two children.

Liu Guobao felt that grandma was simply a devil.Ma Ziheng wanted to go to his grandma and grandpa's house during the winter vacation, but Tang Xiaowei agreed.Liu Guobao and Liu Guoning also wanted to go, but they knew it was impossible.Yang Mingbiao wanted to accompany his son abroad, but he didn't have time and was a little worried.Jing Tingting asked Chu Yi to go to the toilet alone. Jing Tingting saw Chu Yi staring at the toilet outside and just couldn't think of a way.Dai Jing suggested that Jing Tingting go and see if she had any psychological problems in the first year of junior high school.Gao Yuxuan’s mother suggested that first-year mothers enroll their children in an eloquence class.

Liu Guobao felt that his grandma really arranged a lot of interest classes for him, and it was a bit difficult to turn around.Liu Xiangshang thinks it would be better for his daughter to enroll in some interest classes such as Taekwondo.

《Happy Parents》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Happy Parents Episode 23 Synopsis: Parents care too much about their children

Dai Jing tried to discuss with her mother not to let her daughter learn ballet, but when she saw her mother's tough attitude and said she was not allowed to learn ballet when she was a child, she felt a little helpless.After discussing with her husband, Jing Tingting decided to enroll in an eloquence class with the first grade of junior high school, so that the first grade of junior high school could learn social interaction and speaking.In the first year of junior high school, she showed a lot of refusal, but her parents forced her to learn, and she had no choice.

Dai Jing heard her mother's constant complaints and was a little angry that her younger brother Bingbing didn't come to see the couple.Dai Jing called to comfort her mother, saying that her younger brother would definitely ask him to visit her mother when he came back from skiing.Liu Guobao was sent to ballet class by his grandmother and his legs were pressed.The first year of junior high school was also sent to the eloquence class, but the first year of junior high school was very resistant to speaking. When she made a mistake, her classmates laughed and said something about her, which made the first year of junior high school very unhappy.Liu Guoning looked at his grandfather's skill in buying vegetables at the vegetable market. He felt a little admired by his grandfather and wanted his grandfather to teach him.

Jing Tingting heard that the teacher told her to go home to practice in the first year of junior high school. She felt that after registering for the class, she had to supervise herself. Her daughter felt that there was really nothing she could do.Dai Jing was very angry. His father took his son to take advantage of him, but his father confidently said that this was called frugality.Liu Guoning felt that this bargain was the result of no hard work. He felt that it made sense and there was nothing wrong with it.Dai Jing was so angry that he had nothing to say.Yang Mingbiao kept talking poems to Chu Yi, trying to get Chu Yi to speak, but Chu Yi was very reluctant to run to his mother.Jing Tingting saw that her husband was doing well, but her daughter couldn't bear it, and the couple quarreled again.

Dai Jing feels that this kind of education method of parents is not very good for children.Dai Jing wanted to ask Dai Bing to come back and see his parents.Grandma came to call Liu Guobao to class in the morning, but Liu Guobao refused to let her enter his room.Liu Shang came in to talk to his daughter and was very pleased to see that her daughter agreed to continue taking ballet classes.Liu Guobao felt very painful after practicing for a long time and refused the teacher's request to practice again.When her grandma took her to learn piano, Liu Guobao was also very impatient.When Dai Bing came back, the two children felt like a savior when they saw their uncle.Dai Bing saw his parents urging him to get married, which was why he didn't want to go home.

Dai Jing felt that this task was a bit burdensome when she heard that her mother had entrusted her with the task of arranging a blind date for her younger brother.Ding Ding was a little unhappy today and asked Dai Jing for leave. Dai Jing needed a note to prove the leave, and then she left angrily.Dai Jingzhi said that Ding Ding agreed to take leave after she was in a bad mood because of her breakup.Dai Bing knew that Liu Guobao was very interested in Taekwondo, so he persuaded his brother-in-law to send her to a Taekwondo class.Liu Xiangshang wanted his brother-in-law to help him deceive his mother-in-law.Dai Bing saw Liu Guobao practicing so hard and knew that his brother-in-law would die miserably if his mother knew about this.Ma Yingjie was on a diet at home to get her mother to agree to get back together with her ex-wife.

Dai Jing saw her son running around like a wild horse. She saw Gao Yuxuan's mother in the group. He had a retired teacher who wanted to take care of his children, so she decided to enroll her son.Liu Guoning had some doubts about whether he was his mother's biological son. He suspected that his mother wanted to torture him to death. He felt that his mother came to give him orders directly instead of discussing with him.Liu Xiangshang felt that this was a cram school in disguise, which was a bit unreliable.Liu Guobao told Liu Guoning that it would be good to eat something sweet when he was in a bad mood, so he brought a lollipop to his brother.

Liu Guoning told her sister that the world is divided into the Lilliputian country and the adult country. The adult country will always be hegemonic, and it will be time for them to grow up when they can get rid of it.Dai Jing felt that she had done nothing wrong. She just hoped that her son's grades could improve a little and he would be admitted to a good university so that he would not have to worry about it in the future.Gao Yuxuan's mother told other parents that this teacher was very qualified and they could safely leave their children here.Dai Jing was entrusted by her mother to find a partner for her younger brother.Liu Xiangshang was very afraid that Liu Guobao would learn to lie when he deceived his grandma, so he quickly explained to his daughter that this was called a white lie.Jing Tingting was very worried that her daughter didn't seem to have changed at all. She was a little stunned when the teacher said that her daughter seemed to be angry.

《Happy Parents》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Happy Parents Episode 24 Synopsis: Liu Guobao was discovered learning Taekwondo

The teacher told Jing Tingting that it wasn't that she didn't want to say it or didn't dare to say it in her first year of junior high school, but that she was just angry with someone.Jing Tingting felt that she had no misunderstandings with her recently in the first grade of junior high school. When her teacher said that she would be under a lot of pressure in the first grade of junior high school here, she decided to avoid the first grade of junior high school first.Dai Jing was troubled by the fact that her mother kept calling her, asking her to find a partner for her younger brother. When she heard that her mother only gave her one day, she was so miserable that she couldn't even tell her how hard she was. She complained that her mother forced her to die for her son.daughter.

Dai Jing asked Manager Hu who was single in the store. When he heard that two girls in the store were dating, he felt that there was no chance.Manager Hu felt something was wrong, so he figured out what the store manager meant and went out to tell the employees.

After Ding Ding heard the news, he came to see Dai Jing. When he heard that they were going to go on a blind date, he felt that it was just right for him as he had just broken up. He also said very familiarly that he would first take a look at the photos to see if the two of them were suitable before discussing the next step..After Ding Ding saw Dai Bing's photo, he eagerly wanted Dai Jing to give her brother to him.After seeing Ding Ding like this, Dai Jing felt that it was more dangerous for boys now, and she had to protect her younger brother.Ding Ding worked hard to get Dai Jing to introduce herself to her brother.

Dai Jing was pulled aside by her son as soon as she got home. Liu Guoning compared the textbooks issued by the school and the cram school teachers and felt that it was a bit too cruel.However, Dai Jing felt that the teachers in this cram school were better. They took their work seriously and were just right in managing a child like her son who was not active or conscious about learning.When Liu Guoning heard her mother ask her grandpa to supervise her studies, she suddenly felt like a thunderbolt.Dai Jing was very angry when she found out that the day care class was locked up, but Liu Guoning felt very good about it and quickly ran away with her mother. When she returned home, she felt even more liberated.

Dai Jing felt that she would be able to conquer the world for her son's education, and wanted to find another cram school for her son.Liu Xiangshang felt that his wife was forcing his son too hard.Dai Jing found that the current competitiveness is very strong, and it is only right to let her son roll up.Dai Jing was very happy to hear that Gao Yuxuan's mother had new opportunities.When Liu Xiang and Dai Bing saw their mother coming to the Taekwondo class, they immediately felt that something was wrong.Dai Jing also kept scolding her husband.

Liu Guobao protected his father and said he hated his grandma.Dai Jing felt that she couldn't cover up the matter, so she quickly scolded her husband.Dai Bing persuaded his mother.Liu Guobao was very happy when he heard that his grandma asked him to learn dance and taekwondo.Dai Bing had a headache and agreed to go on a blind date with his mother.Ding Ding was very happy to see Dai Bing, but Dai Bing was unforgiving and Dai Jing felt something was wrong and ran away quickly.When Dai Jing just told her mother that there was no chance, she came back and saw her brother and Ding Ding chatting happily, and found that they had found a common language.

Fifteen was very annoyed that Yang Mingbiao was on the phone, so he said a few words in a hurry and then hung up.Yang Mingbiao saw the screenshot and asked Jing Tingting. Jing Tingting found that there were sanitary napkins inside. Yang Mingbiao suddenly felt that this matter was a bit big.Ma Yingjie also came to her mother-in-law's house. Tang Xiaowei originally wanted Ma Yingjie to leave, but her mother glared at her.Tang Xiaowei told Ma Yingjie in front of her parents that her face and mouth were not made of ordinary materials, but she was scolded by her parents.Ma Ziheng couldn't help but come to his mother's rescue.

Ma Yingjie shamelessly took advantage of the fact that both his parents wanted to live there until the Spring Festival.Tang Xiaowei dared not speak out in anger.Dai Jing saw that the Spring Festival was coming, and his performance was not very good.When Dai Jing heard that Ding Ding asked for leave to go on a date with his younger brother, he agreed without even thinking about it. He also felt that his brother's matter was promising and the efficiency was quite high.Dai Jing's mother was not very satisfied with Ding Ding's revealing clothing.

Dai Jing took Liu Guoning to find a cram school again. When Liu Guoning heard the people there talking about cram school, he suddenly felt that there was nothing good about it.Zhou Wenhan's father shared the news about teachers opening cram schools during the holidays in the group, and wanted to see everyone's opinions.The parents talked a lot, had different opinions, and it was very noisy for a while.

