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《Game of Thrones Season 4》 Summ

As the curtain of the fourth season slowly opens, Game of Thrones once again takes the audience into a fantasy world full of conspiracy, war and glory.In this season, not only is the grand wedding of King Joffrey and Margaret eye-catching, but the competition and conflicts between the various forces have also become increasingly fierce, making the entire Westeros continent shrouded in a thick cloud of war..

The wedding of King Joffrey and Margaret was supposed to be a combination of power, but it hid many crises.Maltai, the warrior known as the “Red Viper”, was invited to the capital, but the deep hatred between him and the Lannister family made the wedding full of variables.Is he coming here to witness this marriage, or does he have another agenda?The audience couldn't help but sweat the direction of this wedding.

At the same time, in the far north, the massive savage attacks put great pressure on the Night Watch guarding the Great Wall.As the leader of the Night's Watch, Jon Snow shoulders the important responsibility of protecting his homeland.Facing the menacing savages, can he lead the Night Watchmen through this crisis safely?His wisdom and courage will be severely tested in this war.

On the other side of the strait, the Dragon Mother Daenerys is leading her Unsullied Legion all the way forward, liberating countless slaves.Her dream of restoration seems to be coming true step by step, but the road ahead is full of unknowns and dangers.The vast sea, wild dragons and countless potential enemies are all testing her determination and perseverance.

Deep in the forest, the fate of Bran and his team also affects the hearts of the audience.Not only do they have to face the test of cold and hunger, but they also have to be constantly on guard against tracking from the Terror Fortress.And little Alia, under the protection of hunting dogs, gradually grew into a female man% who could take charge of herself.Her courage and tenacity make people look forward to her future.

Although the bad guys are still dominating this season, as the slogan says, the good guys are coming back!In this world full of wars and conspiracies, justice and courage will eventually defeat evil.Whether it's Jon, Daenerys or Arya, they all use their actions to interpret what a true hero is.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 1 Details

double edged sword

The long scroll of history never ends, and every family and every person plays their own role in it.The Martell family, a once glorious name, once again appeared on the stage of history, intertwined with the Tyrion family, weaving a magnificent picture.

Tyrion, the spokesman of the family, received the Dornish messenger who arrived in a hurry.He eagerly asked why Prince Dorne failed to come in person, but the answer he received was that Prince Oberon attended in place of Prince Daon, who was ill.Tyrion's heart is full of anxiety. He knows the character of Prince Oberyn well and believes that he must find him before he makes more impulsive actions.

Meanwhile, Prince Oberon is indulging his lust inside the house, cavorting with a group of women and even a young man.Although his behavior seems unrestrained, there is a deep fire of revenge hidden behind it.His hatred for the Tyrion family has never faded, and he is always looking for opportunities to repay old vengeance.

In another corner, Khaleesi is trying to tame a dragon, a task fraught with challenges.She longed to master this powerful power, but the wild nature of the dragon made it difficult for her.Although Ser Barristan helped her run the army, she was disappointed by Gray Worm's gambling behavior.She knows that as a leader, you must remain sober and determined at all times.

Tyrion's home life isn't peaceful either.His wife refused to eat for some reason, and he could only try his best to comfort and persuade her.He understands that family harmony and stability are equally important to him.

double edged sword

At the same time, the Thane army began a new round of interrogations.The death of Qhorin Halfhand only made the situation even more tense.Ranger Jon is forced to be interrogated, but he firmly expresses his views on the situation and reveals the news of the impending arrival of Mance's army.His courage and intelligence eventually led to his acquittal.

Margaret is about to get married, and her grandmother is carefully selecting jewelry for her.This seemingly warm scene was unexpectedly broken by Blaney.She didn't expect that the old lady would be so polite to the woman who defeated her grandson.This shows the wisdom and tolerance of the old lady. She knows that hatred will only make things worse.

Khaleesi received a blue rose as a blessing and a reminder from her men.She needs to know more about the land and its people in order to rule and manage it better.She accepted the rose, and also accepted the responsibility and expectations.

