Home TV City of Dreams
《City of Dreams》 Summ

A capital game by a foreign-funded data company in Jiangnan City shattered super coder Luo Chengyu’s dream of reaching the top of technology.He couldn't bear the technology monopoly and profit exploitation of foreign-funded enterprises, and had conflicts with Chu Ange and Meisen, the parachuted executives of the parent company.Despite the objections of his girlfriend Jiang Yifei, Luo Chengyu led the team to resign collectively and started his own business.On the way to start a business, he encountered business rivals, betrayal by his brother and girlfriend, and fought, got to know, and fell in love with his old enemy Chu Ange. With the support of Jiangnan City officials and patriotic e-commerce giants, he worked together to break the technology monopoly and break through the business war., build an international big data enterprise, build a city of smart dreams, and finally make dreams of career, love and feelings of family and country come true.

《City of Dreams》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Blount disregarded the dignity of his employees and transferred veteran Ding Muyang to parachute Chu Ange, which caused dissatisfaction.Chu Ange implemented the strategies of Blount and Mason, urged Luo Chengyu to archive intellectual property rights and put the “Yunlong” system into production.Luo Chengyu insisted on research and development, and the conflict with Chu Ange escalated.Chu Ange refused to fund security research and development, while Luo Chengyu said that if the security system is not perfect, the project cannot leave the laboratory.He insisted on research and development in private and sealed up “Yunlong” information.Yu Jiaming persuaded Luo Chengyu to consider Jiang Yifei's situation and not to sacrifice in vain, but Luo Chengyu didn't take it to heart.The conflict between Chu Ange and Luo Chengyu is not only a collision of ideas, but also a contest between the pursuit of product perfection and the pressure of reality.

《City of Dreams》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Qi Dongfang, acting mayor of Jiangnan City, hopes to introduce HT China's Yunlong system to build a smart city.HB Company refused to cooperate because of its technology monopoly.Under the guidance of Meissen, Chu Ange stopped Luo Chengyu's security research and development funding and began to raise capital through share reform.Luo Chengyu refused to participate in financing and focused on system research and development and tracking down hackers“ Jinghong”.As the shareholder roadshow meeting approaches, Chu Ange responds and Jiang Yifei and Yu Jiaming attend instead of Luo Chengyu.Due to equity disputes, financing roadshows were blocked, and shareholders remained neutral.Chu Ange introduced Helen, the female president of MC Company, to invest and successfully persuaded her to attend the shareholders' meeting.Luo Chengyu blamed Yu Jiaming for participating in the road show. Yu Jiaming felt aggrieved and believed that “Three Musketeers” was just Luo Chengyu's arena.

《City of Dreams》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Yu Jiaming appeared at the critical moment and took Jiang Yifei to the airport, but when she decided to stay and support Luo Chengyu, he persuaded her to leave.Chu Ange was besieged by angry employees, and Luo Chengyu stepped forward to question Chu Ange's decision-making on behalf of the employees and demanded fair treatment.After Qi Dongfang failed to cooperate with HT China, he decided to independently develop the city brain and visited Chu Siyuan for support.Luo Chengyu led his employees to write to Blount, requesting Chu Ange be replaced and resolve intellectual property and equity issues, but he was rejected.Blunt appointed Mason as chairman of HT China.Chu Ange began to question his position and hoped to fight for the rights and interests of his employees, but was rejected by Mason.

《City of Dreams》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Luo Chengyu refused to negotiate with Chu Ange and asked to see Blunt, but was refused.Mayor Qi Dongfang interviewed Blount, but Blount avoided the question.Jiang Yifei returned to China, hoping to persuade Luo Chengyu to take Yunlong“'s plan to the Silicon Capital, but Luo Chengyu refused.Mason tried to use air tickets and job appointments to coerce Luo Chengyu, but he was also rejected.Chu Ange and Mai Sen quarreled over differences of opinion.Luo Chengyu was disappointed to close the ”Yunlong% project, and Chu Ange and Maisen tried to stop it but failed.Mason was angry and wanted to fire Luo Chengyu, but Luo Chengyu resigned first.Luo Chengyu's resignation triggered a wave of employee resignations, and core R&D personnel resigned collectively, causing HB Company and HT China to find themselves in trouble.

《City of Dreams》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Chu Ange was very dissatisfied with Blunt's double standards regarding the labor disputes between HT China employees. At the same time, she also saw clearly the side of her mentor Maxine, who learned from the experience and decided to resign.In order to prevent his colleagues from losing their jobs, Luo Chengyu consulted with his mentors Chu Siyuan and Ding Muyang and decided to start his own business.Jiang Yifei is pessimistic about Luo Chengyu resigning and starting a business.The “Three Musketeers” reunited, and Luo Chengyu hoped that the three of them would start a business together in Jiangnan.Jiang Yifei gave Luo Chengyu an ultimatum, asking him to choose between staying in China to start a business or going to the Silicon Capital with her and Yu Jiaming.Luo Chengyu asked Jiang Yifei and Yu Jiaming to stay and start a business together, but the three broke up unhappy.

