Home TV Wonderland Of Love
“高寒”'s Role in the TV drama《Wonderland Of Love》“柳承锋”

平卢节度使崔倚的养子。柳承锋从小被崔家收养,与崔琳青梅竹马,人称崔公子。他虽体弱多病,却足智多谋。因体弱无法上战场,常由崔琳戴着面具替他上阵。他爱慕崔琳多年,却无法表达对崔琳的爱,本想一辈子做崔琳的影子,却因李嶷的出现再难实现,因此心生恨意,走上了夺爱之路。 ...

“柳承锋”Played By“高寒”Actor Bio

In the vast starry sky, there are always some new stars that attract people's attention with their unique light.They may be new to the game, but they have already shown extraordinary talent and potential.Today, we will focus on such a new star - Gao Han.

Gao Han was born in Changsha City, Hunan Province on June 6, 1996. This historic city gave birth to this future film and television star.He graduated from the Film and Television School of Shanghai Theater Academy. With his solid acting skills and outstanding performance, he gradually made a name for himself in the film and television industry.

In 2016, Gao Han starred in the fantasy youth film - Time and Space Stowaway Girl. This film not only opened the door to his acting career, but also allowed the audience to see his unique acting skills and ability to shape characters.In the same year, he starred in the costume light comedy "The Doctor's Concubine", and his superb acting skills were once again recognized by the audience and the industry.

In 2018, the romantic comedy starring Gao Han - "Double Eleven" - was released. His performance in the film was more mature and stable, showing his versatility in the field of comedy.In 2019, he starred in the period martial arts film Chen Qing Ling: The Soul. This work not only continued the popularity of Chen Qing Ling, but also allowed the audience to see Gao Han's potential in the martial arts field.

In 2020, Gao Han challenged himself again and starred in the urban love drama - Good Words and Freehand Expressions -. His performance in the drama won unanimous praise from the audience.In the same year, he also released his first single - Bright -, showing his talent and charm in the music field.

In 2021, Gao Han's acting career has reached a new peak.The costume fantasy drama - Qiangu Juechen - and the urban e-sports drama - You're Beautiful When You Smile - he starred in were aired one after another. Both works achieved extremely high ratings and reputation, making Gao Han's name even more popular.Deeply rooted in people's hearts.

And on February 10, 2023, Gao Han once again became the focus of attention.《Chong Purple》The release of finalized posters brings posters for all members of the Six Realms, and Gao Han is among them, making people look forward to his wonderful performance in the new drama.

“高寒”TV Dramas Starring