The heroine Cai Cai (played by Dong Siyi), who was born in a family of cooks, embarks on the road of cooking due to a chance encounter. She becomes a member of Class 3 and meets the poisonous gourmet mentor Liao Yingzi (played by Qiu Baihao).Although Liao Yingzi was sharp-tongued, she made progress unknowingly. She hated and admired him.In repeated confrontations, the two gradually became friends.Relying on the power of cooking, Cai Cai helped her classmates solve many problems, and with the encouragement of Liao Yingzi, she resolved long-standing family conflicts.
In December 2020, the drama started shooting in Haikou, Hainan; in February 2021, the drama was completed.
It is a youth food web drama directed by Zhao Chenyang, starring Dong Siyi and Qiu Baihao, and starring Yang Yutong, Xu Qijie, Jiang Yiduo, Xu Shuyu, Shi Kai and Jing Yan.