《City of Dreams》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Mason proposed a plan to sell HT China, and Helen took the opportunity to become a controlling shareholder.Blunt was annoyed by this and had to give up the intellectual property rights and the Asia-Pacific market of the “Yunlong 1” system to his rival MC.Mason resigned and actually defected to Helen.The relationship between Chu Siyuan and Chu Ange in the ward was full of embarrassment. Both parties wanted to care about each other, but they always didn't agree with each other.Luo Chengyu encountered difficulties in starting a business, Chu Siyuan was worried, while Chu Ange believed that Luo Chengyu's R&D plan was unrealistic, and the quarrel resumed.Luo Chengyu insisted on developing a big data CT system, but Xuri Technology faced business and financial difficulties.Chu Ange is also facing career bottlenecks and family grievances.After research, Qi Dongfang decided to build a future technology town, plan a commercial pedestrian street, attract knowledge-based talents, and prepare to build a dream town.

《City of Dreams》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

In order to solve the shortage of funds, Luo Chengyu mortgaged his wedding room with Jiang Yifei to raise funds. The employees were moved and spontaneously raised funds to support the company.Chu Siyuan also decided to give everything he had, including selling his old house, to fully support Luo Chengyu.As a shareholder, Chu Ange invested 50 million and requested to become an invisible supervisor to supervise the company's operations.Mason and Helen plan to use their capital and technological advantages to encircle Luo Chengyu's start-up company.MC China competes with Xuri Technology in smart water projects, taking advantage of “Yunlong” system technology advantages, putting Xuri Technology under tremendous pressure.Mason set up a capital trap in an attempt to further suppress Luo Chengyu.

《City of Dreams》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

As the bidding for smart water projects approaches, MC China’s pressure on Rising Sun Technology has intensified.Luo Chengyu saved Grandma Feng who had a heart attack while testing the water meter, which inspired him to build a smart community platform.When Jiang Yifei visited Yu Jiaming, she was robbed and asked Yu Jiaming to move to her residence, but she didn't know that he was already the boss of Dream World Company and held Mason's entrepreneurial fund.At the bidding meeting, Luo Chengyu used the concept of "sharing and benefiting the people" and proposed a warm technical solution, unexpectedly defeating MC China and winning the project.Helen was dissatisfied, but Mason hinted that the suppression of Luo Chengyu had just begun.

《City of Dreams》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Jian Dan almost encountered danger while getting drunk at the bar. Assistant Chu Ange caught him in time, rescued him and took him home.“Smart Water” testing site, because Mayor Qi Dongfang led government officials to attend in person, the site temporarily started twenty minutes early.Because Luo Chengyu was tracking the hacker, he decided to go to the scene at a stuck time, completely unaware that he was about to cause a serious publishing accident.At a critical moment, Chu Ange asked Jian Dan, who had already submitted his resignation, to go to the site for a technical release.Ding Muyang was very disappointed and angry at Luo Chengyu's absence. Chu Ange, who was not optimistic about Luo Chengyu, even believed that he did not have the ability to manage the company.A heated argument broke out between the three.Luo Chengyu felt deeply guilty and decided to attend the capital meeting arranged by Chu Ange, and negotiated with Mr. Huang on the investment in Xuri Technology. Little did he know that he was about to lead Xuri into Mason's trap.

《City of Dreams》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Although Chu Ange had concerns about Luo Chengyu's ambition to build the “Yunlong” system and worried that it might affect the commercial interests of MC and HB, she still chose to support Luo Chengyu in long-term considerations.Blunt was shocked when he learned about Luo Chengyu's paper publication and Xuri Technology's equipment purchase. He proposed new cooperation conditions, hoping that Jiang Yifei could convince Luo Chengyu to choose between Xuri Technology and his own future.After the R&D project of the big data CT detection, early warning and repair system was launched, Blount became alert and suspected that Luo Chengyu intended to set industry standards.Under Blount's control, Rising Sun Technology's R&D equipment was detained at customs, and Mr. Huang withdrew his investment.Chu Ange and Ding Muyang suggested that Luo Chengyu suspend research and development to reduce losses, but he refused.In the end, Chu Ange and Ding Muyang dismissed Luo Chengyu as chairman through the shareholders' meeting.

《City of Dreams》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Mayor Qi Dongfang asked Zheng Dao to support Rising Sun Technology, hoping to preserve the hope of the big data industry.Zheng Dao became interested in Luo Chengyu and learned about his life experience.When Chu Ange was looking for investor Zheng Dao, he missed Luo Chengyu who was shorting.Jiang Yifei discovered that Yu Jiaming had become the general manager of Dream World Company, and Yu Jiaming invited her and Luo Chengyu to join.Meisen proposed to Chu Ange to acquire Rising Sun Technology, and Chu Ange doubted the motives of HB Company and MC China.Jiang Yifei resigned to protect Luo Chengyu. Blunt was disappointed and his plan failed.Chu Ange met Zheng Dao alone, impressed him with his professional knowledge, and obtained investment.Jiang Yifei encountered obstacles in her job search and found out that Blunt was causing trouble. She felt sad and Yu Jiaming comforted her.When Jiang Yifei fell ill, Maisen saw it as an opportunity and ordered Yu Jiaming to inform Luo Chengyu that the target was Luo Chengyu's security system.Chu Ange received investment from Zheng Dao, and Rising Sun Technology weathered the difficulties, but Luo Chengyu went to the Silicon Capital to repair his relationship with Jiang Yifei.

