Home TV Wanchun laugh Club
《Wanchun laugh Club》 Summ

-- No. 1, Beiwei Road - mainly revolves around a little-known cross talk club on Beiwei Road - Wanchun Club, aiming to reflect the appearance of all living things through the little people in the small garden, and the “corners” are honing their skillsIn the process, the understanding of cross talk, the mentality of fame and fortune, and the understanding of the relationship between actors and audiences are constantly changing.

Through the play, we also hope to show the audience the stories of cross talk actors in front of and behind the scenes. On the stage, there are performers who laugh and scold each other to achieve success. Off the stage, there are brothers who are respectful, friendly and tolerant of each other. There is no big or small on the stage, and there are rules off the stage.% Use panoramic mode to show the unique reverse charm of cross talkers in three dimensions.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Yu Xiaoqian is a clerk in an advertising company who loves cross talk. One morning, he had a dream. He dreamed that he had become a famous cross talk actor and won the honor of “The Funniest Man in China”.When he wanted to kiss the trophy, he was woken up by a knock on the door.Yu Xiaoqian reluctantly got up from the bed, opened the door, and found that it was the landlord's uncle.Uncle Fang found various reasons, but his ultimate goal was to get Xiaoqian to agree to his unreasonable request to take back the house rented to Xiaoqian in advance, and he did not want to pay any liquidated damages to Xiaoqian.Xiaoqian, who wanted to argue with reason, saw Uncle Fang's hard performance, and finally had to agree to Uncle Fang's request.Xiao Qian's friend and colleague Lao Qin is a rich second generation, but he doesn't want his colleagues in the company to know his identity, so every day Lao Qin first takes a luxury car to the downstairs of Xiao Qian's house, and then rides Xiao Qian's electric car, the two of them went to the company together.Today is no exception.When Lao Qin heard that Xiao Qian was unreasonably checked out by his roommate, Lao Qin promised Xiao Qian that he would help him find a good house.In the company, Lao Qin pulled Xiao Qian aside and told him that the company was going to lay off employees.Xiaoqian, who had wanted to resign, thought this was an opportunity because she could get a compensation package if she was laid off from the company.So Xiao Qian took the initiative to find General Manager Li Naidong and tried every means to get President Li to dump him. As a result, Mr. Li made a clever move. Xiao Qian couldn't stand the humiliation and resigned voluntarily, and the compensation was in vain.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Yu Xiaoqian wanted to stay in Wanchun Club and talk about cross talk, but his idea was not clever. Not only did he fail to stay in Wanchun Club and talk about cross talk, but he also angered everyone in Wanchun Club. Xiaoqian and Lao Qin were betrayed by Wanchun.The crowd rushed out.Wan Xia, a cross talk actor from Wanchun Club, was cleaning up at her home when suddenly there was a knock on the door. When she opened the door, she saw that standing at the door was Yu Xiaoqian who had been in the garden yesterday.Xiao Wan was confused, but Xiao Qian was not polite. When he entered the house, he made various comments about Xiao Wan's house and said that he was Xiao Wan's new roommate.Xiao Wan was very angry and just about to get angry, Xiao Wan's landlord, Brother Lou, walked in from outside the door.Brother Lou is a friend of Lao Qin. After learning about Xiao Qian's experience, he felt very sympathetic and decided to rent the second bedroom of the two-bedroom apartment he rented to Xiao Wan to Xiao Qian.Xiao Wan was definitely not satisfied with what Brother Lou said, but Brother Lou had already made up his mind. No matter what Xiao Wan said, Brother Lou wouldn't listen.In the end, Xiao Wan had to accept Brother Lou's decision to rent the second bedroom to Xiao Qian.In Wanchun Club, Pei Zhijie (Pei Boss) and Lu Zhifei (Dafei) were arranging the recent performance list. Due to lack of manpower, Xiao Wan had to perform stand-up every time, so the two thought of Yu who broke into the garden yesterday.Xiao Qian, I think he seems to be a good seedling.After Brother Lou left, Xiao Wan tried his best to persuade Xiao Qian not to rent this house, but Xiao Qian was unmoved at all and insisted on renting.In desperation, Xiao Wan had to accept this reality.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

On the first day of moving, what greeted Yu Xiaoqian was not a housewarming congratulations, but a series of Xiaowan's rules for the same tenant.Xiao Wan took Xiao Qian, who had just moved in, and explained every detail in the two-bedroom apartment - from how to place shoes, to how long after hanging clothes must be put away, to how to place towels in the bathroom.Xiao Wan said it in detail, but Yu Xiaoqian disagreed. He thought that Xiao Wan's purpose in formulating these regulations was just to let him quit and move out voluntarily.After Xiao Wan left, Xiao Qian entered Xiao Wan's room in search of scissors and accidentally opened Xiao Wan's closet.The colorful coats hanging neatly in Xiaowan's wardrobe immediately attracted Xiaoqian.Xiao Qian took out one of Xiao Wan's coats, tried it on, and began to imagine herself wearing the coat on stage. Unexpectedly, she was bumped into by Xiao Wan who had forgotten something and came back to get it.Xiao Wan was very angry about Xiao Qian's behavior of breaking into his bedroom without permission and wearing his coat without permission. However, facing Xiao Qian who seemed to be sincere in his apology, Xiao Wan had no choice but to forgive Xiao Qian and asked him to swear that he would neverOffend again.Backstage at Wanchun Club, Brother Bo felt very sympathetic after hearing what happened to Xiao Wan, and expressed his intention to vent his anger on Xiao Wan's behalf.Boss Pei brought Yu Xiaoqian, who was reporting in the garden on his first day, to the backstage. After everyone expressed their welcome, Brother Bo took the initiative to apply to take Xiaoqian to familiarize himself with the rules backstage.Brother Bo first took Xiaoqian to the clothing room, taught Xiaoqian how to fold a coat, and asked Xiaoqian to practice within one day.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Wanchun Club should finally have its first overseas commercial performance opportunity since Master left.Everyone was very excited, and they were all fully armed, as if they were going out to see the world.Only Yu Xiaoqian was unhappy alone because his senior brothers were not prepared to take him there.On the day of departure, under Xiao Qian's pleading, Boss Pei agreed to let Xiao Qian go with him and do odd jobs along with him.Outside Wanchun Club, Manager Shao drove a luxury business car to pick up everyone. After a few greetings, everyone got in the car and set off towards the destination of the business performance.The luxury business car stopped at the entrance of a five-star hotel. Seeing that Manager Shao's reception was of such a high standard, everyone said that they would use all their skills in the performance the next day and never let Manager Shao down.After Manager Shao left, there was a problem with the room allocation.The originally planned five people became six because of Xiao Qian's temporary addition, but Manager Shao only booked one double room and two standard rooms.In desperation, Xiao Qian and Da Fei had no choice but to move into the double bed room.At night, Dafei's loud snoring made Xiaoqian unable to sleep. Xiaoqian's several attempts to wake Dafei failed completely.Sleepy-eyed Xiaoqian walked out of the room and wanted to ask other senior brothers for help. Not only did he forget the room numbers of other people, but he also didn't bring his own room key card. He had nowhere to go and sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby behind Xiaoqian.Slept all night.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

The performance of Wanchun Society has been sluggish. As a newcomer, Yu Xiaoqian thought that he could broaden his mind and rent out the garden for weddings. This would not only increase income, but also not affect the garden's normal performances.Everyone felt that Xiao Qian's idea seemed feasible, so Xiao Qian, who was eager to perform, took over everything and took full responsibility for the preparation of the Wanchun Red Event.There is no oil and salt shop that is not open. Not long after the information about renting out the garden was sent out, the first customer came - Brother Feng.After Brother Feng and Xiao Qian signed the lease contract, he brought workers over the next day to renovate the garden to make it his ideal wedding venue.The sound of workers constructing attracted Bo Ge. Bo Ge noticed that the workers were ready to demolish the garden and immediately stopped them.Brother Feng felt that since he had paid the money, he had the right to reform, so he confronted Brother Bo and almost started a fight.Fortunately, Xiao Qian came back from outside and stopped the two of them.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Tomorrow is the day when Yu Xiaoqian will perform on stage for the first time at Wanchun Society.After the show, everyone was worried that Xiao Qian would be nervous, and they all offered to help him review the program he was going to perform. Who knew that Xiao Qian, in order to show off his strength, refused everyone's kindness and said that he was not nervous at all.That night, Xiao Qian, who was suffering from insomnia due to nervousness, woke up his partner Xiao Wan, hoping that Xiao Wan would go over the performance together with him.Xiao Qian's behavior made Xiao Wan very angry, first because Xiao Qian disturbed his sleep, and also because he was obviously very nervous, but he refused to admit it.So Xiaowan rejected Xiaoqian's request.Unexpectedly, Xiao Qian started to fight fiercely. In desperation, Xiao Wan had no choice but to agree to accompany Xiao Qian to tell them the names of the dishes they were going to perform.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

