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In 1943, during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai, an explosion targeting the Japanese agency shocked Shanghai. Lin Shaobai, a shrewd concession policeman, and Lu Zhengyang, a resolute and resolute red agent, faced off for the first time. Each showed their skills and also...It completely changed the fate and life trajectory of the two people.

Six years later, Shanghai was liberated.Lin Shaobai and Lu Zhengyang met again. One was an old police officer who was imaginative and clever, and the other was a new police officer who was upright and straightforward.Facing the severe anti-special situation, Lu Zhengyang had to join forces with Lin Shaobai, known as "Shanghai Know-It-All". The two did not trust each other but had to cooperate. They formed a partnership in the second room of the Social Affairs Department of the Public Security Bureau and successively cracked the case.The "Vault Robbery Case“", "Financial Trend Case”", planned by Zheng Lanting, the ace agent of the Shanghai Special Station of the Secrecy Bureau,

A series of major cases such as the February 6 bombing case and the epidemic war completely defeated Zheng Lanting's painstaking plan to overturn the sea.

In the process of repeatedly solving major cases, Lin Shaobai kept coming up with clever ideas and was known as the “Shanghai Know-It-All”. He was good at digging for clues from three religions and nine streams. Lu Zhengyang controlled the overall situation, was proficient in special agents, and had extraordinary skills. The two gradually established a relationship from constant friction.Trust until we become comrades and comrades who share life and death.Under the influence of Lu Zhengyang, Lin Shaobai gradually regained his original intention as a police officer to "be the iron wall of this city", and eventually transformed from an old policeman into a glorious people's police officer.Under the influence of Lin Shaobai, Lu Zhengyang untied the knot that had been hidden for many years.

Standing against the darkness and guarding the light is not only the commitment of Lin Shaobai, Lu Zhengyang and others to the city of Shanghai, but also the glorious mission fulfilled by the first generation of public security officers in New China with their lives and blood.

《DARK NIGHT AND DAWN》Episode 1 Details

The fate of Shanghai's liberated Shaobai is unpredictable

On the eve of the liberation of Shanghai in 1949.The dark rule of the Kuomintang is about to end, and the dawn has not yet come.Lin Shaobai, a former police officer in the Shanghai Police Department, is looking for various ways to stock up on rice, noodles, vegetables and other daily necessities.He is just a little policeman. No matter who takes over the city, he has to maintain the lives of his two mothers - his dead father's first wife and his biological mother.

It was salary day. On his way to work, Lin Shaobai saw that the whole street was filled with the chaos of Shanghai.My salary was owed for more than half a year, but what I was given was gold yuan coupons that were like waste paper.Lin Shaobai was so angry that he took his partner Xu Wei and sneaked into the police station's warehouse and made away with a lot of good goods, preparing to resell them on the black market.In the evening, Lin Shaobai and Xu Wei came to pick up the goods. They happened to catch up with the division chief Ye Shiwu, who was ordered by Director Mao Sen to secretly massacre the underground party before the city of Shanghai was broken.

The underground party members regarded death as home and sang the Internationale.This scene deeply touched Lin Shaobai who was peeping.Lin Shaobai and Xu Wei were about to leave secretly, but Ye Shiwu blocked them and forced them to shoot underground party members.Since Lin Shaobai and Xu Wei saw them massacring the Communists, they would have blood on their hands together.

At the critical moment, Lin Shaobai shouted to see Director Mao Sen, pretending that he could stay in Shanghai as a latent agent, but for the sake of innocence, their hands must not be stained with blood.Just when Mao Sen agreed, Xu Wei's gun rang out downstairs, and he fired twice, killing the remaining two Communists for Lin Shaobai.

《DARK NIGHT AND DAWN》Episode 2 Details

Shaobai, Lu and Zhengyang expose each other’s lies

Lin Shaobai was taken to the Zhabei Power Plant, and then he learned that Ye Shiwu wanted to blow up the Zhabei Power Plant, and this required the assistance of Rong Zheng, the chief engineer of the power plant, but the spy who went to pick up Rong Zheng was slow to come.When Ye Shiwu became suspicious, Lin Shaobai tried to escape but was intercepted.He lied that he was going to pick up the chief engineer and established a friendship with Mr. Rong.

Rong Zheng arrived late. Ye Shiwu was worried about fraud, so he called Lin Shaobai to test him.For their own purposes, the two people, who did not know each other, acted on occasion and hid it from Ye Shiwu.At the same time, Xu Wei returned to the police station to inquire about Lin Shaobai's whereabouts, but was unexpectedly forcibly taken to Zhoushan by Mao Sen.Rong Zheng pretended to go to the toilet to check Lin Shaobai's movements and found that Lin Shaobai had opened the handcuffs and was about to escape through the window.

Lin Shaobai was worried that Rong Zheng would tell the truth and was about to subdue Rong Zheng, but was subdued by the gray-haired old man instead.Lin Shaobai determined that Rong Zheng was a Communist Party member in disguise. Rong Zheng locked Lin Shaobai in the toilet again and warned him to keep his mouth shut if he wanted to survive.Rong Zheng seized the opportunity to destroy all the explosive detonators. At this time, Ye Shiwu also learned Rong Zheng's true identity through the phone.

A gun battle broke out between the two sides, Ye Shiwu was killed, and Rong Zheng was in dire straits. Fortunately, Lin Shaobai had the support. On the one hand, he could not bear the unnecessary death of the power plant workers, and on the other hand, he also wanted to take the opportunity to make meritorious deeds and show his favor to the Communist Party.Huzi arrived with a large force and the power plant was liberated. Rong Zheng tore off his disguise. His true identity was Lu Zhengyang, chief of the Security Section of the Political Department of the Ninth Corps.

《DARK NIGHT AND DAWN》Episode 3 Details

Vault Heist

Lin Shaobai categorically denied any involvement in the Fuzhou Road bombing four years ago.Lin Shaobai was familiar with interrogation tactics. The interrogation reached a deadlock. At this moment, someone came to report. A friend of Lin Shaobai was waiting for him at the Public Security Bureau and would not leave until he saw someone.Lu Zhengyang went to meet this friend and found that it was Jin Yan.Jin Yan demanded the release of Lin Shaobai based on the eight chapters of the agreement to liberate Jun.

Lu Zhengyang assured Jin Yan that if Lin Shaobai was really innocent, then the investigation would be helping him.Lu Zhengyang went to Lin Shaobai's house to investigate the situation. Lin Shaobai's cat got into Lu Zhengyang's car and followed him back to the social office.Only then did Lin Shaobai realize that the two families had not left Shanghai by boat. He no longer felt confident and began to explain the ins and outs of four years ago.It was still during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai. Lin Shaobai and Xu Wei were partners in the police station. They received a report that there was a car accident on Fuzhou Road and someone was carrying a gun in the car.

The strange thing is that the car accident happened after the two arrived at Fuzhou Road.The two went to the scene of the car accident to check and found Lu Zhengyang and Huzi in the car.There was a stalemate between the two sides, and gunshots were heard from the direction of the bungalow. When Lin Shaobai rushed over, an explosion occurred. There were corpses on the ground, and a bloody butterfly knife.The Japanese military police came to arrest, and Lin Shaobai immediately ran away, but was intercepted by Lu Zhengyang, and the butterfly knife also fell into Lu Zhengyang's hands.Although Lin Shaobai confessed, Lu Zhengyang still believed that he was hiding something and continued to imprison him.