Home TV got a crush on you
《got a crush on you》Episode 6 Synopsis

Episode 6: Su Qingche and Song Xingchen kiss

In the theater, Song Xingchen left without waiting for Su Qingche. Su Qingche rushed to see Song Xingche and met her after searching for her. He gave her a stone. Song Xingchen understood Su Qingche's work. Su Qingche kissed Song under the falling cherry blossoms.stars.

Episode 6: Su Qingche and Song Xingchen kiss

Su Qingche was so excited about the kiss that she focused on training in order to calm down.Lu Qun suggested that he confess while the iron was hot, but Song Xingchen had insomnia because of being kissed and was immersed in the moment of being kissed.Su Qingche woke up with a smile the next day and found that Song Xingchen had not replied to his message, so he went online to check his current relationship.Song Xingchen told Han Xiaoli that she seemed to like Su Qingche, but she was not sure because he had not confessed.

Lu Qun looked at Su Qingche who was in a daze and returned several documents to him. Because he was in love, he submitted the documents without signing.Seeing his absent-minded look, Lu Qun directly taught him the tricks to chase women.His teammates are very dissatisfied with the current rescue work. They are either helping to find kittens or poking a hornet's nest. He wants to do something more beneficial.The teammates said that only such a rescue would be a good result, and no one wanted anything serious to happen.Song Xingchen replied to Su Qingche's message, saying that he had gone to bed early last night and did not pay attention to his message, but Su Qingche didn't know how to face her, so he typed a few words casually.Caring didn't want to let things go, so he invited her to participate in the escape room, hoping to deepen the relationship between the two.

Qian Cheng went to Song Xingchen and complained that their economics subject was about to be replaced by a new professor. He was a Ph.D. who had returned from the Ivy League, so his courses had to be retaken.When he heard that Su Qingche invited her to escape from the escape room, he immediately guessed Su Qingche's intention, so he also participated in his little plan to stop him.Su Qingche and Lu Qun came to the secret room to escape. At this time, Lu Qun vowed that Song Xingchen would hide in Su Qingche's arms.

Qian Cheng came with Song Xingchen, and Su Qingche instantly felt cold.Su Qingche and others entered the secret room and came to a classroom. Suddenly the door closed and the lights went out. They traveled to the night before the college entrance examination. If they wanted to escape, they must find the college entrance examination papers.The group of people walked towards the depths of the secret room. Qiancheng behind them was frightened by the ghost and screamed. He hurriedly called for his aunt to lie in her arms. Su Qingche finally knew about the relationship between the two and was jealous.As soon as I finished speaking, masked security guards appeared in front and behind the corridor. Their mission was not to be caught.Lu Qun took this opportunity to drag Han Xiaoli away, while Su Qingche dragged Song Xingchen away to complete his plan to pursue the girl.

Song Xingchen discovered the mechanism through a painting, and the two escaped from the cartoonist.At this time, Qiancheng was frightened by the masked security guard and kept wandering around the library group. Neither of them had the key, so they had to chase each other.He planned a plan for Su Qingche that could not fail, so he planned to send someone to raid the two of them in order to scare Song Xingchen.

The two came to the corridor, and at this moment a robot came out. Song Xingchen was so frightened that he hid behind Su Qingche.The two hid directly in the iron cage and accidentally touched the mechanism and found the mechanism. However, the referee changed his mind temporarily and could only open the door after kissing the member who got the test paper.Song Xingchen did not agree with this rule. Lu Qun suggested that they could borrow seats, but Su Qingche directly kissed her. Due to lack of time, Song Xingchen took the initiative to kiss Su Qingche.

The relationship between Song Xingchen and Su Qingche was established, and Lu Qun asked Han Xiaoli for WeChat in the name of a good friend.This time the escape room mission is completed.Su Qingche thought this situation was her boyfriend, but Song Xingchen ignored her and left after escaping from the secret room.

Lu Qun analyzed that it was because he didn't confess, but Song Xingchen couldn't hide his feelings in the car.Lu Qun attended a friend's gathering simply to have fun.

Han Xiaoli was happy when she received a message from her neighbor Lu Qun at a class reunion. Later, she accidentally saw Lu Qun with other girls and mistakenly thought that Lu Qun was a scumbag.