《Happy Parents》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Happy Parents Episode 25 Synopsis: Dai Jing refuses to let her son attend cram school

Gao Yuxuan’s mother felt that if a teacher tutored her children at home during the holidays, it would be considered a Xiaozao. Then, as a doctor, Zhou Wenhan’s father would tutor his children at home, would it also count as a Xiaozao?Zhou Wenhan's father felt that it was necessary to clarify his thinking. It was wrong for teachers to hold tutoring classes and charge fees after school hours.Jing Tingting told the truth and felt that the teacher in her class did not do this, so there was no need to worry too much.Liu Xiangshang felt that Jing Tingting had told the truth this time.

Tang Xiaowei told Ma Yingjie that she seemed to be in trouble again, but Ma Yunjie felt that there was nothing wrong with his wife, but it was obviously Zhou Wenhan's father who was in charge.Ma Yingjie asked his ex-wife to turn off her phone and go to sleep.Liu Xiangshang suggested that Dai Jing instruct Gao Yuxuan's mother to change the topic in the group, so that the topic would be skipped.

Dai Jing felt that the topic raised by her husband was indeed effective.Liu Guoning heard her grandfather snoring while doing her homework, and she immediately became annoyed.Liu Guoning complained to his grandfather that this was not script killing, it was clearly homework killing.Liu Xiangshang sent my son to school, and suddenly he was a little convinced that his wife signed her son up for a tutoring class so far away.In the first grade of junior high school, I was sitting nearby watching the children talking, and suddenly felt a little bored. I wanted to go out to look for my mother, but my mother was not found. She suddenly became very interested in the paintings. This was something she longed for in her heart.

Jing Tingting didn't find her daughter when she came to pick her up in the first year of junior high school, and she suddenly panicked.Yang Mingbiao was also panicked. When he saw his wife about to faint, she came out on the first day of the new year.When the couple saw their daughter's paintings, they decided to withdraw from the eloquence class and let their daughter learn to paint.Ding Ding also came to Dai Jing to ask for leave. Dai Jing suddenly felt that his brother had gone too far and let his girlfriend run away so far.Dai Bing told Dai Jing that Dingding was not dating him.Dai Jing followed Ding Ding and saw Dai Bing and Ding Ding's boyfriend, feeling a little bit confused about what they were doing.Dai Bing told his sister that in order to avoid the pressure of blind dates from his mother, he decided to deceive people at home with Ding Ding, who had become good friends.

Liu Guoning was very happy that the cram school that was selling sheep over dogs was stopped. Dai Jing was furious when she heard that her husband wanted to report the cram school. She felt that if her son could not keep up with his studies, a large part of the reason was her husband.Dai Jing saw the polarization in her family and felt a little helpless. She was a bad guy just to improve her son's grades.

While Dai Jing and his family were just having their theory, the specialties sent by Tang Xiaowei arrived.Liu Shangshang advised his wife to take a look at Tang Daomen's photos before talking.Dai Jing suddenly felt deeply and felt that it was better not to let her son attend cram school, so she tried to negotiate to let her son study hard.Shen Yue sent Shi Qi back to her ex-husband's home. Yang Mingbiao immediately became furious when he saw how he had educated his son in this way.Yang Mingbiao came to his son and wanted his son to explain to him. Shi Shi thought that this incident made his father a little worried and he would tell his father later.Yang Mingbiao asked Jing Tingting not to know.

Liu Xiangshang saw that his daughter's handwork had not been completed, so he quickly made up for it.Jing Tingting saw that everyone in the class group was posting photos of children, and it was a bit difficult to choose.Tang Xiaowei had to drive away from her ex-husband Ma Yingjie as soon as she returned home.Ma Ziheng was also a little reluctant to let his father leave.Ma Yingjie wants to remarry his ex-wife.

《Happy Parents》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Happy Parents Episode 26 Synopsis: Ma Yingjie’s mother meets Tang Xiaowei

When Tang Xiaowei heard that Ma Yingjie said that she was taking her to see her mother-in-law, she was immediately reluctant. She knew very well that the way to be syllable was a very unreasonable person, even though her parents were supporting her to be with Ma Yingjie.Ma Yingjie told his ex-wife that he would not celebrate the New Year at home this time, and his mother immediately accepted it.Tang Xiaowei felt that Ma Yingjie's mother would never speak softly. When she raised Ma Ziheng, her child had a fever one winter. She tried hard to beg her mother-in-law and Ma Yingjie's sister, but no one paid attention to her., let alone help yourself.Tang Xiaowei, I don’t think we should talk about this matter for the time being.

Ma Ziheng secretly listened to the conversation between his parents and wanted to make his mother forgive his father.When Tang Xiaowei heard that Ma Yingjie's mother wanted to invite her to dinner, she felt that she was really too proud, and refused to allow Ma Ziheng to come out to speak to his father at this time. Tang Xiaowei thought that she could take her son to see her grandma, but she still had to deal with the matter of remarriage for the time being.Under consideration.After hearing this, Ma Yingjie felt that there was still hope for him and went to prepare things happily.

Ma Yingjie told Tang Xiaowei that she would just eat a meal today and not cause trouble.Tang Xiaowei heard Ma Yingjie's mother ask her what Ma Yingjie thought about remarrying her.Before she could answer.Ma Yingjie's mother responded directly to Tang Xiaowei. She felt that Tang Xiaowei was not worthy of being with her son.When Tang Xiaowei heard that Granny Qian wanted to rob her son, she became very angry. She took Ma Ziheng to take a taxi and was about to leave. Ma Yingjie came out and hurriedly explained, but to no avail.Tang Xiaowei felt very depressed while sitting in the car. Ma Ziheng could feel that his mother was not in a good mood now, and he begged his mother not to let him go.

Dai Bing heard his mother ask Dai Bing to take Ding Ding home for him to take a look at.Dai Bing felt that this matter could no longer be hidden, and wanted to ask Ding Ding, who had become a brother, to help him and take her home to meet her parents on weekends.Yang Mingbiao sent a message to Shen Yue. He was very angry that his ex-wife took his son abroad behind his back and did not tell him.When the first grade of junior high school came over, Yang Mingbiao was afraid that when the first grade of junior high school would see him, he would take the first grade of junior high school to sleep.

Dai Jing saw that her son was a little evasive, and she knew that his son was not holding anything good in his heart. She opened it and saw that his son had stuffed playing cards in his schoolbag. Dai Jing felt that Liu Guoning was very angry.Liu Xiangxiang asked Liu Guobao to finish the homework that he should do. When his daughter said that he and his father-in-law did the homework for her, Liu Xiangxiang deceived his daughter with white lies.

Jing Tingting is very afraid that she will cry and cry when she goes to school tomorrow in the first grade of junior high school.Yang Mingbiao argued with Shi Shi. When it came to his ex-wife, Shi Shi was very excited and your father went out.Liu Xiangshang received a call from Teacher Li, saying that his son was making trouble at school and tore other students' textbooks, so he quickly left his work and went to school.Liu Guoning talked nonsense seriously, and Liu Xiangshang felt that the child was hopeless.Liu Guobao was randomly checked by the teacher because his father helped him with his homework, so he would not be laughed at by the whole class.Liu Xiang also realized his mistake.

Dai Jing feels that both Ding Ding and Dai Bing are unreliable.Ding Ding met Dai Bing's father while buying fruit, and the two had a very unpleasant quarrel.Ding Ding just arrived at Dai Bing's house and met Dai Bing's father who had just returned. Ding Ding felt shameless to eat and left in a hurry.Dai Jing was not coaxing the two elders all the time.When my grandma heard that she was going to pick up her granddaughter, she quickly dressed up beautifully. She was praised by other parents on campus. She was so happy that she asked her son-in-law to invite her to the parents group when she came back.

Grandpa wants to invite people to play mahjong in the group.Ding Ding has a new view of Dai Bing.Ma Yingjie came to his ex-wife to apologize, saying that he accidentally fell into his mother's scheme last time.When Tang Xiaowei heard Ma Yingjie keep explaining and making revelations, she immediately became angry and scolded Ma Yingjie directly.

《Happy Parents》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Happy Parents Episode 27 Synopsis: Ding Ding wants to fall in love with Dai Bing

Ma Yingjie wanted his wife to secretly remarry him, and then slowly break the news to his mother and sister, so that they would not stop her from doing so.Tang Xiaowei thought Ma Yingjie was mentally ill and kicked him out of the house.Ma Yingjie hid in the trash can, watching his son throwing away garbage and wanting to ask Ma Ziheng for help. Ma Ziheng knew very well that if he helped his father again, his mother would not want him.Ma Yingjie felt isolated and helpless.Ding Ding felt that her current boyfriend didn't know how to protect himself when he was in danger. He wanted the kind of friend who would bring him a sense of security. He thought Dai Bing was a good fit and wanted to pursue him.

Dai Bing felt that it was impossible for Ding Ding and himself to call each other, so he said they could only be brothers.Ding Ding likes Dai Bing very much now and says that she is determined to be her boyfriend.Dai Jing didn't understand that Ding Ding dumped her current boyfriend because of a trivial matter.Ding Ding feels that her boyfriend can support her when she is in danger. This boyfriend obviously does not have this awareness, and sometimes he needs to come forward to support him

Dai Jing was very afraid that her brother would be hurt, and asked Ding Ding seriously what should he do if his brother didn't like it?Ding Ding feels that if Dai Bing doesn't like him, that's his business and has nothing to do with him.Dai Jing now feels that she really doesn’t understand these young people born in the 2000s.Ma Yingjie wanted to ask Liu Guoning and the others to call Ma Ziheng out. He was afraid that his son would be in trouble. When Ma Ziheng came out, he didn't expect that when Ma Ziheng came out, he told him that Tang Xiaowei was not at home for a blind date today, so he suddenly thought of going with his son to destroy the blind date of his ex-wife.Tang Xiaowei discovered that her blind date secretly filmed her and poured a glass of water on her. The other party was obviously angry and wanted to hit Tang Xiaowei. Ma Yingjie happened to appear and rescued his ex-wife Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei was angry and punched the father and son in the same nostril, handed Ma Ziheng to Ma Yingjie and left.Ma Ziheng was a little worried for his father. It was obviously his grandma's fault, but his father kept asking his mother to forgive him.Grandma Liu Guobao chatted with the grandparents when she picked up her granddaughter. Those people heard that she was envious in the group and wanted to join the group of parents of her grandchildren.Gao Yuxuan's mother pulled these people into the parents group, but what she didn't expect was that the parents group turned into a chat group for the older generation.

