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《parasites》 Summ

An ordinary city girl met a rich, handsome and considerate boy. From thinking that she was encountering a pig-killing plate and a human trafficker, she finally devoted herself to it and resolutely resigned and followed him to live in another city and lived in a super large villa., lived the fairy tale life of her dreams, full of sugar and sweetness, it seemed like a sweet and warm sweet pet story... Until one day, she woke up and walked to the mirror,I found that the person standing inside seemed to be another face, and all the identification documents suddenly turned into “her” in the mirror.In this strange city, she could no longer prove her original identity. She discovered a darkroom in the villa, which turned out to be a laboratory.How can she find the truth?And what huge secret is hidden behind the truth?

《parasites》Episode 1 Details

Episode 11: Investigating Zuo Yuan’s life experience

In the hustle and bustle of the city, Xiaoxiang lives the most ordinary life.Because of a car accident, she lost her past memory and could only find her place in her current life.She works as a waitress in a restaurant, and her days are busy and fulfilling.Although she cannot remember the past, she faces her present life with optimism and resilience.

However, the peace of life did not last long.One day, a fraud gang came to the hotel and they falsely accused Xiaoxiang of stealing their gold.Faced with such accusations, Xiaoxiang cannot prove his innocence and can only endure endless injustice.However, just when she was most helpless, Zuo Yuan appeared.

Zuo Yuan is a mysterious man with sharp vision and extraordinary wisdom.He easily saw through the conspiracy of the fraud gang and captured evidence of their crimes with his mobile phone.His appearance freed Xiaoxiang from her predicament and made her curious and grateful towards this man.

Zuo Yuan came to this city to examine business investment opportunities.He hopes that Xiaoxiang's understanding of the city will help him make better decisions.So, Xiaoxiang took Zuo Yuan to every corner of the city, allowing him to see the prosperity and beauty of the city.

In the process of getting along, Zuo Yuan became deeply interested in Xiaoxiang.He felt that although the girl had lost her memory, she still maintained her love for life and her kindness towards people.He decided to make Xiaoxiang his girlfriend.

Xiaoxiang did not object when he heard Zuo Yuan's confession.She felt that she had developed dependence and trust on Zuo Yuan, and she was willing to be with him and face the future life together.As a result, the two embraced and kissed each other, officially establishing their relationship.

However, all this also laid the foundation for future life.The next day, Xiaoxiang returned to the hotel and continued working.Seeing Xiaoxiang's happy face, the boss praised the power of love, which can make a person become so different.But at the same time, he also reminded Xiaoxiang how Xiaoxiang should face his future life after Zuo Yuan completes his investigation and returns to the city where he lives.

Xiaoxiang's idea is very simple. She wants to follow Zuo Yuan to his city.However, the landlady reminded her that all information about Zuo Yuan could not be verified and he might be a liar.In the evening, Xiaoxiang returned home and investigated Zuo Yuan's life experience through the Internet, only to find that there was very little information about him, and it seemed that he had been artificially hidden.

Faced with this dilemma, Xiaoxiang fell into deep thought.She didn't know whether she should believe Zuo Yuan or listen to the boss's wife's reminder.But she knew that no matter Zuo Yuan's identity, she had fallen deeply in love with him.She is willing to give everything for him, including her trust and feelings.

《parasites》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2: Let’s play together

In the hustle and bustle of the city, Zuo Yuan and Xiaoxiang sat in a quiet restaurant to have dinner together.The surrounding lights were soft and the atmosphere was supposed to be warm and peaceful.However, a sudden phone call broke the tranquility.

When the phone rang, Zuo Yuan's expression instantly became tense.He quickly picked up the phone, his voice low and urgent.Xiaoxiang, who was sitting opposite, keenly captured this change. She couldn't help but begin to wonder, what kind of problems did Zuo Yuan's company encounter?

Xiaoxiang's heart sank when he heard Zuo Yuan mention the company's operating difficulties.She recalled the story that the landlady once told about a friend who was deceived, and she couldn't help but feel wary.She was worried that Zuo Yuan had other purposes for approaching her, and this worry made her restless.

In the inner struggle, Xiaoxiang decided to interrupt the meal.She stood up hastily and prepared to leave.Zuo Yuan saw this and hurriedly chased him out, trying to find out what happened.

Faced with Zuo Yuan's inquiry, Xiaoxiang expressed his concerns frankly.She was afraid that she would become another person who had been deceived.Hearing Xiaoxiang's worries, Zuo Yuan was not angry. Instead, he took out his bank card from his pocket and handed it to Xiaoxiang's hand.

“If you look at my bank balance, you will understand my sincerity.” Zuo Yuan's eyes were firm and sincere.

Xiaoxiang took the bank card with mixed feelings in his heart.After confirming the balance in Zuo Yuan's bank card, she was shocked to find that Zuo Yuan's financial situation was far from as bad as she had imagined.His frankness and sincerity gradually dissipated the doubts in Xiaoxiang's heart.

Zuo Yuan took the opportunity to express his love: “I want you to understand that when I am with you, I have never had the idea of ​​cheating.”His voice is sincere and affectionate.

Hearing this, Xiaoxiang felt guilty.She realized how unrealistic her previous worries and suspicions were.She decided to put down her guard and trust Zuo Yuan wholeheartedly.

That night, Zuo Yuan sent Xiaoxiang home.When getting off the bus, Xiaoxiang returned the bank card to Zuo Yuan.She told him that she would no longer doubt his sincerity due to misunderstanding.