After the show, Xiao Qian and Xiao Hei, who stayed in the garden to clean up, found Mr. Wu sleeping soundly on the table in the corner.Xiao Qian wanted to go over and wake up Mr. Wu, but was stopped by two bodyguards in black beside Mr. Wu. They didn't leave until Mr. Wu woke up.The next day, everyone talked about this backstage, and they all found it strange that there were still audience members who fell asleep listening to the cross talk. This was simply an insult to the performance ability of the cross talk actors of Wanchun Club.While everyone was discussing, Mr. Wu actually came backstage again.Mr. Wu told everyone that he suffered from long-term insomnia and had tried many methods but could not cure it. Yesterday, he actually fell asleep while listening to Wanchun Society's cross talk.So Mr. Wu decided that he would book all the performances at Wanchun Club for the next week. He would listen to cross talk in Wanchun Club and find his sleep at the same time.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Mr. Wu has always wanted to do something to repay Wanchun Society for curing his insomnia.On this day, Mr. Wu came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea, which was to hold a 24-hour non-stop cross talk performance at Wanchun Club, and broadcast the entire stage and backstage live.Mr. Wu also gave this event a very nice name, called Can’t Stop the Microphone.Although everyone thought Mr. Wu's idea was a bit crazy, in order to increase the popularity of Wanchun Club and allow more people to have the opportunity to contact and understand cross talk, they still agreed to Mr. Wu's suggestion.At ten o'clock in the morning on the day of the live broadcast, the performance on stage started as usual.Sister Chun was worried that the front office would be too busy as the number of visitors increased, so she asked Lao Ge and Zhou Mo for help.Unexpectedly, the number of spectators at the scene was very small, and Lao Ge and Zhou Mo naturally left.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Because his family's story was made into a famous sitcom - I Love My Family - and he appeared in it himself, Jia Zhixin was once known and loved by people across the country.Now, Jia Zhixin has also established Universe Company and officially entered the film and television industry.And Jia Zhixin told everyone that the director of "I Love My Family" is actually him, not Yingda.As a result, everyone became full of confidence in filming sitcoms.The next day, Jia Zhixin took the staff backstage to arrange the shooting scene.Under the command of Director Jia, an old-fashioned cassette radio and a pair of words saying "Martyr in his old age and full of ambition" were put on the backstage of the cross talk, giving everyone a sense of déjà vu.Backstage, Director Jia began to analyze the characters one by one for the actors, but in summary, the characters that Director Jia arranged for each actor were actually the characters in "I Love My Family".

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Boss Pei welcomes a new blind date - Feifei.When the two met for the first time, they had a good impression of each other.However, Feifei, who pays great attention to health, expressed the hope that Boss Pei could provide a physical examination report when the two meet next time.Although Boss Pei didn't understand, he still agreed.After separating from Feifei, Boss Pei was in trouble.Boss Pei is very confident in his physical health, but he has always had a distrustful attitude towards Western medicine.So Boss Pei found Xiao Qian and wanted to ask him if there were any other ways to check his health besides going to the hospital.Hearing Boss Pei's inquiry, Xiao Qian perked up and volunteered to help Boss Pei conduct a self-examination of his health.However, although Xiaoqian's method seems scientific, it is very unreliable in testing.In desperation, Boss Pei had no choice but to go to the hospital.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Xiao Hu first asked Xiao Hei to summarize all the cross talk programs that everyone could perform, and made simple and crude modifications to them, making these programs become everyone's original programs.Xiao Hu asked Xiao Hei to register these programs for copyright in order to increase the brand value of Wanchun Society.Later, Xiao Hu found Xiao Qian, who was responsible for running the official Weibo, to learn about the situation.After Xiao Hu learned about the number of fans on Wanchunshe's Weibo, he asked Xiao Qian to change his previous Weibo operating style and regard attracting readers' attention as the sole purpose of posting on Weibo.Under the guidance of Xiao Hu, Xiao Qian tried to post a Weibo post, but unexpectedly the number of reads increased a lot.Xiao Hu approached Boss Pei again and asked to increase the number of performances to ten per day to increase the income of Wanchun Society.Of course Boss Pei objected, believing that ten performances a day was unrealistic.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Everyone chatted about their childhood dreams in the background. Dafei told everyone that he has always had a dream from childhood to now, which is to go to Antarctica, but because the cost is too expensive, he has not been able to complete it.Dafei's words reminded Bo Ge of an advertisement he had just seen at Lao Ge Fast Food Restaurant. It turned out that a drink called Antarctic Ice Tea was holding a prize-revealing event, and the special prize was a trip to Antarctica.After listening to Brother Bo's introduction, Dafei immediately went to the fast food restaurant, hoping that he could rely on his own luck to fulfill his childhood dream.Dafei bought twenty bottles of Antarctic ice tea in one go, but not one of them won the prize.Dafei, who felt hopeless about winning the prize, was a little discouraged. Xiao Qian, who was passing by, gave Dafei an idea.The cost of buying drinks is too high, and you can’t finish them. It’s better to go to the waste recycling station to buy some bottle caps, which is cheaper and easier.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Wanchunshe was invited to perform for community residents in the activity center of the neighborhood committee. They received warm hospitality from uncles and aunts, and they all brought out their own special dishes for everyone to taste.The enthusiasm of the aunts made everyone feel the warmth of home.Even backstage, everyone was still thinking about it.The next day, Aunt Wang, who I had met at the community center, came to visit everyone with braised pork.Everyone who didn't know how to swallow the fast food was overjoyed and welcomed Aunt Wang to come often.Faced with everyone's invitation, Aunt Wang was very happy and showed her special love for Xiao Hei.In the next few days, Aunt Wang came to see Xiao Hei backstage every day. She loved Xiao Hei like her own son and even taught Xiao Hei how to dance square dance backstage.Although everyone complained about Aunt Wang's excessive enthusiasm, due to Aunt Wang's age and the large number of people, they had to endure it silently out of respect.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Brother Bo took a day off because of family matters, and Xiao Hei suddenly lost his performance partner.In order to ensure a normal performance, Xiao Wan had to temporarily partner with Xiao Hei.The performance of the two people on stage had unexpected results and was praised by the audience and Brother Pei.This made Xiaowan's regular partner Xiaoqian feel a little uncomfortable.So Xiao Qian decided to innovate the program and add dance and other elements that he was good at into the performance. However, Xiao Wan, who had never been good at this, did not agree with Xiao Qian's approach.There was a little conflict between the two.After Bo Ge came back, he and Xiao Hei played a big test of tacit understanding between partners. Unexpectedly, every test ended in failure.Xiao Qian originally wanted to make up for the relationship with Xiao Wan, but Xiao Wan's attitude became a bit confusing to Xiao Qian. Not only did she ignore her various attentive behaviors, but she also unintentionally behaved politely.There is an increasingly tacit understanding between Xiao Hei.This made Xiao Qian start to doubt Xiao Wan.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

In Wanchunshe, an art palace with a long history, there are two highly respected masters - Qin Shangchang and Liang Yisheng. They have a close relationship with their master Tong Hualong. They are not only brothers, but also golden partners on the stage.This year marks the 50th anniversary of the two masters' careers in the arts. This should be a great time for celebration and commemoration, but it has become complicated because the two masters parted ways twenty years ago.

As a master, Tong Hualong naturally hopes that his disciples can unite as one and hold a grand celebration for the brilliant artistic careers of the two masters.However, the brothers were well aware of the contradiction between the two masters and fell into deep thought for a while.In the end, everyone decided to take this opportunity to test whether it was possible for the two masters to get back together.