Grandma Liu Guobao wanted Teacher Wang to talk to her son and sent a private message.Liu Xiangshang received a call from Gao Yuxuan's mother and found out that the two elderly people at home had created a mess among the parents.Dai Jing told her parents not to talk nonsense in the group, but was retorted by the two old people.Dai Jing actually knew that her mother was a very showy person, and this incident was obviously caused by her mother.Grandma still doesn’t have her own way of doing things.Tang Xiaowei felt that there were too many people in the group, so it was better not to include her parents in the group.Jing Tingting is also thinking about this matter.

Dai Jing made an announcement directly in the group, hoping to get her parents to leave the group.Gao Yuxuan's mother acts as a good person in the group, while Dai Jing directly becomes a negative example.Yang Mingbiao felt that this was a whirlpool and advised his wife not to get involved in this muddy water.Teacher Wang also sent a message in the group asking the elderly to stop chatting.Gao Yuxuan's mother didn't want to be a bad person and wanted Dai Jing to be the knife in her hand. Dai Jing had obviously suffered a loss and refused.Gao Yuxuan's mother had no choice but to invite several parents together to discuss.Tang Xiaowei felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother would never be able to do anything, so she suggested letting these children persuade the elderly to withdraw from the group.

Liu Guoning suggested that grandma create a parent group for parents. Grandma thought her grandson’s idea was a good idea, and the next day she went directly to Gao Yuxuan’s mother to create a new group.Gao Yuxuan's mother accepted a piece of bacon from her grandma and decided to take the risk and drag her grandpa into the group. When her grandma returned home, she asked her husband to change his name and join the group.Tang Xiaowei asked her son if her ex-husband had contacted him recently, and felt a little worried when she heard the negative answer.

Ma Yingjie kept rebelling against her mother at home, and was even locked up by her mother.Grandma secretly recorded the contact information of other elderly people and wanted her grandson to help her create a parent group of parents.

《Happy Parents》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Happy Parents Episode 28 Synopsis: Dai Bing changes Tintin’s view on love

Grandma saw that it was almost eight o'clock, so she asked Liu Guoning to quickly help her set up a group.Liu Guoning told his grandma very principledly that he would build it when his grandpa came.After my grandma heard her old man say that he wanted to witness this historic moment, he felt that it was really hard for him.Liu Guoning told his grandma that he secretly sneaked into the parents' group this afternoon, and no one noticed that his grandpa was there. The parents were all discussing other issues.Grandma always praised her grandson's intelligence, which gave Liu Guoning a full sense of accomplishment.

Liu Guoning and his grandparents successfully established a parent group of parents.These old people are very happy, and they are actively cooperating with the news in the parent group, which is always paying attention to their parents.As soon as Liu Xiang picked up his daughter, he saw his mother-in-law urging her daughter to complete her homework, which felt a bit strange.Parents also feel that something is wrong. The elderly at home actually know the children's homework.Liu Xiangxiang felt that Zhou Wenhan and his family must have discovered some special program.

Liu Guobao was a little helpless, watching his grandma keep urging him.Liu Shangshang complained to his wife that he did not want the old people to intervene in the discipline of the children. He felt that the old people's thinking was a bit fixed and not suitable for educating children. He wanted his wife to talk to the two old people.Dai Jing originally wanted to persuade her mother. After seeing her mother list many of her husband's mistakes, she felt that her mother knew so clearly that there must be some procedures or secrets. After the persuasion failed, she returned to the bedroom and told her husband that the two old men might be from Xu Mengyao.I learned about it from my grandma.Parents are also discussing in the parent group that these old people know everything very clearly, which is a bit excessive.

Gao Yuxuan's mother was a little embarrassed as she watched the people in the group trying to find out the culprit. She felt that she had accepted Liu Guobao's bacon.You can't confess to him if you get the benefits.Liu Guoning was very happy to tell Ma Ziheng that he had successfully sneaked into the parent group, took an ambiguous name, and was able to get rid of suspicion and deliver news to those elderly people. He was very proud of it.

Grandpa saw Liu Shang protesting in the group and was very angry. Grandma decided that the elderly would go on strike for a day to see how these parents would respond.Dai Jing felt something was wrong when she woke up without breakfast. Seeing her mother and father speaking very irritably, she was confused. After understanding the matter, she realized that they were there to discipline their children.Liu Xiangshang was shocked when he saw that there was no breakfast.Parents in the parent group also said that the elderly are on strike at home.Liu Xiangshang wanted to find out the traitors in the group.

Dai Bing beat Chen Kai and was seen by Ding Ding. Dai Bing told Ding Ding that Chen Kai was not timid that day, but very rational. He felt that those drunken lunatics were a bit aggressive when talking, and if they started fighting, they would definitely be detained, so he didn'tTake action.After Dai Bing's advice, Ding Ding forgave Chen Kai.Dai Jing was very pleased to see Ding Ding grow up instantly, but she was still curious about the relationship between her brother and her.Gao Yuxuan's mother saw the parents in the parent group accusing her of going too far, and couldn't help but retaliate against them.

Dai Bing came to take care of Liu Guoning and the others. Liu Guoning asked his uncle to help him play games and accidentally revealed what Liu Guoning had done.Ma Ziheng also came over and the matter was revealed.Liu Guoning knew that he was finished and was punished accordingly.Dai Jing wants to join the parent group and send text messages to the elderly to apologize.The old people suddenly understood how their children felt, and grandma and the others also felt that their daughter was right.The battle between the old man and his parents finally came to a perfect end.Tang Xiaowei wanted to see Ma Yingjie. Ma Ziheng saw that and asked Tang Xiaowei to take him to see his father. Before he finished speaking, he saw his father making out with other women. He hurriedly explained to his mother and called his father over.

Tang Xiaowei kept accusing Ma Yingjie with her mouth like a machine gun, which made Ma Yingjie a little stunned.Sister Ma Ying told her ex-wife that she only had business cooperation with that woman.Grandma feels that grandpa has been more active in grocery shopping recently.After understanding the meaning, the grandfather hinted that his daughter should provide living expenses.Grandma feels that something is wrong with her husband recently.Ding Ding was planning to go to the tourism company when someone died suddenly while working overtime, so Dai Jing had to go back to the company for a meeting.Gao Yuxuan's mother posted in the group that a student had cancer and wanted parents to pay attention to their children's health issues, and started a discussion based on this incident.

《Happy Parents》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Happy Parents Episode 29 Synopsis: Jing Tingting’s Love Donation Controversy

Gao Yuxuan's mother wanted to make parents pay attention to their children's health, and she also wanted to take the initiative to organize and ask parents to make a charity donation. After the news was sent out for a while, it seemed like nothing happened.When Gao Yuxuan's mother heard that the parents were very suspicious, she quickly said that all the fifth and sixth grade students had donated money, implying that parents should actively participate in this matter and not react passively.Liu Shangshang looked at the news in the group and felt that it was originally a good thing, but what Gao Yuxuan's mother said turned out to be a bit different.Dai Jing called her husband to tell her that she was a little hesitant. She suddenly felt that they both worked there often and they should pay attention to exercise, otherwise they would be like this employee.

When Dai Jing saw the news in the group, she thought it would be better to continue to wait and see and see the opinions of other parents.Grandma recently felt that something was wrong with her husband. She was playing with her mobile phone and secretly hiding it. There must be something going on and she decided to find evidence to silence her husband.Gao Yuxuan's mother felt that the people in the parent group were not good people. When asked about donating money together, they all kept silent. They didn't take themselves seriously.Gao Yuxuan's mother also took advantage of the situation and sent a text message, deliberately touching the mother who was in the first grade of junior high school.

Yang Mingbiao went to the hospital for a physical examination and found out that he had three high blood pressure and was a little unhappy.Yang Mingbiao felt a little bit sick and decided to ask his wife to donate money.Jing Tingting generously donated 300 without thinking.Parents saw someone stepping forward, so they also donated money.Tang Xiaowei felt that there was moral kidnapping in the group. After receiving Ma Yingjie's call, she thought she would wait and see before making a decision.Dai Jing felt that this matter was quite difficult for Gao Yuxuan's mother.Jiang Feihu's mother called Dai Jing and felt a little distressed that the one or two hundred she earned was just hard-earned money.Tang Xiaowei asked Liu Xiang whether they would donate or not.

Ding Ding felt that the company wanted to count all the compensation amount on the employees this time, which was a bit objectionable.Other employees were supportive of the donation.My grandpa followed her grandpa when she went shopping in the supermarket. She felt that something was wrong with her husband recently. She was beaten and found that her husband was missing.Gao Yuxuan's mother registered all the money donated by parents and posted it in the group, which made Xiao Jiarui's mother mock those who donated less.Tang Xiaowei couldn't help but criticize Xiao Jiarui's mother in the group for showing off her wealth.

Jiang Feihu's mother said that Xiao Jiarui's mother did not necessarily donate more than the first-year mother.This sentence obviously aroused Xiao Jiarui's mother's desire to win. The first-grade mother and Xiao Jiarui's mother rushed to make additional donations in the group.Ding Ding secretly reported it to the company and did not want to donate.Dai Jing was furious when she learned the news while eating.Ding Ding calmly admitted what he had done.Dai Jing felt that it was embarrassing for Ding Ding to complain beyond his level and have no emotional intelligence in the workplace.Tintin feels that he must follow his own wishes and not be kidnapped by morality.

Gao Yuxuan's mother saw the commotion among the parents and hurriedly came out to maintain order. She also thought Liu Xiang was pushy, but he has become much more honest recently. It turns out that the family has no money.Liu Xiangshang asked Liu Guoning about the truth about the donation. After learning the truth, he told everyone in the group the truth.Gao Yuxuan's mother was the first to deny it.Everyone in the group is supporting Liu Xiang.After Gao Yuxuan's mother came back and heard what her child said, she quickly apologized to everyone in the group.