However, just when the two were about to separate, Xiaoxiang's cell phone suddenly rang.It was a photo sent by the proprietress. The photo showed Zuo Yuan and the woman who had defrauded him before.It turned out that they had known each other for a long time, and all this turned out to be a carefully designed game.

Xiaoxiang's heart sank again, and she felt as if she had been betrayed.As for Zuo Yuan, faced with this sudden evidence, he couldn't explain it for a while.The relationship between the two fell into fog again.

But this time, Xiaoxiang chose to trust his own judgment.She believes that even if all this is true, Zuo Yuan's frankness and sincerity at critical moments are enough to prove that he is a trustworthy person.She decided to give Zuo Yuan a chance to explain, and also gave herself a chance to get to know him again.

《parasites》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3: Zuo Yuan and other women

Xiaoxiang once misunderstood Zuo Yuan and thought he was a superficial and stupid person.However, when she came to Zuo Yuan's city in person and witnessed everything he had, she realized how one-sided her thoughts were.Zuo Yuan's life is not what she imagined. His success and wealth are all achieved through his own efforts and wisdom.

When Zuo Yuan drove Xiaoxiang home, the two of them were silent in the car.Xiaoxiang expected Zuo Yuan to speak and tell her his feelings, but Zuo Yuan remained silent.When Xiaoxiang was about to get out of the car in disappointment, Zuo Yuan caught up with her from behind and handed her a gift.This gift not only represents Zuo Yuan's heart, but also proves that he mustered up the courage to confess his love to Xiaoxiang.He told Xiaoxiang that he hoped she could stay and spend the future with him.

Zuo Yuan took Xiaoxiang back to his home, and Xiaoxiang was shocked by the luxury there.But what moved her even more was that Zuo Yuan said that after finishing his work, he would take Xiaoxiang to meet his parents.This means that Zuo Yuan has regarded Xiaoxiang as an integral part of his life and is willing to spend the rest of his life with her.

However, on the balcony, Xiaoxiang suddenly saw a figure, which scared her and made her heart beat faster.In the evening, when Xiaoxiang was cooking at home, Zuo Yuan came back and was very relieved to see this scene.Because there were fireworks in the house for a long time, Zuo Yuan also took the opportunity to confess his love to Xiaoxiang, and the two hugged each other tightly again.

However, when Xiaoxiang heard footsteps again that night, she couldn't wake Zuo Yuan up.So, she decided to go out on her own to check it out.On the balcony, Xiaoxiang suddenly found a woman in white. Just as the woman in white was about to turn around, Xiaoxiang was frightened and woke up.It turns out that it was all a dream, but the hair on the carpet and a Xiaoxiang makeup box made her feel uneasy.She began to wonder if Zuo Yuan had other women.

Despite this false alarm, Xiaoxiang's feelings for Zuo Yuan became deeper and deeper.She decided to be honest with Zuo Yuan and face the challenges of the future together.And Zuo Yuan also knew his own feelings well. He promised Xiaoxiang that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would firmly guard Xiaoxiang's side.

The relationship between the two became stronger after going through a series of twists and turns.They spent many unforgettable times together and created beautiful memories together.And Xiaoxiang also gradually understood that true love is not smooth sailing, but that after experiencing various misunderstandings and tests, we can still work together to overcome difficulties.

As time goes by, the relationship between Xiaoxiang and Zuo Yuan becomes deeper and deeper.Together they face the pressure of work, the trivialities of life, and the doubts and challenges from the outside world.But no matter what difficulties they encounter, they can support each other and overcome them together.Their love also continues to sublimate through these experiences, becoming more firm and pure.

《parasites》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4: Deliberately blackmailing Xiaoxiang

In the quiet night, Xiaoxiang was alone at home, paying attention to the news while swaying his passion for painting.She likes to find such moments of peace and enjoy alone time in her busy life.During her break, she walked to the balcony, breathed in the fresh air and admired the tranquility of the night.

Suddenly, she noticed a figure appearing in the yard, mysterious and curious.Xiaoxiang's curiosity was aroused, and she decided to trace the origin of this figure.During the chase, the other party seemed to be leading Xiaoxiang intentionally or unintentionally, and finally arrived at an unmonitored location.

When Xiaoxiang caught up with the other party, the other party took the initiative to introduce himself as Luo Qiang.Luo Qiang told Xiaoxiang that he led Xiaoxiang to this location because it was safe and their conversation would not be known to others.He mentioned Xiaoxiang's name and told Xiaoxiang that he had been tracking his friend named Hai Qingyue.And this place is exactly where Hai Qingyue once lived, and where Xiaoxiang lives now.

Xiaoxiang was shocked and confused when he heard the news.She didn't understand why Luo Qiang found her, nor did she understand what Hai Qingyue had to do with this place.With these questions, Xiaoxiang immediately went online to look for clues about Hai Qingyue after returning home.

Coincidentally, when Zuo Yuan came back, he saw Xiaoxiang searching for Hai Qingyue's information.Zuo Yuan admitted that Hai Qingyue was his college friend and they had dated.The reason why he didn't tell Xiaoxiang about this was because he was worried that Xiaoxiang would have scruples because of their differences in status.After hearing this explanation, Xiaoxiang felt that he might have wrongly blamed Zuo Yuan.

The next day, when Xiaoxiang looked in the mirror, he suddenly found that he had changed a lot.She was confused and upset, wondering what the changes meant.Just when she was confused, a man suddenly appeared in front of her.This man was the one who insulted Xiaoxiang before when he drank too much rice wine. He had taken Xiaoxiang in for a while, and this time he came to deliberately blackmail Xiaoxiang.