Everyone found Master Qin first. When it was mentioned that he would hold a performance to commemorate his 50th anniversary as an artist, Master Qin showed joy on his face.Everyone originally thought of following the trend and letting Mr. Qin take the initiative to invite his old partner Mr. Liang to co-star. Unexpectedly, Mr. Qin offered to partner with anyone among them.This sudden change caused everyone's plans to fail instantly, but everyone did not give up and began to think about how to communicate with Master Liang.

While everyone was thinking hard, Master Liang came to the door himself.It turned out that Master Qin posted a Weibo post in excitement after discussing with everyone, and Master Liang accidentally saw it.As the same master, Master Liang felt that he had been ignored, so he came to Wanchun Society in person to inquire about the situation.Faced with Master Liang's questioning, everyone quickly explained and apologized, and expressed their willingness to hold a commemorative performance for him.

What is unexpected is that when talking about the partner problem, Master Liang actually proposed the same solution as Master Qin, and the required performance dates were exactly the same.This coincidence surprised everyone, and they also deeply felt that the artistic pursuit and love for the stage in the hearts of the two masters have never changed.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

On the occasion of the master's fiftieth anniversary as an artist, the entire garden was immersed in joy and anticipation.This day is not only a tribute to Master's artistic career, but also a profound reflection on the inheritance of traditional culture.

Master Qin, as a heavyweight in the garden, was first warmly welcomed by everyone.He strolled through the carefully laid out garden, and every detail revealed his respect for the artist.In a quiet corner backstage, Master Qin was drinking tea and discussing arts with everyone, his face filled with satisfaction and pride.

However, this peaceful atmosphere did not last long.With the arrival of Master Liang, the entire garden became busy again.In order to prevent the two masters from meeting each other, everyone had to quickly change the arrangement and even invited Master Liang to Boss Pei's office.This ingenious and tense arrangement not only reflects respect for the master, but also reflects the complex interpersonal relationships within the traditional art world.

The warm-up performance of the cross talk show added a bit of relaxation to the tense atmosphere of the day.Master Qin and Master Liang were walking around in the garden, but their presence was like an invisible wall that separated them.This delicate balance tests everyone's wisdom and adaptability.

However, things did not go as smoothly as everyone expected.Before the last performance of the commemorative performance, Master Liang seemed to notice something. His persistence and doubts put everyone in trouble.Just when everyone was extremely anxious, Master Qin ended his performance and returned to the backstage.The unexpected encounter between the two masters exposed all the secrets.

Facing the questions from the masters, although everyone felt guilty, they still firmly expressed their love for art and respect for the masters.In the end, with the audience's expectations and everyone's persuasion, the two masters put aside their grudges and walked onto the stage hand in hand to complete the last performance.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

On a hot afternoon, Linlin stopped in front of the daycare class. She wanted to send Xiaobao here so that he could study in a regular environment.However, Xiaobao firmly does not want to go. He prefers to play freely.Faced with Xiaobao's persistence, Linlin felt helpless and had to seek help from Dafei.

Dafei is Linlin's friend and Xiaobao's acquaintance.Faced with Linlin's plea and Xiaobao's determination, Dafei decided to take care of Xiaobao temporarily and promised Linlin that she would strictly implement the study plan she made for Xiaobao.After Linlin left, Dafei tried to get Xiaobao to start studying, but Xiaobao's mind was not on studying at all, he just wanted to go out and play.

Dafei looked at Xiaobao's innocent eyes, and his determination began to waver.He thought that Xiaobao was still a child and he should be allowed to enjoy the happiness of childhood.As a result, Dafei let Xiaobao play and his study plan was temporarily put on hold.

However, as time passed, Dafei began to realize the seriousness of the matter.Xiaobao's study progress is falling behind, and his homework is becoming more and more difficult.Dafei found that he did not have enough ability to tutor Xiaobao, so he ran backstage and asked everyone for help.

At first, everyone thought it was easy to help children with their homework, so they all agreed to help.But when they actually started trying, they discovered that wasn't the case.Children's learning is not a simple infusion of knowledge, but requires patience, care and correct guidance.

In this process, Dafei and everyone learned a lot.They began to understand Linlin’s concerns and their responsibilities as parents and educators.They know that Xiaobao's learning journey will not be easy, but with patience and determination, he will be able to overcome difficulties and make progress.

As a result, Dafei and others began to take Xiaobao's study more seriously. They worked together to formulate study plans, divided labor and cooperated to help Xiaobao gradually overcome difficulties and improve his academic performance.Xiaobao also gradually understood the importance of learning during this process and began to study harder.

Linlin was very pleased to see Xiaobao's progress.She thanked Dafei and everyone for their help, and was proud of her original decision.She knows that Xiaobao still has a long learning journey, but as long as everyone works together, he will definitely be able to make greater progress.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Xiao Qian is a smart young man who works in an advertising company, but his father has always been skeptical of his work.In order to make his father believe that he was still working in an advertising agency, Xiaoqian even created a fake office background to use during video calls with his father.However, his good friend Xiao Wan did not agree with his behavior and has been trying his best to persuade him to bravely tell his father the truth.

However, Xiaoqian is stubborn and unwilling to face the disappointment and doubts that his father may have.He would rather cheat than worry his father.This kind of contradictory emotions keeps growing in Xiao Qian's heart, making his life full of stress and uneasiness.

One day, when Xiao Qian accidentally passed by Lao Ge's fast food restaurant, he found that Lao Yu, who was supposed to be in his hometown, was eating inside.This unexpected discovery made Xiao Qian panic. He immediately ran back to the garden, erased his name on the water sign in the front hall, and asked Sister Chun to help him hide it.His behavior aroused everyone's doubts, but they didn't ask any more questions and just silently paid attention to Xiao Qian's situation.

However, Xiaoqian did not tell everyone the truth, but pretended to have a stomachache backstage to avoid the evening performance.Everyone who didn't know the truth immediately became worried for Xiao Qian. Boss Pei even took out his own ancestral folk prescription, but it still failed to cure Xiao Qian's illness.So, Xiaoqian took leave of course and temporarily stayed out of everyone's sight.

However, Xiaoqian's behavior did not solve the problem.His lies and evasions only made him more exhausted and anxious.He must face reality and bravely tell his father the truth in order to get rid of his inner conflicts and uneasiness.At the same time, he also needs to be honest with everyone so that they understand his dilemma and work together to help him overcome it.Only in this way can Xiaoqian truly get rid of the shackles of lies and regain freedom and inner peace.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

In the busy city, every couple has their own unique way of getting along.However, even couples who are in love will inevitably encounter some conflicts and misunderstandings.The young couple Bogo and Manman have been in such a predicament recently.

Bo Ge is a game fan and always likes to immerse himself in the virtual world in his spare time.And Manman, as his girlfriend, naturally hopes to know more about Boge's life.That day, when Manman saw Bo Ge playing a game, he casually asked: Is your teammate male or female?“This was originally an ordinary inquiry, but in Bogo's view, it was an interference with his freedom of play.Although the teammate was indeed a male, Bogo deliberately told Manman that he was a female.Such an answer naturally aroused Manman's dissatisfaction.

The Cold War is like an invisible wall that cuts off the emotional communication between two people.Although Bo Ge was angry, he was more concerned about his own face.He waited every day for Manman to send an apology message first, but the waiting made him feel dazed.His partner Xiao Hei saw this and was anxious in his heart. He tried to persuade Brother Bo to apologize many times, but Brother Bo always refused.

However, stalemate is not the answer.Brother Bo understood in his heart, but he didn't want to face it directly.So, he came up with a plan of ” chance encounter %, asking Xiao Hei to invite Manman to the coffee shop, and then pretending to pass by, hoping that in this way, Manman could apologize first.But this kind of acting seemed clumsy to Manman. She felt even more angry and left the cafe directly.

Brother Bo's dissatisfaction and resentment were finally spilled on Xiao Hei.Fortunately, everyone arrived in time and stopped Bo Ge.After listening to Bogo's account, they all agreed that Bogo had done something wrong.Facing everyone's persuasion, Bo Ge began to feel guilty, and he realized that he was indeed at fault in the whole thing.So, with the encouragement of everyone, Brother Bo finally let go of his face and decided to go to Manman to apologize.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

In a busy city, Xiaowan and Xiaoqian live together under the same roof as roommates.Although they have very different personalities, they have been working hard to maintain a harmonious cohabitation life.However, differences in the details of life have gradually become an invisible barrier between them.