Sir Dontos, the glorious knight in the past, has now become a drunkard.He found the youngest daughter of the Hollard family and gave her his necklace.This may be his nostalgia for his past glory and his sustenance for his future life.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 2 Details

royal wedding

In the whirlpool of power, Ramsay led the hunting dog and Miranda to hunt down Tansy, and a bloody chase was staged on this land.Tansy's fate seemed so fragile at the end of her escape when Miranda's arrow struck her mercilessly in the leg, causing her to fall to the ground.Then, the hunting dogs gathered around and tore Tansy into pieces, and her life gradually disappeared amidst the screams.

At the same time, the situation of Jaime and Tyrion is also full of sadness.James was in agony because his hand was chopped off by Ramsay, and his heart was filled with loss and anger.However, Tyrion did not give up on him, but encouraged him to cheer up and continue living with his left hand.Under Tyrion's persuasion, Jaime began to practice swordsmanship with Bronn, trying to regain the courage and strength he once had.

Roose returned to the Dreadfort with his wife, and Ramsay was eager to show Roose his strength.He cruelly skinned Theon to prove his ruthlessness and methods.However, Roose was very angry about this. He mocked Ramsay as just his illegitimate son, but he made decisions for himself without permission.Not to be outdone, Ramsay asked Theon to shave him in front of Roose, and sarcastically said that Theon's brothers were all dead.Theon endured it all silently and continued to serve Ramsay, while Roose was somewhat surprised by this.

royal wedding

Behind the power, conspiracy and betrayal never stop.Varys tipped off Tyrion that his affair with the prostitute Shae had been discovered by Cersei, and Cersei planned to tell her father Tywin about it.Shae faces the fate of being hanged, and Varys advises Tyrion to send her away quickly.Tyrion made a decision in helplessness and pain. He made an appointment with Shae, told her that they could not meet again in the future, and arranged for Bronn to send Shae to the distant Pentos.

The wedding of Joffrey and Margaery became a grand event in the court, and the royal family gathered together to offer blessings and gifts to Joffrey.However, behind this seemingly festive wedding, there is a deep conspiracy and crisis hidden.Cersei saw Shae serving dishes at the wedding reception, and she immediately told Tywin.Although Tywin was angry, he did not get angry on the spot and just gave Joffrey a sharp sword as a gift.

The atmosphere at the wedding banquet gradually became tense and strange.The band that Joffrey invited was singing, but he was not satisfied with their performance and angrily threw the gold coins to drive them away.Margaery announced that she would give the food at the wedding banquet to the poorest people in the country. This act of kindness won everyone's appreciation.However, Joffrey's heart was full of violence and dissatisfaction.

When the five dwarfs came on stage to perform the drama of the War of Five Kings, the whole audience burst into laughter.However, Joffrey uses this to humiliate Tyrion, saying that he should also perform on stage.Tyrion retorted and asked Joffrey to perform on his own.In anger, Joffrey poured wine over Tyrion's head and ordered him to pour wine for himself.At this time, the giant pie was brought up. Tyrion and Sansa were about to leave, but were stopped by Joffrey.Joffrey continues to humiliate Tyrion by asking him to pour him wine.However, when Joffrey drank the wine, he suddenly bled to death.

Cersei immediately pointed the finger at Tyrion, believing that he poisoned Joffrey's wine.However, the truth has become confusing in this game of power.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 3 Details

The man who broke the shackles

In the whirlpool of power, everyone's fate is like a candle in the wind, swaying uncertainly.After Joffrey's mysterious death, the atmosphere at court becomes increasingly tense.Cersei, the former queen, firmly believes that Tyrion and Sasha teamed up to kill her son.She ordered the arrest of Tyrion, but Sasha was accidentally taken to Littlefinger, who was reclusive on the sea, by the drunkard Sir. In the end, Sir's fate ended in death.

In front of Joffrey's death, Tywin, a master of strategy, educated his nephew, the future king, with an iron fist.Cersei denounced Tyrion's crimes in grief and anger. Her words were fierce and her emotions were out of control.However, in the solemnity and solemnity in front of the funeral, the two people did shocking things of complacency, which is undoubtedly the greatest disrespect to the deceased.

Meanwhile, the Hound was walking with Arya on the road to the Eyrie.They were caught in a heavy rainstorm and were lucky enough to be sheltered by a farmer.However, there are hidden motives behind the farmer's good intentions.In exchange for silver, he hopes that the hounds will stay and protect his farm.However, the Hound is not one to be easily restrained, and he eventually steals the silver and continues his journey.

