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《Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter》Episode 1 Synopsis

a different era

Berlin in 1941 was clouded.A blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union is about to break out, and the entire city is shrouded in the shadow of war.However, in this turbulent era, the "little friends", composed of four Germans and one Jew, held a special party in a dark bar.

The Winter brothers, Wilhelm and Friedhelm, sat side by side, their faces gleaming with alcohol.They are about to embark on a journey to the front line of the Soviet Union. Their father has high hopes for them, hoping that they can win glory for the country on the battlefield.However, in the eyes of the brothers, the war that is about to break out is not only glory and sacrifice, but also a test of humanity and conscience.

In the corner of the bar, singing was melodious.That was Greta, her voice as sweet as a nightingale.She met her lover Victor on an ordinary day, and their relationship quietly grew between the singing and the tailor's needlework.However, as Nazi Germany's persecution of the Jews intensified, their love also became endangered.In 1941, the Nazis issued a decree prohibiting intermarriage or even contact between Aryans and Jews, but this did not weaken the deep friendship between Victor and his four Aryan friends.They supported each other and resisted the darkness of that era together.

Charlotte, this ambitious girl, has just passed the nursing qualification.She will also go to the front lines to provide medical assistance to the wounded in field hospitals.She knew that her choice would mean facing endless pain and separation, but she still had no hesitation.

On this night, their gathering was not only a celebration, but also a common prayer for their future destiny.They know that the coming war will change everything, but they also firmly believe that as long as there is love in the heart and persistence in justice, even in the darkness, you can find that glimmer of light.

As the night gets darker, the lights in the bar gradually dim.The five friends hugged each other and said goodbye.They know that this may be the last time they are together, but they also know that this friendship and hope for the future will always light their way forward.