Xiao Wan is a person who has almost harsh demands on life. His mysophobia often makes people around him puzzled.As for Xiao Qian, a casual and free-spirited person, his lifestyle is in sharp contrast to Xiao Wan.Whenever Xiao Qian's behavior touches Xiao Wan's % hygiene bottom line, Xiao Wan will always point it out and correct it without mercy.Although Xiaoqian felt helpless about this, he was not willing to change his lifestyle.

One day, Xiao Wan and Xiao Hei were enjoying tea in the background. Xiao Qian just came out of the bathroom and joined them.However, Xiaowan bluntly pointed out that Xiaoqian had not washed his hands.This made Xiao Qian lose face in front of everyone, and he decided to make changes and let Xiao Wan accept his lifestyle.

In order to win this bet, Xiao Qian began to look for theoretical basis. He believed that Xiao Wan's hygiene standards were too strict, even to the point of obsessive-compulsive disorder.He firmly believes that everyone has his own way of life, and Xiao Wan should respect his choice.In order to prove her point of view, Xiaoqian actually asked Tony, a psychology teacher, for help.

In the coffee shop, Xiao Wan was so entangled by Xiao Qian that he had no choice but to go with him to meet Teacher Tony.However, Teacher Tony’s behavior and certain expressions made Xiaowan feel uncomfortable.He felt that Teacher Tony did not really understand his ideas, but was a little offended.

After Teacher Tony left, Xiao Qian remained stubborn and tried to convince Xiao Wan with his own theory.However, Xiao Wan began to reflect on whether he was really too harsh and whether he should give Xiao Qian more space.At the same time, he also realizes that despite their differences, understanding and respect are the keys to maintaining a harmonious relationship.

In the end, Xiaowan and Xiaoqian found a balance point in in-depth communication.They understand that everyone has their own lifestyle and boundaries, and the important thing is to learn to understand and respect each other.Although there was no winner in this gambling game, it made them cherish their friendship and understanding even more.They understand that true harmony does not require the other party to completely change, but to find resonance and balance in differences.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

As Wanchun Club's cross talk performances became increasingly frequent and popular, the club began to consider expanding its team and enhancing its performance capabilities.Behind this decision is the desire for higher artistic pursuits and a larger stage.However, how to recruit suitable students has become a problem facing everyone.

The “I am a rising star” crosstalk selection contest proposed by Dafei seems to provide a solution to this problem.Not only can the competition select new talents with potential, but it can also take this opportunity to increase the visibility of Wanchun Society and attract more people's attention.Everyone expressed their agreement and looked forward to discovering a few outstanding students.

However, the diversity and complexity of the applicants exceeded everyone's expectations.Since there is no strict screening in the early stage, the level of the contestants varies, and there are even many people who have nothing to do with cross talk performances.This caused the selection scene to fall into chaos for a time, and everyone's expectations gradually turned into disappointment.

Just when everyone was about to give up, Xiaoxing's appearance poured into everyone's hearts like a breath of fresh air.He is extremely talented, behaves humbly and understands the rules, and has won the admiration of many seniors backstage.Boss Pei saw the huge potential in Xiaoxing and decided to accept him as his disciple, treating him as his successor and training him with all his strength.

However, Xiaoxing's behavior gradually revealed something unusual.He is busy practicing, but often forgets to complete the cleaning tasks arranged for him by Xiao Hei.However, Xiaoxing behaves extremely close to Xiao Qian, who is very popular in Wanchun Club, and even at certain times, his behavior seems to intentionally or unintentionally provoke a fight between Xiao Qian and Xiao Wan.

Xiaowan is a well-known person in the club who doesn't like to cheat, and he is very disgusted with Xiaoxing's behavior.He began to wonder whether Xiaoxing's true motive was to get close to Xiaoqian just for his own benefit, and whether he would do things behind his back that were detrimental to the interests of the society.

Hyosung’s behavior aroused concern and discussion within the club.Some people think that he may be a rare talent and should be given more opportunities and trust; while others have reservations and think that he is too utilitarian and may bring unnecessary trouble to the association.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Boss Pei took a few days off, and the atmosphere backstage became more relaxed.Without the strict supervision of the class leader, everyone is like a flying kite, enjoying the rare freedom.Dafei and Bo Ge, two people who usually love to make fun, took the opportunity to start a small competition, trying to test whose reaction was faster.

The game was in full swing, and Brother Bo was about to be defeated, but unexpectedly, Xiao Qian's scream came from the bathroom.Bo Ge felt as if he had been pricked by a needle and was immediately distracted. The result is self-evident, he lost to Da Fei.Bo Ge was naturally unwilling to give in. He insisted that it was Xiaoqian's scream that caused him to lose the game, while Xiaoqian insisted that he heard strange noises in the bathroom.

Driven by curiosity, everyone went to the bathroom to check.But the strange thing is that there is nothing in the bathroom and everything seems peaceful.Xiao Wan teased Xiao Qian, thinking that she had watched too many horror movies yesterday and was scaring herself.Everyone also followed suit and told ghost stories circulating in the background, trying to scare Xiao Qian.

However, Xiaoqian didn't buy it.In order to prove her courage, she made a bet with Bo Ge: she would sleep backstage for one night.This decision surprised everyone, but also made them more curious as to what secret was hidden behind it.

Because she was frightened just now, Xiaoqian ran to a nearby flower shop to borrow the bathroom.There, she met Zhenzhen.The two chatted about “ghost”.I really believe that all ghosts in the world are actually illusions caused by people's psychological factors.These words made Xiao Qian feel relieved a lot.

However, after returning to the garden, Xiaoqian was pulled into the box office by the well-informed Sister Chun.Sister Chun has a traditional mind. She believes that what Xiaoqian encountered may be something that has not yet been discovered in human cognition.She solemnly told Xiao Qian not to sleep in the background.

Xiaoqian was in a dilemma.On the one hand, she didn't want to be labeled a coward by Brother Bo; on the other hand, Sister Chun's warning made her fearful.But now that the bet has been made, Xiaoqian can only grit his teeth and persist.

That night, the lights backstage were dim, and Xiaoqian was lying in the corner with his ears raised, trying to catch every tiny sound.Although she was a little scared, she felt a little comforted when she thought about her persistence and courage.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Within Wanchun Club, a dispute was going on about the acting leader.Dafei, several people and others all believed that they were the most suitable candidates, and they all had their own opinions and refused to give in to each other.Finally, they decided to seek Sister Chun's opinion, hoping that she could give a fair ruling.

Sister Chun has a high prestige in the society, and her words can often carry the day.When she suggested that Xiao Wan should be the acting class leader, although everyone was a little surprised, they all chose to respect it.Xiao Wan was a little hesitant at first, worried that he would not be qualified for this important task.But Sister Chun's words strengthened his confidence: “Xiaowan, you are young and promising, and you have innovative thinking, which is exactly what Wanchun Club needs.I believe you can lead this team well and take Wanchun Society to a higher level.”

Therefore, Xiao Wan took over this important task and became the new generation leader of Wanchun Society.The first thing a new official should do when he takes office is to improve the discipline within the society.He observed that each member has his own shortcomings: Da Fei is greedy, Xiao Qian is lazy, Xiao Hei lacks principles, and Bo Ge cares too much about face.In response to these problems, Xiaowan formulated a set of reward and punishment regulations.

The regulations clearly state that Dafei must control his diet and must not eat any snacks except the main meal.This is undoubtedly a big challenge for Dafei, who has always been greedy.Xiao Qian was asked to perform early morning exercises every day and get rid of his lazy habit.Xiao Hei needs to take on the responsibility of supervising Xiao Qian to ensure that he is no longer lazy.As for Bo Ge, he needs to put down his posture and go to the streets to hand out flyers every day to cultivate his teamwork spirit.

