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《Small Town Stories》 Summ

Mu Di, a suona professional girl with both high academic qualifications and ability, went home to recuperate due to illness. She met Bai Lang, the smart and capable owner of a planning company. Due to an accident, the two had to run a planning company together.In the process of running the business, Mu Di not only felt a different kind of human warmth, but also met members of the local folk band, and gained inspiration to combine traditional art and pop culture.Mu Di gained a new understanding of the folk music she loved. She continued to improve in her performances and received more and more praise. She and Bailang also grew from tit-for-tat to mutual admiration.In the end, Mu Di and the members of the folk orchestra took the performance as an opportunity to make traditional folk music known and loved by more people.Under the influence of Bai Lang, Mu Di himself put down the pressure and faced his heart. Not only did he gain a career he loved, but he also found his emotional home.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Small Town Stories Episode 1 Plot Introduction: Mu Di returns to his hometown

Mu Di, a student majoring in suona at the Central Conservatory of Music, participated in interviews with major musical troupes when he was about to graduate. However, due to tinnitus problems, he frequently failed in interviews. In the end, Mu Di had no choice but to return to his hometown of Weihai to recuperate.

When Mu Di returned home, the family was celebrating the birthday of her sister Mu Tong's child. Mu Di didn't want to spoil everyone's happiness, so she lied and claimed that she was returning home after taking the exam to celebrate her nephew's birthday.But when her mother asked her about her boyfriend Cheng Xu, she showed an unhappy face, and made up an excuse to prevent her family from worrying.Mu Tong noticed something strange about Mu Di, but did not mention it at the dinner table. After dinner, Mu Tong went to find his sister to find out the situation. Only then did he learn that Cheng Xu had cheated on a rich and powerful woman for his piano dream, and the other party helped himThe job in the big city was solved, but the only requirement was to marry the other party, and Cheng Xu agreed.Mu Tong didn't expect Cheng Xu to be such a person. Seeing his sister's sad look, he said no more.

Under the questioning of her sister, Mu Di told her about her illness and tinnitus. Mu Di comforted her sister that he would find the best experts to treat her. Don't think too much about it now. Now that you are back home, you will stay for a while.The next day, accompanied by his friends, Mu Di went to see the famous local Doctor Liu. Here he met Doctor Liu's adopted son Bai Langchu. The two of them had some unpleasant experiences because they had to wait in line to get a doctor's number. As the saying goes, no.Enemies never get together.After Dr. Liu diagnosed Mu Di, he advised her not to play the suona during her illness. According to his prescription, she could be cured in half a year.After the treatment, Mu Di and Geng went to a nightclub. The so-called rich second generation William worked as a DJ here. He was also a music major. Mu Di felt that such a person was not reliable enough and he must have a lot of girlfriends.

Mu Di's brother-in-law, Wei Zaidong, is the director of the Market Health Supervision and Administration Bureau. In such a small town, everyone naturally wants to fawn over. Wei Zaidong was originally celebrating the birthday of his second uncle's youngest son, Wei Tao, but he asked his second uncle to do it.As a matter of fact, Mu Di came to the banquet with his brother-in-law, and Mu Di took care of his nephew.As a result, they met Bai Lang again here. Bai Lang accidentally knocked off Mu Di's cell phone, and the two almost quarreled again. Fortunately, the second uncle in the east helped to rescue them.

Wei Zaidong was present. Everyone just wanted to curry favor with him and had no intention of eating. What was originally a family banquet turned into a social gathering. Wei Zaidong did not expect such a scene. Fortunately, Bai Lang, as today's host, helped him slip away.Go, relieving his embarrassment.Mu Di was quite surprised. He didn't expect this man to help them.Bailang first asked everyone present to drink, and then asked someone to deliberately tell Wei Zaidong's license plate number. Since everyone present had drunk, only Wei Zaidong had not, so he was the only one who could move the car, and Wei Zaidong left with an excuse., and then helped Mu Di and the child escape. Bailang took the opportunity to give his business card to Wei Zaidong, who accepted it. Bailang's behavior made him look a little impressed.But Mu Di didn't think so. Bailang's move was just to curry favor with Wei Zaidong, and was no different from those people.

Mu Di relied on his best friend to take over a job. After dressing up carefully, he found out that his best friend had taken over a funeral job for him, where he met the person in charge, Bai Lang.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Small Town Stories Episode 2 Synopsis: Mu Di’s tinnitus condition improves

Seeing that Mu Di was about to leave, Bai Lang tried hard to persuade him to stay, but with his sincere words, he succeeded in keeping Mu Di.

Mu Di played two pieces of music, but there was no tinnitus. She decided to return to Beijing and regain everything that belonged to her. Bai Lang also admired her, but he didn't expect that she had some real skills.

The person in the east who wanted to curry favor with him didn't know where he found out about Mu Di's visit to Dr. Liu for medical treatment, so he specially prepared supplements for Mu Di's mother. Originally, Mu Di's mother was kept in the dark, but now it's better.Take your wife directly to find Mu Tong and his wife.Seeing this, Mu Tong had no choice but to tell her parents the truth. The reason why she hid it was because she was worried about her parents' health and feared that they would get angry.

Mu Di's cell phone was out of battery and he couldn't get a taxi at all in the village. Fortunately, he met Bai Lang on the way. A good man would not suffer any immediate loss. Mu Di decided to take Bai Lang's car back. Unexpectedly, the car broke down halfway. Bai Lang and his brothers were there.While the car was being repaired, Mu Di's family and friends were very anxious because they could not contact her.

This car was bought by Bai Lang for 5,000 yuan, and he didn't know what was wrong with it. He couldn't find anything wrong with it for a while, so the three of them simply used local materials, made a fire, and sat around to drink some wine.Later, the three of them took a bus to the chicken farm back to the city. They sat together with a bunch of chickens. Mu Di couldn't stand the smell of the chickens. Bailang beside them was very content and even chatted and laughed with Mu Di.

William's bank card was frozen by his parents because he always went against their wishes. Their parents wanted him to take over the family business. However, William liked music and dropped out to study electronic music at the Conservatory of Music. Later, when he returned to Weihai, he wasHis parents forced him to go on a blind date. On this day, he met his 16th blind date, Qu Wenwen. Qu Wenwen and his family were family friends. Their family was in the shipping business and were richer than William's family. William thought it was business as usual.Just deal with her parents and that's it. Unexpectedly, Qu Wenwen is not a little white rabbit. Although she is only 23 years old, William is no match for her.

Qu Wenwen deliberately went on a blind date in a nightclub. After she learned about William's situation, she was very grateful for his sincerity. As for the outcome of the blind date, she needed William to wait for her notification before turning around and walking away.Jin Jin and Bai Lang are partners. Although Bai Lang is a foreigner, Jin Jin admires his mind and is willing to follow him.

Bailang learned that Huang Jin was deceived into signing a sea burial contract that required long preparation, and asked Shen Debao for an explanation.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Small Town Stories Episode 3 Plot Introduction: Bailang receives an order for burial at sea

Bai Lang believed that Shen Debao was deliberately targeting him because he was grabbing business, and later decided to take the order under the stimulation of Shen Debao.

Bailang and Huangjin went around asking for help, but the fastest time was two weeks later. There was really no company that could arrange a sea burial in five days.Just when they were at a loss, Bailang saw a lot of fishing boats and wanted to rent them. They told the fishermen honestly that no one was willing to rent them out for free. After all, it was unlucky. In the end, they had no choice but to hide the golden advice.First, he borrowed the clothes, then went to other areas to spread the ashes, and then returned the boat after the incident. Until now, this was all he could do. Bai Lang still felt a little unbearable, and asked Gold if there was a way to crack it.I heard an old man say that you can find the solution by looking for an old fisherman.Only then did Bai Lang make up his mind to do what Jin Jin said.

Mu Di's second uncle is an old fisherman. She came to see him. The two of them were planning to eat when Bailang and Huangjin came over after smelling the smell.Mu Di sprinkled water without seeing the person standing at the door, and ended up spraying Bai Lang all over him. Knowing that they knew each other, the second uncle invited Bai Lang and Huang Jin to the house to have dinner together. Bai Lang was good at talking, and the second uncle was very happy when he said it, but Mu Di remindedThe second uncle is careful about the two of them. He may be glib and may have some little plan in mind.

In the end, the second uncle still helped with this matter, because Bailang lied, saying that someone wanted to rent a fishing boat to take wedding photos. The second uncle thought it was okay, and the money they gave to rent it for three days at two thousand five thousand was not a small amount., he readily agreed. When Bailang saw this, he directly increased the amount to 3,000. They signed the contract immediately, and Mu Di didn't stop him no matter what.

Many relatives in the family knew about Mu Di. She felt that this kind of thing was very embarrassing, so she hid it from her parents. She didn't expect that her mother's big mouth would let many people know about it.But now that her tinnitus is gone, she decided to return to Beijing and take the theater exam.Mu Di's family is very traditional and they still hope that she can stay in her hometown and consider getting married before she is 30 years old. However, this is impossible for Mu Di who has just been cheated on by a scumbag.marry.

Bailang and the others did a rough calculation and found that the sea burial order not only made no money, but also lost money, so he planned to go to the bereaved family to discuss whether they could add more money. He asked for the address from the gold store and found out that it was Grandpa Li's bun shop. He wentI looked around the store and found that it was run by Sister Ping, granddaughter of Grandpa Li. Grandpa Li was a veteran of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. His only last wish was to be buried in the sea so that he could be closer to his brothers who sacrificed their lives. Bai Lang was moved.He didn't say anything about the price increase and decided to do his best to send Grandpa Li on his last journey.

Mu Di learned from her best friend that Bailang was renting a boat for a funeral, so she hurried to the beach. Mu Di jumped on the boat to argue with Bailang. Bailang explained the situation to her and finally calmed her down, but the family members made trouble again.It was Sister Ping's second aunt who got up. She didn't want her father to be buried at sea, and she also wanted a bun shop. While fighting, she grabbed Grandpa Li's urn. Bai Lang asked Sister Ping to take out the recording of Grandpa Li's will, which was the old man's last wish.After listening to the recording, I stopped making trouble.

The burial at sea went smoothly, and Uncle Li reunited with his comrades on the other side of the sea. After this trip, Bailang and the others only earned a few yuan, but he did not regret it. He felt that he was doing something meaningful.

Mu Di promised to help Bailang keep the secret secret, and then asked Bailang to restore the ship to its original state.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Small Town Stories Episode 4 Plot Introduction: Bailang charters the fishing boat to Shen Debao

Shen Debao deliberately spread the news that Bai Lang used fishing boats for sea burials, but Bai Lang was not affected by this, so he deliberately found someone to make Shen Debao angry.

But Mu Di's family was unlucky. The second uncle knew that his fishing boat had been used for nothing, so he was unwilling to take it. Mu Di's parents didn't want to embarrass him. After discussion, Mu Di's parents finally spent 100,000 yuan to buy the second uncle.Originally, they wanted to hide the uncle's fishing boat from Mu Di, but Mu Tong's call was heard by Mu Di. Mu Di didn't expect that things would turn out like this, so she went to Bailang to settle the score.

Mu Di wanted Bailang to buy the boat, but Bailang didn't admit it at all, thinking that the matter had nothing to do with him. Mu Di made a fuss in the store, but unexpectedly alerted his classmate Ding Yi on the second floor. Ding Yi is now a police officer, and heSeeing Bai Lang covering Mu Di's mouth, he thought she was in danger and subdued Bai Lang. Unexpectedly, Tao'er saw it. Tao'er didn't know the situation or Ding Yi's identity. She only saw her man.Ding Yi was bullied and beaten. Later, several people were invited to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.

Ding Yi didn't expect that Mu Di would return to her hometown. He always thought that she was studying in Beijing. Mu Di didn't expect that the former monitor would become a police officer.Ding Yi did not pursue the matter, and even organized a game to invite everyone to have dinner together in the evening.Ding Yi has his own little idea. He wants Bailang to pay back the money, but it is best not to pay it back all at once, because he understands Mu Di. She will not leave Weihai unless the second uncle handles this matter well, so Ding YiHe just wants Mu Di to stay in Weihai for a while. After all, he has liked Mu Di since high school. Now that he knows that Mu Di has broken up with her boyfriend, he still has a chance.Bailang didn't expect that Ding Yi would have such a little Jiujiu. He and Ding Yi agreed that if they really get together, then the money won't count. Ding Yi agreed, if he can really be with Mu DiAt the same time, he will repay the money.

