Home TV got a crush on you
《got a crush on you》“Song Xingchen”Intro
The actor playing role in《got a crush on you》is“Gulinaza

In this complicated world, we are often bound by various rules and expectations, and forget the inner voice.However, there are always some people who dare to challenge conventions and bravely pursue their dreams. Their lives are full of adventure and excitement.Su Qingche and Song Xingchen are such people. Their life stories tell us: Only by following your heart can you live your true self.

Su Qingqing, a seemingly ordinary but energetic girl.Her life is always full of surprises and challenges.With her company, Song Xingchen spent his seemingly rebellious 30-year-old rebellious period.During this special period, Song Xingchen no longer worked hard to live a chic life, but began to learn to follow his heart and bravely be his true self.

Su Qingche's philosophy of life is: Life is an adventure, and only by moving forward bravely can we see more beautiful scenery.Her life experience also proves this.Whether facing difficulties and challenges in life or pursuing her dreams, she has shown perseverance.Her courage and determination infected Song Xingchen, causing her to bravely face her own heart and pursue a life that truly belongs to her.

In the process, Song Xingchen gradually realized that following one's heart is not an easy thing.It requires courage and determination, and it requires us to let go of the shackles of the past and embrace the unknown future.However, only in this way can we truly live ourselves and live a wonderful life.