Once these regulations were announced, they immediately caused quite a stir within the society.However, Xiao Wan was firm and said that this was for the long-term development of Wanchun Club.He also emphasized that if someone violates the rules, a small red flower will be deducted.When all three little red flowers are taken away, the person must treat others to a feast.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Xiao Qian and Xiao Wan are brothers. They have a deep relationship and often exchange experiences with each other.One day, Xiao Qian returned home and borrowed a folding fan from Xiao Wan on a whim, intending to show it off to Zhou Mo's cafe.Xiao Wan had already understood Xiao Qian's thoughts, and generously agreed to lend the folding fan presented by his master Tong Hualong, but the premise was that Xiao Qian must promise not to break it.Xiao Qian agreed wholeheartedly and happily went to the coffee shop with a folding fan.

In the coffee shop, Xiao Qian proudly showed the folding fan to everyone, but unexpectedly Zhou Mo discovered the origin of the fan.It turned out that the fan was inscribed with Tong Hualong's name. Zhou Mo had seen Tong Hualong's handwriting, so he recognized the fan at a glance.Xiao Qian, who failed to show off, had to put away the folding fan and admire it alone.

While Xiao Qian was admiring the folding fan, he accidentally walked into the front hall and happened to see Xiao Hei mopping the floor.Because her attention was all on the fan, Xiao Qian slipped and almost fell.At this critical moment, he held on to the folding fan tightly, but the fan accidentally fell into the bucket next to him.Seeing the folding fan that was damaged by water, Xiao Qian instantly became furious. He thought the accident was caused by Xiao Hei's mopping, and asked Xiao Hei for compensation.

Xiao Hei also felt very embarrassed when he learned that the broken folding fan was given to Xiao Wan by his master Tong Hualong.At this moment, Bo Ge passed by and after learning what happened, he decided to help Xiao Qian find a way to solve this problem.Bo Ge knew the importance of this folding fan to Xiao Wan, so he made a suggestion: the three of them work together to find a craftsman who can repair the folding fan and try to restore the fan to its original state.

After some searching, they finally found a craftsman who was good at restoring antiques.The craftsman said that although repairing the fan requires a certain amount of time and skill, there is still a good chance that the fan can be restored to its original condition.Hearing the news, both Xiaoqian and Xiaohei breathed a sigh of relief.They decided to pay for the restoration and wait patiently for good news from the craftsman.

While waiting for repairs, Xiaoqian deeply reflected on his mistakes and realized that he was too careless when showing off, causing damage to the folding fan.He made up his mind to cherish things more and stop acting rashly in the future.At the same time, he also felt the deep friendship between his fellow apprentices and Brother Bo's care and help, which made him feel warmer.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

In this busy city, Xiao Wan's life is calm and orderly.However, a sudden news broke the calm - his three aunts were coming to visit him from their hometown.These three aunts have a special place in his heart, because Xiaowan has grown up under their love and care since he was a child.But at the same time, they were also particularly concerned about his marriage and would constantly urge him to find a girlfriend every time they met.

Xiaowan is well aware of the expectations of his three aunts, but he also has his own persistence and ideas.He doesn't want to go against his own wishes and cater to other people's expectations, but he doesn't want to see them worrying about him.This contradiction put Xiao Wan in a dilemma. He didn't know how to face the upcoming three aunts.

Just when Xiao Wan was hesitant, his friend Xiao Qian came up with an idea for him - let the flower shop's partner Zhenzhen pretend to be his girlfriend.Xiao Wan was a little hesitant about this proposal, but considering that his three aunts only came a few times a year, he decided to use this method to deal with it temporarily, and then explain slowly.

On the day when the three aunts arrived, Zhenzhen came to Xiaowan's house in advance to prepare.Although Xiao Wan seemed a little nervous, Zhenzhen behaved very naturally and relaxed.When Xiao Qian brought her three aunts home, they immediately smiled happily and satisfied when they saw the girlfriend Xiao Wan mentioned.Asking questions around Zhenzhen, it seemed that he had found someone to talk to.

However, things did not develop as Xiao Wan expected.After dinner, the three aunts suggested that they did not want to stay in a hotel, but at Xiao Wan's house.This caught Xiao Wan off guard, but he still agreed.In the evening, the three aunts were chatting animatedly in the living room and refused to go to rest.Xiaowan and Zhenzhen had no choice but to return to the bedroom first.

Xiao Wan was worried that the truth would be exposed, so he promised Zhenzhen that he would send her away as long as her three aunts fell asleep.However, as time passed, Xiao Wan began to realize that this temporary lie might bring greater trouble.He began to reflect on his behavior. Should he really sacrifice his true feelings in order to cater to other people's expectations?

At the same time, Zhenzhen also felt Xiaowan's anxiety and contradiction.She understands Xiao Wan's situation, but also hopes that he can bravely face his heart.So, after the three aunts fell asleep, Zhenzhen did not leave, but chose to stay with Xiaowan.

That night, Xiaowan and Zhenzhen talked a lot.They talked about each other's lives, dreams and confusions.In the process, Xiao Wan gradually understood his own intentions - he did not want to sacrifice his own happiness in order to cater to other people's expectations.At the same time, he also felt true kindness and understanding.

The next morning, when the three aunts woke up, they saw Xiaowan and Zhenzhen sitting together having breakfast intimately.Although they were a little surprised, they also felt the tacit understanding and happiness between the two.As a result, the three aunts no longer brought up the topic of urging marriage, but began to care about Xiaowan and Zhenzhen's future plans.

This experience strengthened Xiaowan's belief.He understands that only by facing his own heart bravely can he find true happiness.At the same time, he also thanked Zhenzhen for his support and understanding in this incident.The relationship between the two became even deeper and more special as a result.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

In today's social media era, fan culture has penetrated into every aspect of our lives.For many public figures, the number and activity of fans has become an important indicator of their influence.Dafei, a crosstalk actor, has recently experienced unprecedented pride in this wave of fan culture.

Dafei’s number of fans on Weibo is growing day by day, and one of them is a particularly active fan named “Feifongfa”.This fan not only frequently expressed praise for Dafei, but also actively participated in various activities of Dafei, making Dafei feel unprecedented attention and love.This feeling of being sought after gave Dafei the illusion that he was already popular.

In order to further expand his influence, Dafei found Zhenzhen from the flower shop, hoping that she could help him run his own Weibo fan group.Zhenzhen agreed, and the number of Dafei’s fans did increase significantly as a result.However, all this did not go as smoothly as Dafei imagined.

Backstage, everyone's attitude towards “Feifong” was very cold.The reason is that while “Feibufan” praised Dafei, he also criticized other members of Wanchun Club, believing that their cross talk skills were not as good as Dafei's, and even became an obstacle for Dafei to increase his popularity.This kind of remarks made everyone in Wanchun Society very angry, and they all went to Boss Pei for comment.

At first, Boss Pei wanted to make peace with the situation, but after hearing “Extraordinary”'s criticism of himself, he also became angry.Boss Pei led everyone to find Dafei, hoping that he could handle the matter.However, in the face of the angry people, Dafei didn't care. He believed that the reason why people showed this attitude was because they were jealous that they had fans who loved them so much.

A few days later, while Xiao Hei was cleaning backstage, a young girl walked in.She is just “extraordinary”.Xiao Hei originally wanted to discuss her criticism of him with her, but unexpectedly he was blackmailed by “Feifong”.This incident made members of Dafei and Wanchun Club more aware of the double-edged sword nature of fan culture.

Fan culture has indeed brought unprecedented attention and influence to public figures, but at the same time, it may also bring unnecessary trouble and disputes to public figures and their teams because of the words and deeds of some extreme fans.How to stay sober and rational in this environment, while being able to enjoy the benefits brought by fans and properly handle the problems caused by fans, has become a challenge that every public figure needs to face.

For Dafei, he needs to realize that although fans like “Feifong” can bring him short-term attention and popularity, this short-term pride will be lost if the disputes and criticism caused by her cannot be properly handled.That could translate into long-term woes.For the members of Wanchun Club, they also need to understand that fan culture is not a simple "Hello, I'm Hello, Everyone" game, but an ecosystem that requires everyone to work together and maintain it.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

In an ordinary garden, preparations for a unique performance are underway.Everyone's busy figures and expectant eyes are surrounding tonight's protagonist - Xiao Hei.However, in stark contrast to the lively atmosphere in the garden, Xiao Hei himself fell into deep tension and uneasiness.

As the focus of tonight, Xiao Hei felt unprecedented pressure.He is afraid that his performance will be unsatisfactory and that he will live up to everyone's expectations of him.Even on the eve of the performance, Xiao Hei once wanted to cancel the special performance. He felt that he was not ready or confident to face the audience.