《City of Dreams》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

The Xuri crisis was temporarily lifted. Chu Ange bid farewell to Chu Siyuan and returned to the Silicon Capital. She decided to help Xuri Technology get the seized equipment back first.Blunt came to the hospital to visit Jiang Yifei and proposed more favorable terms to Luo Chengyu, but Luo Chengyu flatly rejected them.“Three Musketeers” reunited in Silicon City, and every bit of their lives brought back memories of the past for the three of them.Jiang Yifei persuaded Luo Chengyu to come to Silicon City to work and live and start over, but Luo Chengyu once again expressed his hope that Jiang Yifei would return to China together, which made Jiang Yifei very angry.Chu Ange teamed up with his mother An Ran to use legal means to lift Blount's blockade and successfully recover the equipment for Rising Sun Technology.Xuri Technology obtained the angel fund, and with the help of Chu Ange, after getting back the equipment that had been seized by Silicon City, it fully expected Luo Chengyu to come back.Chu Ange invited Luo Chengyu and told him that Rising Sun Technology's equipment and funds were in place. He also told him about Paul's pursuit of him and asked him to make a choice.

《City of Dreams》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Yu Jiaming and Jiang Yifei persuaded Luo Chengyu to stay in Silicon Capital. Luo Chengyu hesitated, but seeing the internal instability of Dream World Company, he decided to stay temporarily to help Yu Jiaming. Yu Jiaming had a complicated heart.Chu Ange tried to understand Wang Tao by contacting Wang Tao's daughter Wang Min, but got into trouble due to misunderstanding.Mason and Helen plan to use “Three Musketeers” to obtain Luo Chengyu's big data CT system and monopolize the market.Blunt is alert to the reunion of the Three Musketeers in Silicon City and investigates Dream World.Jiang Yifei became the CEO of Dream World. Although Luo Chengyu declined the position, he was appointed as technical director, responsible for research and development and intellectual property rights.The three of them restarted their dreams, but “hacker Jinghong” reappeared, and Luo Chengyu was worried about bringing bad luck to the dream world.

《City of Dreams》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

In order to give his daughter a better learning and living environment, Wang Tao agreed to visit Jiangnan.Yu Jiaming asked to give Luo Chengyu and Jiang Yifei equal shares, but Luo Chengyu refused.Luo Chengyu didn't want shares or a position, he just promised to help.Jiang Yifei felt that Luo Chengyu was still thinking about Rising Sun Technology in China.Yu Jiaming asked Jiang Yifei, as the legal person of the company, to sign an intellectual property strategic alliance agreement between Rising Sun Technology and Dream World with Luo Chengyu, allowing the two companies to share new products, thereby dispelling Luo Chengyu's concerns.Luo Chengyu officially joined Dream World and soon won the hearts of the people. He decided to lead Dream World to prepare for the upcoming North American Dream Creation Competition.

《City of Dreams》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

The “Three Musketeers” became famous with the “Cloud Shield” system at the North American Dream Creation Competition, which aroused Blount's shock and anger.He discovered that the codes of “Yundun” and “Yunlong” were similar, and planned to use intellectual property disputes to destroy the dream world.At the celebration banquet of Dream World Company, Luo Chengyu and Jiang Yifei were suddenly arrested by the Silicon City Federal Police. Chu Ange witnessed it and suggested that Yu Jia find a lawyer for Luo Chengyu.Helen and Maison are surprised by the arrest and realize that Blount's revenge has begun.Luo Chengyu took all responsibility for protecting Jiang Yifei at the police station.Chu Ange tried to bail Luo Chengyu but failed, so he intervened as a lawyer.Jiang Yifei misunderstood Chu Ange and Luo Chengyu.

《City of Dreams》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Chu Ange asked his mother An Ran to help bail Luo Chengyu, but Luo Chengyu faced new charges and was accused of endangering public safety.Under the coercion of Mason, Yu Jiaming cut off the relationship with Luo Chengyu, and initiated a bitter plot. He was injured and hospitalized, and missed the chance to be released on bail.Chu Ange and An Ran successfully released Luo Chengyu, but Jiang Yifei was disappointed when she witnessed Luo Chengyu being taken away by An Ran outside the police station.An Ran revealed that unless there is new evidence, Luo Chengyu is likely to be convicted.She showed files similar to Chu Ange's father's old case, hinting at the complexity of the case.Chu Ange warned Blunt that if he didn't stop, Luo Chengyu would disclose the system vulnerabilities of “Yunlong”.Meisen used Jiang Yifei's safety to threaten Yu Jiaming and asked him to insist on accusing Luo Chengyu.

