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《love endures》Episode 32 Synopsis

Episode 32

Love Enders Episode 32 Finale Plot Introduction: Jiang Yi proposes to Huang Yingzi

Episode 32

Jiang Yi knew that Huang Yingzi had always had a wish to attend Stefanie Sun's concert. For this reason, he wrote a letter to Stefanie Sun, hoping to give his childhood sweetheart a chance to realize her dream. Soon, Jiang Yi really received a message from Stefanie Sun's agent.After receiving his phone call, Stefanie Sun saw her letter and was very willing to help him realize his dream.

After taking care of grandma's funeral, several of her children were about to return to their respective cities. Talking about their expectations for the future, Huang Yingzi still wanted to continue her career as a journalist. Someone once asked her about her original intention of choosing this career. Huang Yingzi felt thatAt that time, most of the reasons were right and wrong, but now she feels that she chose this career for her own sake, to bring justice to the weak and expose the bullying forces to the public.

Zhuang Yuan decided not to stay in school anymore. He asked Ming Yu which city he was going to submit his resume to. Now he and Ming Yu were going to work in the same city. Zhuang Yuan had been behind Ming Yu all these years. Except for the fact that he had lost a little courage, he had nothing else.It was no less than Jiang Yi's contribution, and Ming Yu naturally saw it.

Huang Yingzi's editor-in-chief was going back to Beijing to work. This time he asked Huang Yingzi if she would like to go to Beijing with him. Huang Yingzi was a little hesitant. She really wanted to see a more exciting world. Before leaving, she went to see Ding Ye. Ding Ye's condition was much better., has started writing the next novel. Ding Ye heard that Huang Yingzi was going to Beijing, and wished Huang Yingzi a better future with tea instead of wine. Huang Yingzi gave Ding Ye a photo of his blue tears as a gift.Looking at the vast sea in front of him and holding the photo in his hand, Ding Ye found peace in the depths of his soul. At this time, it seemed that his deceased friend was beside him, and the two of them lived the life that Haizi longed for.

Jiang Yi has already begun to design the small home he and Huang Yingzi share. Every corner is perfectly combined with delicacy and practicality, especially incorporating Huang Yingzi's preferences and interests. Jiang Yi showed the designed drawings to Huang Yingzi and excitedly introduced his creativity.Huang Yingzi anxiously told Jiang Yi that he wanted to work in Beijing. Jiang Yi readily agreed and was ready to give up his current job to accompany Huang Yingzi. Huang Yingzi was hesitant as to whether he should let Jiang Yi give up the job he had just made.cause.

Huang Yingzi returned home sadly, opened the game designed by Jiang Yi, and put on VR glasses. Huang Yingzi met Yifei again. She told Yifei that the reason why she decided to work in Beijing was to investigate the topic of violence against girls. ThoseShe wanted to speak out for these injured girls who were innocent and ignorant of the pain and trauma they suffered when they were violated.

Through this game, Huang Yingzi also saw Jiang Yi, who was silently guarding him not far away. In fact, every key node of his life had Jiang Yi's shadow. When he graduated from elementary school, middle school, university, etc., Jiang Yi was not far away.Look at him everywhere, and then silently bless him.But he had no idea what Jiang Yi had done for her.Huang Yingzi decided not to go to Beijing. She wanted to accompany Jiang Yi and bought a diamond ring to propose to Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi already knew that Huang Yingzi refused a job in Beijing for him. It had always been Huang Yingzi's dream to become a reporter for Times.com. Jiang Yi didn't want his beloved girl to give up her promising future for him, so she advised Huang Yingzi to reconsider it carefully.Huang Yingzi didn't know what was going on with Jiang Yi, but she actually rejected her proposal. When she got home at night, she drank a lot of wine. After being drunk, she began to leave messages to Jiang Yi, cursing Jiang Yi for not agreeing to the proposal. When she saw that Jiang Yi didn'tHe even added Jiang Yi's WeChat account to the blacklist and then deleted it.

The next day, after Huang Yingzi sobered up, he received a call from Ming Yu. Ming Yu asked Huang Yingzi to go to the Jiang Yi game press conference. Huang Yingzi hurried out and wanted to go to the press conference to apologize to Jiang Yi. At the press conference, Jiang Yi spoke in publicMy original intention of designing this game was actually for Huang Yingzi. I started to like Huang Yingzi from the first time I saw him in the sophomore class of kindergarten. Until now, liking Huang Yingzi has become a part of my life. Jiang Yi confessedAs long as it was for her, he was willing to do anything. During the summer vacation when he was eighteen years old, he had already thought about his goal. After speaking, Jiang Yi knelt down on one knee with a diamond ring and proposed to Huang Yingzi.

This two-way relationship finally bore fruit. Huang Yingzi responded with red eyes: "She is willing". While hugging her tightly, Huang Yingzi heard a familiar voice singing. This was a scene that haunted her. Stefanie Sun was really standing in front of her singing., at her happiest moment, Stefanie Sun stood next to her, singing her favorite song. Many scenes of growth appeared in front of her eyes, and Huang Yingzi burst into tears.With her childhood friend still by her side, Huang Yingzi really reached a place called happiness at this time.