Under the coordination of Ding Yi, Bailang paid back 10,000 yuan first, and then paid off the rest in three months.Ding Yi really knew Mu Di very well. Sure enough, Mu Di decided to go to his company and keep an eye on him every day because he was worried about Bai Lang.This makes Ding Yi very happy, because his security booth is upstairs at Bailang Company, so he can see Mu Di every day.

Mu Di stares at Bailang every day. When Bailang goes out to talk about things, she also stands by, which makes Bailang speechless.

The day before, Ding Yi sent Mu Di home and happened to meet Mu Tong. Mu Tong was very satisfied with Ding Yi. She had discussed with her mother how to let Mu Di stay. Mu Tong decided to introduce Mu Di to a job, and then there was another one.The object, Mudi will be able to stay gradually, but this matter cannot be rushed, like boiling a frog in warm water.

Mu Tong went to Ding Yi the next day. She wanted Ding Yi to help and find a way to keep Mu Di.Ding Yi understood what Mu Tong meant and readily agreed.

Bailang used his ingenuity to charter the fishing boat to Shen Debao for 10,000 yuan a month, so he quickly returned Mu Di 10,000 yuan first, hoping that Mu Di would not delay his business negotiations.Huang Jin didn't expect that Bailang could trick that old fox Shen Debao, and he admired him very much.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Small Town Stories Episode 5 Plot Introduction: William the Mute talks about music

In order to help Bai Lang solve the situation of Mu Di's surveillance, Ding Yi asked Bai Lang to use equity to appease the purpose. Bai Lang knew what Ding Yi was thinking and persuaded Ding Yi to confess to Mu Di.

Qu Wenwen took the initiative to find William and took him to get to know the band, hoping to realize his music dream. However, he did not expect that the group of people had bad thoughts about Qu Wenwen. William felt that they were not serious people and did not respect music.He respected girls, so he broke up with them. Later, when Qu Wenwen found out about it, he was a little touched. It seemed that William didn't hate him.

Bailang invited Mu Di to dinner and talked to her about the stock split. He knew that Mu Di was very smart, so he deliberately found an excuse for money transactions. After all, the company's accounts could not be messed up. Mu Di accepted this reason, but Bailang needed to include it in the agreement.It was stated that when he paid back the money, Mu Di would return the equity, and Mu Di accepted it.Bailang also took the opportunity to make a request, that is, Mu Di should play suona for his activities for free. Firstly, it is to reduce operating costs, so that he can pay off the money faster. Secondly, this is also Mu Di's profession, and it can also be regarded as a performance.Chance.

Ding Yi went to Mu Di's house to distribute an anti-fraud propaganda sheet, and happened to meet Mu Di going out. Mu Di's father wanted to find someone to repair the broken screens at home, but Ding Yi happened to be able to repair all the screens at home.Mu Di's father was very satisfied with him, but Mu Di's mother felt that the policeman was too busy to take care of the family.She felt that it was better to find someone who came back from school in a big city to be a good match for Mu Di.

William found Bailang's company and wanted them to hold an event for him. He just wanted to find some people who listened to music. He paid 20,000 yuan per event and did 4 shows a month. Bailang didn't expect that William was a rich second generation and felt that he needed less money.But I didn’t dare to delay, for fear of long nights and dreams, so I drew up a contract on the spot.

Bailang's colleague Xiao Pan found a group of uncles and aunties, gave them eggs, and took them to the bar. When William arrived at the bar, everyone was stunned.Although the aunts and uncles can dance square dance, the style of music is not electronic music. When William played music, the aunties couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the music at all. They also asked to slow down the music a bit. Later, the person Xiao Pan found was notWilliam didn't even look at the security uncles or the cleaning aunts.It’s not because they are older, it’s because they don’t understand electronic music at all.

What William needed was a young man who could appreciate electronic music. Xiao Pan was in a dilemma, but he took the opportunity to ask for more money. As long as the money was in place, he could do it. He added 50,000 yuan, and William didn't hesitate.When he was paying, he saw his mother's information, and her mother had frozen his card, and he had to rely on blind dates to unfreeze it.

William was forced to meet his blind date, but he didn't expect that the blind date turned out to be Mu Di. Although he didn't know Mu Di, Mu Di had seen him in the nightclub, but William looked like a playboy and just wanted to let Mu Di know.With difficulty, Mu Di was not interested in him at all. Instead, he felt that he was an embarrassment to music students. William thought that Mu Di did not understand music at all. Mu Tong told her that his sister was a suona graduate student at the Central Conservatory of Music, and she must be better than him.He knew music, and when he acted like this, Mu Tong was also very angry, thinking that this person was very uneducated.

William found Mu Di's house in the evening, and Mu Di just came out to see off the guests. William apologized to Mu Di and hoped to talk to her about music. Mu Di listened to one of his demos and put forward suggestions for adjustments. William did not expect Mu Di to reallyHe was very professional, so the two of them added WeChat, and Mu Di would continue to listen to his later demos and put forward his own ideas.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Small Town Stories Episode 6 Plot Introduction: Mu Di Bailang Talks

Mu Di exchanged contact information with William for the sake of music. Mu Di's parents suspected their relationship after seeing it. Mu Di's mother was very satisfied to learn that William was a blind date.

Mu Di was worried that with William on the left and Ding Yi on the right, it would be difficult for her to leave Weihai, so she decided to ask Bailang to pay back the money as soon as possible and then return to Beijing quickly.

Mu Di began to follow Bai Lang to work again. This time she followed Bai Lang to the hospital. She saw the grief of an 8-year-old girl's mother when she lost her child. But for parents who had just lost their child,What he didn't want to see at this time was the people from the funeral company. The child's father was very rude to Bailang and told him to get out.It was also the first time that Mu Di knew that Bailang's job was actually not easy.

In the evening, Mu Di went to the troupe and happened to see a sister playing the pipa. Her sister played the pipa very well, but she worked in a beauty salon. After chatting with her sister, Mu Di found out that the troupe had no performances and the salary was very low.In order to support their families, many senior band members have chosen side jobs.

When he got home, Mu Di couldn't sleep, so he thought about what he could do for the deceased Zhou Ting. Zhou Ting also liked music. She studied saxophone, so Mu Di found Zhou Ting's previous photos and the band she was in.The teacher made a short video for her and showed it to Zhou Ting’s parents in person the next day, hoping that she could play a song at Zhou Ting’s memorial service.In the end, Zhou Ting's parents decided to cooperate with Bailang's company. Mu Di went to Bailang with the contract. Bailang didn't expect that she could win this business.

Zhou Ting's memorial service was well organized. Zhou Ting's parents were very pleased. Looking at the haggard backs of Zhou Ting's parents, Mu Di was very sad. She didn't understand why people died. Zhou Ting was only 8 years old and her life had not yet begun.Bailang told Mu Di that after doing this job for a long time, he gradually got used to it.

Shen Debao knew that he had been cheated by Bailang, because the boat almost fell into the sea, and his thousands of trousers were scratched. There was no other way, so Bailang had no choice but to agree to return the boat, but after going around, the boat hit his hand again.Shen Debao is not a picky person. He broke the contract and asked Bai Lang to lose the deposit. He also spread rumors in the group and slandered Bai Lang and his company. Bai Lang was so angry that he wanted to take revenge on Shen Debao, so he took the gold to Shen Debao's car in the middle of the night to have sex.It was a waste of time, but was discovered by the security guard.

Bailang Gold was sent to the police station, and it happened that Ding Yi handled the matter. I don’t know what Ding Yi said to Shen Debao. Shen Debao not only returned the deposit obediently, but also signed a mediation letter, and Ding Yi also helped Bailang pay part of the compensation. ThisThat's it.Bailang didn't expect that Ding Yi was a good person and could help him. He was very grateful to Ding Yi and hoped that Ding Yi and Mu Di would get along well for a hundred years.

Mu Di's best friend Xu Huan heard about William's pursuit of Mu Di, and asked Mu Di specifically to inquire about the situation. Mu Di told her that it was impossible for the two of them, and reassured Xu Huan that she would definitely not rob the person Xu Huan liked.

In order to chat about music with Mu Di, William often went to the downstairs of Mu Di's house to wait for Mu Di. People around him mistakenly thought that the two were in love.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

Small Town Stories Episode 7 Plot Introduction: Mu Di was misunderstood to like Bailang

William met with Mu Di and learned that Mu Di wanted to introduce Xu Huan to him, but he was unwilling to accept it because he only had music in his heart.

Mu Di's mother overheard the conversation between the two of them. She watched William leave angrily and complained about Mu Di. She felt that she should not mention other girls in front of William. Mu Di's mother didn't know which one her daughter liked.Di clearly told her mother that she did not like Ding Yi or William.

Ding Yi came to Bailang's company to find Mu Di and wanted to ask her out for dinner. Bailang changed his usual dislike of Ding Yi and took the initiative to let Mu Di and Bailang go out to dinner and was very polite to Bailang.During the meal, Ding Yi kept talking about the marriage of his classmates. Mu Di knew what he meant and kept his head down while eating without speaking.However, Mu Di sensed a business opportunity from this matter. She felt that since all her classmates were married, it would be an opportunity if any of her classmates were single. She asked Ding Yi to help post an advertisement in the class, hoping to win moreDo some business.

After Mu Di became a member of Bailang Company, she was very concerned about the business here and made a careful plan. However, Mu Di lacked experience in negotiating business, and she didn't understand how business was negotiated in a small town.The negotiation could only be concluded at the wine party. Later, Bai Lang took her to have a drink with the boss, and then there was a glimmer of hope. However, the boss knew that Mu Di could play the suona, so he asked her to play a song at the wedding banquet on the 16th. As long as she performed wellIf you do well, you will sign a contract with Bailang for 10 events.

Mu Di was not happy. He felt that Bai Lang didn't understand music and didn't respect art. He was just using her to sensationalize and became his tool to build relationships, so she wanted Bai Lang to pay the price. At the event on the 16th, Mu Di originallyI couldn’t think about it, but I still relented and appeared on the stage at the last moment.It was just that when she was performing, a drunk relative of the groom in the audience asked her to accompany him to drink. Bai Lang tried to stop him but failed, and was beaten several times by the big brother. Later, Bai Lang drank a glass of wine and started to fight back, and subdued him with one move.That big brother.The scene was chaotic for a while. Seeing relatives gathering around him, Mu Di was very worried about Bai Lang.

Bailang messed up the order for Mu Di, had a dispute with the other party, and was beaten. Huang Tao was very angry when she found out. She met Mu Di and said many unpleasant things, just hoping that she would stay away from Bailang. BailangIt was very hard to make money to treat her mother's medical problems. It was not easy. Now she had ruined the business for her. Bailang had never done this before.Since Mu Di personally admitted that he didn't like Bailang, he should leave Weihai and return to Beijing as soon as possible.

Huang Tao was very angry that she took her brother out to drink at night. Under her various difficulties, she asked her brother Huang Jin to call Mu Di. According to a paragraph she wrote, in short, she asked Mu Di not to contact Bailang anymore. In the future, the company's businessEverything is connected with gold.Mu Di only thinks that Jin Jin is sick, and she doesn't understand why everyone thinks she likes Bai Lang.

Mu Di was troubled by the fact that professional music was not accepted. After chatting with Sister Pipa, he realized that music should also keep pace with the times and innovate.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Small Town Stories Episode 8 Plot Introduction: Qu Wenwen confesses to William

Mu Di made innovations in the arrangement of suona music, and then handed it over to William. After William changed the music, the two agreed to create together in the future.

Bailang signed a new contract, and the other party insisted on having a suona performance on site, but Huang Jin and Huang Tao kept trying to stop it. In order to win the contract, Bailang used his personality to guarantee that there would be a suona performance on site. If not,The compensation will be tripled according to the contract.

Bailang couldn't contact Mu Di. After sending a WeChat message and learning that she was at the nightclub, he went to Dr. Liu and asked for two pairs of medicines. He wanted to apologize to Mu Di, but he was worried that she was still angry with him.When he saw Mu Di, he was frustrated. Mu Di spoke coldly to him, didn't listen to him at all, and turned around and left.

Bai Lang returned to the company and asked Jin Jin to tell the truth. After understanding the situation, he became angry with Jin Jin and ordered him to recruit Mu Di back.Huang Tao spoke for her brother on the side, but even if Bai Lang was angry with her, he couldn't do anything because she was a girl after all.