《City of Dreams》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Luo Chengyu felt deeply guilty for causing trouble to Xuri Technology, and was rescued by Chu Ange when he collapsed emotionally.Although the court ruled that he was not guilty of stealing technology, Dream World and Xuri had to pay US$20 million due to overlapping intellectual property rights.Meissen refused to compensate, which caused the financial chain of Dream World to break and it was acquired by MC.Ding Muyang paid the fine to save Luo Chengyu.Blount used the “Yunguang” and “Longguang” systems to return to the Asia-Pacific market and challenge MC.Chu Ange assisted Rising Sun Technology in obtaining intellectual property rights sharing rights and exposed Maison as the boss behind Dream World.Luo Chengyu's mental condition was worrying, but Chu Ange persisted and arranged for him to return to Jiangnan for treatment.Qi Dongfang, the new Municipal Party Committee Secretary of Jiangnan City, established “Dream Town” to incubate high-tech products and support entrepreneurial talents.Luo Chengyu was depressed and aphasic due to career and emotional setbacks.The failure of the dream world caused Helen's dissatisfaction. Meisen accepted Helen's invitation to become the general manager of MC and tried to win over Yu Jiaming.

《City of Dreams》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

As one of the first batch of scientific and technological innovation-supported enterprises, Xuri Technology is preparing to move to a new home.Rising Sun Technology has settled in Dream Town, and everyone specially left an office for Luo Chengyu, eager to see him return in good health.Yu Jiaming accompanied Maisen back to Jiangnan and asked to settle in the dream town.Blount returned to the Chinese market and set up the office building of HB China opposite MC China to compete with MC.The three companies are about to get together, and Rising Sun Technology, as a small and medium-sized company, is caught in the middle and is once again facing a desperate situation.Chu Ange stayed in China and served as the general manager of Urban Forest Headhunting Company. While successfully bringing back Wang Tao to Deep Blue Technology, he also brought artificial intelligence expert Wang Tao to Luo Chengyu.Luo Chengyu, who suffers from depression, agreed to participate in the smart home project.On the university playground, Luo Chengyu kept running, but there was always a runner behind him. This person was Chu Ange, and the relationship between the two gradually increased through this little interaction.

《City of Dreams》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Ding Muyang took Xuri employees to accompany Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange on an outdoor outing.In the “Chicken” game, Luo Chengyu was running and shooting, having a great time, but after the game ended, he still couldn't get out of his inner dilemma.Xuri Technology’s smart home projects are facing new challenges.As the general manager of MC China, Yu Jiaming participated in the competition with Rising Sun Technology for Jiangnan Yike’s smart city project.At the bidding meeting, Rising Sun Technology won with the ideas of Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange, while Yu Jiaming lost, causing Meisen to be dissatisfied.Chu Ange invited Yu Jiaming, hoping to untie Luo Chengyu's knot.Yu Jiaming revealed his feelings to Luo Chengyu, and Luo Chengyu asked him to treat Jiang Yifei well.Luo Chengyu's comeback and the victory of Rising Sun Technology aroused the alert of Maison and Blount, and the encirclement and suppression began.Luo Chengyu sought Zheng Dao's support to continue developing the big data CT system, and received approval.Ding Muyang hoped that Luo Chengyu would return to Rising Sun Technology as CEO, but Luo Chengyu refused and recommended Chu Ange.

《City of Dreams》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Luo Chengyu accompanied the drunken Chu Ange and felt her reluctance, but did not ask to stay, thinking that it would be better for her to return to Silicon Valley.Chu Ange returned to the Chu family accompanied by Luo Chengyu. The two had a deep relationship, but Luo Chengyu did not express any intention to stay.Competition among technology companies has intensified into a battle for technology and talent.Chu Ange actively recruited scientific and technological talents in Jiangnan, and a battle for talents between MC China and Rising Sun Technology began.Facing the challenges from HB Company and Rising Sun Technology, MC China invested heavily in research and development of new projects.Mason planned to have Yu Jiaming invite Jiang Yifei back to Jiangnan to serve as MC China's deputy general manager and HR, using her connections to fight against Rising Sun Technology.Mason signed a talent introduction contract with Jiangnan City Forest Headhunting Company and revealed that he had deliberately given Paul a large number of orders to help Chu Ange gain a foothold in the Silicon City.Chu Ange felt uncomfortable with this and told Paul that she would rather resign if her position was related to Mason.

《City of Dreams》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

After Jiang Yifei joined MC China, she began poaching talents from Rising Sun Technology, which made Ding Muyang angry. Unexpectedly, she was also on the opposite side.Luo Chengyu wanted to talk to Jiang Yifei, but was stopped by Chu Ange, and she decided to face the poaching in person.In a tense drinking fight, Chu Ange and Jiang Yifei faced off. Chu Ange explicitly asked Jiang Yifei to stay away from Luo Chengyu. The contest between the two was full of tension.Luo Chengyu and Yu Jiaming arrived. After hearing Chu Ange, they expressed their attitude to Jiang Yifei sternly. She loved Luo Chengyu and would protect him. She didn't want Jiang Yifei to hurt a depressed and aphasic patient again.Everyone was stunned for a moment.That night, Yu Jiaming proposed to Jiang Yifei. He told Jiang Yifei that he would do his best to make her happy.Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange finally expressed their feelings and held hands smoothly.Unexpectedly, he was unanimously opposed by Chu Ange's parents.An Ran suddenly made an appointment with Luo Chengyu and expressed her firm opposition to him being with Chu Ange.