Facing this man's blackmail, Xiaoxiang felt angry and helpless.However, she also realizes that this might be her chance to learn the truth about her changes.So, she decided to face this man bravely, reveal his true face, and at the same time find out the reasons for her changes.

In the process, Xiaoxiang gradually discovered the complicated relationship between himself and Hai Qingyue, Luo Qiang and Zuo Yuan.She also began to realize that her changes were not accidental, but closely related to these people and events.

《parasites》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5: A bit unworthy of Zuo Yuan

Sister Zhang's store was invaded by unknown persons. She found that the lock of the store had been picked open, but strangely, no property was lost in the store, except that the hard drive used to shoot and store surveillance videos in the computer was missing.This made Sister Zhang very confused, because those hard drives stored only ordinary surveillance videos without any valuable or private content.Why are intruders only interested in these hard drives and not other more valuable items?

At the same time, Zuo Yuan took his girlfriend Xiaoxiang to a high-end dance.At the dance, Xiaoxiang's ex-boyfriend suddenly appeared and threatened her, demanding that she continue to pay money.However, Xiaoxiang did not give in to his threats, but chose to take the initiative to bear the mistake without giving him a penny.

Xiaoxiang's ex-boyfriend was unwilling to give up, so he called Zuo Yuan out alone and tried to blackmail him by showing Xiaoxiang's past photos.He demanded a ransom of 500,000 from Zuo Yuan, claiming that if he did not pay, the photos would be made public.However, Zuo Yuan was well prepared. He recorded Xiaoxiang's ex-boyfriend's threats on his mobile phone, which made him feel a little scared.

At this critical moment, Zuo Yuan proposed a solution: He was willing to pay 300,000 to buy all the photos of Xiaoxiang, and asked Xiaoxiang's ex-boyfriend to disappear in front of them forever and never appear again.After Xiaoxiang's ex-boyfriend got the bank card given by Zuo Yuan, he happily thought that he had made a fortune, but he didn't know that he had fallen into bigger trouble.

Xiaoxiang was in a very low mood after returning home.At the dance, she felt the gap between the world she was exposed to and Zuo Yuan, and began to doubt whether she was worthy of Zuo Yuan.However, she didn't know that at this moment, her ex-boyfriend had been cleverly solved by Zuo Yuan.

This story tells us that sometimes, when faced with difficulties and challenges, we need to remain calm and resourceful.Through recording and clever negotiation, Zuo Yuan successfully resolved the threat of Xiaoxiang's ex-boyfriend and protected his own and Xiaoxiang's interests.At the same time, Xiaoxiang also showed strong and independent qualities. Instead of succumbing to the threat of her ex-boyfriend, she chose to take the initiative to take responsibility.

As for Sister Zhang’s shop theft incident, although there is no answer yet, this incident also reminds us that we must always be vigilant and protect the safety of our property.At the same time, we should also remain vigilant about those who try to obtain other people's property through illegal means, call the police in time, and let the law punish them.

《parasites》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6: Hallucinations caused by too much mental stress

On a sultry summer night, Xiaoxiang sat alone in the empty villa, thinking a lot.The air around me seemed to be filled with loneliness and depression.Suddenly, the silence was broken by the ringtone of the mobile phone, which was a video call from Sister Zhang.Seeing the happy scene of Sister Zhang and her family, Xiaoxiang felt an indescribable envy in her heart.

In the dead of night, Xiaoxiang turned off the lights and prepared to rest.However, the moment she closed her eyes, she seemed to see a vague figure moving in the room.She nervously picked up the flashlight and began to look for this mysterious figure.Beside the pool, she found an exquisite gift box.With her heart beating fast, she carefully opened the box and saw a swarm of fireflies flying out, like dots of starlight.

At this moment, all the lights in the villa suddenly turned on, illuminating the entire space.It turns out that Zuo Yuan carefully arranged this scene to surprise Xiaoxiang.He walked up to Xiaoxiang, looked at her affectionately, and expressed his love.He told Xiaoxiang that he didn't care about her past, only her present and future.Because Xiaoxiang has amnesia and doesn't even know her own birthday, Zuo Yuan specially designated today as her birthday, hoping to give her an unforgettable memory.

However, when Xiaoxiang woke up from her sleep, she felt something was wrong.She began to rummage around the villa, trying to retrieve her memory.In a room in the basement, she saw a woman soaking in a water tank.The woman's eyes opened, making Xiaoxiang startled.She tried to get closer to see the woman's face clearly, but suddenly lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, Xiaoxiang saw Zuo Yuan's concerned eyes.Zuo Yuan told her that she might be hallucinating due to excessive mental stress.However, Xiaoxiang had doubts about all this.While Zuo Yuan was asleep, she secretly took out his cell phone and looked through it.She was surprised to find that Zuo Yuan's ex-girlfriend's birthday was also on September 28, the same day as she lost her memory.

Xiaoxiang lost all his past memories due to amnesia due to a car accident.In order to make a living, she took up the most ordinary job in the city and became a hotel waiter.However, her life was not peaceful.One day, a fraud gang came to the hotel, trying to frame Xiaoxiang for stealing gold.However, at the critical moment, Zuo Yuan appeared. He resolved the crisis wittily and captured the entire criminal evidence with his mobile phone.