But fortunately, Xiao Hei did not face these problems alone.His friends and partners are encouraging him, telling him that everyone has a first time, and the important thing is to take that step bravely.With the comfort and encouragement of everyone, Xiao Hei finally plucked up the courage and decided to go on stage and face those unfamiliar faces.

The show begins.Xiao Hei stood on the stage and looked at the unfamiliar audience, feeling nervous again.However, when he mentioned his first burden, the audience gave him warm applause.This unexpected feedback surprised Xiao Hei, and also made him feel a little comforted.

As the performance progressed, Xiao Hei gradually entered the state.Although his performance was not particularly good, every attempt won a warm response from the audience.This interaction made Xiao Hei feel that his efforts were rewarded, and his confidence gradually grew.

After the performance, Xiao Hei seemed to be completely different from his previous self.He is no longer the nervous, unconfident little black guy, but an actor who dares to face challenges and pursue his dreams.Everyone was happy for Xiao Hei when they saw his change.

In order to celebrate this successful first performance, everyone decided to go to Lao Ge's fast food restaurant to celebrate.In the restaurant, everyone toasted to congratulate him, and Xiao Hei also expressed his new goal-to open another special performance.Everyone was a little surprised when they heard this decision, but they were more supportive and encouraging to Xiao Hei.

However, Xiao Hei's goal is not so easy to achieve.In the next few days, every time he proposed plans to open another special show to Boss Pei, he was shunned.Boss Pei was worried that Xiao Hei was too impulsive and was not fully prepared.But Xiao Hei did not give up because of this. He insisted on his decision and constantly expressed his thoughts and plans to Boss Pei.

Seeing how determined and persistent Xiao Hei was, Boss Pei finally decided to give Xiao Hei another chance.He believed that as long as Xiao Hei could prepare carefully, he would be able to succeed again.

In this way, Xiao Hei stood on the stage again, facing familiar and unfamiliar faces. He once again won the applause and love of the audience with his efforts and talents.This success not only made Xiaohei more confident, but also made him more determined in his pursuit and dreams.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

In a corner of Beiwei Road, Wanchunshe has broken out into the world with its unique charm.However, just as they were taking root here and preparing to make great achievements, an unexpected news came like a bolt from the blue - the landlord Wang Lina decided not to renew the lease to Wanchun Society after the expiration at the end of the year.This news is undoubtedly a heavy blow to everyone.

Wang Lina's decision seems to be rock solid, with no room for maneuver.However, everyone was unwilling to give up the results of their hard work.They felt that there must be other reasons behind Wang Lina's taking back the house.So, with everyone's recommendation, Dafei was appointed as the envoy to find out Wang Lina's true thoughts.

Dafei learned that Wang Lina's son failed the postgraduate entrance examination this year, and he decided to go home and open a restaurant out of frustration.Although Wang Lina did not agree with her son's choice, as a mother, she could only choose to support it.Therefore, she decided to take back the house in Wanchunshe to provide space for her son's restaurant.

After hearing this reason, everyone felt that there was no hope of renewing the lease.However, Dafei, who had received preferential treatment from everyone in the past few days, was unwilling to accept it.He lied that as long as he insisted on dancing with Wang Lina, he would have a way to prevent her from taking back the house.With nothing to do, everyone could only choose to believe Dafei, and he therefore made several treatment requirements, and everyone had no choice but to agree to them one by one.

As a result, Dafei's treatment backstage became special, and he became very energetic.However, there has been no progress in renewing the lease of the garden.Although everyone was anxious, they could only serve Dafei every day, hoping that he could really convince Wang Lina.

This incident allows us to see the persistence and compromise of everyone in Wanchun Society.They were unwilling to give up the results of their hard work, but they could not change Wang Lina's decision.Dafei, on the other hand, tried to find a turning point by dancing with Wang Lina, which was undoubtedly a clever strategy.However, whether this strategy is really effective still needs time to be verified.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

As Wanchunshe's cross talk performances continue to be popular, more and more young faces appear in the theater's auditorium.They have brought new vitality and enthusiasm to the art of cross talk, and have also made some traditional cross talk actors feel a little pressure.Boss Pei is one of them.

Boss Pei is a recognized cross talk master in Wanchun Society. His cross talk skills are profound and his performance style is unique, and he is deeply loved by the older generation of audiences.But as the audience became younger, he gradually found that the distance between himself and the young audience was slowly widening.Those crosstalk actors who have more in common with young people have gradually become enthusiastically sought after, while Boss Pei seems a little lonely.

Dafei is a good friend of Boss Pei and a member of Wanchun Club.He was well aware of Boss Pei's troubles, so on a day off, he found Boss Pei and wanted to untie his knot.Dafei analyzed: “Young or not, actually does not depend on your age, but on your mentality.We cannot refuse to accept new things just because we grow older. On the contrary, we should be more open to accepting and learning.”

After listening to Dafei's words, Boss Pei fell into deep thought.He understands what Dafei means, but he also has his own persistence and pride.He believes that his cross talk art has been honed and accumulated over many years, and he does not need to change himself to cater to young audiences.

However, seeing everyone around him struggling to adapt to the new environment, Boss Pei began to waver.He began to think, did some changes really need to be made?

At this moment, the appearance of Xiao Qian gave Boss Pei new inspiration.Xiaoqian is a new member of Wanchun Club, young, lively and full of creativity.When she was drawing eyebrows for everyone backstage, she deliberately raised her voice so that Boss Pei in the office on the second floor could hear her.Not only that, she also deliberately told some popular Internet jokes in front of Boss Pei, which made everyone laugh.

Boss Pei looked at the group of people laughing, but he still couldn't find the point of laughter.This made him reflect, was he really out of touch with this era?

After some careful consideration, Boss Pei finally decided to try a change.He began to learn Internet buzzwords, pay attention to the interests and hobbies of young people, and even added some modern elements to his performances.His efforts soon paid off. Young audiences began to take a keen interest in his performance, and the applause from the theater became even more enthusiastic.

Boss Pei's transformation gave Wanchun Society new vitality.He has proved with his actions that age is not an obstacle to progress. As long as you keep an open mind, you can continue to learn and improve.At the same time, he also used his own experience to tell everyone that no matter whether you are young or not, you should keep a young heart and embrace this world full of changes.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

In the bustling city, Wanchun Club, a traditional cross talk stage, has attracted the attention of many audiences.One day, through Xiao Wan's introduction, a director You Mou, who claimed to be a reporter, walked into the backstage of Wanchun Club.He plans to shoot a documentary about the art of cross talk, hoping to record the charm of this traditional art and the stories behind it through the lens.

However, during the first contact, Director You's questions seemed too abstract and profound, which made the crosstalk actors present feel a little confused.They tried hard to answer, but could never find a suitable entry point, because Director You's question seemed far away from their daily lives and performances.Similarly, Director You could not feel that there was any sincerity and practical content in their answers, which made him feel a little disappointed.

The communication between the two parties fell into a stalemate. In the end, Director You decided to temporarily stop filming.His departure made everyone in Wanchun Society feel very sorry. They thought this was a rare opportunity to let more people know about cross talk and them.It was not until later that Xiao Wan learned from other channels that Director You was actually a famous documentary director in China.

This news caused quite a shock within Wanchun Club, and everyone began to regret not showing themselves better at that time and missing an opportunity to become famous.However, to their surprise, Director You returned to the backstage of Wanchun Club the next day.

You apologized to everyone, believing that his emotional out-of-control yesterday led to an embarrassing situation.He explained that his way of asking questions was indeed too abstract and did not take everyone's actual situation into consideration.At the same time, he also expressed his love and respect for the art of cross talk, hoping to let more people understand this traditional art through documentaries.

When everyone saw this, they quickly took the responsibility on themselves, saying that they did not understand Director You's intentions.Director You told them that he decided to adjust the shooting method and conduct one-on-one interviews, and hoped to give them another chance to shoot again.After hearing this, everyone of course readily agreed.

In the subsequent filming, Director You's questions became more specific and realistic. He tried to gain a deeper understanding of each crosstalk actor's inner world from aspects such as their life experience, learning process, and performance experience.And everyone gradually let go of themselves and began to answer Director You's questions sincerely.