Liu Xiangxiang felt that Ding Ding was right to do this. Donation was voluntary in the first place.Dai Jing felt that everything her husband said made sense.Dai Jing investigated and found out that none of the employees were willing to make forced donations. She also learned that Ding Ding had gone to the head office and hurried back to the head office.Ding Ding found Mr. Qin, and Dai Jing also said that this was their collective idea.Mr. Qin also apologized to the employee, saying that it was originally a thing of love, but he forced them to do it forcefully. The injured employee has been determined to be compensated by the industrial and commercial company.Ding Ding was very grateful to Dai Jing.

Liu Guoning was playing games and wanted the latest skins. He thought hard and brought his father a cup of tea, hoping to get him to buy equipment for him.Liu Shang made a bet with his son that if his son improved in the final exam, he would buy the most expensive skin.Liu Guoning decided to fight for her skin.Grandma disguised herself and followed grandpa to buy groceries. The journey was mysterious and obscene.Grandma saw her husband chatting happily with a woman in the distance, which was a bit interesting.

《Happy Parents》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Happy Parents Episode 30 Synopsis: Ding Ding and Hu Jin want to be a store manager

Grandpa was watching videos with gusto, and there was fruit beside him. He was living a good life. When he saw his wife coming back, grandpa quickly put away his phone, as if it was some secret.Grandma held the hairpin in her hand and kept showing off that she had bought a child's hairpin, without even asking for change.The grandfather pretended not to understand what his wife said, and said that if he wanted, he would buy a lot of them online in the future.Liu Guoning wanted to defraud his sister of her pocket money to buy skin. What he didn't expect was that her sister had become smarter now.

Dai Jing heard her mother say that her father was confused with others outside and refused to negotiate the price when buying groceries. It was a bit strange. It felt like someone was outside.Dai Jing wanted her husband to find out what her father was doing. When she saw that her husband wanted to write this matter into the script, she hurriedly scolded him that the family scandal should not be made public.Liu Xiangshang followed his father-in-law to the vegetable market. When he saw his father-in-law buying toys for the stall owner, he felt that it was a bit abnormal.Tang Xiaowei called Ma Yingjie to ask about the investment. She felt that the other party had obviously promised to invest in her husband, but now he had to proceed slowly. She was very suspicious that the girl had confessed to her husband, and after being rejected, she wanted to treat her coldly and did not want to invest anymore.Ma Yingjie felt that his ex-wife was trying to seize the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart, but the other party had never thought of it this way.

Dai Jing felt that Liu Shangshang's change of attitude was a bit inexplicable and he said that his father was fine.Tang Xiaowei came to Yang Mingbiao and asked him to help introduce some resources to Ma Yingjie and invest in Ma Yingjie's project.Yang Mingbiao happened to have a few investment friends who could help. Tang Xiaowei was very grateful to Yang Mingbiao and the others.Liu Guoning wanted to change his skin but had no money, so Ma Ziheng came up with an idea and asked his brother to crowdfund it.Ma Yingjie didn't want his ex-wife to help him, and he didn't want outsiders to think that he was a soft-boiled person. He must show maturity in the early stages and not let anyone find fault with him.Tang Xiaowei feels happy that Ma Yingjie is growing up now.

Liu Guoning came back and tricked his sister into transferring gold coins to him to exchange for skins first. He also asked Chu Yi to give him 6 yuan to buy skins. Finally, he still didn't give up and asked his uncle to help him too.Grandma noticed that grandpa was very happy when he went shopping for groceries, so she felt that her husband was a bit shameless.Liu Guoning's crowdfunding was very attractive and attracted many children.Hu Jin felt that he might be the store manager after Dai Jing left.Dai Jing wanted to ask Ding Ding if she went back to the main store, would she go back with him?Ding Ding thinks he can compete for the position of store manager.The company is now quickly divided into two waves of forces in order to rise to the top.

Liu Xiangshang heard Xu Mengyao's mother say that her daughter was doing some kind of crowdfunding at school, so she could play games and pass the exams.Liu Xiangshang quickly found his daughter and wanted to ask the matter clearly.After Liu Xiangshang learned that it was his son, he received a call from his son's class teacher and hurried to school.Ding Ding and Hu Jin quarreled over the position of store manager.Dai Jing was also very angry.Ma Ziheng took the initiative to admit to his mother that he had made a bad idea, which has now led to many consequences.After Liu Xiangshang heard Teacher Li's analysis, he was furious and felt that he was about to have a heart attack. He must teach this ghost kid a lesson when he went back.

Grandma suddenly saw her husband holding a green onion and eating her pussy with a smile. She felt that something must be going on. When she saw her husband stopping her, she even felt that there was some ulterior secret between her husband and this woman.Liu Shang went home and wanted to beat his son violently.When Dai Jing came back and saw her husband beating her son and asked why, she felt that her husband was right. When she was about to help her husband, her parents had a conflict again, and Dai Jing hurried to stop him.Liu Xiangshang was also confused.Liu Guobao heard a quarrel at home and quickly asked Ma Zihang about the situation there.

Tang Xiaowei brought her children to Dai Jing's house to apologize.Tang Xiaowei told Dai Jing that Xiaoqin wanted to return the money to their grandfather. After hearing this, he refused to hear his son-in-law's request to explain the whole story clearly to avoid conflicts.After Tang Xiaowei explained to them, everyone in the family agreed with the master's approach.Liu Xiang explained to his family that he actually knew the inside story and he wanted to write a better script so he didn't expose it.Liu Guoning saw that the problem between the adults was resolved, and he was doomed.When Tang Xiaowei heard that Ma Yingjie had raised money, she wondered whether he had listened to his son and also went to crowdfunding.

Dai Jing came back and told the employees that she would stay in this store for another half year. After that, the employees were stunned. They originally thought that they could be the store manager, but now their plans have been ruined.

《Happy Parents》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Happy Parents Episode 31 Synopsis: Teacher Liu Guobao’s home visit

Liu Guoning came to school with a card and wanted to exchange it with his friends. He was discovered by other students, who wanted to report him.Liu Guoning felt that it didn't matter. Anyway, his parents were on a business trip and had nothing to do with him.Dai Jing and Liu Xiangshang were not feeling well. They were both lying at home with colds. They did not dare to approach their son when they saw him. They felt that his son was a little filial, but not much.Liu Guoning was even more confident now, thinking that it would be impossible to call his parents. What he didn't expect was that the teacher was going to visit his home. He felt like a bolt from the blue and couldn't believe it.

Liu Guoning told the children that home visits were scary, and that the teacher might give more details, which made the children in the first grade of junior high school feel very nervous.When Liu Guoning came back and saw that his father had completely recovered from the cold, he was very nervous and hurriedly took his sister and hid.Liu Xiangshang always felt that these two children had some secrets they were hiding from him and must be playing some tricks.Liu Guoning was a little worried. He felt that his sister was only in the first grade and there was nothing serious about it, but he was different.

Liu Guoning got up in the middle of the night and secretly ate iced watermelon in order to prevent a home visit in order to have diarrhea.During the silent writing session the next day, after Liu Guoning fell asleep and was patted by the teacher, he told my friend that he had eaten a watermelon yesterday. Instead of having diarrhea, he had frequent urination. He kept going to the toilet and didn't sleep well all night.Dai Jing was about to go on a business trip and quickly told the clerk that someone from the head office would come to inspect and cheer them up.Ding Ding and Hu Jin thought that just when the store manager was leaving, they could act for the store manager Dai Jing and decided to split their rights into two, and it would be most appropriate to hand them over to these two people respectively.Ding Ding suddenly felt a little disappointed.

Dai Jing wants to wait until the teacher comes to visit her home before going on a business trip.Dai Bing was a little annoyed when his mother kept urging him to go on a blind date. He was even more annoyed when he heard that his news was posted on the blind date website, but he was still forced to listen to his elders and go to the blind date corner to go on a blind date.Dai Bing was very angry. The people his parents found were not in line with his expectations at all.Ding Ding heard that Hu Jin was wearing small shoes for Miaomiao, and went to find Manager Hu to settle the account in person.Hu Jin didn't expect that little girl Pianzi would play the game of revenge with him.

Ding Ding and Hu Jin were secretly competing with each other. It was difficult for Hu Jin to be angry and put a certain amount of pressure on him.When Ding Ding and Hu Jin heard that an inspector was coming from the head office, they all wanted to get rid of this inspector so that they might have a chance to be promoted.Fifteen felt that it was unreliable for Liu Guoning to come to see her, so she should let him conduct a home visit.Liu Guoning pretended to be sick, but he didn't expect that his sister was also sick. His father also revealed that he was pretending to be sick.

Liu Guoning was very nervous when he saw Teacher Li coming.Both Liu Xiang and Dai Jing had something to do, and the teacher was absent-minded when talking about the child.Ding Ding, Hu Jin and a group of people did not notice the inspector and misidentified other people. The inspector thought that their bonuses were pending.When Teacher Li saw that Liu Guoning's parents were not willing to communicate with him, he left angrily.Jing Tingting dressed up her home beautifully to welcome the teacher.Teacher Wang was a little frightened when he saw the mayor.Liu Xiangshang quickly urged Jing Tingting to let Teacher Wang finish the conversation and leave quickly. He was in the middle of a meeting.

Dai Bing happened to arrive at his brother-in-law's house and heard that his brother-in-law asked him to help his niece welcome her parents. Dai Bing was reluctant at first, but after knowing that his brother-in-law was busy, he reluctantly agreed.When Dai Bing saw how good-looking Teacher Wang was, he was immediately dumbfounded and gentlemanly let Teacher Wang into the room.As if on a blind date, Dai Bing kept asking Teacher Wang personal questions, which made Teacher Wang a little uncomfortable.Dai Bing felt that Liu Guoning was really a little too annoyed at this time.Liu Guoning saw that his uncle wanted to treat Teacher Wang as his aunt, and he was a little dumbfounded.