Xiaoxiang was full of gratitude to Zuo Yuan.When she learned that Zuo Yuan was here to examine business investment opportunities, she used her knowledge of the city to take Zuo Yuan to every corner.In the process of getting along, the two gradually understood each other deeply.Zuo Yuan became very interested in Xiaoxiang and offered to let her be his girlfriend.Although Xiaoxiang was a little hesitant, he was still moved by Zuo Yuan's sincerity, and the two finally established a romantic relationship.

However, all this seems to pave the way for future crises.The next day, Xiaoxiang returned to the hotel and continued working.The boss saw her change and was happy for her, but also reminded her to be cautious about her relationship with Zuo Yuan.The boss is worried that Zuo Yuan will return to his city after the investigation is completed, leaving Xiaoxiang alone.However, Xiaoxiang's idea is very simple. She just wants to follow Zuo Yuan.

The landlady reminded Xiaoxiang to be wary that Zuo Yuan might be a liar.Because all information about Zuo Yuan cannot be verified at present, Xiaoxiang began to investigate Zuo Yuan's life experience through the Internet.However, as the investigation deepened, she discovered that Zuo Yuan's past seemed to be full of mysteries and lies.She began to doubt whether her choice was correct and whether she should continue to trust Zuo Yuan.

《parasites》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7: The man you love is a murderer

Xiaoxiang's heart was filled with confusion and uneasiness.Since discovering the body in her dream, her life seems to have been shrouded in a shadow.Today, she decided to go to that room again to find the answer in her heart.However, the door to the room was locked tightly, as if to prevent her from approaching the truth.

In the process of looking for help, Xiaoxiang met the man who had been investigating Hai Qingyue's case.The photo in his hand shocked Xiaoxiang - the body found in the pool was exactly the same as Hai Qingyue.The man's words revealed the suspicion that Zuo Yuan was the murderer, and also mentioned that there was a curse hidden in the house.However, Xiaoxiang's love for Zuo Yuan made her unable to believe these accusations.

Night fell, and heavy rain fell outside the window.Xiaoxiang stood alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, staring at the twinkling sky outside the window, feeling filled with loneliness and confusion.She felt that it was all too weird to be true.At this time, she did not know that Zuo Yuan was silently observing her through surveillance.

In order to enter that room, Xiaoxiang came up with a plan.She deliberately pretended that the water pipe was broken and hired a maintenance man.When the master discovered that the lock cylinder was broken, Xiaoxiang insisted that he had entered the room.Therefore, the maintenance master recommended a master to her, hoping to help her solve her problem.

The arrival of the Master brings a new twist to things.He caught a glimpse of the red color of the door and immediately guessed that the suppressed female soul in the room was an undead woman.He began to cast spells in an attempt to establish contact with Xiaoxiang and Hai Qingyue.As the spell progressed, Xiaoxiang gradually felt the presence of Hai Qingyue.She began to explore the truth with the master, hoping to unravel the mystery of all this.

《parasites》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8: I have changed

Xiaoxiang, a young and sensitive woman, because of an unexpected incident, she firmly believed that she saw the master smashing open the door, but there was a solid wall behind the door.This mysterious phenomenon aroused her strong curiosity, but also made her deeply confused and frightened.

Zuo Yuan, Xiaoxiang's friend, returned home and was also surprised when faced with this sudden wall.When Xiaoxiang asked him why he had this wall, he told her that there was indeed a room behind the wall, which further deepened Xiaoxiang's confusion.Xiaoxiang firmly believed that he saw the scene where Zuo Yuan killed Hai Qingyue, and even took out Hai Qingyue's photo as evidence.

However, Zuo Yuan knew nothing about this matter.In order to prove his innocence, he took Xiaoxiang to the study and showed her the footage of him monitoring Xiaoxiang.In the picture, Xiaoxiang has been with a mysterious owner, which made Zuo Yuan begin to wonder whether Xiaoxiang had mental problems and was hallucinating.

Xiaoxiang firmly believes that all this is true. She firmly believes that there must be some ulterior secrets in her family.She refused to see a doctor and insisted on returning to her city to find the truth.

However, when Xiaoxiang was sleeping in bed at night, Zuo Yuan was sitting on the sofa, when an old man wearing glasses suddenly appeared.This mysterious old man seems to be inextricably linked to Xiaoxiang's hallucination.The next morning, when Xiaoxiang got up and washed up, she was surprised to find that her appearance had changed drastically, and even her voice had changed.She ran out of the room in fear and happened to meet a servant.The servant actually called her Hai Qingyue, completely unaware of the existence of the name Xiaoxiang.

Xiaoxiang was horrified and immediately called Zuo Yuan, but the call could not be connected.She felt as if she was trapped in an inescapable nightmare, and everything around her became strange and strange.She began to wonder if she really existed or was just someone's hallucination.

In this world full of mysteries and terror, Xiaoxiang must face his inner fears and find the truth.She must uncover the secrets behind this wall in order to escape the plague of hallucinations and regain her true identity.However, this process is full of unknowns and dangers. Whether she can succeed remains to be verified by time.

In the process of searching for the truth, Xiaoxiang gradually discovered that there was a shocking secret hidden in this family.Hai Qingyue is not just a name, but a person who is inextricably linked to her.And this old man with glasses is the key to solving all the mysteries.

《parasites》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9: Xiaoxiang was parasited

The early morning sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains on Xiaoxiang's face.She rubbed her groggy eyes and walked to the mirror, ready to start a new day.However, when she saw herself in the mirror, she was horrified to find that she was no longer the familiar Xiaoxiang, but a brand new face.