《City of Dreams》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

An Ran suddenly made an appointment with Luo Chengyu and expressed her firm opposition to him being with Chu Ange.Jiangnan City is preparing for the city's big data technology exhibition, and Meisen asks Yu Jiaming to take it seriously and wash away the shame.Blunt has also set his sights on this technology exhibition.At this time, Luo Chengyu resigned again and left Xuri Technology Company, and found the Internet giant Zheng Dao who was living in seclusion.Zheng Dao saw through at a glance Luo Chengyu's intention to use the cloud to shop, avoid the encirclement and suppression of HB and MC companies, and concentrate on preparing for the city's big data technology exhibition, and readily agreed to his plan to build the plank road in the open and covertly cover up Chen Cang.An Ran stayed in Jiangnan and persuaded Chu Ange to return to Silicon Capital, but he was rejected.Chu Ange took the opportunity to ease her relationship with Chu Siyuan.Chu Ange felt that Luo Chengyu left for another reason.An Ran stayed in Jiangnan and persuaded Chu Ange to return to Silicon Capital, but he was rejected.Chu Ange took the opportunity to ease her relationship with Chu Siyuan.Chu Ange felt that Luo Chengyu left for another reason.

《City of Dreams》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

At the science and technology exhibition, Luo Chengyu participated on behalf of Dongsheng Technology and shocked his opponents.A mysterious fifth white hat appeared in the competition. Luo Chengyu's team reverse-tracked and discovered the hacker “Jinghong”, and finally won.Blunt, Helen, and Mason were shocked by Luo Chengyu's counterattack and realized that he was their real opponent.Yu Jiaming failed and Meisen was disappointed.Jiang Yifei comforted Yu Jiaming, and the two decided to get married.Luo Chengyu analyzed “Jinghong” data and suspected that Yu Jiaming was a hacker, but he did not pursue the case due to an old relationship.Luo Chengyu decided to form a new company to integrate cloud manufacturing, services, security data and AI to achieve transcendence.Chu Ange supported.Luo Chengyu proposed to merge Xuri Technology and Dongsheng Technology, but faced resistance from layoffs.Qi Dongfang and Zheng Dao supported their plan, Xuri Dongsheng Group was established, and Chu Ange announced that everyone would hold shares.

《City of Dreams》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Chu Siyuan and An Ran disagreed with Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange being together.Find a way to break them up.Jiang Yifei asked Yu Jiaming to go with her to send invitations to Luo Chengyu in order to relieve him of his guilt towards Luo Chengyu.Luo Chengyu received the wedding news between Jiang Yifei and Yu Jiaming, and Chu Ange was preparing to attend the wedding with Luo Chengyu.The wedding of Yu Jiaming and Jiang Yifei is coming soon.When the hacker “Jinghong” appeared again, he was targeted by Jian Dan.Based on data analysis, Luo Chengyu once again confirmed that this person was Yu Jiaming.Everyone thought that Luo Chengyu would not attend his ex's wedding.At the critical moment, Luo Chengyu appeared in a suit and leather suit with the dazzling Chu Ange on his arm.Mason hosted the wedding of Yu Jiaming and Jiang Yifei in a high-profile manner and stimulated Luo Chengyu with words.But Luo Chengyu was not angry. Instead, while blessing the newlyweds, he privately warned Yu Jiaming with his fists.

《City of Dreams》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Zheng Dao cooperated with Qi Dongfang to support Luo Chengyu in realizing his dream.Chu Ange was surprised by Luo Chengyu's grand plan and worried about the pressure at the same time.Blunt puts pressure on MC Corporation in an attempt to regain everything lost.Faced with the market encroachment of HB Company, Mason and Helen are helpless and hope to join forces with Luo Chengyu.Luo Chengyu focused on the “Yunguang Project”, refused to participate in market competition, and increased investment in research and development.Blunt launched a public opinion war and attacked MC Corporation and Rising Sun Group.Jiang Yifei suffered from postpartum depression and was affected by the Internet scandal. She once attempted suicide but was rescued.Chu Ange held a press conference on behalf of the company, effectively responded to public opinion attacks, and cooperated with Luo Chengyu to resolve the crisis.An Ran failed to persuade her daughter to break up with Luo Chengyu, so she decided to leave Jiangnan. Before leaving, she reminded Luo Chengyu again that they were not suitable.MC Company's market has been lost, and Helen demands that Mason be held accountable.Mason plans to acquire shares in Rising Sun through Maya Corporation.At the Longjiang CNC Lighting Exhibition, Luo Chengyu enthusiastically participated and proposed to Chu Ange on the river using holographic projection technology. The scene was shocking.