During this process, Boss Pei looked a little nervous when he faced the camera again.He has been repeating the mission of Wanchun Society that his master told him, hoping to pass on this responsibility and mission to more people through Director You's lens.Dafei wanted to express his determination to remarry to Linlin through Director You's lens. He hoped that in this way, Linlin could see his sincerity and determination.

Brother Bo strongly disagrees with Director You's theory that you need to be reasonable with your girlfriend.He used his own real experience as an example to refute Director You's point of view.He believes that in love, understanding and tolerance are the most important, rather than simply being reasonable.Xiao Hei is completely unable to learn Director You's method of building trust. He feels that this requires time and experience to accumulate slowly, and cannot be easily achieved with some skills.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 31 Details

Episode 31

In the busy city, Boss Pei stepped into this sentimental cafe with a big request.He originally thought he would see a gentle and virtuous lady, but unexpectedly, sitting opposite him was a childish child - Xiaohu.

Boss Pei was slightly stunned, feeling a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.He glanced at Xiaohu and saw the child blinking his big eyes and saying seriously: Uncle Pei, I am your aunt's nephew. If you want to see your aunt, you have to get through me first.“

Boss Pei was a little helpless. He originally thought this was just a simple blind date, but he didn't expect to encounter something like this.He originally wanted to leave, but looking at Xiaohu's serious look, he thought the child was quite cute.So, he sat down and decided to chat with Xiaohu.

The two chatted about their hobbies and campus life. Boss Pei discovered that although Xiaohu was young, he had quick thinking and extraordinary conversation.They chatted very well, as if they had been friends for many years.Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the two of them had been chatting for a long time.

Finally, Xiaohu handed Boss Pei a test question and said: Uncle Pei, this is the test question I gave you. Only if you answer it correctly can you see my aunt at the same time three days later.”Boss Pei looked at the test questions with both amusement and expectation in his heart.

At the same time three days later, Boss Pei arrived at the coffee shop on time.He held the completed test questions and felt a little nervous.After a while, Xiaohu ran over. He took the test questions and read them carefully.After a while, he raised his head and said with a smile: Uncle Pei, you answered correctly. Now you can go see my aunt.%

Boss Pei followed Xiaohu to a quiet corner, where he saw a gentle and virtuous lady looking at him with a smile.It turns out that this lady is Xiaohu's aunt and Boss Pei's blind date this time.The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had known each other for many years.

Although the blind date did not go as Boss Pei expected, he gained an unexpected friend - Xiaohu.And the fate between him and his blind date became even deeper.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 32 Details

Episode 32

In the bustling city, Wanchunshe attracts audiences from all directions with its unique artistic charm.However, recently, the phenomenon of scalpers at the entrance of the agency has become more and more serious, which has attracted great attention from Sister Chun, who is in charge of the box office.These scalpers not only disrupted the market order, but also seriously affected the audience's ticket purchasing experience, making Sister Chun very angry.

Sister Chun knows that in order to solve this problem, we first need to find evidence of scalping transactions.However, the process of finding evidence is not easy, and Sister Chun is in trouble.At this moment, she decided to use her own methods to find evidence to safeguard the fairness and justice of Wanchun Society.

At the same time, Xiao Hei is also facing his own dilemma.Knowing that he was in the wrong, he bit the bullet and found Hua Zi.He originally wanted to ask Hua Zi for help, but unexpectedly Hua Zi told him that an old friend from the past learned that Xiao Hei talked about cross talk and wanted to come and support him.Hua Zi hopes Xiao Hei can give him eight more tickets to entertain these old friends.

Faced with Hua Zi's request, Xiao Hei felt very embarrassed.He knew that these votes might be of great significance to Huazi's old friends, but he also knew that if he agreed easily, it would probably encourage scalpers' arrogance.Xiao Hei is in a dilemma, not knowing how to reject Hua Zi.

At this critical moment, Xiao Hei needs to make a wise choice.He can talk frankly with Huazi, explain his dilemma and position, and let Huazi understand his difficulties.At the same time, he can also actively communicate with Sister Chun and seek her help and advice.Only in this way can Xiao Hei maintain his principles and at the same time lose his friendship with Hua Zi.

In the process of searching for evidence, Sister Chun can also learn from Xiao Hei's dilemma and find a breakthrough.She can strengthen cooperation with other relevant departments to jointly combat scalpers.At the same time, she can also use modern technological means, such as installing monitoring equipment and strengthening ticket management, to obtain evidence of scalping transactions.

In short, the problem of scalpers at the gate of Wanchunshe needs to be solved urgently.Sister Chun and Xiao Hei are both working hard on this. They hope to create a fair and orderly ticket purchasing environment for the audience through their efforts.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 33 Details

Episode 33

On the bustling North Latitude Road, there is a little-known cross talk club - Wanchun Club.Six brothers with different personalities and a passion for cross talk constantly change their understanding of cross talk, their mentality towards fame and fortune, and their understanding of the relationship between actors and audiences in the process of honing their skills.

They staged scenes of cute and interesting stories in Wanchun Club, noisily accompanying each other and growing up.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 34 Details

Episode 34

On the stage of the entertainment industry, the images of artists are always changeable and full of surprises.Recently, the high-profile artist Xiao Qian has let us see his unusual side.Changing from the dignified and elegant style backstage in the past, Xiaoqian began to practice rap anytime and anywhere, and even many classic cross talk jokes were cleverly integrated into hip-hop music.

In order to match the hip-hop style performance, Xiaoqian also put a lot of effort into dressing.In order to pursue loose and casual dressing effect, he specially found Bo Ge, who was much taller than himself, and borrowed his jersey to wear.This move not only demonstrates Xiaoqian's love for hip-hop culture, but also reflects his persistent pursuit of art.

However, these changes for Xiaoqian have not been smooth sailing.His new style not only aroused heated discussions among fans, but also caused some people to question the reliability of his agent Kevin.After all, Xiao Qian has changed so much that one can't help but wonder if this is another one of Kevin's whims.

In a meeting with Kevin, Xiaoqian enthusiastically showed off the results of his recent rap training.However, Kevin told him a surprising news: the company decided to change the direction of Xiaoqian and planned to prepare his first album in the form of a combination.At the same time, the company hopes that Xiao Qian can persuade his friend Xiao Wan to join the group.

For Xiaoqian, this is an exciting and challenging task.He is well aware of Xiaowan's talent and influence, and believes that his addition can bring more possibilities to the combination.However, Xiaowan has always been skeptical about Kevin's reliability, so he is not interested in the proposal to join the group.

Although Xiao Wan begged in every possible way and even promised to create a music style suitable for Xiao Wan in the group, Xiao Wan still firmly rejected him.In Xiao Wan’s view, cooperating with the unreliable Kevin and an unpredictable company is far less reliable than developing independently.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 35 Details

Episode 35

In order to maintain the man's self-esteem, Bogo showed his erudition and talent in front of Manman.They walked into the art gallery together, and Bogo, with a confident smile, began to introduce the story behind each painting and anecdotes about the painter to Manman.However, he wasn't always so sure.He secretly checked his phone, trying to find the right answer, and although there were sometimes small flaws, he still succeeded in blinding Manman.

However, just as they were about to leave, Bogo made a mistake.He tried to deliberately show off his knowledge by mistaking an ordinary chair for a work of art.Manman soon saw through his lie, and Bo Ge had to take her out of the art museum in embarrassment.

On the way out, Manman warned Bo Ge not to pretend to understand.She made a point of reminding him to keep it real when he meets her father next week.Bogo agreed wholeheartedly. He understood that this was an important opportunity and he needed to win the favor of Manman's father.

Backstage, Brother Bo immediately started preparing.He knew that Manman's father liked antiques and porcelain, so he found a book about antiques and began to recite it hard.However, Bogo was not good at memorizing, and it was very painful for him to memorize.Before long, he fell asleep on the table.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 36 Details

Episode 36

In a corner of the city, Dafei finally received the news he had been waiting for - his home was going to be demolished.For Dafei, this news was not only a change in life, but also a turning point in fate.As the dust of the demolition settles, Dafei is about to join the ranks of the rich.