She hurriedly wanted to find Zuo Yuan and ask about the reason for all this.However, as soon as she walked out of the room, she was stopped by a servant who called her “Hai Qingyue”.Xiaoxiang's heart was full of doubts and uneasiness. She didn't understand why everyone called her “Hai Qingyue” instead of her real name “Xiaoxiang”.

Unwilling to lose his identity like this, Xiaoxiang decided to go to Zuo Yuan's company to find the truth.However, when she came to the company, people who were familiar with her also called her “Haiqingyue”.She anxiously explained that her name was “Xiaoxiang”, but no one seemed to remember the name.Faced with this situation, Xiaoxiang felt extremely desperate. She believed that these people were working with Zuo Yuan to deceive her.

In desperation, Xiaoxiang chose to call the police.However, police were unable to identify her as she was unable to provide any previous information.Faced with this situation, Xiaoxiang felt helpless and confused. She didn't know how to prove herself.

When walking out of the police station, Xiaoxiang found someone following him.She deliberately pretended not to know and got rid of the stalker.Then, she found Luo Qiang, a boy who had been looking for “Hai Qingyue”.Luo Qiang took Xiaoxiang to a safe place and told her that all this was caused by Zuo Yuan's experiment.It turns out that Xiaoxiang was parasited and her body was controlled by Zuo Yuan, causing her to lose her original identity.

Xiaoxiang was shocked and angry. She blamed Luo Qiang for not telling her all this in advance.However, Luo Qiang said that there was nothing he could do because Xiaoxiang would not believe it if he told her in advance.Now, Xiaoxiang must face reality and find a way to restore his identity.

In the process, Xiaoxiang gradually discovered changes in himself.She began to have abilities and perspectives that were different from those before, and these changes made her feel both strange and familiar.She began to re-examine herself, trying to find the real Xiaoxiang.

With the help of Luo Qiang, Xiaoxiang gradually uncovered the truth about Zuo Yuan's experiment.It turns out that Zuo Yuan has been studying the transformation of human identity and memory, trying to achieve a complete change of human identity through paradises.Unfortunately, Xiaoxiang became his experiment.

After learning the truth, Xiaoxiang decided to face it all bravely.She no longer runs away, but bravely pursues her true identity.She began to look for ways to remove the parasites, hoping to regain her true colors.

In the process of searching for relief from the parasites, Xiaoxiang gradually discovered his own potential and strength.She learned how to use these powers to protect herself and how to face difficulties and challenges.In the process, she gradually found the real Xiaoxiang.

In the end, Xiaoxiang successfully eliminated the parasites and restored his true identity.She thanked Luo Qiang for his constant companionship and support, and also thanked this fantastic journey for making her grow and become stronger.

《parasites》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10: Mistaking Xiaoxiang for Hai Qingyue

Deep in the city, Luo Qiang revealed a shocking secret to Xiaoxiang.He told her that Hai Qingyue's transformation was not accidental, but stemmed from one of Zuo Yuan's experimental projects - gene fusion technology.This technology aims to implant one person's genes into another person's body, thereby changing their life form.

Luo Qiang, Hai Qingyue and Zuo Yuan were once classmates. After graduation, Zuo Yuan founded a company specializing in paradise projects.He deeply explored the possibility of gene fusion technology and tried to break the boundaries of life.

However, Xiaoxiang expressed doubts about this.In order to convince her, Luo Qiang took her to see a rice expert.The expert was surprised by Xiaoxiang's appearance and mistook her for Hai Qingyue.Xiaoxiang followed the trend and lied that he was Hai Qingyue, taking this opportunity to ask the professor for information about gene fusion technology.

The professor showed Xiaoxiang his experimental results, including the completed gene fusion experiment between plants.He explained that if one person's genes are implanted into another person, then that person's genes may be tampered with, resulting in huge physical and psychological changes.Xiaoxiang was shocked when he heard this explanation.

After leaving the laboratory, Xiaoxiang asked Luo Qiang why Zuo Yuan wanted to kill Hai Qingyue.Luo Qiang told her that Hai Qingyue was the core of the entire experimental project and her existence was a threat to Zuo Yuan.Zuo Yuan was jealous of Hai Qingyue's talent and once revealed to Luo Qiang that he might have murderous intentions.

In order to find out where Hai Qingyue was hidden by Zuo Yuan, Xiaoxiang and Luo Qiang decided to investigate at night.However, just when they were about to discover something, Zuo Yuan suddenly came back.Xiaoxiang had to take the initiative to meet Zuo Yuan and cover Luo Qiang.She lied that she didn't know Xiaoxiang and only thought Xiaoxiang was Hai Qingyue.

In front of Zuo Yuan, Xiaoxiang remained calm, knowing that she could not reveal any flaws.She used all her wisdom and courage to try to find out the whereabouts of Hai Qingyue from Zuo Yuan.Zuo Yuan didn't seem to see through her lie, which made Xiaoxiang feel a little relieved.

However, she knew that this was just the beginning, and her and Luo Qiang's investigation was far from over.They need to continue to go deeper, uncover the truth about gene fusion technology, find Hai Qingyue, and stop Zuo Yuan's crazy plan.

《parasites》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11: You can prove your existence

Xiaoxiang has been looking for a way to prove her identity. She knows that there are some misunderstandings in her relationship with Zuo Yuan, and she also begins to doubt the nature of love.At the same time, because of his deep love for Hai Qingyue, Luo Qiang always firmly pursues the truth and seeks justice for Hai Qingyue.