Jin Jin went to Mu Di to apologize. Although Mu Di forgave her, he did not agree to perform at the wedding. In desperation, Bai Lang repeated his old trick and wanted Jin Jin to wear women's clothes and perform on stage. This time Jin Jin refused because of hisThe dean also came to attend the wedding. Once the news spread, he would not be able to find a girlfriend, so he ran away secretly. There was no other way. Bailang planned to go there by himself. Just when he was changing clothes, Mu Di came and sheLooking at Bai Lang's appearance, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Mu Di's performance impressed everyone. She played a piece co-written with William. The audience was very excited. The bride and groom specially thanked Mu Di. The bride said that this was her unforgettable wedding and her friends had a great time.They are all very good, I really like her suona performance.

Bailang also didn't expect that Mu Di could change the old style. This time, the video of Mu Di's performance was posted on the Internet, and the response was very good. William invited Mu Di to dinner as a celebration, and Bailang was also celebrating, but human beingsJoy and sorrow are not the same.Today, when Bailang watched Mu Di being picked up by William's luxury car, he felt a little bit disappointed in his heart.

The video of Mu Di playing was uploaded to the Internet and went viral. Even Teacher Wang from the school saw it. Teacher Wang was very happy and thought Mu Di was very good at combining traditional musical instruments with popular music, so heIt was decided to ask Mu Di to compose a piece of music so that he could send it to the major theater troupes in Beijing.But in a small town like Weihai, it is difficult to find a band that can cooperate, and there is no recording equipment here.

Fortunately, William knew a music enthusiast who had a set of imported equipment, but he was unwilling to rent it. Just when William was in trouble, Qu Wenwen fell from the sky like a savior. She bought the recording studio and came to William to help him.He gave the key as a gift, and now he can use the recording studio as he pleases. When William found out that Qu Wenwen spent 3 million to buy that place, he felt a little guilty. He didn't know why Qu Wenwen helped him over and over again.Wenwen was very direct. She expressed her love for William and the reason why she was willing to help William realize his music dream.

After finally gathering the people and equipment, an accident occurred during the recording at the theater. Mu Di developed symptoms of tinnitus again. Bailang happened to come to her because there was a suona playing at a wedding today, and Mu Di forgot about it..

Bailang learned about Mu Di's tinnitus and suspected it was related to the environment, so he paid everyone to go with Mu Di to record the scene at Uncle Li's wedding.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Small Town Stories Episode 9 Plot Introduction: Bailang Transfer Company

At Uncle Li's wedding, Mu Di successfully completed the performance, and the video was posted on the Internet and went viral again. He became famous in Weihai, and companies began to seek cooperation with Bai Lang. Huang Jin learned that Bai Lang was worried about Mu Di leaving, and suspected that Bai Lang liked Mu Di, but Bai Lang did notadmit.

William invited Qu Wenwen to dinner as agreed, and came to an expensive Western restaurant. Qu Wenwen knew that William actually didn't like this place, but thought it was expensive. To show his sincerity, Qu Wenwen offered to change a restaurant and find one that both of them could enjoy.A place where he could relax. Qu Wenwen also said that he was one of the owners of this restaurant, and William was shocked.

The two came to the bar, and William asked Qu Wenwen why he came here. Qu Wenwen said that this was his place and the place where he could relax the most. He also said that if William really wanted to thank him, he would sing her his own song., William readily agreed, took off his coat and went on stage, saying that he wanted to sing a song to Miss Qu Wenwen.

Xu Huan, who was sitting on the other side of the bar, saw the two people's intimate behavior, and his mood fell to the bottom. Xu Huan's friends encouraged Xu Huan, who was drunk, to go to William to confess his love. Xu Huan was stimulated and went directly to William to confess.William wanted to reject her, but was afraid of hurting her. Qu Wenwen, who had watched the whole process, stepped forward, sent William away, introduced himself to Xu Huan, and told Xu Huan directly that there was no chance for them. Regardless of whether they had him or not, theyIt was inappropriate. Xu Huan refused to accept it and said that she would not give up. William rejected her once, so she confessed again. Qu Wenwen still smiled and wished her good luck.

On the way William sent Qu Wenwen home, Qu Wenwen thought that William should set up a music company with Mu Di. William said what Mu Di had rejected him before, but Qu Wenwen still encouraged him. William asked what was good about Qu Wenwen.Do you have any suggestions? Qu Wenwen said that he could find someone who could convince Mu Di to make a match. William suddenly understood and was very happy. The two walked happily on the road.

Ding Yi came to the company to look for Mu Di again. He didn't see Ding Yi and started to blame Bai Lang again. Bai Lang was speechless. Ding Yi asked Bai Lang to help him find a solution. Bai Lang refused. Ding Yi said that he would come eight times a day in the future and it would be annoying to death.Whitecaps.

Just after Ding Yi left, William came again. William was much more well-behaved than Ding Yi. Bai Lang angrily asked William what happened. William used agency fees to lure Bai Lang to help convince Mu Di to open a music company with him. Bai Lang heard that this was not the case.Are you robbing someone? He suddenly became unhappy. The golden spectators could see the situation clearly. Now Mu Di does not belong to any of them. If Mu Di returns to Beijing, everyone will have nothing. Everyone will sit down.Think about it together.

Mu Di was going to the company and bumped into Ding Yi's colleague. In order to help Ding Yi get out of his single life, the colleague said that Ding Yi had something urgent to do in the police office and asked Mu Di. Mu Di believed it and went to the police office. Ding Yi received the news.He hurried back to the police room, exchanged a few words with Mu Di, and then Mu Di left.

In the evening, the Small Town Stories group sat together and informed Bai Lang that they had the best of all three ideas, which was to sell 90% of the shares of Small Town Stories to William. Bai Lang did not agree, thinking that this was selling out Mu.Flute, not very authentic.Bailang knew that as long as the company was sold, their brothers could live a good life, but his relationship with Mu Di was over. The days with Mu Di were Bailang's happiest days in so many years, but for the sake of life, he had no choice but toWith no choice, Bailang decided to sell the company.

William was very happy when he got the contract and asked them how much they were going to sell it for. Jin Jin raised his finger and William shouted, "Okay, just one million." Then he used his mobile phone to transfer money. Bai Lang and Jin Jin were shocked.

Mu Di met William in the company and learned about Bailang's transfer of the company. He left angrily and then contacted Bailang but could not be contacted.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Small Town Stories Episode 10 Plot Introduction: Cooperation with William Muddy

While Bai Lang was celebrating with everyone at the dinner, Mu Di suddenly appeared and questioned Bai Lang about the transfer of the company. He believed that Bai Lang had no bottom line in doing things, so he angered Bai Lang. Instead, Bai Lang accused her that her dream was not worth the life of his brother and daughter.Mu Di froze in place when he saw Bai Lang leaving.

After Mu Di returned home, he asked his sister what he should do. Mu Tong felt that it was okay and supported Mu Di to stay and make music with William. Mu Di was still very distressed and felt that the million was all caused by him. Mu Tong didn'tAllowing her to take another million for herself, William must have thought carefully about doing so.

The next day, Mu Di came to William to discuss the company and said that the company was not worth one million. However, William firmly believed that Mu Di was worth one million and said that this was the most worth one million he had ever spent since he was a child.He said that he didn't want to open a company with William. By doing this, he was forcing himself to sign to him. William still ignored him. Mu Di asked him to pay back the money and that he wanted to return to Beijing. William remembered the trick that Huang Jin had given him before and pretended to be pitiful.He lied to Mu Di that he had no money, saying that he had borrowed 600,000 yuan to buy the company. Mu Di was speechless and helpless, and had nothing to say.

Mu Di found Bailang and apologized to him, saying that she didn't want the money Bailang owed her, and asked Bailang to terminate the contract with William. Bailang coldly refused and left.

Mu Di was in a very bad mood, so he asked Xu Huan to go out to eat and told Xu Huan what happened. After hearing this, Xu Huan was a little jealous of William's intentions towards Mu Di, but he still gave advice to Mu Di. He said the same thing as Bai Lang.He told her to ignore the million and go back to Beijing. Mu Di said that he could not do such a wicked thing and could only change his mind. Xu Huan listened on the other side and felt a little uncomfortable.

Qu Wenwen came to the company to visit the poor and moneyless William, and brought food. William's stomach growled with hunger, so he had to accept it. Although Qu Wenwen also thought that the million was not worth it, he still supported William.decision to make.

Mu Di kept thinking about the one million and couldn't calm down to work. After William found out, he comforted her that he insisted on spending the one million and told her not to put too much pressure on her. Mu Di was still very confused.He said he wanted to be quiet first.

Mu Di was sitting on the beach, thinking about what happened recently, and was confused. At this time, William sent a message to Mu Di, apologizing to Mu Di for causing trouble to her, and asked her to follow her heart, and also said that she would follow upHe would discuss the matter with Bailang and resolve it. After seeing it, Mu Di was not relieved. Thinking that he could not leave William behind, he sent William a demo for him to listen to first and agreed to meet at the company at two o'clock in the afternoon. William was very excited after receiving the news.happy.

At home, Mu Di announced to his family that he had decided to jointly set up a music company with William. Mu's parents were very supportive. They wanted Mu Di to stay in Weihai, but Mu Di said that if there was news in Beijing, he would still return to Beijing.Mu's mother and Mu's father were a little disappointed, and the atmosphere became depressed. Fortunately, Mu Tong was there to adjust it.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. The music made by William and Mu Di disappeared on the Internet, and they were confused.

At this time, a client who had signed a contract with Bailang before for the Hundred Days Banquet came. William rolled his eyes and wanted to take this order. He also wanted to get Bailang back to help them. Mu Di disagreed and said that he would also come with her..

The design plan of Mu Di and William was not approved by the customer. Mu Di saw the conflict between William and the customer and agreed to refund the money.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Small Town Stories Episode 11 Plot Introduction: Xu Huan and Mu Dis have a rift

Unable to satisfy the customer, Mu Di and William could only refund the money according to the customer's request.

Huang Tao and Huang Jin came to the beauty salon for beauty treatments. Under the sweet compliments of the technician, Huang Tao was so excited that he asked Huang Jin to charge a card worth 10,000 yuan. When Bailang came, Jin Huang honestly explained their huge expenses in the past two days.Bailang was speechless after hearing this. Under the stimulation of Bailang's words, Huang Jin returned the card worth 10,000 yuan.

Business suffered a setback, and William came up with the idea of ​​retrieving Bailang. Mu Di was unwilling, so William had to give up.At this time, Ding Yi came and said that he had taken over a business for them. It was a proposal ceremony for their junior high school classmates Sun Kai and Zhang Na. He recommended their company. Sun Kai agreed. Mu Di was very worried. They had another problem in this regard.Unprofessional, what if others are dissatisfied again? Ding Yi said that the other party believed them and asked them if they would answer. Before Mu Di said anything, William agreed, and Mu Di had no choice but to agree. Mu Di would be owedAs a favor, Ding Yi had no choice but to agree to go to the concert on the weekend.

There were only William and Mu Di in the company, and they were too busy. Mu Di asked Xu Huan to help. Xu Huan came and saw William sitting next to him. He was a little embarrassed. Mu Di didn't notice the subtle atmosphere and happilyHug Xu Huan, and then asked Xu Huan to help organize the photos. Xu Huan agreed. Mu Di had something to do and went out. Xu Huan called William and wanted him to check and take care of himself. William was embarrassed and took it from the refrigerator.After taking out a bottle of water and handing it to her, Xu Huan then asked William why he treated her like this. William excused himself by saying that he was just like that and didn't know how to speak. Then Mu Di came back and the conversation between the two was suspended. William was relieved.Seeing William's completely different attitudes towards himself and Mu Di, Xu Huan was angry and jealous. He looked at the photos on the table and secretly took a few and stuffed them into his bag.

The photo was lost. Sun Kai was very dissatisfied. Ding Yi also came. Sun Kai asked Ding Yi to help justice. Ding Yi had to promise to adjust the surveillance. Sun Kai said that he would wait until tomorrow morning at the latest and then left. Ding Yi askedBesides the two of them, who else had been here? William and Mu Di looked at each other and went to find Xu Huan. As soon as William went there, he asked Xu Huan if he had taken the photo. Xu Huan's friend couldn't stand Mu Di and William, so they talkedWith a gun and a stick, Xu Huan also said that he didn't take the photo. The two sides argued, and Mu Di took William away.

When Mu Di returned home, Ding Yi, who was guarding the door, handed her the photo and said that he found it in the trash can at the door of the company. Mu Di was very grateful to him and asked him to help adjust the video to see who threw it., Ding Yi was secretive, Mu Di noticed something from his attitude, and asked Ding Yi if he was Xu Huan. Ding Yi acquiesced, and Mu Di was disappointed.

Because of this, the whole family is now very satisfied with Ding Yi. Mu Di is speechless and returns to his room.