The man who broke the shackles

In the distant Night's Watch Castle, Sam worries that Gilly and her children will be harmed, so he decides to send them to Mole Village.This was a decision full of unknowns and dangers, but Sam resolutely chose this path for Gilly's safety.

In another corner of the palace, Ser Davos is learning to read.This process was not easy for him, but he was inspired by his studies and thought of ways to obtain an army.This was an important turning point for him, and perhaps it would change his position in the court.

Tywin gained the support of the Dornish people on the condition that he would be an advisor to the Royal Council and return justice to Elia.He skillfully used his power and influence to pave the way for Tyrion's execution.Podrick, the loyal follower, informed Tyrion of the situation outside the prison.Tyrion's ingenuity came into play again. In order to protect Podrick, he let him leave this place of right and wrong.

However, Game of Thrones does not stop there.The attack of the savages broke the tranquility of the village. They sent messengers to inform the night watchmen in an attempt to lure them away.The Night's Watch was divided over how to respond, but the arrival of Custer's survivors forced them to take action.Because the rebels were familiar with their defenses, this undoubtedly put great pressure on the Night's Watch.

In another land, Khaleesi's army approached Meereen.Her men defeated the knights sent by Meereen and threw many broken slave chains into the city.This was a symbolic act that heralded the end of slavery and the establishment of a new order.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 4 Details

Sword of Oath Keeping

Missandei, well aware of Gray Worm's hardship as an Unsullied, took the initiative to take on the important task of teaching him English.During the teaching process, the two gradually got to know each other deeply and developed a secret love for each other.Gray Worm, a former warrior, also showed rare tenderness in the face of Missandei's gentleness and wisdom.

However, emotions are not everything in their lives.Khaleesi has a grander plan - to free the slaves and overthrow the rule of the slave owners.She sent Gray Worm to sneak into the city of Meereen, issued weapons to the slaves, and encouraged them to revolt.After the uprising was successful, Khaleesi led the liberated slaves into the city and crucified those slave owners who were not killed by the slaves as punishment for their crimes.

At the same time, Bronn also used the opportunity of sword practice to successfully persuade Jaime to visit Tyrion in prison.Jaime met his brother in prison, and through an in-depth conversation, he finally believed that Tyrion was innocent.However, the struggle for power has not subsided. On the contrary, it is brewing a bigger storm undercurrents.

Sword of Oath Keeping

Sasha learns from Littlefinger that he is one of the masterminds, which gives her a deeper understanding of Game of Thrones.Margaret learned from the old lady Tyrell that the old lady might be another mastermind. At the same time, the old lady also hinted that she would seduce the new king.After weighing the pros and cons, Margaret decided to follow the old lady's advice.

Jon taught new recruits how to deal with wildlings during training, but was reprimanded by the acting commander.Despite this, he still insisted on his beliefs and met his new comrade Locke during training.However, the acting commander did not trust Jon and was even prepared to send him on a mission that almost cost him his life.Jon decided to use this opportunity to find his brother Bran. He led a team to Castle Castle. To the surprise of the acting commander, he took many people with him.

Cersei is resentful of Jaime's visit to Tyrion, which she fears could threaten her position.So she prompted Jaime to send Brienne with her own sword to find and protect Sasha back to the North.At the same time, she also took Tyrion's followers out of the royal city to weaken Tyrion's power.

At the distant Castle Custer, the rebels sacrificed Custer's son to the White Walkers.Bran relied on Xia Tian's guidance to find Ghost, but Xia Tian was caught in a trap.In order to save Xia Tian, ​​a group of people were captured by the rebels.At the critical moment of life and death, Bran revealed his true identity, hoping to exchange for the safety of his companions.However, the White Walkers did not let them go. They took the newborn back to their base camp and transformed them into White Walkers.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 5 Details

Tommen I

Today, a solemn coronation ceremony was held in the main hall.Under the attention of everyone, the archbishop recited a prayer loudly, and then the young Prince Tommen was officially crowned emperor, announcing the arrival of a new era.The ministers applauded one after another to show their congratulations and loyalty to the new king.