In the process of searching to prove herself, Xiaoxiang first thought of her friends.She hopes her friends can prove her identity. However, the store where she once worked has closed down, which makes her worried about her boss's safety.She is well aware that she has lived a low-key life in the past and has never left any photos or social media traces, which makes her search even more difficult.

In despair, Xiaoxiang suddenly thought of Xu Yunlai.This man who has been pestering her all this time may still have a photo of her in his hand.However, when Xiaoxiang found Xu Yunlai, he lied that all the photos had been given to Zuo Yuan.Xiaoxiang didn't believe his words, but Xu Yunlai took the opportunity to escape.

Xiaoxiang tried to contact the school she once attended, hoping to find some clues, but still found nothing.At this time, her genetic test report was also released.Shockingly, Xiaoxiang's DNA is exactly the same as Hai Qingyue's, which means they are the same person.This result made Xiaoxiang feel desperate because she could not prove her existence and didn't know how she should face all this.

After tears of disappointment and pain, Xiaoxiang suddenly thought of a place that might prove her existence.This place is filled with her memories and her last hope for finding an identity.Regardless of the outcome, Xiaoxiang decided to face it bravely and find a reasonable explanation for his existence.

《parasites》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12: Help Xiaoxiang regain her first personality

Xiaoxiang unknowingly said the same words as when he was in college. Zuo Yuan was very happy when he heard it. He claimed that Xiaoxiang had come back.Xiaoxiang was surprised when he heard it, not knowing how he had changed, and Zuo Yuan also told Xiaoxiang that Xiaoxiang had a split due to a personality disorder in the first year, and Xiaoxiang had always regarded himself as another person, the general of Zuo Yuan.Xiaoxiang will bring me back after he finds it.The doctor also claimed that he has been trying to help Xiaoxiang regain his former No. 1 personality.

Deep in the city, there is a battle about identity and memory.Xiaoxiang and Luo Qiang, this unusual pair, embark on a journey to discover the truth.Xiaoxiang's DNA is surprisingly similar to Hai Qingyue, which gives her the privilege of entering Zuo Yuan's office.However, just as they were trying to find clues, the alarm suddenly sounded, breaking the otherwise silent night.

Guoqiang urgently fled the scene with Xiaoxiang, but unfortunately, they still met Zuo Yuan unexpectedly.Zuo Yuan, this mysterious figure, brought Xiaoxiang to a doctor and planned to treat her.However, the treatment process is not always smooth.Xiaoxiang, a woman with a tough heart, has always resisted the identity and memory imposed on her by the outside world.

The doctor and Zuo Yuan constantly instilled in Xiaoxiang the idea that Luo Qiang was a liar, trying to make her believe that she was Hai Qingyue.During the treatment, Xiaoxiang struggled painfully, but to no avail.In her heart, she still clung to the desire for her true identity.

Finally, the treatment ended and Xiaoxiang walked out of the room.She looked at the fireflies flying outside and fell into deep thought.At this time, Zuo Yuan walked towards her with a bouquet of flowers and expressed his love to her affectionately.Surprisingly, Xiaoxiang said exactly the same words as when he was in college.Zuo Yuan was ecstatic after hearing this, thinking that Xiaoxiang had found himself.

However, for Xiaoxiang, all this is strange.She didn't know what changes had occurred in her, and she didn't know if everything Zuo Yuan said was true.She begins to doubt her identity and memory, trying to find the truth.

Zuo Yuan told Xiaoxiang that she once had a split due to a personality disorder and regarded herself as another person.It was he who found Xiaoxiang and brought her back here.Doctors also claimed that they have been trying to help Xiaoxiang regain her former No. 1 personality.

《parasites》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13: Lie that Luo Qiang is a liar

In the bustling city, Xiaoxiang always felt as if she was living in a transparent glass house, with her every move being monitored. However, she did not make any announcement and chose to bear the oppression silently.

One night, while dining out with Zuo Yuan and her colleagues, she suddenly slipped a note into a waiter asking for help.The content on the note was short and urgent, and the waiter immediately understood Xiaoxiang's situation.Xiaoxiang made an excuse to go to the toilet, quickly changed clothes with the waiter, and cleverly escaped from the restaurant.

After escaping, Xiaoxiang immediately wanted to contact Luo Qiang, but the call could not be connected.So, she decided to go to Luo Qiang's home in person.However, Luo Qiang's home is in chaos, and there seems to be some unknown secret.Just as Xiaoxiang was looking for traces of Luo Qiang, the person who had been following her suddenly appeared.Xiaoxiang quickly hid and waited carefully for the opportunity.

Zuo Yuan suddenly appeared and lied that Luo Qiang was a liar and had been deceiving Xiaoxiang.But Xiaoxiang's trust in Luo Qiang has not been shaken.At this moment, Luo Qiang appeared in front of Xiaoxiang like a magic weapon descending from heaven, helping her escape from danger.Zuo Yuan and Luo Qiang had a fierce conflict. Although Luo Qiang had bodyguards to help, he still could not subdue Zuo Yuan.

At the critical moment, the police car rushed to the scene and rescued Zuo Yuan.Xiaoxiang also hurried over and saw the injured Zuo Yuan, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.She decided to take Zuo Yuan away while helping Luo Qiang bandage his wounds.In the process of treating the wound, the telepathy between the two became stronger.

Xiaoxiang felt guilty when he saw that Luo Qiang had been living in such a harsh environment.She decided not to escape anymore, but to face it all bravely and strive for a better future for Luo Qiang and herself.