Because of Xu Huan's incident, Mu Di's tinnitus became more serious, so she had to go to Liu Shengshou's place to check again. Liu Shengshou massaged her a few times, and the pain immediately disappeared. Liu Shengshou asked Bai Lang, and Mu Di said they had broken up..

After Mu Di left, Bai Lang hurried over and asked Liu Shengshou about Mu Di's situation. Liu Shengshou told Bai Lang everything, and then sent Bai Lang to care about Mu Di.

The damage to the photo was too serious. Mu Di asked around, but there was no place that could repair the photo on time, so he had to ask for help in the circle of friends. Bai Lang knew that Mu Di was very stubborn and would definitely not look for him, so he had to find another way to find William as a middleman. Finally, Bai Lang tookWith Mu Di, he asked a master to help him restore the photos. The master saw that Bailang and Mu Di looked like a good match, so he even took the photos.

With the help of Bailang and the others, Mu Di and William discovered many shortcomings. Bailang immediately assigned tasks and everyone worked separately. Things went very smoothly.

Mu Di and Xu Huan sat together and talked after the proposal. The two recalled the happy times in the past and felt deeply about each other.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Small Town Stories Episode 12 Plot Introduction: William warns Xu Huan

Mu Di was reluctant to let go of his friendship with Xu Huan, and the two talked about each other's concerns. Xu Huan realized his mistake and apologized to Mu Di, and the two reconciled.

Mu Di and Ding Yi's classmates all returned to high school wearing school uniforms. The classmates gathered together and chatted here and there. Bai Lang and other people also appeared in school uniforms. They were dressed disheveled in school uniforms, like little gangsters. Mu DiThey were asked to wear their school uniforms, and then William also made a grand appearance on a motorcycle. His handsome appearance attracted the attention of most of the female classmates present.Everyone disguised the engagement scene as a class reunion, waiting for the protagonist's arrival. After the protagonist arrived, everyone made a fuss, but nothing was revealed.

After a while, their former teacher also came. The squad leader Ding Yi asked everyone to stand up, and everyone did so. The teacher first said something, and then opened the edited proposal video and started playing it as planned. Zhang Na was very moved.After the video was played, Sun Kai took out a large bouquet of roses and knelt down on one knee to Zhang Na. Everyone was cheering. Zhang Na took the rose and said: I do. Sun Kai put a ring on Zhang Na., everyone was very moved.

Outside the classroom, William blocked Xu Huan and warned Xu Huan not to hurt Mu Di again. Xu Huan was hurt by these words and accused William of being superior to others, mocking him for being a parasite in the family. The two got into an argument and Ding Yi rushed away.He came out, sent William away, and caught up with the injured Xu Huan. Xu Huan cried sadly. Ding Yi comforted her. Xu Huan felt much better under Ding Yi's gag, and the two went back together.Mu Di thanked the teacher for being willing to help them, and the teacher also encouraged her. After the teacher left, Mu Di and Bailang came out and looked at each other in the corridor and laughed.

At the dinner, William invited Bai Lang to join the company and was willing to give them a 10“ share. After the company made one million, the share was raised to 50”. Bailang was silent for a while and said that Small Town Stories just misses his own children.Similarly, he is willing to help William and the others work for free, and the other brothers also support all Bailang's decisions.While eating, Qu Wenwen, one of the bosses, also came. William introduced Qu Wenwen to everyone, and Qu Wenwen sat next to William.

On the way home, Ding Yi comforted and persuaded Xu Huan, and Xu Huan was relieved. Ding Yi was very pleased.

After the drinking party, everyone was drunk. In the end, Qu Wenwen gave William a gift and Bai Lang gave Mu Di a gift.In the car, Bai Lang took a picture of Mu Di's drunken state. Looking at Mu Di's sleeping face, Bai Lang smiled.

Mu Di didn't come home for a long time. Mu Ma was very worried and wanted to call Mu Di to ask. Bai Lang, who was mopping the floor, answered Mu Di's call. When Mu Ma heard it was a man's voice, she asked who he was.Bailang said that he was Mu Di's friend and Mu Di was at his house. Mu's mother panicked and asked Bai Lang to give Mu Di the phone. Bai Lang panted and said that Mu Di couldn't answer the phone now and asked Mu Di to call her back later.She was busy. When Mu Ma heard this, she misunderstood and began to warn Bailang not to touch her daughter, or else she would fight him desperately.

Bailang knew that Mu Ma had misunderstood, so he put the phone next to Mu Di who was sleeping and snoring to prove his innocence. Mu Ma and Mu Dad heard Mu Di's sleeping sound and felt relieved. Mu Ma asked Bai Lang why Mu Di was so drunk., Bailang told Mu Ma about the engagement ceremony held in the company today, and said that he would send Mu Di back when she woke up, so Mu Ma was willing to hang up the phone.

Mu Ma was still worried and called Mu Tong to ask her to pick up Mu Di. Mu Tong also felt that nothing would happen. When she heard that the other party was Bai Lang, who had no dealings with Mu Di, she was even more relieved. Mu Ma was still worried.Mu Tong had no choice but to agree to contact Bailang later.Mu Tong talked about this matter with Wei Zaidong, and Wei Zaidong thought of Bai Lang. Mu Tong asked him what his impression of Bai Lang was. Wei Zaidong thought Bai Lang was good and his brain was very good. When Mu Tong heard it, his description was similar to that of Mu Tong.Di is completely different and I think Bailang is a bit interesting.

After waking up, Mu Di was dissatisfied that Bailang didn't send him home. Later, he recalled his drunken situation through Bailang, and felt ashamed for a while.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Small Town Stories Episode 13 Plot Introduction: Mu Di learns about Bailang’s past

Mu Di woke up from a hangover and found himself at Bailang's house. At Bailang's house, he met Bailang's mother, who had suffered a brain injury due to domestic violence.

Doctor Liu has been treating Bai Lang for free, and now he can live a normal life. Bai Lang has been taking care of his mother since he was 13 years old, and his father is long gone.That's why he dropped out of junior high school, not because he didn't study well, but because he wanted to take care of his mother.Mu Di was a little moved after hearing Bai Lang's story. She took a taxi and left after eating. Before leaving, Bai Lang's mother actually said something like asking Mu Di to come again. Bai Lang was also surprised. She didn't expect her mother to be unfamiliar with the first meeting.The person spoke, and it could be seen from her smile that she liked the Mudi very much.

The next day, after going to work, Bai Lang took Mu Di to the entrance of the funeral home to teach her business. Bai Lang asked Mu Di to watch how gold solicited customers. Unexpectedly, Bai Lang still had something in him, and Mu Di wanted to learn more from him.Then Bailang took Mu Di to Baitou Village again. It could be said that this place was Mu Di's nightmare. But this time Bailang didn't want to scare her. He just took her to visit Uncle Liu's mother. Uncle Liu passed away and the old man was left.His mother was alone, and the rest of the family were in other cities and rarely came back, so Bailang would often come to take care of Uncle Liu's mother.The two of them were cooking for Grandma Liu at home. Mu Di didn't know that Ding Yi was cooking at home at this time.

Mu Di failed to go home for dinner. Ding Yi felt disappointed when he learned that she and Bailang were together. Mu Di's parents saw this and decided to accompany him to drink. As a result, the three of them got extremely drunk, and Mu Di's parents becameDing Yi's support made him brave to pursue Mu Di.Mu Di received a call from a classmate and learned that her demo song had been approved by the troupe and she could participate in the interview, asking her to come back as soon as possible.If it were before, Mu Di would definitely be very happy, but now, looking at Bailang, she is a little confused. Since she came back, this small town has made her worry about more and more things.

When Mu Di returned home in the evening, he saw his parents who had drunk too much, and took the initiative to ask Bailang about how to make hot and sour soup. Mu Di got up early the next morning and planned to try making soup.After the parents sobered up, they couldn't help but laugh and cry when they saw the hot and sour soup prepared by their daughter.Mu Di saw William at the company and took the initiative to say that she would go back to Beijing to audition for the theater troupe. She did not expect that William was very supportive and had the idea of ​​opening the company to Beijing. She wanted William to be more sensible and start a company and make music.These are not simple things, but William does not believe in evil. Since some niche bands can become famous with one song, they can do the same.

Qu Wenwen's father raised Qu Wenwen alone and was dissatisfied that Qu Wenwen spent money to be with William for William. Qu Wenwen was in a bad mood and asked out William.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Small Town Stories Episode 14 Plot Introduction: William comforts Qu Wenwen

William met Qu Wenwen and saw that he was in a bad mood. After asking, he learned from Qu Wenwen that Qu Wenwen missed his mother, so he played and sang songs for Qu Wenwen in the square.

Mu Di has been struggling with whether to tell Bai Lang about her return to Beijing. She has begun to slowly consider Bai Lang's feelings.

Bailang didn't know that Mu Di was leaving, so he went to buy breakfast and send it to the company early in the morning. Who knew that when he looked at his phone again, he received a message from Mu Di. He rushed to the train station without stopping and saw Mu Di and his parents returning home.Ding Yi said goodbye.He didn't want Mu Di to see him, so he hid, but Mu Di turned around every step of the way, she was waiting for Bai Lang to appear.

Bailang returned to the company again. He replied to Mu Di's message, lying that he had just woken up and wishing Mu Di good luck.Bailang was no longer the dashing Bailang before, and he began to feel a little more concerned in his heart.Mu Di returned to Beijing and started to have tinnitus again while practicing. She realized that it was probably not because of being there, but because of Bailang's presence, so she took out Bailang's photo from her phone and placed it in front of the music score. It really worked., playing suona and mudi in front of Bailang's photo, there really is no tinnitus.

Bailang was sad because of Mu Di's departure. He drank with his friends and tried to look happy, but everyone could see that he was just uncomfortable and wanted to get drunk.Huang Tao was very angry when she saw Bai Lang being distracted because of Mu Di.Wei Zaidong was on a business trip to do research. As soon as he arrived at that place, he asked someone to bring Mu Tong the local specialty roast chicken. The two of them had a good relationship. Wei Zaidong always made video reports to Mu Tong when he was on business.

Mu Tong hoped that Wei Zaidong would take the initiative to ask for the leadership when he met the leader this time, otherwise he would not be able to find the opportunity to be promoted.But Wei Zaidong is an honest and honest person, his emotional intelligence is not very high, and he doesn't even know how to talk.When he saw the leader, he asked about the health condition of the whole family. The leader was a little helpless and didn't know what Dong Yuezi was going to say when he was eating.

Qu Wenwen met with William and learned that William came to her for investment in the outdoor electronic music festival. She thought she could be with William, but William had no intention of falling in love. Qu Wenwen remembered his father's advice and felt for William.produce vacillation.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Small Town Stories Episode 15 Plot Introduction: Mu Di was not admitted to the theater troupe

Bureau Yao originally didn't want to pay attention to Wei Zaidong, but when he learned that Wei Zaidong was dedicated to serving the people, he recognized him very much and talked happily with him.

Qu Wenwen didn't want to drink with the rich second generation at the party, but William got carried away and ignored her. Qu Wenwen left and was stopped by William. Qu Wenwen didn't suggest that William do the music festival. He should go withMu Di discussed it before making a decision, and from a profit perspective, William's holding the music festival in Weihai was purely a loss of money. William did not listen to Qu Wenwen's words at all. He felt that she was the same as everyone else, and in the endWhen it comes to money, there is no way to make pure music. In the end, the two of them broke up on bad terms.

Mu Di's audition performance was very successful and she performed exceptionally well. After the interview, she went to have dinner with her friends. As a result, her friends noticed that Mu Di's return to Beijing was very different from before. Mu Di's friend took advantage of her not paying attention and grabbed her phone and saw aHis name was Bai Lang, so he dialed the number. Fortunately, Mu Di quickly snatched the phone back and hung up the phone.Bailang called back and asked about Mu Di's interview. Mu Di was very proud and told him that he performed very well.

After Wei Zaidong talked with Director Yao, he was about to be transferred to the Bureau of Commerce as deputy director. This made Mu Tong very unhappy. She originally thought that she could find a way to promote him on the spot when she went to the province to study.Unexpectedly, it ended up being even.Wei Zaidong didn't care, he just wanted to serve the people, but Mu Tong had different ideas from him. Mu Tong hoped that he could continue to move up.

Mu Di went to the relevant department to check whether she had been admitted to the troupe, but the results of the suona had not been released yet. She went to see Teacher Wang. The other instruments that were tested on the same day had already been admitted, but the results of the suona had not yet been released. Teacher WangHe also felt strange. He called Captain Li in front of Mu Di. It turned out that Captain Li and the others discovered a genius named Yan Xiaoqiang. This person played suona in a short video. He was somewhat famous and unanimous among the group.Passed, which means that Mu Di was not admitted.Teacher Wang comforted her and would help her find other theater groups.

