Home TV Grand Shining Hotel
《Grand Shining Hotel》Character Info
  • Zheng Zhenyun


    In Ming Huan's heart, there is a special person - Liu Yaying.He likes Liu Yaying's liveliness and eccentricity, and her neat personality.In Ming Huan's eyes, Liu Yaying was like a ...

  • Jin Zaijing

    Park Hyun Joo

    Actor:Jin Zaijing

    This femme fatale appears extremely calm and calm during every crime.Even at the last moment before being arrested, she was still humming a song in the escort car, as if everything ...

  • Li Zhixun

    Song Yubin

    Actor:Li Zhixun

    The deputy manager's eyes were piercing, as if he could see into people's hearts.His eyebrows are deft and expressive, and every time they are raised slightly, they can convey infi ...

  • Zheng Renxian

    Liu Yaying

    Seo Eun-sook, a notorious writer in the online novel industry, is known for her strict requirements and perverted working methods.Li Ya once joined her team as a PD (producer). She ...