《parasites》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14: Didn’t deceive Xiaoxiang

On a quiet night, Xiaoxiang and Luo Qiang sat around under the dim light, and they talked about their future life.Luo Qiang, a young man who was once suppressed by Zuo Yuan, suffered a lot because he always stood by Hai Qingyue.With determination flashing in his eyes, he suggested that Xiaoxiang find a strange place to live in seclusion to avoid Zuo Yuan's tracking, while he went to find Zuo Yuan and find a settlement for the past grudges.

Xiaoxiang felt mixed emotions when he heard Luo Qiang's thoughts.She was worried about Luo Qiang's safety. After all, he was still young and had unlimited possibilities in the future.She once wanted to follow Luo Qiang, but Luo Qiang refused.He didn't want anyone to get hurt because of him, especially Xiaoxiang.However, Xiaoxiang's determination was extremely firm. She chose to stay by Luo Qiang's side and face the ups and downs of the future with him.

In the dead of night, when Xiaoxiang woke up from his deep sleep, he found that Luo Qiang was no longer around.The phone rang, but no one answered.She sat on the sofa, filled with anxiety, worried that Luo Qiang had really gone to find Zuo Yuan.Just when she was in confusion, Luo Qiang came back.Seeing Luo Qiang's safe return, Xiaoxiang could no longer bear the emotions in her heart. She threw herself into Luo Qiang's arms and wet his clothes with tears.

The next day, Xiaoxiang decided to go to Zuo Yuan alone to seek revenge.She was walking aimlessly on the street when she suddenly ran into a photographer who took pictures of her three years ago.When she saw the photo, Xiaoxiang was very excited.The photo was of her and Hai Qingyue. It turned out that she and Hai Qingyue had known each other for a long time.This unexpected discovery made Xiaoxiang strengthen his belief.

However, on the confused street, Xiaoxiang met another person-Sister Zhang.She actually called Xiaoxiang's name accurately.This surprised Xiaoxiang. She thought her appearance had changed, but Sister Zhang could still recognize her.But Sister Zhang told her that she had always looked like this, which meant that Zuo Yuan had not deceived Xiaoxiang.

Xiaoxiang's heart was full of doubts and confusion.She doesn't know what secrets are hidden in her past, nor what challenges she will face in the future.But she knows that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, she will fight side by side with Luo Qiang and face the test of fate together.

And Luo Qiang also knows his responsibility.He knew that for Xiaoxiang and Hai Qingyue, he had to find Zuo Yuan and settle this grudge.He couldn't let Xiaoxiang face danger alone, and he couldn't let Hai Qingyue's sacrifice go to waste.

So, driven by fate, Xiaoxiang and Luo Qiang once again embarked on a journey to find Zuo Yuan.They don't know what difficulties and challenges they will face ahead, but they believe that as long as they have love and faith in their hearts, they can overcome everything.

《parasites》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15: Shao Xiang passed away a year ago

As time goes by, people and things have changed.Hai Qingyue once again stood at the gate of the once familiar campus, her eyes revealing deep nostalgia and a hint of unnoticeable sadness.She wants to retrieve her own past, the memory buried by time.

The school employees no longer remember this former student, and there is a hint of indifference and impatience in their eyes.Hai Qingyue walked silently on the campus paths, with complex emotions surging in her heart.She secretly took out a school profile and flipped through the pages. Suddenly, a name caught her attention - Shao Xiang.This name was so similar to the one she remembered, and she finally understood why she could never find any information about herself. It turned out that her name was Shao Xiang.

While Hai Qingyue was immersed in memories of the past, the former teacher Xu walked over.Seeing Hai Qingyue, Teacher Xu's eyes flashed with surprise, but more of it was a deep sadness.Teacher Xu told Hai Qingyue some things about that year, and those memories that had been dusted by time gradually revived in Hai Qingyue's mind.She recalled the days she spent with her classmates, the laughter, the arguments and reconciliations.At the same time, she also learned a shocking news-Shao Xiang had passed away a year ago.

The news weighed on Hai Qingyue's heart like a huge stone, and she felt unable to breathe.She decided to go to Shao Xiang's home and maybe she could find more clues about the past there.However, Shao Xiang's father was very angry at Hai Qingyue's arrival. He believed that Hai Qingyue had killed Shao Xiang.Facing the accusations from Shao Xiang's father, Hai Qingyue felt unable to defend herself, and her heart was filled with guilt and pain.

In the process of recalling, Hai Qingyue gradually understood the truth about Shao Xiang's death.It turns out that she originally insisted on using humans for experiments, and Shao Xiang died unfortunately during the experiment.Hai Qingyue couldn't accept this fact, and she felt her heart being surrounded by tearing pain.

At the same time, Zuo Yuan also learned that Hai Qingyue might recall the past.He is very worried about Hai Qingyue's condition, because after knowing the past, Hai Qingyue's character is likely to conflict with her current personality, thus causing greater harm to her.Zuo Yuan anxiously looked for Hai Qingyue, hoping to give her support and comfort when she needed it most.

By chance, Zuo Yuan met Luo Qiang.Luo Qiang is Hai Qingyue's past friend, and he also knows something about Hai Qingyue's past.Zuo Yuan asked Luo Qiang about Hai Qingyue, hoping to get some clues from him.Luo Qiang told Zuo Yuan that Hai Qingyue was a very persistent person. She was full of confidence in her experiments, but at the same time she ignored the risks that the experiments might bring.Shao Xiang's death was a huge blow to Hai Qingyue, and she needed time to face and accept this fact.