《Happy Parents》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Happy Parents Episode 32 plot introduction: Liu Guoning and Liu Guobao quarrel

Dai Jing changed her ticket again and hurried back. She felt that this was her daughter's first home visit and she must not miss it.Liu Xiangxiang calmly told Dai Jing that Teacher Wang had arrived in advance. Dai Bing received Teacher Wang for him. Dai Jing heard his son say that his daughter had many problems. Liu Xiangxiang felt that his son had been abandoned.With things like this, I can't get through this day.Dai Jing complained to her husband that something like this happened just two days after her business trip. Fortunately, Mr. Qin proved it for herself, otherwise she would have no excuse.Liu Xiangshang saw Xu Mengyao's mother posting her ovulation period in the group on his mobile phone, and guessed that Xu Mengyao's mother must have sent the message to the wrong group.Dai Jing watched her husband laughing at Xu Mengyao. Her mother felt that her husband had a wrong mentality. It was not easy for a woman to have a busy career and have children at the same time.Liu Xiangshang quickly explained that he did not mean to be sarcastic.Gao Yuxuan's mother felt that Xu Mengyao's mother was too embarrassed, so she took the initiative to relieve her embarrassment.

Jing Tingting muttered, Xu Mengyao's mother is not young anymore, why is she thinking of having a second child?The junior high school student next to me heard this and wanted her mother to have a second child as she liked her younger siblings.Dai Jing returned to the company and told these employees that the inspector's rating was the worst. During the two days she was on the business trip, the employees were acting like a palace drama. She felt that the two of them still needed to show some magnanimity and leadership skills.Make your own decision.

Dai Jing saw that the two people's reviews were the same and felt that they had a tacit understanding. Unexpectedly, the two people quarreled in front of him again.Dai Jing told these two people that the head office had sent a second round of inspectors and asked these two people to quickly show their ability to turn the tide, otherwise there would be no cure.Ding Ding and Hu Jin put aside their calculations and were very polite, which made the employees feel chills in their backs.Dai Bing wanted Liu Guobao to help him make an appointment with Teacher Wang to come here to work out, and he also took the initiative to tell his brother-in-law that he wanted to pick Liu Guobao up from school.

Liu Guoning was very angry when she helped Liu Guobao with his homework. Recently, these two little bullies kept arguing at home, and grandma and grandpa felt that something was wrong.It was only after Dai Jing came back that these two mythical beasts were restrained.Dai Jing asked her husband why these two mythical beasts are quarreling every day now?Listening to her husband's analysis, one is in the rebellious stage and the other is in the growth stage. It is easy for two people to quarrel when they are together. Dai Jing thinks that she should find a way to treat these two people.Jing Tingting is pregnant with her second child, and Yang Mingbiao is very happy.

Jing Tingting told her sisters that she was worried about the child's health.Dai Jing felt there was no need to worry.Hu Jin and the others felt that every employee was on patrol and kept tense all day long.Tintin is no exception here.Liu Xiangshang saw the two people quarreling all day long and had a headache. He wanted to ask his brother to give way to his sister, but the result was that his brother was still full of grievances.Dai Jing listened to her son complaining that her husband was not his biological father.Dai Jing advised her husband not to be too partial to his daughter, otherwise he would spoil her. He should be reasonable and present evidence in front of the facts.

Liu Xiangshang hurriedly came to ask the teacher how to take care of these two children.Teacher Li feels that it is better for children to deal with such emotional feelings on their own, and it is best for parents not to interfere.Fifteen heard that Jiaqi felt redundant because she had a younger brother. Fifteen was also afraid that she would become the redundant one. As soon as she got home, she heard that Aunt Ting was pregnant, and she was very angry.

When Liu Guobao and Ma Ziheng went shopping together, they were robbed by seniors. At the critical moment, Liu Guoning took action and took his sister.Just when my grandfather came out and saw his grandson being wronged, he took two people and drove those bad boys away.Liu Guoning and Liu Guobao turned their hostility into friendship again.Tang Xiaowei also praised her son for doing a great job today. Boys should protect girls outside.When Ma Yingjie heard that his son was injured, he quickly called a few people to beat him.

Ma Yingjie bought the house next to his ex-wife on the pretext that it was convenient for work.Tang Xiaowei was actually very happy in her heart.When Fifteen heard Aunt Ting talking about children with her master, she was actually a little bit disgusted. When she returned to school, she heard Jiaqi say the same thing, which brought her into that scene. Fifteen was even more afraid that she would be ignored like this..When Ding, Ding, and Hu Jin saw a customer who seemed to be looking for trouble in the store, they quickly changed their attitudes and thought it was an inspector.

《Happy Parents》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

Happy Parents Episode 33 plot introduction: Fifteen ran away from home and was found

Ding Ding quickly explained to the customer that it might be because the customer's mother accidentally set the sound of the cat's meow as the startup sound, so that the phone would be turned on in the middle of the night, successfully solving the problem.Dai Jing was very pleased to see that the employees in the store worked together to solve the problem and restored the previous harmony and vitality, and told them that she had lied to them that the inspector was coming for the second time.

Ding, Ding, and Hu Jin suddenly looked like frustrated rubber balls and encouraged them. The first time they had given the inspector a bad impression, they could only win the bonus by working harder. Before they could finish speaking, they heard the twoThe individual continues to complain.When Liu Guoning returned home, he saw his parents squatting there like door gods, waiting for him to question him. Liu Guoning tried his best to make excuses with himself, got angry and went back to the room to throw the basketball, which shocked the bookshelf.The plaque above was beaten by my parents.

Liu Guobao did not escape the clutches of his grandma. He continued to practice dancing, but could not keep up with the rhythm. This made his always face-conscious grandma feel very embarrassed. When he returned home, he kept asking his granddaughter to press her legs.Liu Guobao told his grandma that he had been studying very hard.Grandma happened to see her son-in-law and persuaded her son-in-law not to let her granddaughter learn Taekwondo anymore, otherwise the bones would become hard. However, seeing that her son-in-law did not speak up for her, she suddenly felt that this son-in-law was not living up to expectations.

Jing Tingting had a bad temper because of her pregnancy, and Yang Mingbiao also patiently accepted his wife's anger.When I came back on the 15th, I heard Yang Mingbiao constantly setting new rules for himself. Thinking of the situation of his classmates, he suddenly felt a little angry and retorted that his father did not deserve to have another child.Yang Mingbiao couldn't help but slap his son.Liu Guobao's painful voice kept echoing around the house, and his grandmother kept pressing it to suppress her body.

Seeing her husband going out to rescue her daughter, Dai Jing quickly stopped her and told her daughter to suffer a little. She felt very distressed and couldn't stand the sound, so she quickly got some cotton for her husband to stuff his ears.Yang Mingbiao sat there and kept thinking about himself and regretted that he spanked his son. However, listening to his wife complaining about spanking his son, Yang Mingbiao also felt angry but did not trigger it.Jing Tingting thought that if she could, she would be fine if she didn't want the child. She wanted to chat with Shishi again, but she didn't expect that Shishi was not at home.Jing Tingting regretted that she had not noticed Shi Shi's mood these days as she kept welcoming the arrival of the new child.

Liu Guoning deceived his sister out of her money. Liu Guobao called for his father to support him. Liu Xiangshang felt that he could no longer control his son.Liu Guoning suddenly felt a little out of favor, and couldn't accept it for a while.

When Liu Guoning saw that his father wanted to play with him for real and leave the future focus to his sister, it was fake that he didn't feel a sense of gap in his heart.Yang Mingbiao felt very guilty. When he received a call from his son, he was very anxious to learn that his son was missing.Liu Guoning wanted to ask Fifteen how he could become the hope of the whole family. He wanted to ask Fifteen how he could become the hope of the whole family.Liu Guoning asked Ma Ziheng if there was anything that could make him the hope of his family. After hearing Ma Ziheng's false words, he decided to take Uncle Ma's advice and go to the temple to pay homage.

Fifteen still couldn't be found, and Jing Tingting and Yang Mingbiao felt as if the sky was falling.Yang Mingbiao couldn't help crying.Liu Guobao rebelled against his grandma and wanted his uncle to stop pressing his legs. Unexpectedly, his uncle didn't do anything, so he wanted to go on a hunger strike to protest his grandma's request.Dai Bing felt that he came at the wrong time. He originally wanted to ask about Teacher Wang, but now it seems that he doesn't have time.

Shen Yue hurried back to China, feeling that her ex-husband was really a scum who could not even look down on his son.On the first day of junior high school, I told my parents that my brother actually sent me messages every day.Shen Yue used her junior high school phone watch to call her son to find out some information, and followed the clues to find her son.Liu Guoning wanted to borrow his sister's pocket money, and Liu Guobao asked his brother to write an IOU and fingerprint it.Liu Guoning secretly took away her schoolbag under the pretext of taking out the trash, asked her friends for some snacks, and decided to go to the temple to pay homage.

When Fifteen saw his parents coming to see him, he immediately didn't want to see them.Yang Mingbiao apologized to his son in front of his classmates and asked his son to go home.Zheng Jiaqi also persuaded Shi Shi to go home. In fact, it was because her little brother was sick a few days ago that she neglected her.Fifteen felt that Zheng Jiaqi was a traitor, and then rushed out of the door. When he saw Aunt Ting and Chu Yi hugging him and letting him go home, Fifteen felt an inexplicable sense of belonging in his heart.

Liu Guobao fainted and fell to the ground during dance practice and was rushed to the hospital. His grandma was also frightened and decided not to force her granddaughter to do things she didn't like. She listened to her grandpa's idea and pressed her legs.Liu Guoning was reduced to picking up trash while visiting a temple and was discovered by Ma Ziheng's family.

《Happy Parents》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

Happy Parents Episode 34 Synopsis: Teacher Dai Bing and Wang are together

While worshiping at the temple, Liu Guoning ran out of money and had no choice but to pick up rubbish in exchange for money. Ma Ziheng's family found out and took him away.

Liu Guoning saw the serious expressions on his parents' faces and quickly explained that when he got on the bus, he accidentally fell asleep and left his bag on the bus. When he woke up, he found that he had already stopped, so I got off the bus.I was very hungry when I was there. I ate at McDonald's and spent too much money. I had no choice but to pick up garbage on the road.Liu Xiangshang didn't understand what his son wanted to do by traveling so far away.Liu Guoning told his father that he wanted to be the hope in the family. When he heard his father say that if you work hard at home, you can become the hope, he seemed to understand something.