Mu Di was very disappointed, but she was able to adjust her emotions quickly. She saw Yan Xiaoqiang's performance on the Internet, so she went to watch it live. She didn't expect that Yan Xiaoqiang was really capable. If she lost to him, Mu Di was stillYes, Yan Xiaoqiang also recognized Mu Di. He deliberately caught up with Mu Di and said that he would learn emotional playing from her. The two of them left each other's contact information. Yan Xiaoqiang is still looking forward to collaborating with Mu Di.Opportunity.

Ding Yi and Mu Di's classmate Dalei are getting married, and Dalei promised his girlfriend that he would invite Mu Di to perform suona at the wedding. Ding Yi and Dalei approached Bai Lang, hoping that Bai Lang would call Mu Di back.

Bailang, who contacted Mu Di, realized that Mu Di was not in a good mood, and was worried that Ding Yi and others would be worried, so he temporarily agreed.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

Small Town Stories Episode 16 Plot Introduction: Bai Lang comforts Mu Di

Unable to contact the target, Bailang contacted the troupe and learned that Mu Di was unsuccessful, and immediately rushed to Beijing to look for Mu Di.

At this time, Mu Di went to the rehearsal room alone and worked hard to practice the song "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix". This was her pride since she was a child. She contacted her countless times, but she played it many times and could not beat Yan Xiaoqiang. This is probablyIn the face of genius, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless. Mu Di was once a genius in everyone's eyes, but geniuses also have high and low levels.Mu Di hid alone in the rehearsal room and cried. When she saw Bai Lang walking towards her, she couldn't hold back. Bai Lang looked very distressed at Mu Di and lent her his shoulder to lean on.

Something happened on William's side too. The news that Mu Di was not admitted has been publicized on the Internet. The rich second generation who gave money to William came to him, thinking that he was deceiving everyone. Misfortunes never come singly, and William could not get into Mu Di.While he was worrying, Qu Wenwen called again and told him about his mother's hospitalization. William said that he would not cheat everyone, and now he would go to the hospital to visit his mother. He would give everyone an explanation after he found out about this matter.

When he arrived at the hospital, William learned from his two aunts that there was something wrong with his family's business and he was now facing tens of millions of dollars in compensation.William's aunt said that if he didn't care about the family business this time, he would have to hand it over to his cousin first. William knew that the family business was his mother's hard work, and he couldn't let his mother's hard work go to waste, so heDecided to shoulder this burden.

Qu Wenwen knew that William needed help at this time, and she had been helping William deal with it. As long as William needed it, she would find the rich second generation and ask them not to come to William for the time being.But William didn't want Qu Wenwen to get involved. He should shoulder his part of the responsibility. He believed that he could handle this matter by himself.Qu Wenwen went to his father, hoping that his father could help William's family. However, even if Qu Wenwen wanted to help, he still needed to have an identity and establish a relationship between the two of them. But at present, whether William is a person who can be entrusted to him for life, it still needs to be considered, and Qu Wenwen has not thought about what kind of relationship she has with William. She thinks her father's words make sense.

Bailang accompanied Mu Di. Mu Di was in a much better mood. They both made an appointment to have breakfast together. However, Jin practiced Bailang and asked Bailang to return to the company quickly. Those rich second generations came to ask for debts. William's mother was sick and hospitalized. Now heReally unsure, Bailang had no choice but to break the promise with Mu Di and rush back to Weihai first.When he arrived at the company the next day, Huang Jin asked him where he had been. He also smelled a familiar perfume on him, but he couldn't remember where he had smelled it.Bailang went out to find William in a hurry, and before leaving, he told Huang Jin that they could not tell Mu Di about the matter.

In the hospital, when Bai Lang visited William's mother, he was mistaken for a debt collector. Then William arrived to clear up the misunderstanding.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

Small Town Stories Episode 17 Synopsis: Mu Di discovers that her mother is hiding her illness

William wanted to sell his car to repay the money of the rich second generation first. Bai Lang knew about it and asked him to check the company account. There was probably more than 1.4 million left. Bai Lang had not been in vain for so many years in this small town.His face was like a deposit, and he asked William to learn more. William didn't expect Bailang to be so good. In this way, it really helped him a lot.Bailang knew that the music festival was not very reliable, so at that time he asked Huang Taofan not to pay the deposit but paid some necessary venue fees.There is still a shortfall of 200,000, but now William cannot afford the money. Bailang said that he would offer 300,000, but he would buy 30“ of the shares of Small Town Stories. William was very grateful to Bailang for helping him at this time.

Bailang returned the money to the rich second generation, and their small company finally returned to peace, and the people the rich second generation was looking for would no longer cause trouble.Qu Wenwen still cares about William and his mother as always, and William's attitude towards Qu Wenwen has also changed a lot, and the relationship between the two seems to be more ambiguous.Mu Di failed to get admitted to the theater troupe and finally decided to return to her hometown. She was somewhat resigned to her fate. In this case, she would return to a stable life in a small town.When she got home, she didn't think about how to tell her parents about it, so she could only hide it for the time being, but her condition was not good, and Dad Mu could see it.Mu Di has been depressed these days. Dad Mu decided to call the troupe to find out about the situation. As a result, he found out that Mu Di failed to pass the exam. Mu Mu felt that her daughter's self-esteem was too strong and she had to carry it all by herself.I felt very uncomfortable.

Mu's father saw that his wife was about to cry, and he didn't want Mu Di to feel uncomfortable too, so he made an excuse to ask someone for a walk and took his wife out of the house together.After a while, Ding Yi came to the house with vegetables to cook for Mu Di. As soon as he entered the house, Ding Yi asked Mu Di to help find a band-aid. Mu Di accidentally discovered the medicine that his mother was taking. It turned out that her mother had been hiding her illness.Mu Di knew that Ding Yi was found by her father. She knew that her father was also worried about her. Taking this opportunity, Mu Di asked Ding Yi to help apologize to Dalei. She did not want to attend his wedding performance. Ding Yi watchedMu Di looked like he was not in high spirits, so he no longer forced himself.

Wei Zaidong was transferred to a new job, but it affected Mu Tong's work. Before, everyone deposited money in Mu Tong's bank to curry favor with Wei Zaidong. Now that Wei Zaidong has been transferred, everyone decided to withdraw the money. 80”It’s the new leader who wants to curry favor.Mu Tong was asked to talk to the president because of this. She was still full of grievances and went to call Wei Zaidong. The two had a bad conversation. Mu Tong complained that he only knew how to obey the organization but didn't know how to think about himself.Mu Tong was in a bad mood and went to eat and drink with his colleagues after get off work. Fortunately, Mu Di and William were also eating in the same restaurant. Mu Di heard his sister's voice and took his drunk sister home in time.

When they got home, their parents were very worried when they saw their children like this. Mu Di told his parents what he heard. It was the job transfer in the east that affected his sister's clients, and now her sister was in a bad mood.Dad Mu is a person with very upright views. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with Wei Zaidong's approach. After all, it is what he should do to obey the organization's arrangements.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Small Town Stories Episode 18 Plot Introduction: Bailang plans a bus wedding

Mu's father felt that when a couple was quarreling, the elderly should not intervene, otherwise it would only cause trouble. Mu Di understood what his father meant and just pretended that the incident had not happened and would not cause trouble for his sister.Bailang brought Mu Di to the company, hoping to help her get back on her feet, but Huang Tao didn't like Mu Di, and her words were hurtful when he saw her. Huang Tao also felt that Mu Di was irresponsible to the company.Mu Di didn't say anything in the face of Huang Tao's aggressiveness. She called William to the company. She decided to quit the company and return the shares to everyone. This was her compensation for the company. She just wanted to find a stable job now.I don’t want to play the suona anymore.William was very angry. He didn't expect that he had given up so much to make music with Mu Di, and now Mu Di was going to give up. Mu Di knew that she was sorry for everyone, but she had already made her decision.

Dalei and his girlfriend Xiaoyu came to the company. Due to their work reasons, they now only have lunch break to hold the wedding. This caught everyone off guard. The lunch break was very short and there was no time to prepare for basically any process.Jin Jin was very confident, because with Bailang there, he knew that nothing could trouble Bailang.Dalei left first because of work. His girlfriend used the excuse to stay and told everyone a piece of news that shocked everyone.They haven't registered yet because their mother doesn't agree. She is very satisfied with Dalei because she thinks his job is dangerous. In addition, they had made an appointment to register before, but at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Dalei received the news that he was on a mission., my mother has hidden the household registration book since then, so now in addition to holding a relatively short wedding, she also needs to steal the household registration book, which makes it difficult for everyone. After all, this matter is not trivial and is also against the law., but he didn't expect Bailang to take it. Huang Jin felt that Bailang must be crazy. Let's not talk about the household registration book. Now that people want Mu Di to play suona at the scene, this thing can't be realized.

Bailang asked Mu Di to go out for a walk and told her about Dalei and Xiao Yu. It was not easy for the two of them to love each other for so many years. Bailang was worrying about what to do with the wedding. Mu Di accidentally said something, he found inspiration for bus weddings. The bus takes the newlyweds to the places where they love and date, and then sends them to work without delaying their afternoon work.Xiaoyu liked this idea very much, and Dalei listened to Xiaoyu, so the matter was settled.But there is a question about the household registration book. Xiaoyu’s mother carries the household registration book with her. She and Xiaoyu work in the same hospital. She is a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology. She only has the opportunity to get the household registration book when she undergoes surgery.

Bailang Gold and Xiao Yu successfully stole the household registration book, and they cooperated quite well for the first time.However, Xiaoyu's mother suddenly notified Xiaoyu to have lunch together, so Bailang had to use a backup plan, asking Mu Di to pretend to be a patient to see Xiaoyu's mother.Mu Di couldn't bear to deceive his aunt, and finally told the truth, but by this time Dalei and Xiaoyu had already received the certificate.The bus carrying their happiness has also driven on the road. Xiaoyu's mother suddenly appeared on the road and stopped the wedding bus. Mu Di followed. Everyone thought that Xiaoyu's mother was here to cause trouble. Mu Di told everyone that they had misunderstood., please listen to what Xiaoyu’s mother has to say first.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

Small Town Stories Episode 19 Synopsis: Ding Yi decides to confess his love to Mu Di

Xiaoyu's mother only asked Da Lei one sentence, how sure he and Xiao Yu were to go together. Da Lei said it was only 50“. Everyone was surprised. Huang Huang thought Da Lei was a bit stupid, but Da Lei explained to Xiaoyu's mother.Well, for them, the probability of success or failure is 50/50, 50” is controlled by oneself, and 50“ is left to fate. Dalei can guarantee that within the 50” that he can control, Xiaoyu is his world.The episode on the wedding road was heartwarming and touching, and Xiaoyu’s mother accepted this fact.Mu Di also played a suona song at the wedding.

Mu Di interviewed at the Experimental Primary School and successfully passed the interview. She promised the human resources department that she would report to the school before the designated date.Ding Yi came to Bai Lang and wanted to learn from him how to express his love to Mu Di. Bai Lang's heart was broken, but he still forced a smile. He had no way to provide a way. After all, he was single and the girl Ding Yi wanted to confess to., is the girl he likes. Bai Lang knows that he and Ding Yi can't compare. Ding Yi's conditions are very good, and he has nothing.

Ding Yi asked Mu Di out for dinner and confessed his love to her. He expressed his thoughts sincerely, and Mu Di was also very direct. She told Ding Yi that she didn't like him and that if she could be with him, she would definitely do it.She lived a very happy life, but she couldn't go against her own heart. Ding Yi was also very open-minded. Since Mu Di didn't care about her, there was no need to force it.Mu Di is very grateful that Ding Yi has liked her since high school. This kind of love is very rare.

Mu Di went back to the company to pick up things and met Bai Lang. Bai Lang inquired about Ding Yi's confession and asked Mu Di if he was getting married soon. Mu Di said that he had rejected Ding Yi and that they were not suitable. Bai Lang was obviously relieved.Mu Di told his family that he was going to be a music teacher at an experimental primary school. Mu’s mother was very happy. Once her job was stable, she was about to start looking for a partner to get married. However, Mu Tong had already asked someone to help check, and Mu Di wentIt's just half an administration. The music class in this elementary school is newly opened, one session a week, and the rest of the time is spent doing chores. In this way, Mu Di's suona is no different from being abandoned. Mu's mother also felt that this was a pity., originally she thought Mu Di could continue teaching children to play suona in school.Mu Di tried hard to convince her family. After all, it was not easy for her to find a job related to her major in her hometown.Mu Tong talked to his sister in private. Mu Di told her mother's condition and knew that her sister just wanted to prevent her from worrying. When she was in college, her sister had always helped take care of her parents. Now she has to contribute to the family.Mu Tong doted on her sister very much. She hoped that her sister would make any decision for herself in the future and not wrong her because of any family member.