After listening to Luo Qiang's story, Zuo Yuan became even more worried about Hai Qingyue's condition.He decided to continue looking for Hai Qingyue until he found her.He hopes to be by Hai Qingyue's side and support her to get out of the shadow of the past and face life again.

And Hai Qingyue is also trying to face her past.She began to reflect on her actions and why she made the choice she did.She understands that the mistakes of the past are irreversible, but she hopes to learn from them and not let similar tragedies happen again.At the same time, she also felt that Shao Xiang's death had hit her so hard that she needed time to heal her trauma.

《parasites》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16: Hai Qingyue thinks she is Shao Xiang

Luo Qiang brought Zuo Yuan to a dark and secret room, and there was an unspeakable tension in the air.Zuo Yuan was roughly tied to the chair, his heartbeat was racing, and his mind was filled with confusion and uneasiness.Luo Qiang's voice was low and cold, as if coming from the abyss: “Do you remember what day it is today?”

Zuo Yuan frowned, an ominous premonition welling up in his heart.He tried to remember, but found that his thoughts were being pulled by an invisible force. He desperately wanted to find the answer, but in vain.At this time, a shocking fact flashed through his mind like lightning - today is Shao Xiang's birthday.

At this moment, Luo Qiang slowly opened a curtain, revealing a huge glass bathtub.In the bathtub, Hai Qingyue lay quietly, her eyes blank, as if she had fallen into an endless abyss.Seeing this scene, Zuo Yuan felt intense worry and fear in his heart.

Memories came flooding back. After graduation, Hai Qingyue was full of dreams and planned to use her professional knowledge to start a business.Shao Xiang, as her close friend and supporter, joined her without hesitation.However, during the process of technical research, Hai Qingyue and Zuo Yuan had differences.Zuo Yuan firmly opposed Hai Qingyue's use of human bodies for experiments. He believed that this practice was both dangerous and immoral.However, Hai Qingyue insisted on her own point of view and believed that this was her dedication to science.

Unfortunately, the experiment failed.Shao Xiang passed away in an accident, and Hai Qingyue fell into deep guilt.Although the court finally acquitted the crime of manslaughter and Hai Qingyue was acquitted, her heart could no longer be calm.Luo Qiang, as a close friend of Shao Xiang and an old friend of Zuo Yuan, could not get rid of his resentment towards Hai Qingyue.

Hai Qingyue's mental state gradually deteriorated, and she moved her laboratory to her home in an attempt to make up for her mistakes through experiments.However, the experiment was not successful and instead plunged her into deeper pain.After a car accident, her personality completely split, and she began to think that she was Shao Xiang, trying to find inner relief in this way.

Now, Hai Qingyue is trapped in her own spiritual world, and Zuo Yuan, Luo Qiang and other insiders are faced with difficult choices.What should they doFacing this complicated past?Can Hai Qingyue still find her true identity?Will this tragic past continue to affect their future?

《parasites》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17: Zuo Yuan goes to jail

In the hustle and bustle of the city, Zuo Yuan's figure appears lonely and determined.He has been looking for an opportunity, an opportunity that allows him to get rid of Luo Qiang's control.Luo Qiang, the man who has been manipulating everything behind the scenes, his plan made Zuo Yuan feel scared and angry.Hai Qingyue, the once lively and cheerful woman, has now become the victim of Luo Qiang's revenge plan.

Zuo Yuan learned about Hai Qingyue's experience after the car accident, her mental disorder, and her split personality. All of this was carefully planned by Luo Qiang for revenge.He wanted to let Hai Qingyue taste the pain of being parasited. He wanted to destroy two people with his own hands. He thought this was the best revenge.However, when Zuo Yuan asked Luo Qiang if he really wanted to kill Hai Qingyue, a trace of hesitation flashed in Luo Qiang's eyes.Those scenes of getting along with Hai Qingyue, those warm and happy moments, were like thorns piercing his heart.

Zuo Yuan knew that this was not Luo Qiang's real wish.He was just supporting himself with hatred, and he was just looking for an outlet in his confusion.Zuo Yuan decided that he would use his own life in exchange for Hai Qingyue's survival.He handed over the gasoline to Luo Qiang's hands without hesitation, and was even willing to become the target of revenge instead of Hai Qingyue.

However, Luo Qiang's decision surprised everyone.He chose to let Zuo Yuan watch Hai Qingyue die bit by bit with his own eyes.In the bathtub, Hai Qingyue remained motionless, as if she had lost the breath of life.Zuo Yuan's heart felt like it was being torn apart. He shouted anxiously, but he couldn't break free.At this time, Hai Qingyue suddenly woke up, she began to struggle, and she began to survive.

At this moment, Zuo Yuan's heart was filled with determination.He wanted to rescue Hai Qingyue, and he wanted to end all this nightmare.He used his own strength to break the restraints and rushed to the bathtub.He picked up Hai Qingyue and rushed out of the room.Behind him was Luo Qiang's shocked expression and angry shouts.

However, when Zuo Yuan thought everything was over, reality dealt him a heavy blow again.The new woman he brought home was surprisingly similar to Shao Xiang.The employees of Zuoyuan Company also discovered the truth of the experiment. The loophole that had been bothering them turned out to be Zuo Yuan's deliberate effort.Faced with such accusations, Zuo Yuan could not defend himself.He could only bear the consequences of all this silently.

Eventually, Zuo Yuan was sent to prison.