After Yang Mingbiao watched his son go out, he happily took his parents with him and wanted to cook for his wife himself. After being rejected, when he wanted to play ball, he saw a lawyer outside his house who was entrusted by his ex-wife to let his son stay with his ex-wife.Dai Bing was called to his home and looked a little strange at the secrets of the people at home.Dai Jing told her mother that her brother seemed to be in love, but it was not the time yet to ask her brother.Liu Xiangshang didn't know that his family was secretly investigating his brother-in-law's affairs. He directly asked his brother-in-law if he was in love recently, and he made it clear.Dai Bing then realized that people at home asked him to come back, and it turned out that they had such thoughts. He told his family with a happy face that he would bring his girlfriend home on Sunday for everyone to take a look.

When Liu Xiangxiang sat down to prepare for creation, he received a call from Jing Tingting, saying that Lao Yang had been arrested at the police station. He heard that Lao Yang was arrested after beating up a lawyer. He felt that Lao Yang had a really hot temper., such a big person has not changed at all.Liu Xiangshang also felt that a lawsuit would be very harmful to the child, so it was better to sit down and talk calmly.Jing Tingting feels that Liu Xiangshang is very suitable to be a negotiator.

When Liu Xiang heard Shen Yue said that her son wanted to live with her, she didn't know what to do and quickly told Lao Yang.On Sunday, Teacher Wang followed Dai Bing to his home. The family was very happy and kept serving tea and water. Grandma did not expect that she was her son's girlfriend.Liu Guoning told her sister that now Teacher Wang would have a miserable life as her aunt and sister. If she did something wrong, she would not be punished.Dai Bing and his girlfriend fell in love at first sight, and he wanted to get the support of his family. Everyone in his family liked Teacher Wang and raised their hands in approval.Liu Xiangxiang felt that whether his brother-in-law's relationship was good or bad was because he put his daughter on the fire.

When he returned home on the 15th, Lao Yang praised his son enthusiastically and even emptied his son's shopping cart.Yang Shiwu actually knew that his father was doing this to save him, but he felt that he didn't understand his mother, so it was better to live with her for a while.Liu Xiangshang saw what was being said in the parent group about the possibility of favoritism between Teacher Wang and his students' parents. Tang Xiaowei quickly called Dai Jing to tell them that Gao Yuxuan's mother had invited another group to talk about this.When it comes to gossiping, I act as a spy in the group and wait and see what they are chatting about.

Yang Mingbiao was very unsure when he heard that his son was going to live with Shen Yue for a while, and was afraid that Shen Yue would take away his son.After learning that Liu Guobao won the award, people in the group made even more sarcastic remarks. Dai Jing tried to force the talkative parents in the group to finally dare not speak out.Fifteen lived with her mother for a day and suddenly discovered that her mother was a person who could not take care of herself and could not rely on her for anything.Shen Yue was very touched that her son could take care of himself when he grew up.

Teacher Chen went to Teacher Wang and asked whether Teacher Wang was in a relationship with the parents of the students in the class.Teacher Wang feels that although she is in love, she is not partial to anyone.Teacher Wang felt a little uncomfortable and felt it was too irritating, so she explained to the parents seriously in the group.Gao Yuxuan's mother created a new second-grade group and wanted to select class leaders in advance. In fact, Gao Yuxuan's mother felt guilty because it was Teacher Wang who reported her.

After fifteen made the final decision to choose his father, he knew that after these days of observation, he found that his mother did not want to be restrained and liked to be alone.Shen Yue was very moved and could only understand herself, but as a mother, she felt like a failure.Fifteen feels that Aunt Ting and her father are actually very good to her, and she finally understands why her father divorced her mother.When Liu Guoning returned home, he told my mother that his head teacher was related to Teacher Wang, so he couldn't help but feel very sad.

Liu Xiangxiang feels that today's children are very involved and all have talents. He feels that these platforms are over-consuming children and no longer look like children.Liu Xiangxiang believes that children should have a happy childhood. Eating and drinking silly is also a happy blessing.Teacher Wang sent a message to Gao Yuxuan's mother, asking her to urge the children to report their talents.

《Happy Parents》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Happy Parents Episode 35 Synopsis: Children show skills

After receiving Teacher Wang's instructions, Gao Yuxuan's mother devoted herself to bringing glory to the school. She asked other parents and children in the group to prepare their specialties, and even gave up helping her children with their homework.

Liu Xiangxiang felt that the children in the school were all about singing and dancing, with no special features at all. He wanted to inspire the two children to prepare some special programs, but he was a little disappointed when he saw the children's innocent faces and said that everything else would not be the same..Dai Jing felt that the children were so young, how could they have any talents, or that her husband had too high expectations for his children.On the first day of junior high school, I was very happy to hear that Teacher Hong asked me to draw and said that I could participate in the competition. I quickly wanted to go home and share the news with my mother. Jing Tingting ignored her daughter's feelings because she was a little uncomfortable with the pregnancy.

When Yang Mingbiao came back, he was very happy that he had signed a large business deal.On the first day of junior high school, I wanted to draw a family portrait, and wanted the whole family to be together, but when I saw that my parents didn't want to cooperate with me, I felt a little sad.Liu Guoning wanted to perform a chest-breaking act. When he saw Lao Yan holding a cutting board for him to perform, Liu Guoning punched the cutting board without hesitation. His hand was very painful when he was touched. He looked at his sister who was laughing at him even more.It is angry.On the first day of junior high school, I wanted to invite my brother to participate in my painting homework, but he was rejected.

When Gao Yuxuan's mother was cooking, she always paid attention to the news in the group and wanted to shine.Ma Yingjie also wanted to participate in this event. After being laughed at in the early stage, he decided to show his wife a certificate of achievement and took the initiative to send a text message saying that he wanted to help. Teacher Wang said that there were enough people.

Liu Guobao finally chose to perform magic and show it in front of his family.Liu Guoning complained that the magic performed by his sister was too fake and too obvious.Liu Guoning performed the role of breaking rocks, but was ridiculed by her sister for not being very creative.In the first year of junior high school, I wanted to ask people at home to help me complete this painting, but everyone at home seemed to have something to do.Teacher Wang felt that there was something wrong with the paintings he drew in the first grade of junior high school, so he came over for a home visit.Jing Tingting suddenly realized that people at home paid little attention to her children, and she felt very guilty, so she quickly apologized to her children.

Jing Tingting showed her child's words to her husband, and felt helpless when she heard her husband's explanation.Liu Guoning and Liu Guobao were competing in a magic contest at home, and they were determined to fight to the death.Liu Guoning started to perform again, but found that his partner was locked outside by his sister. The two were about to fight, but his grandfather hurriedly stopped him.

The teacher encouraged me to go back in the first year of junior high school to gather with the whole family and draw the family portrait.But when I returned home on the first day of junior high school, I was very disappointed. There were not all the people at home. How could I draw a family portrait?The whole family made an appointment to come back to the first grade of junior high school to complete this family portrait. The first grade of junior high school was very happy.

Finally, with the efforts of the whole family, Chu Yi finished painting this family portrait, and it was completed successfully.Seeing that everyone at home was tired and sleepy, the first day of the month covered them with quilts, and the family slept together. This scene was very warm.

Ma Yingjie originally signed up to help, but something unexpected happened and he had to let the early stage take over.Tang Xiaowei saw that the parents who came to help were even worse than herself.In the first grade of junior high school, I won the first prize in the school.

The children all showed off their skills one after another, and everyone felt very happy. Parents suddenly realized that their children have a lot of potential.Tang Xiaowei is treated attentively by some parents because of her good figure.

Liu Guobao and the others were going to play basketball, but they were injured by the grandmothers standing in the square dancing.Dai Jing looked at Jing Tingting's big belly and decided to go to the square for her.

《Happy Parents》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

Happy Parents Episode 36 Synopsis: Yang Mingbiao was raped online

Dai Jing and Tang Xiaowei went to the square to argue with the dancing aunt about being hit in the first grade of junior high school, but were forced to leave due to their lack of quality.

The property management people are also very worried about these aunties, who are so slippery that they can't be caught, and they sneak in while delivering food or other people are coming in.

Seeing that his daughter was so seriously injured, Yang Mingbiao angrily came to the square to argue with those people.Jing Tingting looked like something was wrong, so she quickly called Liu Xiangshang.The video of Yang Mingbiao beating the old lady was posted online, and the two of them were even arrested at the police station. Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and everyone felt that the man named Yang was a bit too immoral.

Liu Xiangxiang felt that those people on the Internet were really spreading rumors for free, and the scolding was simply too harsh. It was clearly malicious editing that caused such a disturbance.

Gao Yuxuan's mother also felt that Yang Mingbiao had gone too far due to this video, and everyone in the parent group was unanimously discussing the first-grade parents.Tang Xiaowei and the others couldn't stand it any longer, so they helped the people in Chu's family speak in the group. However, these parents had a large number of people, and they were leading a very fast pace, so the group exploded.Yang Mingbiao was kicked out of the group.

Liu Xiangxiang also felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother and others did more excessive things than the trolls on the Internet.These words on the Internet let the children know that they were bullied in school in the first year of junior high school.

Liu Guobao and Ziheng helped Chu Yi speak.Yang Mingbiao looked at the people who came to talk to his door and felt unforgivable, and wanted to step forward to argue.Liu Shangshang quickly pulled him back.Xiao Jiarui's mother was very angry. Her son was scratched by Liu Guobao and was arguing in the group.Dai Jing also felt that those people were disgusting and directly confronted them.

There is also a fierce backlash in the parents' group of parents, and they are targeting people in Liu Guobao and Chu's family.When Jing Tingting heard that her husband wanted to drag her into the group, she decisively refused. As a mother, she wanted to stay in the group and monitor the situation at all times to prevent her daughter from getting hurt.Tang Xiaowei was harassed by the mysterious WeChat person.

Dai Jing returned to the company and was questioned by the employees again. She was furious for a while.Dai Jing was also criticized by Qin Ying. Ding Ding felt that he couldn't bear it anymore and should find some Internet trolls to kill those people.Dai Jing feels that this should not be done.

