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《The Survival Bliss》Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode 7: Leading Luo Junjun to the casino

After learning about Luo Junjun's danger, Sun Ruichen felt deeply guilty.His original intention was to expose Captain Pan Yong's arms smuggling conspiracy, but he did not expect to be involved in this crisis.He confessed the purpose of his investigation to Jiang Yuening, hoping that she could help him find Luo Junjun and rescue her from Pan Yong's clutches.

Episode 7: Leading Luo Junjun to the casino

After listening to Sun Ruichen's account, Jiang Yuening did not choose to escape, but firmly stood on Sun Ruichen's side.She comforted Sun Ruichen and let him know that they would definitely find Luo Junjun and take her out of this dangerous ship safely.However, the problem before the two of them is that there are only two of them and Pan Yong has many men. How can they find Luo Junjun without being discovered?

After careful consideration, Jiang Yuening decided to take action personally.She decided to disguise herself as Luo Junjun to attract Pan Yong's attention and find the real Luo Junjun.She knew this was a dangerous plan, but she did not flinch because she knew that this was the only way to find Luo Junjun as soon as possible and rescue her from danger.

Sure enough, Pan Yong immediately became vigilant after learning about the news of “Luo Junjun”'s appearance.He sent people to search for Luo Junjun's whereabouts, trying to confirm the authenticity of the news.However, his plan did not succeed, because Jiang Yuening had already been prepared. She used her resourcefulness and skills to successfully avoid Pan Yong's men, while also secretly searching for Luo Junjun's traces.

Just then, the illusionist appeared.He used Yu Ba to contain Jiang Yuening and draw her attention to the deck.Although Jiang Yuening discovered the illusionist's conspiracy, she did not show it. Instead, she went along with the flow and acted according to the illusionist's plan.She took advantage of this opportunity and successfully brought out the real Luo Junjun.

Luo Junjun was successfully led to the casino under Jiang Yuening's ingenious arrangement.There, she finally met Sun Ruichen and Jiang Yuening.Seeing Sun Ruichen and Jiang Yuening taking risks to save her, Luo Junjun was moved to tears.She expressed her heartfelt thanks to the two men and promised to cooperate with their actions and expose Pan Yong's crimes together.

Sun Ruichen also gained redemption in this process.He saw his mistake and also saw Jiang Yuening's bravery and resourcefulness.He deeply felt that he should cherish the people around him more and act more cautiously.He decided not to get involved in dangerous things rashly in the future, but to use his wisdom and strength to protect innocent people.

With everyone's efforts, they finally found evidence exposing Pan Yong's crimes of arms smuggling.They handed over the evidence to the police and assisted the police in successfully arresting Pan Yong and his men.The crisis was finally resolved and Luo Junjun returned home safely.