In the festive atmosphere of the coronation ceremony, Margaery stood quietly aside, her eyes always following Tommen.When Tommen turned around inadvertently, their eyes met, and she showed a faint smile.However, this warm interaction did not last long and was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Cersei.Cersei stands between Tommen and Margaery, and her appearance seems to indicate a complicated emotional entanglement between the two.

Later, Cersei and Margaery begin a brief conversation.When Cersei saw that Margaery was still in mourning, she couldn't help but mocked that Margaery was still in mourning for the late Joffrey.To this, Margaery responded that Joffrey was her husband after all, and she could not forget this past.Cersei then tentatively asked Margaery if she planned to marry Tommen, and Margaery responded in a joking tone, saying it would be her honor to marry Tommen.

Meanwhile, far away in Meereen, Daenerys also faces new challenges.Jorah reports to her the news of Joffrey's death at the wedding, news that surprises and delights Daenerys.Knowing that she had ninety-three ships and nine thousand three hundred men, she began to wonder if she could capture King's Landing.However, Jorah reminds her that these men alone may not be able to conquer all of King's Landing.

Tommen I

In addition, Daenerys also learned that the slavers of Yunkai had returned to the city and re-enslaved the once freed people.These slave owners even threatened to seek revenge on Daenerys.At the same time, the council of Astapor was overthrown by the Butcher, who proclaimed himself emperor and no one could stop him.Faced with these sudden changes, Daenerys began to reflect on her ability to rule.She knew that she couldn't even manage a city, so how could she rule the Seven Kingdoms?In the end, she decided to give up her plan to go to Westeros and instead stayed in Slaver's Bay to govern the land.

In the Eyrie, Baelish and Sansa are entering the city through the Blood Gate.This is the only way to the Eagle's Nest City, and the two finally arrived after many hardships.After entering the city, they met Robin and Lysa.Lysa knew Sansa's identity well, and Robin was full of sympathy for this girl whose family had suffered misfortune.He takes Sansa to visit the Moon Gate, and then Lysa arranges for Robin to take Sansa to her chamber to rest.

When the two left, Lysa hugged Baelish tightly and kissed him passionately.She excitedly expressed her desire to marry him, but Baelish delayed for various reasons.However, Lysa firmly stated that she couldn't wait any longer.Years ago, Baelish asked Lysa to help him get rid of Jon, and Lysa did so.After that, the two had many close relationships.Faced with Lysa's insistence, Baelish could only perfunctoryly say that since he wanted to get married, he should do it tonight.Lysa had already asked the priest to prepare, and the wedding was held that night.

In the Prime Minister's Chambers in King's Landing, Tywin and Cersei are also having an important conversation.Cersei offers to hold a wedding for Tommen after he has been in mourning for a while longer.And she herself plans to marry the Knight of Flowers.Tywin believes that marriage is a good way to expand his power, so he urges Cersei to act quickly.The conversation between the two was full of political color, showing the complex power struggle and marriage strategy in King's Landing.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 6 Details

Laws of the Ancestors

Deep in King's Landing, under the shadow of the palace, a battle involving life, death and honor is quietly taking place.Tyrion, the clever but unfortunate dwarf, is standing at the center of the storm, facing unprecedented challenges.And Stannis and Davos, two challengers from afar, also stepped into this land full of intrigue and blood at this critical moment.

Stannis and Davos, two warriors who once fought side by side on the sea, now set foot on the road to King's Landing for different purposes.Their arrival undoubtedly brought new variables to this already uneasy city.In the palace, the treasury staff represented by Tai Chu were anxiously waiting for their arrival, hoping to obtain the necessary funds from them to support the operation of the kingdom.

However, Stannis was extremely indifferent to the issue of his family background, and even denied his blood relationship with his so-called brother.This attitude made Tai Chu suspicious of their request to borrow money, and he ultimately rejected their request.Davos was disappointed, but he did not give up and continued to work hard for opportunities to borrow money.

Laws of the Ancestors

At the same time, Yara received a mysterious letter at sea, and the content of the letter shocked her.She decided to lead her men to the prison to rescue Theon, but Theon's mental condition was extremely unstable and he no longer even believed in Yara.Pressed by the pursuers, Yara reluctantly gave up the rescue plan and left the dangerous sea by boat.