In the first grade of junior high school, I was very distressed. My classmates all said that I was a child from a barbaric family, and my friends were also harmed.Jing Tingting knew that her daughter had been wronged at school, so she could only patiently comfort her daughter.Liu Guobao was isolated by his classmates because he helped the first year of junior high school. He couldn't even borrow an eraser.Teacher Wang also knows that the children in the class have been divided into two groups because of the video, which has escalated the class conflicts.Xiao Jiarui's mother immediately said sourly that Teacher Wang didn't speak out when her child was injured at first. Now that Liu Guobao has a problem, Teacher Wang hurriedly spoke in the group.

Liu Xiang's family was filled with gloom and gloom, and everyone was holding their mobile phones to explain to the people around them.Liu Guoning made an appointment with Fifteen Ma Ziheng. Fifteen felt that the evidence should be found and handed over to the police first in order to exonerate the parents.The aunts started dancing in the square again, playing loudly and throwing rubbish.The Fifteenth Commander instigated Liu Guoning and Ma Ziheng to expose the ugly faces of the old ladies and record their faces.Suddenly, the comments on the Internet reversed, and those Internet trolls began to shift their positions again, trolling those square dancing ladies.

Liu Guoning told Liu Xiangxiang and the fifteenth-century parents about the ideas they had given them, and the parents suddenly felt that they had underestimated their children.

The aunts continued to dance in the square, but were arrested by the police, and the community finally became quiet.After Yang Mingbiao saw that he had been wronged, he suddenly felt that it was really uncomfortable to be wronged.

Dai Jing saw Gao Yuxuan's mother quietly pulling back the people who had been kicked out, so she questioned the parents in the group who acted according to the prevailing situation. Those parents were too discouraged to speak.

Xiao Jiarui's mother looked at the people in the group who came to attack her one after another. Those people who were dealt with were really just grassroots.The children in the class also knew that they had wronged them in the first grade of junior high school, so they took the initiative to show their kindness. The first grade students in the junior high school accepted the confession of their mistakes generously.In this way, a group of energy formed in the class again, and Teacher Wang finally felt relieved.

When Tang Xiaowei was preparing to cook, she saw the perverted man texting herself again.Tang Xiaowei deleted the harassing man, but was threatened. Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to compromise and meet the man.

《Happy Parents》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

Happy Parents Episode 37 Synopsis: Liu Xiangshang designs to catch perverts

Tang Xiaowei looked for the man who was harassing her, but when she saw Dai Bing, she immediately excused herself and left.

Tang Xiaowei saw that the man next to the WeChat group said that there were too many acquaintances at the date place. After the next date, she guessed that the man must be acquainted with Teacher Wang or someone else.What Tang Xiaowei didn't know was that the WeChat chat records had been spread to the group, and parents were talking about it in the group.

Dai Jing saw that the picture was blurry, but anyone with a discerning eye would know it was Ma Ziheng's mother.Dai Jing believes that Tang Xiaowei is definitely not the kind of woman who flirts with others.Yang Mingbiao told Jing Tingting that it was obvious that the housewives in these groups had regarded Tang Xiaowei as their husband's lover and even their imaginary enemy.Tang Xiaowei was in a bad mood. Dai Jing came and saw that she was not in good condition and quickly asked Ma Ziheng to sleep at his home.

Xiao Jiarui's mother kept complaining about Tang Xiaowei in the group. Yang Mingbiao felt that Xiao Jiarui's mother was really such a bitch, so she criticized her in the group.Jing Tingting knew that her husband had obviously jumped into the hole dug by Xiao Jiarui's mother, and it was too late to say anything now.Tang Xiaowei thought about it carefully and felt that there was a very attentive parent who helped in the class that day, and it might be that parent.Liu Xiangshang felt that he didn't look like Gao Yuxuan's father. After all, Gao Yuxuan's father had a treacherous heart but not the courage.Tang Xiaowei also felt that Zhou Wenhan's father was a little strange. There were many suspects now, and there was no way to confirm which person it was.

Liu Xiangxiang felt that if the person wanted Tang Xiaowei to get into trouble, he must calm down and let the person come out.Gao Yuxuan's mother set up a separate mothers' group, looking like a clique, and did not involve Ma Ziheng's mother.Jing Tingting heard that Gao Yuxuan's mother suspected that there was something going on between her husband and Tang Xiaowei, and felt that these women were really sick.Dai Jing felt that waiting to see what happened and letting Lao Yang keep a low profile for a few days would help Tang Xiaowei delay thinking of a solution.

Dai Jing saw Gao Yuxuan's mother constantly encouraging her to post messages in the group, and felt that this woman was really very scheming.Gao Yuxuan's mother saw that she failed to arouse the emotions of those people and felt that those people had no sense of social responsibility.Tang Xiaowei has now crossed the river and cannot save herself. Ma Yingjie came back at this time and knew that his ex-wife was unhappy.Ma Yingjie firmly believed that his ex-wife was not that kind of person.Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to solve it by herself, but the other party threatened her. After Ma Yingjie heard this, he gritted his teeth and wanted to find that person and fight.

It was a lie that Tang Xiaowei was not moved when she heard Ma Yingjie say that he believed in her 100%.Ma Yingjie confidently said that he would handle this matter well.Ma Yingjie felt that his speech in the group was neither humble nor arrogant, and it was good to be reasonable and well-founded.After Liu Xiangshang saw this speech, he felt that Ma Yingjie was still too young.When Ma Yingjie saw his ex-wife looking very angry, he never thought that he had done something wrong with his good intentions.

Gao Yuxuan's mother secretly held small gatherings and formed cliques, trying to isolate Tang Xiaowei's family.When Teacher Wang saw Gao Yuxuan's mother like this, she felt like she was fighting a class enemy.When Ma Ziheng came to school, no one paid attention to him, and no one even said hello. He lay on the table next to him in despair, secretly outside alone.

Liu Guobao, Liu Guoning, Jiang Feihu and several other children came to play with Ma Ziheng.Liu Xiangxiang felt that this person was a habitual parent offender, and he followed the clues and found this very suspicious person in the group of parents raising their sons.Three men prepare to outwit the gangster.

Dai Jingjing and Tingting invited the parents in to let them watch the show.Jing Tingting told these mothers to catch perverts live.Tintin dresses up to attract this pervert.

Ding Ding watched the pervert doing something to him, while Dai Bing and the others rushed up while recording the video.Tintin had subdued the man before the men arrived.Liu Xiangshang felt that this matter should be handed over to the police.

《Happy Parents》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

Happy Parents Episode 38 Synopsis: Jing Tingting and Yang Mingbiao have conflicts

Through the layout, Liu Xiangshang found Du Dasheng, a sleazy boy's school janitor who was acting like a gangster. After questioning, he learned that Du Dasheng often harassed single mothers in the group and only took revenge on Tang Xiaowei because he was scolded by Tang Xiaowei.

The mothers who protested the most were a little embarrassed. Teacher Wang, who was even more disheartened after seeing the truth, also came to the scene and told these parents that the school would deal with the matter seriously.Dai Jing looked at Gao Yuxuan's mother and said a few words, feeling it was too much.

Teacher Wang felt that the role of Gao Yuxuan’s mother, the parent of the class committee, was not suitable for resigning in public, and recommended Jiang Feihu’s mother as her replacement.

Jing Tingting was sleeping, listening to her husband talking on the phone, getting angry and chasing Yang Mingbiao out. She was suffering from morning sickness. When she heard that her father was asking for a signature on the first day of the new year, but her husband ignored him, she felt a little sorry for the child..

Jing Tingting wanted to reason with Yang Mingbiao. Yang Mingbiao thought that it was enough for the child to be ignorant. He had worked so hard to support the family, and his wife didn't understand that she was so angry now.Jing Tingting also felt aggrieved.Jing Tingting came to complain to Dai Jing, and Dai Jing gave Jing Tingting an idea.Yang Mingbiao was entertaining a client. Because he had something to do at home, he wanted to leave the client early to ask him a question and let him drink liquor.Yang Mingbiao could only drink it without restraint.

Yang Mingbiao was drunk again when he returned home. When he called his wife, no one responded, and he felt a little disappointed.

Jing Tingting took her children out to stay in a hotel, leaving her husband alone at home.Yang Mingbiao held back his patience and called his wife, but Jing Tingting was unreasonable.Yang Mingbiao's bad temper will deepen the conflict between the two people.Liu Xiangxiang felt that his wife's idea was to deepen the conflict between his father and his father. Maybe the two of them were rushing to divorce.

Yang Mingbiao saw that Liu Xiangshang asked him to bring back his wife and children. Yang Mingbiao had a stubborn temper, and fortunately, he couldn't lose face.Dai Jing asked Jing Tingting to go home, but when she saw that the other party had no intention of going home, she felt something was wrong.Jing Tingting felt that she had to ask her husband to make a statement now. If he didn't apologize sincerely and she didn't go back, the worst possible outcome would be divorce.

Dai Jing, Liu Shang and his wife were in such a dilemma.Ma Yingjie came to Liu Xiangshang and said that he wanted to learn from his experience and asked his ex-wife to quickly agree to remarry him. He wanted to prepare a good proposal scene and make up for all the missing regrets.Liu Xiang racked his brains but couldn't come up with any ideas for Ma Yingjie, but he was different from the typical Ma Yingjie and gave Ma Yingjie instant creative inspiration.Ma Yingjie asked those mothers what kind of proposal they wanted to prepare so that their ex-wives could agree to him.

But every woman has different opinions.Ma Yingjie took the essence and wanted to have a unique surprise.Liu Xiangshang asked Dai Jing to ask Jing Tingting to put the two children at home and let Yang Mingbiao take care of them for two days. This would make Lao Yang realize how hard it is to raise children at home.Yang Mingbiao eats noodles at home every day and is very happy to see his son and daughter back.Yang Mingbiao felt that something was wrong when he saw that those people thought he smelled bad and that the nanny was not facing him.