《City of Dreams》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Zheng Dao cooperated with Qi Dongfang to support Luo Chengyu in realizing his dream.Chu Ange was surprised by Luo Chengyu's grand plan and worried about the pressure at the same time.Blunt puts pressure on MC Corporation in an attempt to regain everything lost.Faced with the market encroachment of HB Company, Mason and Helen are helpless and hope to join forces with Luo Chengyu.Luo Chengyu focused on the “Yunguang Project”, refused to participate in market competition, and increased investment in research and development.Blunt launched a public opinion war and attacked MC Corporation and Rising Sun Group.Jiang Yifei suffered from postpartum depression and was affected by the Internet scandal. She once attempted suicide but was rescued.Chu Ange held a press conference on behalf of the company, effectively responded to public opinion attacks, and cooperated with Luo Chengyu to resolve the crisis.An Ran failed to persuade her daughter to break up with Luo Chengyu, so she decided to leave Jiangnan. Before leaving, she reminded Luo Chengyu again that they were not suitable.MC Company's market has been lost, and Helen demands that Mason be held accountable.Mason plans to acquire shares in Rising Sun through Maya Corporation.At the Longjiang CNC Lighting Exhibition, Luo Chengyu enthusiastically participated and proposed to Chu Ange on the river using holographic projection technology. The scene was shocking.

《City of Dreams》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Blunt puts pressure on MC Corporation in an attempt to regain everything lost.Faced with the market encroachment of HB Company, Mason and Helen are helpless and hope to join forces with Luo Chengyu.Luo Chengyu focused on the “Yunguang Project”, refused to participate in market competition, and increased investment in research and development.Blunt launched a public opinion war and attacked MC Corporation and Rising Sun Group.Jiang Yifei suffered from postpartum depression and was affected by the Internet scandal. She once attempted suicide but was rescued.Chu Ange held a press conference on behalf of the company, effectively responded to public opinion attacks, and cooperated with Luo Chengyu to resolve the crisis.An Ran failed to persuade her daughter to break up with Luo Chengyu, so she decided to leave Jiangnan. Before leaving, she reminded Luo Chengyu again that they were not suitable.MC Company's market has been lost, and Helen demands that Mason be held accountable.Mason plans to acquire shares in Rising Sun through Maya Corporation.At the Longjiang CNC Lighting Exhibition, Luo Chengyu enthusiastically participated and proposed to Chu Ange on the river using holographic projection technology. The scene was shocking.

《City of Dreams》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Yu Jiaming fought against reform in prison and filed for divorce from Jiang Yifei again.Helen used MC Company's chip production line as a condition and took the opportunity to propose to Luo Chengyu to invest in Rising Sun, but Luo Chengyu politely refused.Luo Chengyu visited Yu Jiaming and scolded him to wake him up.Yu Jiaming cheered up and actively reformed and commuted his sentence.Luo Chengyu and Wang Tao reported to Municipal Party Committee Secretary Qi Dongfang that their joint efforts to create a Smart City 2.0 model were supported and promoted in all walks of life across the city.However, the problem they are worried about has come. The smart chips used in large quantities are controlled in the silicon capital. If the stuck situation is not solved one day, they will face threats.A year later, Yu Jiaming successfully developed a remote visitation system and was granted a reduced sentence and bail.Luo Chengyu personally picked up Yu Jiaming from prison. The two met again and had many feelings.After being released from prison, Yu Jiaming mustered up the courage to find Jiang Yifei and ask for forgiveness.What he didn't expect was that Jiang Yifei, who had firmly refused to divorce during her sentence, now took out the signed divorce agreement.Yu Jiaming left in despair.

《City of Dreams》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Mason made an appointment with Yu Jiaming and asked him to return to MC China.Yu Jiaming flatly refused. He left a letter to Luo Chengyu and left Jiangnan.Yu Jiaming came to Silicon City and defected to Blount.Blunt felt that he had found a weapon again to deal with Luo Chengyu.The “Yunguang” system crushed HB Company's “龙光” and MC China's “Yundun”, and quickly won market reputation.Blunt decided to make a fuss about the chip to curb the development of Rising Sun.In order to deal with Blount's desperate efforts and keep MC China's chip orders, Luo Chengyu decided to negotiate with Helen to acquire MC China after careful consideration.

《City of Dreams》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Luo Chengyu said that he had repeatedly given in and Blunt was still trying to kill them all, so it was better to draw his sword and fight.Chu Siyuan told him that Blunt would not want to see the rise of Chinese technology companies.Chu Ange opposed the share swap. Although Chu Ange did not support Luo Chengyu's decision, she still accompanied him in business negotiations with Helen.Helen is tempted by Luo Chengyu's acquisition.She found Luo Chengyu and asked for negotiation.Mason firmly opposed Helen's idea, and the two had conflicts.Helen, with her foresight, set her sights on the shares of Rising Sun.With Helen's help, Mason found Blunt, hoping to join forces to deal with Luo Chengyu.Blount declined Maison's invitation, saying that he only wanted to be a fisherman watching the fight from the shore.