In the palace, Tyrion's trial is proceeding nervously.He was brought to court to face Tommen's trial and the accusations of many witnesses.Despite his wit, he obviously had little rebuttal in such an occasion.As his biological brother, James did not want to see Tyrion die, but under the pressure of his family, he had to make a difficult choice.

In order to save Tyrion, Jaime finally agreed to his father's request and went to Casterly Rock to get married, have children and protect his family.However, this does not change Tyrion's fate.During the subsequent trial, he was betrayed by the one he loved and was so angry that he admitted his guilt, although he insisted that he did not kill Joffrey.

Tyrion's rage and despair echoed through the palace, but his voice was lost in Game of Thrones.In this world full of conspiracy and betrayal, everyone's fate seems to be controlled by an invisible hand from which they cannot escape.And Tyrion, this once extremely smart dwarf, has gradually lost his direction in this game.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 7 Details

Know more and spread your wings

In the dark and damp prison, the sound of Tyrion and Jaime's argument echoed.Jaime tries to calm Tyrion's emotions, saying that it's not worth being so impulsive over a whore.Although Tyrion knew it well, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed.He recalled that his father knew that he was innocent, but still insisted on sacrificing himself. This helplessness and anger made him almost lose control.Tyrion was even more moved by James' sacrifice, but he still tried to suppress his emotions and advised James to endure it no matter what.

On the other side of King's Landing, Cersei Lannister watched Gregor's arrival with cold eyes. She did not show any expression on her face, but only expressed a faint welcome.Outside the city, Sandor took Arya Stark on horseback in the wild, and the two came to a seemingly desolate house.Outside the house, an old man was seriously injured, but strangely he did not die.Arya curiously asked why he didn't choose to commit suicide, and the old man replied that this had become his habit.After identifying herself, Arya gave the old man some water, hoping to ease his pain.

Suddenly, the brief calm was broken by the appearance of Rorge, who planned to do harm to Sandor.But Arya reacted quickly and knocked Rorge to the ground with a sword through his heart.At this time, Jon was leading Ghost to a meeting. During the meeting, Snow's attitude towards the giants aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.They thought Snow was a coward, but Snow stuck to his guns and never backed down.

At the same time, Bronn came to visit Tyrion in prison, and he brought unexpected news - he was about to get married, and his partner was actually Loris.Bronn admitted that he chose Loris because of her inheritance.He did not want to conflict with the Mountain, believing that it would endanger his life.In Bronn's opinion, he loves himself more and is unwilling to sacrifice his life for anyone else.Tyrion understood this, and the conversation between the two was full of realistic helplessness and cruelty.

Know more and spread your wings

In another corner, Daario brought wild flowers to Daenerys in the middle of the night, but was coldly rejected by her.Daario did not give up, he showed his feelings, and finally touched Daenerys's heart.The two spent a night together, and their feelings for each other were sublimated.

When Siris visited Queen Meridarosan, he unexpectedly found her taking a bath.Meridiana was inspired by the flames and believed that Shireen needed to go with Stannis because the Lord of Light needed her.This revelation shocked Siris and left him uncertain about the future.

Jorah comes to see Daenerys, and the two talk about the issue of slave owners.Their conversation was full of anger and dissatisfaction with the slavery system, but it also revealed helplessness and confusion about the future.

Arya tries to help Sandor with his wounds, but Sandor refuses Arya's help because of his deep fear of fire due to his childhood experiences.The two chat about what happened to Sandor as a child, and Arya sympathizes with his experience and ultimately succeeds in convincing him to tend to his wounds.

In the tavern, Brienne asks Sansa if she has been here, but Hot Pie, the tavern cook, refuses to answer.The groom warns Brienne that the Lannister family is offering a reward for Sansa's whereabouts, and people are unpredictable.However, Hot Pie chases out and tells Brienne that he knows Arya's whereabouts, and entrusts Brienne to deliver the cookies he made to Arya.

Oberyn found Tyrion and expressed his determination to become his guardian knight.This move surprised Tyrion, but it also allowed him to see the warmth of someone still willing to stand by his side in difficult situations.