When Yang Mingbiao woke up to take care of his children, he was very panicked when he saw the golden retriever clothes all over the house that had not been washed. He felt like a top when he woke up in the morning.Yang Mingbiao suddenly felt a little broken.Tang Xiaowei was taken to the haunted house by Ma Yingjie. Ma Yingjie was so scared that he took his ex-wife through the house and handed his bank card to his ex-wife with a clear sense of justice.Tang Xiaowei felt that Ma Yingjie was a little abnormal. When she saw her husband getting dressed up just to propose to her, she felt that Ma Yingjie was sick and thought this was the worst proposal in the world.Ma Yingjie was stunned and didn't know where the problem was.

Ma Ziheng also felt that his father was very unreliable, so the father and son were kicked out to bask in the sun.Ma Ziheng told his father that sometimes he did not give girls a sense of security, and he usually brought more security to girls.Ma Yingjie was stunned, not knowing what to do?

Fifteen asked Yang Mingbiao to sign for him, but he also needed to be able to understand English.Yang Mingbiao knew that this meeting was not easy. He couldn't understand English and could only scratch his head. There was no other way.

《Happy Parents》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

Happy Parents Episode 39 Plot Introduction: Ma Yingjie proposes to Tang Xiaowei

Yang Mingbiao didn't understand English and wanted to download a translation software to translate, but learned from Shi Shi that the translation software could not translate the teacher's words at the same time.

Dai Jing is now a little worried about whether these two people can get along well.Jing Tingting was alone outside without anyone to accompany her. She was also very lonely and wanted to go home.

Liu Xiangxiang heard Yang Mingbiao keep complaining that it was not easy to raise a child, and it was even more difficult to raise two children together. When he finally realized that it was not easy for his wife, he was very relieved and felt that Lao Yang finally understood Jing Tingting's suffering..

Yang Mingbiao came to pick up his wife home with a bouquet of flowers. When he saw that his wife was very prodigal and rented a very luxurious hotel, he felt that her wife was very prodigal.

Liu Guobao hated Xiao Jiarui and Zhou Wenhan. She also told Ma Ziheng that it was because of these two people that the family was hurt.After Teacher Wang found out about this, he quickly told Liu Guobao's parents.Liu Guobao felt that if they bullied brother Tang Dou, they should have a taste of being bullied. Liu Xiangshang patiently advised the children not to form gangs and isolate other children just because of their popularity. It would be very bad later.Liu Guobao did not understand what his father meant and insisted on sticking to his point of view.

Jing Tingting wanted to eat hot and sour noodles in the middle of the night. After Yang Mingbiao bought it, her wife threw it out while eating it.Yang Mingbiao told Liu Xiangshang that his wife would not let him sleep, and kept getting angry with him. It was obvious that the last anger was not resolved, so he forced Liu Xiangshang to come to his house to be a lobbyist.Dai Jing had to go on a business trip, but it was her daughter's birthday. Liu Guobao wanted his mother to spend the birthday with him. When he heard his mother say that he was going on a business trip, he suddenly lost his temper and threw his chopsticks.Liu Guobao told Ma Ziheng and Chu Yi that Saturday was his birthday, but he never thought about it. When he was a child, his mother had promised him to take him to compare how tall he could grow with a small tree, but now it seems thatMom has forgotten.

Because there are dating activities again, Gao Yuxuan's mother still can't change her aloof attitude and wants to have a sense of presence, and orders Jiang Feihu's mother in the group.Liu Xiangxiang felt that Gao Yuxuan's mother was no longer the director of the Family Committee and was still playing a high-profile role here.Dai Jing was on a business trip and happened to be at a place where children were having an outing. She thought it was a coincidence that she could spend her birthday with her daughter.In order to give Liu Guobao a good birthday, the friends secretly brought snacks from home to make Liu Guobao happy.

Dai Jing did not wake up in the morning to bless her daughter as requested by her daughter, but left quietly in the middle of the night.Liu Guobao didn't get her mother's blessing when she woke up, and she cried and made a fuss at home.The children all went out for an outing, but Ma Ziheng and the others were quietly preparing to make Liu Guobao's birthday a happy one.Ma Ziheng and the others decided to take Liu Guobao secretly to find the sapling.Liu Guobao pretended to be sick, and Chu Yi covered them from behind.Xiao Jiarui felt something was wrong and followed them away quietly.The three friends plus Xiao Jiarui behind them seemed to be lost.

On the first day of junior high school, I tried to make a phone call to contact my friends, but those friends were obsessed with the beautiful scenery.Liu Guobao felt that it was not important that his wish was not fulfilled, but he could not let Chu Yi take the blame for them.Teacher Wang found that the children went out without permission. The friends got lost and took the wrong map, and the compass didn't work either.But there was no signal on the phone and watch, so the four friends agreed to continue moving forward.Xiao Jiarui tripped and sprained his foot while looking for a signal.After this pre-selection, the four people became good friends.Ma Ziheng finally found that the phone watch had a signal.Liu Guobao also found the small tree from his childhood.

The four children even took a group photo together and were found by local people. Fortunately, they were not in danger.Tang Xiaowei returned home and looked at the candles. Ma Yingjie was dressed handsomely and proposed to her in front of her son.Tang Xiaowei looked at Ma Yingjie's change and was slightly touched in her heart.

《Happy Parents》Episode 40 Details

Episode 40

Happy Parents episode 40 finale plot introduction: Liu Guobao bids farewell to Ma Ziheng

Tang Xiaowei was moved when she saw Ma Yingjie's proposal. She was looking forward to it when she saw that Ma Yingjie would have a half-year inspection period.

Tang Xiaowei was just about to take photos in the bedroom when she saw in the group that Ma Yingjie had already told the parents about his successful proposal. Tang Xiaowei suddenly yelled at Ma Yingjie as if she was furious.

Dai Jing will also leave the branch as scheduled to become deputy director.Hu Jin will also become the last store manager of the branch.Ding Ding wants to continue working with Dai Jing as an assistant in the head office, working hard and accumulating experience.Jing Tingting watched Yang Mingbiao accompany her during the prenatal check-up, looking very happy and attentive. She felt that her husband had changed a lot.Dai Jing summoned neighbors to tell everyone that Tang Xiaowei was ready to agree to remarry Ma Yingjie.Tang Xiaowei told everyone that Ma Yingjie's mother is actually sick, but now Ma Yingjie is running back and forth, very responsible and does not say anything about her suffering.

Tang Xiaowei was taking Ma Ziheng to move, and Liu Guobao couldn't accept that Ma Ziheng's brother left him.Jing Tingting couldn't accept it even if she was around, let alone a child.All the students in the class heard that Ma Ziheng was leaving, and they all said goodbye one after another.Liu Guobao couldn't help but get angry and didn't want to talk to Ma Ziheng.Teacher Wang is going to hold a farewell party for Ma Ziheng.Liu Guobao watched other classmates talking to Ma Ziheng. She sat there alone and listened to the first grade of junior high school persuading her. She felt that Ma Ziheng was unreasonable and just left.

Ma Ziheng coaxed Liu Guobao, and Liu Guobao felt that Ma Ziheng could take his grandma over to live with her so that they could play together.But Ma Ziheng felt that it was unreasonable for Liu Guobao to have such a tough attitude even though his grandma was sick, so the two broke up on bad terms.Liu Guoning advised Liu Guobao that it was wrong to do this, and also advised his sister to prepare a special gift for Ma Ziheng on the day Ma Ziheng left.Liu Guobao kept thinking about how to prepare special gifts. He wanted a lot of money, so he asked his grandma for money to buy expensive gifts, but his grandma refused.But Liu Guobao felt that his grandma was going too far and everyone in the family was bullying him.

Liu Guobao called her grandma to advance the New Year's money, but failed. She came to her father and asked him to give her 300 yuan. She heard her father say that the most precious gift must be carefully prepared.Liu Guobao was thoughtful.Liu Guobao wanted Chu Yi to help him ask Ma Ziheng what he liked?He wanted to give Ma Ziheng a surprise and asked Chu Yi to keep it a secret for him.Liu Guobao reminded the first-year junior high school at the side, asking the first-year junior high school to help him ask Ma Ziheng, but what Ma Ziheng said were expensive, exaggerated, and abstract things, and Liu Guobao felt that he could not realize it.

Liu Guobao felt that Chu Yi was too stupid. Chu Yi was a little angry and wanted Liu Guobao to ask next time.Fifteen took Liu Guoning to experiment with the drone, and Ma Ziheng was very happy to receive the drone.Dai Jing felt that it was their last day in the store, and these employees would definitely give themselves a special farewell party.When Dai Jing entered the store, she found it was cold. She also said that Lao Hu was now stable. She was very angry and felt that they wanted to occupy the seat before anyone left.

Ding Ding also wanted to stay in the store to help Hu Jin, but Dai Jing felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.Ding Ding looked at Dai Jing's jealous look on her face and felt that she was resentful.Dai Jing even felt that everyone in the store was a bunch of white-eyed wolves. When she was packing her things and preparing to leave, she was suddenly surprised by these employees.Dai Jing couldn't help but shed tears when she saw these employees saying such affectionate words.

Ma Ziheng received many gifts at the farewell party.Liu Guobao watched Ma Ziheng receive many precious gifts and felt that his own gifts were a bit out of stock.

Liu Guobao still didn't have the courage to speak out after being prompted by Teacher Wang, so he could only pretend that he had a stomachache. Ma Zihang also felt very disappointed.Everyone feels that this double reduction policy has been implemented very well and the children have grown and developed very well.Liu Xiangshang also expressed his sentiments at the parents' association and received support and approval from many parents.Ma Ziheng was very disappointed that Liu Guobao did not give him a gift.Tang Xiaowei actually understood her son very well and comforted Ma Ziheng because Liu Guobao cared too much, which is why the reaction was so strong.

Ma Ziheng still didn't see Liu Guobao when he left, and the expectation in his heart gradually disappeared.However, Liu Guobao came from a distance with a gift album in his hand. When Liu Guoning heard that Ma Ziheng wanted to treasure his sister's gift for a lifetime, he was a little bit annoyed and said that Ma Ziheng had already told him.Just like this, the little friends hugged each other and separated reluctantly.