William was depressed because of Mu Di's departure from the company. He played games at home and stopped doing his job. Qu Wenwen came to see him and was helpless when she saw him in that state. She had no choice but to make an appointment with Mu Di and put Mu Di away from Weihai.What happened to William was told to Mu Di. Mu Di didn't expect that William had gone through so much. She decided to go to William and apologize, hoping that William could get back on his feet.Wei Zaidong returned to Weihai. When he arrived home, Mu Tong came back drunk. When she saw her husband coming back, she couldn't help but feel aggrieved. Now she is being criticized by her colleagues every day. Some colleagues think that she relies on her husband to be successful.With good performance, Wei Zaidong comforted Mu Tong and affirmed Mu Tong's ability.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Small Town Stories Episode 20 Synopsis: Everyone is saving Mu Di’s dream

Bailang went to Mu Tong, hoping that she could persuade Mu Di to leave school and return to the company to continue pursuing her music dream. In fact, her family also discovered that Mu Di has rarely seen her smiling face since she went to school to work., the family members were also very worried. Of course Mu Tong knew that his sister was feeling uncomfortable, but he didn't expect Bailang to be so concerned about Mu Di.

Mu Tong brought his mother to the Small Town Stories company, hoping to work with Bailang to help Mu Di return to the company and continue his music dream.For this reason, Mu Tong planned a big show. First, she told the whole family that her mother was going to celebrate her fifty-fifth birthday. Originally, her mother's birthday was in the winter, but she had to celebrate it in the summer. Mu Di didn't believe it, so Mu TongI moved my grandpa out and explained that someone came to my hometown some time ago. It was my grandpa who made a mistake in my mother’s birthday diary, so my mother’s birthday is in the summer, which is next week. My mother’s only birthday wish now is to listen to the muflute and suona. The specific process is as follows:Mu Di confronted the planning company, but Mu Di didn't expect that her sister and mother would find Small Town Stories.

Bailang wanted to invite people from the folk band to perform together for Mu's mother's birthday party. He looked for them one by one, but found that it was not easy for these people to support their families. They were either scolded by the manager or worked hard for bonuses and performance.Others, in order to maintain their own stalls, talk down to drunken customers.Bai Lang couldn't bear to see them like this.

Mu Di took the initiative to come to Bailang, hoping that he would not tire his mother, because her mother had coronary heart disease, which was inherited in the family. Her grandmother had it, and two relatives in the family suddenly left because of the disease. Her mother always said during this timeShe was tired, so she just wanted to make her mother happy and throw a birthday party if she wanted, but she just didn't want to be too tired.Only then did Bailang realize that Mu Di went to school to work for her mother. Mu Di admitted that she just wanted to spend time with her family. Her parents were old and she didn't have much time to spend with them, so she let them be happy.

In the end, after Bai Lang's constant nudges, everyone finally decided to play at Mu Di's mother's birthday party. They also persuaded Mu Di to perform together. Mu Di was worried that they would delay their work because of the performance. Unexpectedly, Bai Lang could not even back up.After getting ready, he arranged for his brothers to take over their positions. Huang Tao went to the massage instead of Sister Du, the younger brothers went to do foot care, and Da Pan went to help Brother Qi watch the stall to make grilled cold noodles.Mu Di was very grateful for everything everyone had done, so he decided to take out the suona again and perform well on his mother's birthday.Dad Mu contacted his friends one by one and informed them to attend his wife's birthday party.

Unexpectedly, Mu Di's mother fainted at the birthday party and was sent directly to the hospital. Fortunately, the problem was not serious. Thanks to Bailang accompanying Mu's mother, Mu's mother was in a good mood.Bailang and his mother now call each other sisters, and they even asked Mu Di to take a photo. Mu's mother likes Bailang very much now.

Qu Wenwen asked his father to help William. Qu's father went to find William and was willing to help him. The prerequisite was that he must give up music and do business with Qu Wen Literature. He left William time to think. Later, William decidedRejecting Qu's father's help, he sent the contract back to the Qu family and attached a note to the effect that he did not want Qu Wenwen to accept her father's help. Once this happened, he would not be able to hold his head high in the future, so heDecided to give up Qu Wenwen, after all, now it seems that he is not worthy of Qu Wenwen at all. William hopes Qu's father will tell Qu Wenwen that he has fallen in love with someone else and will disappear from her world.William would never have thought that it would be Qu Wenwen who saw the content of the text.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Small Town Stories Episode 21 Synopsis: Bai Lang wants to form a band for Mu Di

In order to help William, Qu Wenwen sold the recording studio and restaurant. Seeing that William was unwilling to accept the money, Qu Wenwen said that he lent it to him.William likes Qu Wenwen but has no ability, so he hopes Qu Wenwen can wait for him.

Xu Huan was followed when she came out of the studio after work at night. Fortunately, she contacted her monitor Ding Yi and called Ding Yi while running. She met Ding Yi at the intersection and saved the day. Ding Yi suggested that Xu Huan should go off work alone at night.Be careful and don't dress too sexy.Xu Huan was very grateful to Ding Yi and expressed his gratitude by inviting him to dinner in the future.

Mu Di was very unhappy at school. She often helped with logistical tasks and had to make 100 copies of things. When the printer ran out of paper, she asked other teachers, but no one said anything. She had to find a way to find A4 paper on her own., she entered the office holding the paper and it was inconvenient to open the door with one hand without holding the paper, so it fell to the floor. Fortunately, Bai Lang came to deliver food to her and saw it and helped her.Bailang felt sorry for Mu Di and knew that Mu Di was very unhappy now, so he had to help Mu Di, otherwise Mu Di would definitely get sick if he continued like this.

In order to help Mu Di, Bai Lang decided to form a band. The first thing he wanted to do was to find seniors from the local folk bands. However, Brother Qi and the others felt that this would not work in Weihai because the former leader Wu also worked in a band. In the end,Everyone is embarrassed to advance their own money to pay wages.This matter ended in failure, and Bailang was confused for a while.

Ding Yi's foot was sprained. After Xu Huan found out, he made an appointment to meet him at a pedicure shop and helped him treat it himself. Ding Yi had a slight sprain. Xu Huan had learned how to treat it, so he was able to cure it.She walked out of the pedicure shop and met Bai Lang. After the two talked, Bai Lang found out that she was studying folk music and was willing to form a band. She accidentally gave Bai Lang an idea. She woke up the dreamer and Bai Lang decided to find a martial arts group.Try it.

The martial arts group poured cold water on Bai Lang. He had more resources than Bai Lang. However, in order to support the band, he begged his grandfather and grandma to drink and socialize with others. The two performances he came to could not make ends meet. In the end, he could onlyDisband.But Bailang didn't want to give up. In addition, Brother Qi and the others were also moved by Bailang's actions. They decided to start a band together. Even Mu Di's parents supported Bai Lang and hoped that they could bring Mu Di with them. If they were short of money, they would contribute., if there is a shortage of space, they will try their best to find it.

Xu Huan took Mu Di to the orchestra. Mu Di watched Brother Qi and the others play a song. Sister Du told Mu Di that now they have formed a band, they only need a suona. She hopes Mu Di can do this together, and BailangTo those who are paid a fixed salary.Mu Di was very touched. She didn't expect that Bai Lang would start a band. She cried and walked out of the band. Bai Lang chased her out, comforting Mu Di and hoping that she would agree to join the band with everyone.

The reason why Mu Di's parents supported Bailang was because they knew that their daughter had been wronged at school. Fortunately, a person in the school was a client of Mu Tong and told her that a music teacher in the school had graduated from a junior college and was always making things difficult for Mu Di.The quarrel between the two people even reached the principal.Mu's mother couldn't bear to hear her daughter being wronged and didn't want her to give up music, so she supported Bailang in forming a band.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Small Town Stories Episode 22 Plot Introduction: Mu Di is grateful to Bailang

Mu Di was forced to leave school by her mother. Mu Di knew it was Bailang who did it, but he still agreed to his parents' decision to resign.

In order to express his gratitude, Mu Di gave Bai Lang a suona ornament as a gift. Mu Di always knew that Bai Lang was working silently behind the scenes, and it was Bai Lang's persistence that made Mu Di resolutely choose to start over again.

Everyone was happy when Mu Di returned to the company, except Huang Tao, who stormed out of the company. Mu Di asked Bai Lang to go and have a look. Huang Tao happened to send a message to talk to Bai Lang. She only asked Bai Lang one question.Bai Lang answered her question without hesitation: "Do you really like Mu Di?"Huang Tao left without saying anything. In the evening, Huang Jin came to Bai Lang and told him that Huang Tao could not be contacted all day. They were worried that Huang Tao would not be able to think about it, so they hurried out to look for him.

Everyone searched separately in many places but couldn't find it. Finally, Bailang remembered where Huang Tao had gone. He ran to his home with the gold and found that Huang Tao was talking to his mother. She came to say goodbye to Bai Lang's mother. She had been saying goodbye to her before.Treat this place as your own home, and take care of Bailang's mother as your mother-in-law. She will never have such an opportunity again.Bai Lang and Huang Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Huang Tao.Although Bailang's mother didn't speak, she could tell that Huang Tao was sad, so she stroked her head like a mother and comforted the poor child.

After William settled the family affairs and paid off the debt, he called Qu Wenwen out and met at the old place. He finally plucked up the courage to confess to Qu Wenwen. Qu Wenwen finally waited for William's confession, and the two of themA happy kiss under the moonlight.Qu Wenwen's father decided to open an account at the bank where Mu Tong worked. Mu Tong was surprised. After all, she had never had business dealings with Haisheng Group. She was very happy and invited her colleagues to have dinner with her after get off work, but in the evening she and After her husband Wei Zaidong told her about the situation, she found out that Qu Yuanhang wanted to have a good relationship with Wei Zaidong in this way. Mu Tong was really a good wife. She could understand her husband, so she took the initiative to go there the next day. Asking Qu Yuanhang to return their account opening information, this trip can be regarded as a personal visit.And she also brought back what Wei Zaidong said, that is, Wei Zaidong hopes Haisheng Group will get better and better.Qu Yuanhang didn't expect that he would not be able to get into Dongyouyan, so he decided to meet with him in person to see how difficult the newly appointed deputy director of commerce was.

Unexpectedly, Zaidong first took his colleagues to Qu Yuanhang's company for research. This time Qu Wenwen also attended the meeting. She stated at the meeting that she wanted to develop the cultural industry, but this was inconsistent with her father's philosophy. Qu YuanhangAsk him not to speak easily at government-related meetings in the future.

Mu Di and his band encountered a problem. The music was too traditional. What they needed now was an arranger. However, William had family matters and couldn't participate. Mu Di knew his difficulties and of course he was embarrassed to go to him. To his surprise, William came to find him himself., he decided to make music with everyone. First, he took everyone to nightclubs to understand what young people like and what kind of music can make people happy.William's method really worked. After they came back from the nightclub, they created very good music. Everyone became more and more confident. The martial arts group was also very pleased to see them like this. This is the collision of inheritance and innovation.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Small Town Stories Episode 23 Plot Introduction: Huang Tao wants to resign

When Mu Di and others were having dinner together, Qu Wenwen and William wanted to bring Bai Lang and Mu Di together. Unexpectedly, before the meal was finished, Mu Di learned from Bai Lang's news that Huang Tao was resigning and rushed back to the company.

Mu Di returned to the company to talk to Huang Tao alone. She knew that Huang Tao did this to attract Bailang's attention, but she hoped that Huang Tao would not torture herself for anyone. She also untied her scars and told the scumbag she met in Beijing.Huang Tao told Huang Tao everything about the man's failure at work, and even wanted to drown herself in the bathtub, but after experiencing so much, she figured out that she would not torture herself for others and live a good life.

This time Huang Tao and Mu Di became good sisters. Huang Tao figured out that it was just like this with Bai Lang, and regarded Bai Lang as his biological brother from now on. However, Mu Di was his biological sister. If Bai Lang bullied Mu Di in the future, she would never do it.Let him go.Huang Jin was confused when he saw Mu Di and Huang Tao going to dinner hand in hand. He really didn't know how Mu Di persuaded Huang Tao in such a short time and became good sisters with Huang Tao.