The conversation between Sansa and Petyr is full of complex emotions.Sansa asks Petyr why he killed Joffrey, and she is shocked and angry when she learns that Petyr once loved her mother.However, Petyr confesses his love to Sansa and kisses her.This move confuses and unnerves Sansa.When she finds Aunt Lysa, Lysa expresses her strong displeasure with Sansa's closeness to Petyr.However, Petyr suddenly appeared and pretended to agree to send Sansa away, but in an instant he pushed Lysa into the bottomless abyss.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 8 Details

The greatest battle

In the tavern in Mole Village, what was supposed to be a peaceful night of laughter, laughter, and cheers was broken by sudden bloodshed and chaos.While Gilly was busy, she suddenly heard strange noises coming from outside, and felt an ominous premonition in her heart.When she walked out of the tavern, the sight in front of her shocked her - Tormund and Stid were fighting fiercely with swords in their hands, and blood was splattered all over the street.

This sudden conflict plunged Mole Village into chaos and panic.Samliel and Grant stood aside, their eyes full of worry and fear.They knew that such chaos would undoubtedly be a disaster for this small village.And Jon, as the leader of the village, is even more worried.He knew that Mance's army was coming, but the current strength of the village was simply unable to compete with it.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the village, Gray Worm was bathing in the water.He accidentally saw Missandei's fall, and the awkward atmosphere between the two reached its peak in an instant.Missandei suspected that Gray Worm was interested in her, but Gray Worm apologized frankly to her and shared his experience as the leader of the Unsullied.Their conversation revealed their helplessness about the past and confusion about the future.

The greatest battle

Outside the village, Theon's reappearance brought greater trouble to Kenin.He came to negotiate on behalf of Bolton, claiming that as long as Kenning surrendered, he could return home safely.However, Kenin's men betrayed him, killed him and opened the city gates.But in the end, these betrayers were also brutally skinned.

In another scene, Petyr and Royce are talking.They suspect there was more to Petyr's lady's death than anything else, and Sansa is brought before them.When questioned, Sansa reveals her identity as Eddard Stark's eldest daughter.She told Royce her experiences in King's Landing and how Petyr rescued her from the city.Royce was an old acquaintance of Eddard, so he took good care of Sansa and told her that she was safe in the city now.

However, Game of Thrones never stops.Jorah was expelled after being accused of betraying Daenerys, while Roose was given control of Moat Cailin and accepted Ramsay as his loyal follower.Arya and Sandor are obsessed with avenging Joffrey, while Robin is uneasy about becoming Lord of Vale.

And on the stage of trial by combat, Tyrion's fate hangs on a thread.Oberon fought as his representative, but was accidentally attacked during the battle and was eventually killed.Tyrion was found guilty, and this game of thrones once again showed its cruelty and ruthlessness.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 9 Details

Great Wall Watch

As night fell, Jon and Samlir sat side by side on the top of the mountain, surrounded by night, silent and solemn.Their words echoed in the darkness, like stars lighting up the night, giving each other strength.They were discussing Jon's lover, and Samlir, despite his longing for love, kept a subtle distance from Gilly, and the oath of the Night's Watch separated them like an unbridgeable chasm.

Samliel longs for love, but the constraints of his vows prevent him from doing whatever he wants.However, he did not give up his pursuit of love because of this. He chose to express it in another way, which was to support and accompany Jon.Although they are not biological brothers, they are better than relatives, and their friendship with each other is extremely deep.

In the night, Tormund and other wildlings were also talking about their lives and dreams.Ygritte's voice stands out in particular, as she insists that Jon is hers and no one can hurt him.This strong possessiveness may be a reflection of her deep love for Jon.

Sam, on the other hand, reads in the silence of the night, his world filled with words, which is how he seeks comfort and strength.Aemon's arrival broke his tranquility, and they began to chat about the past, about love, power, and the royal family.Aemon was once the heir to the royal family, and his experience gave Sam a deeper understanding of love and vows.

Great Wall Watch

The arrival of Gilly and Piper broke the peace of the camp.Sam looked at Gilly with complex and deep emotions in his heart.He vowed to keep Gilly by his side, but the constraints of the vow prevented him from fully possessing her.This contradictory emotion made his understanding of love deeper.