《City of Dreams》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

Blount's failure to sign a contract with Helen was originally a teasing move. Luo Chengyu's acquisition failed and he faced a cutoff in chip supply.Helen sees through Blount's disruption and restarts negotiations with Rising Sun.Luo Chengyu welcomed Helen's return, but Chu Ange pointed out the difficulties in the Silicon City government's review.Helen signed the intention contract, but Chu Ange found a loophole and refused.Blunt plans to surround Rising Sun chip suppliers around the world, Mason plots to control Rising Sun through capital games, and Helen hesitates.Luo Chengyu is determined to develop his own chips, but Chu Ange objects and thinks the burden is too heavy.Luo Chengyu misappropriated smart city funds, which angered Chu Ange and the bank stopped lending.Mason conspired with Mike of Maya Company, Maya offered an olive branch, Luo Chengyu wanted to sell his shares for investment, but Chu Ange objected.Luo Chengyu approached Zheng Dao to terminate the investment and proposed a confrontation strategy. Zheng Dao thought it was risky.Meissen decided to make a desperate move against the takeover, and Luo Chengyu finally listened to Chu Ange and focused on upgrading the smart city.Blunt asked Yu Jiaming to analyze mergers and acquisitions, and Yu Jiaming predicted that successful mergers and acquisitions would mean the end of the sun.HB Company regarded Rising Sun as a market obstacle, and Blount implemented a containment plan.Chu Ange asked Paul to investigate Maya, and Qi Dongfang promised policy support.Chu Ange returned to Jiangnan and could not ignore the crisis. At the government interview, Yu Jiaming represented Blount. The two sides confronted each other, and Luo Chengyu declared war on Blount.

《City of Dreams》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

Blunt came aggressively, using Yu Jiaming to suppress Luo Chengyu both commercially and emotionally, and sabotaged Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange's negotiations with related companies.Blunt ordered all HB companies to stop cooperating with Rising Sun Dongsheng, which put Rising Sun Dongsheng facing the dilemma of cutting off the supply of smart chips.Chu Ange and Luo Chengyu took advantage of public opinion and technology to start looking for cooperation on a global scale. They established R&D centers around the world and launched product research and development with the main direction of intelligent connection of all things and safe sharing, launching a strategic breakthrough.Blunt used his connections with the Silicon City municipal government to include Rising Sun and some related technology companies on the entity restriction list in the name of technological security.Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange traveled around the world and worked hard but still couldn't get the chip order, but they refused to give up.Faced with sanctions from Silicon City and the supply cutoff of Rising Sun’s smart chips, Luo Chengyu invited Qi Dongfang to persuade Chu Siyuan to continue developing his own smart chip technology.

《City of Dreams》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

Blunt came aggressively, using Yu Jiaming to suppress Luo Chengyu both commercially and emotionally, and sabotaged Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange's negotiations with related companies.Blunt ordered all HB companies to stop cooperating with Rising Sun Dongsheng, which put Rising Sun Dongsheng facing the dilemma of cutting off the supply of smart chips.Chu Ange and Luo Chengyu took advantage of public opinion and technology to start looking for cooperation on a global scale. They established R&D centers around the world and launched product research and development with the main direction of intelligent connection of all things and safe sharing, launching a strategic breakthrough.Blunt used his connections with the Silicon City municipal government to include Rising Sun and some related technology companies on the entity restriction list in the name of technological security.Luo Chengyu and Chu Ange traveled around the world and worked hard but still couldn't get the chip order, but they refused to give up.Faced with sanctions from Silicon City and the supply cutoff of Rising Sun’s smart chips, Luo Chengyu invited Qi Dongfang to persuade Chu Siyuan to continue developing his own smart chip technology.

《City of Dreams》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

Blunt received the news that Rising Sun and thirty-seven technology companies in Jiangnan formed an industrial alliance to jointly develop smart chips and decouple their business from HB Company.However, Luo Chengyu attracted Helen with his grand business plan for the future. Helen considered Luo Chengyu's future plan with a strategic vision and decided to cooperate with him.At the same time, Luo Chengyu went to Zheng Dao in private to find a way to communicate.Chu Ange was unaware of Luo Chengyu's decision and was having difficult negotiations with Maisen.Faced with Yu Jiaming's repeated mistakes, Jiang Yifei felt speechless to Luo Chengyu. She secretly left Jiangnan with her children and returned to the Silicon City, deciding to start over and start a self-reliant and independent woman's life.Blunt hopes that the entity sanctions list will take effect, believing that after Rising Sun closes its doors, Luo Chengyu will be left with nothing.Mason, on the other hand, made a desperate move and spent all his wealth to capture the Rising Sun and compete with HB Company.In response to the Silicon City government's attitude towards Chinese companies, Jiangnan Province has also issued a list of countermeasures against Silicon City companies.At the same time, Jiangnan City also released the “City of Dreams plan”.