After the news spread, the surrounding relatives and friends cast envious glances at Dafei, and all kinds of congratulations and compliments came one after another.People curiously asked Dafei what he planned to do after he got rich.These questions seemed to remind Dafei invisibly that he always had an unfulfilled wish deep in his heart.

Dafei and Linlin were once a couple, but their marriage eventually came to an end due to various reasons.In Dafei's view, the main reason for their divorce was his poor financial situation.Therefore, after becoming a rich man, Dafei's first wish was to remarry Linlin and start their lives again.

In order to realize this wish, Dafei decided to impress Linlin's heart with a romantic proposal.He went to a local flower shop, ordered 3,000 roses, and asked the shop owner Xiao Wan to deliver the bouquet to Linlin's office.Dafei hoped that this sudden surprise would make Linlin change her mind and see her sincerity and determination.

However, things did not develop as Dafei expected.When Linlin received this bouquet of roses, her reaction was not surprise and emotion, but anger and anger.She found the backstage of the flower shop and insisted that Dafei stop sending her flowers.This made Dafei feel very confused and lost.

Unwilling to be reconciled, Dafei found Linlin and the two made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop.Dafei frankly expressed his thoughts and wishes to Linlin, hoping that the two could remarry.However, Linlin was very dissatisfied that Dafei simply attributed the reason for the divorce to money.She believed that Dafei had not really reflected on the problems in their relationship, nor had he truly understood her thoughts and feelings.

This meeting made Dafei realize that remarriage is not a simple matter.He needs to seriously think about the relationship between the two and what he really wants.At the same time, he also needs to respect Linlin's feelings and decisions instead of blindly acting according to his own wishes.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 37 Details

Episode 37

In this busy and expectant season, Boss Pei finally has the heart-warming moment he has been waiting for.Many blind dates have made him almost lose confidence in this method, but fate always seems to give you a big surprise when you least expect it.

Jiaqing, a special woman who has endless topics to talk about with Boss Pei.When the two met by chance in a coffee shop and talked about their respective blind dates from poetry and songs, the long-lost feeling of rapport emerged spontaneously.Boss Pei seemed to have found a spiritual confidant, and the conversation between them was like a long stream of water, gentle and profound.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment. Boss Pei was so immersed in the conversation with Jiaqing that he forgot about the upcoming performance.Everyone backstage began to worry when they saw that Boss Pei had not returned, and finally decided to go out to look for him.

In the corner of the coffee shop, Boss Pei and Jia Qing were chatting animatedly.Dafei's appearance interrupted their conversation and reminded Boss Pei of the upcoming performance.Boss Pei woke up from a dream. Although he was a little regretful, he reluctantly said goodbye to Jiaqing.

When they parted, the two exchanged WeChat messages, which seemed to indicate that there would be more stories waiting for them to explore in the future.When Boss Pei returned backstage, he was a completely different person. His face was filled with the joy of being in love, and even his usual speech and dressing style had undergone obvious changes.

However, this change is not entirely positive.Boss Pei began to neglect the daily work in the garden, and became absent-minded about many important matters of Wanchun Club.The continuation of this state not only affected Boss Pei's personal performance, but also brought the work of the entire Wanchun Society to a standstill.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 38 Details

Episode 38

With the rise of cultural phenomena, Wanchunshe has gradually become the focus of public attention and attracted the attention of many media.Amid this craze, Lao Ge Fast Restaurant, just across the street from Wanchun Club, fell into an unexpected crisis.

Lao Ge, an owner who loves his restaurant deeply, sees his business declining day by day and feels anxious.By chance, he had a flash of inspiration and came up with a seemingly unique way to make money - using his geographical relationship with Wanchun Society to attract media interviews.His condition was that any reporter who wanted to interview Wanchunshe must first order food from his restaurant.

At first glance, this method seems a bit unrealistic and even a bit angry.However, to Lao Ge's surprise, this proposal attracted widespread attention.Since members of the Wanchun Society rarely give interviews to the media, the door of Lao Ge's fast food restaurant was quickly surrounded by media reporters eager to get exclusive news.

However, the good times did not last long.Amid this craze, some media outlets deliberately misinterpreted Lao Ge's original meaning, took his remarks out of context, and even added fuel to the fire, ultimately turning them into articles that misled the public.Once these articles were published, they caused widespread controversy and dissatisfaction.

Angry readers flocked to Lao Ge's fast food restaurant, demanding an explanation from the media.Facing the sudden storm, Lao Ge felt both innocent and helpless.He insisted that his original intention was just to save the restaurant and never intended to mislead the public or profit from Wanchunshe's reputation.However, under public criticism and media hype, Lao Ge finally had to make a compromise and suspended his interview business.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 39 Details

Episode 39

In a wonderful performance, the two people on the stage, Ling'er and Xiao Wan, cooperated tacitly and coordinated their movements, winning rounds of applause from the audience.Their cooperation not only demonstrated their outstanding skills, but also demonstrated their deep friendship with each other.After the training, the two came backstage and chatted easily.

At this time, Xiao Qian also came to the backstage. He had always been looking forward to Ling'er, hoping to have the opportunity to get close to her.When passing water to Xiao Wan, the water accidentally spilled on Xiao Wan's body.Upon seeing this, Ling'er immediately took out a handkerchief to wipe Xiao Wan's face. This scene happened to be seen by Zhen Zhen, who came to see Xiao Wan.

Zhenzhen has always been secretly fond of Xiao Wan, and seeing Ling'er caring so much about Xiao Wan, she couldn't help but feel jealous.She said a few words briefly, then turned and left.Xiaoqian realized that Zhenzhen had misunderstood the relationship between Ling'er and Xiaowan, and wanted to explain a few words to Xiaowan, but Zhenzhen didn't listen to his explanation at all.

Xiaoqian has always been a little afraid of Zhenzhen, but when he saw Zhenzhen being so persistent, he had to find an excuse and leave.However, Zhenzhen did not calm down because of this. Instead, she transferred her resentment to Xiao Qian.She felt that Xiao Qian was deliberately getting close to Ling'er and ruining the relationship between her and Xiao Wan.

In order to dispel this resentment, Zhenzhen found Xiao Qian and asked him to teach him to sing Dagu Shu.Under Xiao Qian's guidance, Zhenzhen gradually mastered the skills of singing Dagu Shu, and she also gradually understood that Xiao Qian had no malicious intentions, but was just a kind and enthusiastic person.Through this study, the relationship between Zhenzhen and Xiaoqian has also improved.

《Wanchun laugh Club》Episode 40 Details

Episode 40

In the long river of life, parting and reunion are always intertwined, weaving touching stories one after another.Today, what we are going to tell is the story of Boss Pei and Dafei, a story full of emotional twists and turns and deeply touching.

Boss Pei, a respected garden owner, decided to go to other places to run a new garden with Dafei.They shouldered the important task of opening up a new world and left Wanchun Social to Xiaowan to take care of.On the morning before leaving, Boss Pei came to the office alone and silently packed his things.He originally wanted to leave quietly without disturbing anyone, but fate had its own plans.

The moment Boss Pei was about to step out of the office, everyone rushed to see him off.These people who usually worked with Boss Pei now stood in front of him, their eyes full of reluctance and concern.Boss Pei looked at them with an indescribable emotion in his heart.He stood next to everyone and told them over and over again, his words revealing endless reluctance.

Finally, Boss Pei held back the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes and said goodbye to everyone.He and Dafei held hands and walked heavily towards the train station.Everyone's eyes followed their backs until they disappeared from sight.At that moment, everyone felt empty in their hearts, as if they had lost something important.

Under Xiao Qian's questioning, everyone began to recall the time spent with Boss Pei and Da Fei.Those little bits and pieces of the past have become extremely precious now.The more they recalled, the more they missed Boss Pei and Dafei.At this moment, they are extremely eager for Boss Pei and Dafei to return to them again.

However, just as everyone was immersed in longing, a surprising news came: Boss Pei and Dafei were really back!It turned out that due to Dafei's negligence, they booked the wrong train tickets to other places.This accident forced the two of them to return to the garden and reunite with everyone.

Although Boss Pei and Dafei will embark on a new journey in a few days, this reunion is cherished by everyone.They all came forward to hug and cry with Boss Pei and Dafei, telling their thoughts and reluctance.Boss Pei and Dafei were also deeply moved. They knew that this separation would be short-lived and that the reunion in the future would be even better.