Suddenly, the tranquility of the night was broken by the alarm of enemy attack.The Night's Watch quickly rallied and prepared for battle.Although Sam cares about Gilly, he is more aware of his responsibilities.He walked out of the camp resolutely and joined the battle.Under the city gate, the giants attacked with ropes and great strength, and the night watchmen defended to the death, their oaths shining brightly in the flames of war.

However, the battle became fierce and the giant finally broke through the city gate, and the night watchmen faced a life and death test.In the chaos, Ygritte was unfortunately shot by an arrow while trying to protect Jon.Her last words before her death left Jon heartbroken.She told him that they shouldn't have come out of the cave in the first place, but now, she could only leave quietly in Jon's arms.

The Night's Watch eventually repels the enemy, but Jon knows that this is only a temporary victory.Mance's attack may be just a test, and a more violent attack is yet to come.He decided to go to talk to Mance personally to seek the possibility of peace.Although Sam is worried about Jon's safety, he knows that Jon's decision is the right one.In front of the gate of the Great Wall, Sam watched Jon go away, his heart filled with prayer and expectation.

This is the oath that Jon and Sam made. They guarded their homeland with love and courage on the Great Wall.Their stories, like the Great Wall, are tough and great and will always be engraved in people's hearts.

《Game of Thrones Season 4》Episode 10 Details

son of eternal life

In the intersection of darkness and dawn, Jon walks alone, with a firm and clear goal - to meet Mance and find a chance for loyalty and commitment.Mance, once his ally, has now become the enemy he has to face.Jon knew that every step he took was full of unknowns and dangers, but he still moved forward bravely.

When the light of dawn spreads across the land, Jon finally comes face to face with Mance.He made his position clear: loyal to Colin and sticking to his word.He sadly told Mance that Ygritte had passed away. This was the pain in his heart and the insurmountable gap between him and Mance.

Jon attempts to negotiate with Mance, hoping to find a mutually acceptable solution.However, Mance's attitude was extremely resolute. He rejected all of Jon's proposals and even threatened to kill everyone in Castle Black.Jon had no choice but to bear this huge pressure silently.

At this moment, an army suddenly arrived, breaking the tense and heavy atmosphere.Both Jon and Mance looked at this sudden army in surprise, with the same doubts and uneasiness on their faces.It turns out that this army is led by Davos and Stannis.Stannis had a cold attitude and asked Mance to kneel down, but Mance didn't care, his eyes sparkled with unyielding light.

Jon steps up, introduces himself to Stannis, and defends Mance.He mentioned the kindness that Mance had spared him, hoping to gain a chance for Mance.However, Stannis seemed unmoved, his gaze remaining cold and firm.

At the same time, Cersei is experiencing her own struggles in the maelstrom of power.She looked at Magic Mountain's horrific injuries, and her heart was filled with fear and helplessness.The Grand Maester believed that the Mountain was hopeless, but Maester Qyburn insisted on saving him.Cersei oscillates between the two, and her heart is full of contradictions and struggles.

Tywin's conversation with Cersei further complicates the situation.Tywin believed that Cersei was betrothed to Tyrell, but Cersei firmly refused.She didn't want to continue to be at the mercy of Tywin, let alone marry someone she didn't love.She threatens to reveal the truth to the public, leaving Tywin helpless.

son of eternal life

In the struggle for power, everyone is fighting for their own interests.But in this fight, Jon seemed particularly lonely and helpless.He has to face the threat of Mance and the ruthlessness of Stannis, while also standing up for his loyalty and commitment.

Meanwhile, Daenerys is experiencing her own challenges.Her slaves preferred to return to their masters, leaving her disappointed and helpless.And the dragon she raised killed the shepherd's little daughter, which made her even more sad and depressed.She didn't know how to deal with this, so she could only lock up the dragon temporarily.

On the distant snowy ground, Meira led Bran and Jiujian and others forward with difficulty.They face huge difficulties and challenges, but they are all working hard towards their goals.However, the skeleton's sudden attack broke their peace.Jiujian was seriously injured and died in the battle, leaving both Bran and Meera grieved and angry.

In this power struggle, everyone is working hard for their own goals.However, in this struggle, those who can truly win are those who can stick to their beliefs and commitments.Although Jon faced huge difficulties and challenges, he still adhered to his loyalty and commitment, which made him more determined and brave in this struggle.