Qu Yuanhang made an appointment with Vice Mayor Yao to climb the mountain. After chatting with him, he found out that Vice Mayor Yao had instructed Wei Zaidong to do what he did, and he felt that Vice Mayor Yao admired Wei Zaidong very much.Bailang and Huangjin were distributing flyers outside to promote the show, but no one was interested at all. Bailang understood that their efforts were in the wrong direction. Before they sold urns, they found the right people in need, but now no one is interested.There was demand for the concert, so he naturally threw away the flyer without even looking at it. Bailang decided to create demand, so he went to Shen Debao and used his sharp tongue to successfully trick Shen Debao into passingShen Debao used some of his resources to sell concert tickets.

Mu Di's first performance was very successful, the seats were packed, and everyone's response was very good. This made Mu Di and the others more determined to make good music in the future.In fact, the audience for this show was obtained by Bai Lang in exchange for hosting. Mu Di had already heard Huang Tao talk about this matter. She felt a little sorry for Bai Lang. Seeing Bai Lang sleeping on the sofa in the company, she stayed with him until he woke up.Bai Lang agreed to host 4 free games for Shen Debao. Finally, at Bai Lang's insistence, he was given 100 carriage fees per game. Bai Lang gritted his teeth and agreed.Bailang didn't think about what to do in the future. He just wanted to see Mu Di happy. As long as she was happy, he would be happy.

Shen Debao felt bad for everything Bai Lang did for Mu Di. He didn't expect that Bai Lang, such a shrewd person, could let himself ride on his neck for a woman. Shen Debao directly pointed out the gap between Bai Lang and Mu Di.Mu Di's family situation is very good. He has a sister who works in a bank and his brother-in-law is the deputy director of the Commerce Bureau. Bai Lang can't compare.

In order to apologize to Mu Tong and his son, Wei Zaidong took them to the park to play. He accidentally discovered the business opportunities in the Hanfu photography industry and decided to go to the Hanfu store to learn about the situation.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 24 Details

Episode 24

Small Town Stories Episode 24 Plot Introduction: Small Town Band Live Broadcast Successfully

Because the band in the small town was not very popular, Bailang wanted to start a live broadcast to increase the popularity, but the effect was still not good. Mu Di was dissatisfied with the barrage asking him to dance, and angrily canceled the broadcast.

The live broadcast will indeed bring popularity, but it will also bring a lot of negative voices and unexpected results. Sister Du’s children were embarrassed in school because of the voice on the Internet, and everyone scolded them in a very unpleasant way. Sister Du went to the company to pay back the moneyAfter deciding not to continue being a band, Brother Qi came to help Sister Ping spend money because she was beaten by her husband. Mu Di and Bailang found out and took Sister Ping to find her husband.Bailang is very good at doing things. First of all, he apologized to Sister Ping's husband as a boss. He was very sorry for failing to protect his employees, but hitting people is wrong, and domestic violence is illegal. If it happens again, it will happen again.Take him directly to the police station.

Sister Ping's hands are used to play the dulcimer. Now she goes to the foot massage parlor to massage people's feet for the sake of their family. She is even beaten, and there is no shame in using her own hands to do her job.In the end, Sister Ping's husband apologized and expressed his support for Sister Ping's work in the future. Bailang promised him that such a thing would not happen again in the future.

Xu Huan and Ding Yi played very well together. Ding Yi's unit arranged a physical examination, but he never dared to go because he fainted from the injection, and he was too embarrassed to tell others about it. Finally, he made an appointment with Xu Huan, and XuHuan discovered that Ding Yi had fainted from the needle and looked at his frightened pale face and couldn't laugh or cry.In the end, the two people looked at each other unintentionally, and time seemed to stop for a moment.Ding Yi was very grateful to Xu Huan for accompanying him to the physical examination. To express his gratitude, he took her to dinner.

Wei Zaidong wanted Mu Tong to help the local Hanfu factory get a loan. The director of the Hanfu factory went to Mu Tong's bank before and was rejected. Now this kind of small and medium-sized enterprises need to be supported, so Wei Zaidong hopes Mu Tong canTo help apply to the bank, Mu Tong helped the Hanfu director and his wife to successfully apply for a loan. However, she accidentally said something about developing the cultural tourism industry. Unexpectedly, she was remembered by the factory director and his wife. They went home and followedRelatives at home said that the factory director’s cousin had mortgaged his house to build a Hanfu factory. Mu Tong was very angry because recommending dealers to manufacturers was not within the scope of Dong’s responsibilities, and there was no such thing as regarding the cultural tourism industry.Deciding that she couldn't invest such a large sum of money, she asked the factory director for information on her cousin's clothing factory.

It turned out that something was really wrong. Mu Tong discovered that the factory director's cousin Guo Ming was making shrouds. There must be something wrong with the production of Hanfu now. Moreover, they changed jobs privately without the dealer's consent. It was not in compliance with the regulations.Mu Tong waited for Wei Zaidong to come home and explained the situation to him. From the look on his face, she guessed that he probably already knew about the matter. During the day, Wei Zaidong received a call from the dealer because there was something wrong.There was a problem with the trademark of the batch of clothing. After investigation, it was discovered that Director Guo had changed his job.Mu Tong felt guilty that his big mouth had brought difficulties to her husband's work, but Wei Zaidong did not blame him for this because he knew the difficulties of doing grassroots work. Now everyone is staring at this matter, and heIt must be dealt with.

Mu Di and others invited a professional team to start the second live broadcast. The data of this live broadcast was very good and very successful.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 25 Details

Episode 25

Small Town Stories Episode 25 Plot Introduction: Bailang dare not confess to Mu Di

The small town band had a dinner for the successful live broadcast. At the scene, Mu Di openly and secretly expressed his feelings for Bai Lang, but Bai Lang was afraid of causing trouble to Mu Di and did not dare to express his love to Mu Di.William failed to persuade Bai Lang, and their conversation was heard by the mufet outside the door.

Both Wei Zaidong and Mu Tong were in trouble. Because of the quality of the Hanfu, the dealer insisted on returning the goods. Wei Zaidong could only fly to Sichuan to negotiate with the other party in person, hoping that things would turn around. Guo Ming was a rogue.Guo Ming took a few people to Mu Tong's bank to cause trouble. Guo Ming believed that Mu Tong and Wei Zaidong had deceived them. They mortgaged their house for a loan, and now they couldn't sell the goods. They wanted Mu Tong to lose money.The incident had a very bad impact.

Guo Ming smashed the window of Mu Di's house at night, which happened to be the window of Mu Di's bedroom. The property owner checked the surveillance and found no suspicious persons. Mu Di wanted to ask Ding Yi for help, but Mu Di's father felt that it was too late.Don't bother Ding Yi now.Mu Di's family did not tell Mu Di about Guo Ming. Mu Di was very puzzled. She did not have any enmity with anyone. Who would do this?

The next day, Guo Ming blocked the door of Mu Di's house. No one was at home. Mu Di heard Guo Ming calling at the door and opened the door to communicate with him to find out what happened. Guo Ming admitted that he had smashed the house.Mu Di was worried that calling the police would alert the neighbors and make her parents worried, so she contacted Bai Lang.

Bailang wrapped the company's bottle opener and disguised it as a knife, which scared Guo Ming away. Mu Di opened the door and saw the scene in front of him. He couldn't help laughing and praised Bailang for being smart.Mu Di told her family about Guo Ming blocking the door of her house. She decided to let her family members move out first. It happened that her grandma was feeling a little unwell recently, so she stayed at her house. They could take care of each other, but there couldn't be no one at home.The whole family left, which seemed like a bad thing. Mu Di decided to stay. Bailang would protect her during the day, and Xu Huan would come over to sleep with her at night. Mu's father thought this was okay.

Mu Di asked her parents to sleep at her sister's house tonight and went home by herself. Bai Lang was worried about her and wanted to spend the night with her. He didn't expect Mu Tong to prepare a quilt for him and let Bai Lang sleep on the sofa in the living room. He thought heHe had to wait outside the door or downstairs. It seemed that Mu Di really liked Bailang, but Bailang still couldn't express his feelings.Fortunately, Bai Lang was there. Guo Ming wanted to break the window again at night, but saw Bai Lang's figure and left quickly. He decided to go find Mu Tong. After all, this matter had nothing to do with Mu Di.Bailang left early the next morning because he had to take his mother to the hospital, but he prepared breakfast for Mu Di before leaving.

Guo Ming made a scene in Mu Mu Tong's bank, shouting that Mu Mu Tong had cheated him of his money.The president informed Mu Tong not to come to work yet, also to protect her, because this time Guo Ming made more trouble than last time.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 26 Details

Episode 26

Small Town Stories Episode 26 Plot Introduction: Mu Di confesses his love to Bailang

Mu Di blamed himself for causing the live broadcast to be criticized negatively and the sponsors were unwilling to cooperate. Bailang noticed that he comforted Mu Di. Mu Di took this opportunity to express his love to Bailang, and Bailang also expressed his feelings to him.

Mu Tong was about to go out to work, but Guo Ming's wife and others blocked the door. They wanted to take Mu Tong away. When they were pulling Mu Tong away, his grandma saw him. Grandma fainted in a fit of rage. She fell down and never got up again.Mu Di learned that it was Guo Ming's fault and wanted to go to him to settle the score. Fortunately, Bai Lang stopped him.Mu Tong told Wei Zaidong about the matter, and she asked Wei Zaidong to work hard. This time, the matter must be negotiated, otherwise Weihai will no longer trust Wei Zaidong in the future.

Uncle Mu Di decided not to let her family attend her grandma's funeral because she was worried that Guo Ming's gang would make trouble again, but Mu Di disagreed. She took Bai Lang to find her uncle, but he didn't listen to her at all. Bai Lang happened toI know the person from the funeral company that Uncle Mu Di is looking for. Bai Lang is still very popular. The person knows that this is Bai Lang's family matter, so he doesn't answer it without saying anything. He also helps Bai Lang explain to all Bai Lang's groups that no one will rob him.This one is alive.Mu Di knew that grandma's bank card had been with his aunt, and the money had been spent on his cousin. The cousin was about to get married and needed a house, but grandma's house was in the name of Mu Di's mother. Mu Di could persuade her mother to transfer the house.To my cousin, the premise is that Mu Di’s family must attend grandma’s funeral.

Sure enough, Guo Ming brought people to the funeral parlor to make trouble, and the two sides almost started fighting. This time Mu Di stood in front of the family. She took out all the contracts and told them that there was nothing related to Guo Ming and that all contracts were withGuo Liang signed it, and Ding Yi was also present. Don't stir up trouble when passing by Guo Ming.Guo Ming didn't listen to what they said at all. He looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. When the two sides struggled again, luckily Wei Zaidong came back. He told everyone that the dealer had refunded the money and would reorder.The money has been sent back to Guo Liang. After everyone confirmed that the money had arrived, they were very grateful to Wei Zaidong, and then left one after another without following Guo Ming to cause trouble. Ding Yi called his colleagues, and Guo Ming was taken away for questioning on suspicion of causing trouble.Investigated.

After her grandma's funeral, Mu Di wanted Bailang to come to her house for a meal. She asked her parents for their opinions. Her parents already knew what she meant, especially Mu Di's mother, who was very unhappy and told Mu Di that if BailangIt's fine as an ordinary friend, but if it's any other relationship, just wait.Finally, with the coordination of their father, they decided to let Bailang come to their house for dinner, so that he could talk to them in person about what happened with Mu Di and what was in his heart.

Bailang bought a lot of things and visited Mu Di's parents. He was very determined to let Mu Di live a good life and would always treat Mu Di well. Finally, Mu Di's parents agreed to their relationship.Bailang finally gained the recognition of his future parents-in-law, and Mu Di was also very happy.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 27 Details

Episode 27

Small Town Stories Episode 27 Plot Introduction: Mu Di and Bailang Kiss

Bailang gained the approval of Mu Di's parents, had a heart-to-heart talk with Mu Di under the moonlight, made a promise to him, and the two kissed.

Qu Wenwen and William saw Ding Yi eating with a girl in the restaurant. From the conversation between the two, they could tell that the other girl liked Ding Yi, but Ding Yi didn't like her. Ding Yi was worried about how to escape, and happened to look back.When he arrived at William, he quickly pulled him away.

Ding Yi told William not to talk nonsense in the company. William thought that Ding Yi was thinking about Mu Di, but only Qu Wenwen could tell that Ding Yi liked Xu Huan, which William never expected.