《City of Dreams》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

Jiangnan City City of Dreams plan released.Luo Chengyu's plan made Meisen bankrupt and acquire Rising Sun.Thousands of miles away on the other side of the ocean, Rising Sun Yunguang Group successfully acquired MC China, and Luo Chengyu became MC's largest shareholder.Meissen rushed back to Silicon Capital, and everything was done.Methen demands to take away the Rising Sun.But at this time, Xuri Dongsheng and MC China had already achieved capital restructuring, and Xuri Dongsheng was already a shell company.Mason wants to sue Luo Chengyu.Helen told him that he had already known about his misappropriation of MC Company's huge capital to Maya, and if he didn't want to go to jail for this, he should leave immediately.Mason lost everything and was kicked out of MC.Luo Chengyu led Rising Sun and Yunguang to face HB Company, which caught Blunt off guard.Luo Chengyu deceived everyone and set up a counterattack to acquire MC China, which shocked everyone.Chu Ange was shocked when he got the news, and felt deeply that he had been deceived by Luo Chengyu, because the other party used him and did not need him. Chu Ange refused Luo Chengyu's explanation and retention, resolutely broke up with him and left Jiangnan.Luo Chengyu was in great pain when Chu Ange left.Xuri Yunguang Group officially started operations. Luo Chengyu returned to the HT China Building and released a white paper on Smart City 3.0.The Silicon City government, through the mediation of the Jiangnan government, gave the restricted list a six-month buffer period.

《City of Dreams》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

Luo Chengyu's smart IoT solutions have covered more than 700 fields, and have developed IoT standards for the intelligent connection of all things.HB Company's stock plummeted, and Blunt was deeply frustrated and decided to invite Luo Chengyu to the Silicon City to discuss cooperation.Everyone was worried that Blunt would try another trick and firmly opposed it.However, Luo Chengyu felt that for the better development of the company and for the sake of chips, he was still willing to have a talk with Blunt.Luo Chengyu came to the Silicon Capital HB Company for negotiations, but fell into the trap set by Mason to kill two birds with one stone.Luo Chengyu was framed by hackers and accused of maliciously stealing HB Company's core business information, and was arrested again.Blunt was very surprised that Luo Chengyu was caught, but he was even more surprised when company data appeared in Luo Chengyu's computer.Yu Jiaming told Blunt that Luo Chengyu came at the invitation of HB Company. Regardless of whether he was found guilty or not, HB Company would be hard-pressed to put aside its reputation of framing and framing its peers. Obviously there was a bigger conspiracy behind this.Blunt disagreed and decided to sit back and watch.Yu Jiaming tried his best to rescue Luo Chengyu and took the initiative to find Chu Ange to discuss countermeasures. The secret of his undercover HB became known to everyone.Chu Siyuan personally went to Silicon City to persuade An Ran to defend Luo Chengyu, but was turned away.The father and daughter worked together to persuade An Ran to serve as Luo Chengyu's attorney and bail him out.At the police station, Luo Chengyu refused to hand over the password to his computer core database. Chief Simmons could not crack the computer security program and could not convict Luo Chengyu.

《City of Dreams》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

Chu Siyuan personally went to Silicon City to persuade An Ran to defend Luo Chengyu, but was turned away.The father and daughter worked together to persuade An Ran to serve as Luo Chengyu's attorney and bail him out.At the police station, Luo Chengyu refused to hand over the password to his computer core database. Chief Simmons could not crack the computer security program and could not convict Luo Chengyu.Jiang Yifei got the news of Luo Chengyu's arrest and came to An Ran's house. She put aside her prejudice against Yu Jiaming and offered to help.Blunt was very angry at Mason's use of his own hands to frame Luo Chengyu. He did not want to become a public enemy of Jiangnan, even China and the world because of this incident.The “Three Musketeers” worked together to capture the “hacker” bought by Mason and found framed evidence.

《City of Dreams》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

Luo Chengyu wanted to see Chu Ange with a guilty heart. He wanted to give himself one last chance, but Chu Ange avoided seeing him.All the plots were exposed, and the frantic Maisen kidnapped Chu Ange.It happened that Luo Chengyu found Chu Ange's traces based on data positioning.Luo Chengyu fought with Maison, but was driven away by the police who came to drive him out of the country.Maisen kidnapped Chu Ange and told her that everything was lost and he wanted to make Luo Chengyu's life worse than death.Chu Ange struggled desperately and the vehicle fell into the sea.Luo Chengyu was forced to leave the country. On the plane, thinking about Chu Ange, whose life or death was uncertain, he felt miserable.

《City of Dreams》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

Luo Chengyu handed over the Yunlong 2“ system to Yu Jiaming to assist the police in the search and finally found Chu Ange.Xuri Yunguang Group has made achievements in smart city and digital infrastructure projects, and successfully developed ” Photon % chips.Luo Chengyu devoted himself wholeheartedly to the Cloud Silk Road project and conspired with Zheng Dao to develop the One Belt, One Road and Intelligent Connectivity project.Blunt intends to join, and Luo Chengyu welcomes it.After Chu Ange recovered from illness, he lost contact again, and Luo Chengyu searched everywhere.Paul was responsible for recruiting talents for Xuri Yunguang Group, and Chu Ange was sent to Jiangbei City.Chu Ange won the favor of foreign experts at the AI ​​conference and planned to spend New Year's Eve together.When the COVID-19 epidemic broke out, Luo Chengyu discovered that his senior brother Wang Tao had been diagnosed and Chu Ange was a close contact.Luo Chengyu ventured to Jiangbei and forcibly brought Chu Ange back, but the city was closed and the two were trapped in the isolated city.