Qu Wenwen knew Ding Yi's concerns, because he had pursued Mu Di before, and now he was pursuing Xu Huan. He was afraid that the three of them would be embarrassed. Qu Wenwen knew Mu Di very well. If she knew about it, she would definitely bless them. If DingYi was embarrassed, but Qu Wenwen was willing to go to the side to help him. Ding Yi was very grateful to Qu Wenwen for helping him.

After Qu Wenwen's testing, she discovered that Xu Huan also liked Ding Yi, but he felt that Ding Yi would not like someone with a carefree personality like her. Qu Wenwen said that he would help her to make some insinuations.

Qu Wenwen contacted Ding Yi. She told Ding Yi to pursue Xu Huan with all his energy. Everyone knew how he pursued Mu Di back then. When he got to Xu Huan, he couldn't get it in just a few words, so he had to formally go to Xu Huan.Confessing his feelings, Ding Yi was very grateful to Qu Wenwen and said he would look for opportunities.

Bailang and the others accepted a job. Ms. Yu Qing spent 10,000 yuan to hire Mu Di to perform a suona. The audience was only herself and another old gentleman. The two of them held hands and listened to the mu flute playing suona. A man broke in.At the scene, the father was taken away. The man was the old gentleman's son.Yu Qing cried very sadly. Later, she told Mu Di and others the story of how she and the old gentleman just learned from the army.They were their first love and their relationship has always been very good. Just when they were about to get married, something happened to Yu Qing's family. She was forced to go to Hong Kong with her parents, and later to France. Xuejun learned from others that Yu Qing died inAfter moving to a foreign country, they got married and had children. However, his wife passed away due to illness. Now she finally found him. She never married just to meet again. She and Xuejun wanted to be company together, but Xuejun’s child was very young.Exclusion.

Mu Di felt very uncomfortable after hearing Yu Qing's story. Bai Lang could see what Mu Di was thinking. He knew that Mu Di wanted to help the two elders, so he would work hard to do it.Bailang and Huangjin went to find Xuejun's son, but the other party was not polite at all. He felt that at his age, people who wanted to fall in love with him were doing it for the sake of the family's house.Da Pan went to find Xuejun's daughter. The daughter didn't have any strong objections, but after all, she had to consider her relatives at home. Although her mother was gone, her relatives were still there, and they still had to interact with each other. She didn't want Yu Qing to be alone.No worries.

By the seaside, Mu Di played suona to bless Xuejun and Yu Qing for getting married after many years.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 28 Details

Episode 28

Small Town Stories Episode 28 Plot Introduction: Ding Yi confesses to Xu Huan

William drank with Qu Yuanhang and pointed out the reason for the rigid father-daughter relationship between Qu Wenwen and Qu Yuanhang. He suggested that Qu Yuanhang laugh at Qu Wenwen, but he didn't know that Qu Yuanhang couldn't laugh.

Bailang and a bunch of good friends were playing script killing. Ding Yi was always looking at Xu Huan at the scene. Qu Wenwen let the two of them be next to each other as long as they had the chance. In fact, she arranged it intentionally. Ding Yi confessed to Xu Huan at the scene., he expressed his love for Xu Huan in front of everyone, so he was very repelled by the blind date arranged by his family, because he was definitely in love with Xu Huan, and he was very relaxed and happy with Xu Huan.Xu Huan accepted Ding Yi's confession, and everyone sincerely wished them well.

Qu Wenwen returned home and found her father and William drinking and boxing. Qu Wenwen helped his father into the bedroom to rest. The drunk William hugged her and told her that he came just to let Qu Yuanhang smile more at home. He knew that Qu WenwenWenwen cares about family and family, so he will always love her.This time, Qu Yuanhang completely accepted William. He took a photo of his deceased wife and told her about William and Wenwen. After this period of time, he found that William was a reliable child and decided to give his daughter to him.

Qu Wenwen helped the small town band contact the official media platform of culture and tourism. They were going to conduct an official live broadcast. The director of the culture and tourism bureau also came to watch the performance, but everyone was very nervous and didn't know how to answer the host's questions.No one seems to be able to open their mouths to speak, or even introduce themselves.

Later, Qu Wenwen came up with an idea, falsely claiming that the live broadcast was canceled and changed to a rehearsal because of equipment failure. The director thought this method was feasible. As expected, when he heard that the live broadcast would not be broadcast but a rehearsal, everyone let go and scrambled to talk, especiallyIt was Sister Du who let go and told everything about Mu Di. It was like a large-scale social death scene.

Huang Jin and Huang Tao were confused when watching the live broadcast. They didn't know what they were doing. Huang Jin even thought that he could give up the company and register a new one.Later, everyone was deceived and all the content was broadcast live. They were very helpless. William took the initiative to take responsibility and let the director handle it.The director was very happy. This was the best comprehensive data since their live broadcast, and he decided to cooperate with the small town band for a long time.

Qu Wenwen established a folk music company to cooperate with Small Town Stories, determined to make folk music a business card of Wei Hai.

Wenwen knows about the Zhengfu Cultural District project and wants folk music to become a highlight. She wants to win this project, but her father is a businessman and just wants a profitable project as soon as possible. The returns from the cultural industry are relatively slow, so she is not here for the time being.The scope of his consideration is that even without his father's help, Qu Wenwen still wants to use his own strength to help the development of Weihai's cultural industry.

Qu Yuanhang woke up and saw Wenwen and William sleeping on the sofa. On the table were all the materials they had compiled. Seeing the two children working so hard for the cultural district project, Qu Yuanhang finally decided to help Wenwen. He contacted LiSecretary, let him fully cooperate with Wenwen to win the tender for the cultural district.

Wenwen went to the meeting with the plan. The director of the Donghe Cultural and Tourism Bureau recognized her plan and decided that they would do the cultural district project.

The Small Town Story Band became a demonstration unit and received funding from superiors to help the development of folk music.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 29 Details

Episode 29

Small Town Stories Episode 29 Plot Introduction: Mu Di gave up the opportunity to join the Beijing Orchestra

Mu Di received a call from Teacher Wang, who informed her that she had been hired as the principal suona by the Beijing Chinese Orchestra without an interview. At that time, Mu Di made an astonishing decision. Between her dreams and reality, sheShe declined the offer and wrote an apology email. She now loves Wei Hai more and more and is confident that she will carry forward folk music.

Mu Di's family members knew about it early the next morning. They didn't expect that Mu Di would give up such a good opportunity to officially obtain a Beijing household registration. However, Mu Di was unmoved at all. She just wanted to stay inWei Hai and his family were with Bai Lang.Seeing this, Mu Tong could only think of another way. She went to the company to find Bai Lang, hoping that Bai Lang could persuade Mu Di.Mu Tong didn't want the two of them to separate. She had also seen Bailang's character after such a long time, but it was true that this time they wanted Mu Di to realize their ideals. The reason for Mu Di's refusal was his own health and family.The whole family can't understand the reason, so they hope Bailang can help persuade Mu Di.

Bailang and Mu Di talked about it at home. Mu Di told Bai Lang that she didn't want to be in a long-distance relationship, but just wanted to be with him every day. The two of them mentioned the word separation. Bai Lang's mother misunderstood and thought that she was dragging Bai Lang back., she ran out alone at night. After Bailang found out, he quickly contacted the Jin brothers and sisters to help them go out to search, but they searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Huang Tao contacted Mu Di, who ran out of the house and saw Zou downstairs in the community.The Bailang mother who lost a shoe.

Mu Di brought Bailang's mother home. When Bailang's mother saw the apples on the table, she wiped them clean and gave them to Mu Di. She wiped the table with her hands to show that she knew how to work. When Bailang came to find her, her mother took Bailang and Mu Di's hands.He repeatedly told them not to separate, Mu Di's parents couldn't help but be moved when they saw Bailang's mother like this.

Bailang made the decision to go to Beijing with Mu Di. He bought the Mercedes-Benz that Huang Jin had always wanted to drive. After paying the down payment, Huang Jin never dreamed that he, a security guard, would be able to drive a Mercedes-Benz now, but she never imagined that,Bailang actually left everything here to accompany Mu Di to Beijing. Huang Jin was very excited. He felt that Bailang was too selfish and always made his own decisions without asking for everyone's opinions.Mu Di brought Sister Du, Qi Geping and Xu Huan to the company and told them about his affairs. After all, they were now a group. Mu Di wanted to hear their thoughts. As long as they said they wouldn't go, he wouldn't go.Everyone hopes that Mu Di will go. It is really not easy to have such an opportunity. Moreover, Mu Di will also give Wei Hai a face and let everyone see that there are excellent musical talents in small towns.Mu Di was very touched and grateful to everyone for supporting his ideal.

Later, under Da Pan's persuasion, Huang Jin expressed his true feelings. He couldn't bear to leave Bai Lang. They had gone through so much over the years. Bai Lang was his backbone. If Bai Lang left, he would be a waste. Bai Lang never thought that Huang Jin wasWaste, otherwise how could he trust the company and his mother to him.

Qu Wenwen's father started the marriage urging mode, but Qu Wenwen expressed that he did not want to get married. William felt that she did not love him anymore. He and Ding Yi talked about this matter in the gym. At the same time, Qu Wenwen went to Xu Huan,Also talking about this matter, Qu Wenwen was actually waiting for William to take the initiative, but William didn't seem to take his father's words to heart at all.

《Small Town Stories》Episode 30 Details

Episode 30

Small Town Stories episode 30 finale plot introduction: Mu Di decided to stay in Weihai

Bailang and Mu Di went to Beijing. Before leaving, Mu Di's parents specifically asked them to rent a house in Beijing with two rooms. After all, Mu Di was a girl and she could conduct video checks.As a result, as soon as Mu Di arrived at the Beijing Hotel, her mother called to check on her and asked her to walk around the room, so Bai Lang had to hide.

William hadn't contacted Qu Wenwen for several days. His mother was a little worried. After all, she also liked Wenwen very much. She was worried about whether there was a quarrel between the two young people. When she learned that Qu Yuanhang was urging the marriage, she realized that it was herThe silly son failed to understand what they meant and was still waiting for Wenwen to express his opinion. William's mother asked him to propose marriage as soon as possible. No girl would take the initiative in such a thing. Moreover, Qu Yuanhang's urging to marry meant that Wenwen agreed. William hurriedlyContact Gold to hold a proposal ceremony as soon as possible.But the proposal plan put forward by Huang Jin and others was very shocking. William was speechless and could only say that he did a good job and don't do it next time.

William bought a bouquet of flowers and went to Wenwen to apologize to her. Wenwen looked very sad. Later, William learned that the bidding for the cultural district might be dead, because this time a total of three companies were shortlisted. In addition to Haisheng Group,There are two other real estate companies, and now they have started publicity and campaigning. Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that they are out of business.William didn't want Wenwen's efforts to go to waste, so he decided to help Wenwen win the tender, so he went to the director of the Bureau of Culture and Tourism.He also met the general manager of a real estate company that was also shortlisted. William put forward his own idea. If they jointly bid with Minlefang, it would be a strong alliance. It may also be that the other company's bidding plan is more local and superior. The other party agreed.William's proposal.

William took Wenwen to the place where they fell in love, where William prepared an engagement ceremony. Qu Wenwen did not expect that when he saw William holding flowers, taking out a ring and kneeling in front of him, he said the words "marry me", Wenwen was very happy, she shouted "I do" loudly.William shed a tear, he finally married his beloved girl.

The cultural district project was officially launched. Bailang and Mian Mian also rushed back from Beijing in time. Sister Du and Sister Ping were very happy to see Mu Di back.Mu Di took the stage to speak as the captain of the Small Town Stories band. She announced a major event at the scene, which was that she had reached a cooperation with the Beijing Symphony Orchestra, and the Beijing Symphony Orchestra would come to Weihai to perform regularly.Bailang was very puzzled, thinking that Mu Di had completed the entry procedures and came back to pick up things. Mu Di told him that he was giving him a surprise.In fact, she had already decided not to work in Beijing, but she just had to go there and thank the group leader in person for his recognition.Mu Di knows that an orchestra does not lack a principal suona, but the small town of Weihai really lacks high-quality folk music. Mu Di hopes that more people who like folk music can hear good music.

Qu Wenwen and William are engaged, Huang Jin also has a girlfriend, Ding Yi and Xu Huan's parents have met, everyone is very satisfied, good things are about to happen, Huang Tao discovers that the person who loves her is around, she and GangziAfter coming together, Da Pan's daughter's illness has been cured. Now he is trying to spare more time to accompany his daughter to grow up. Mu Di and Bai Lang have changed the fate of many people, and finally firmly grasped their own happiness.
