Home TV Can't hide a secret
《Can't hide a secret》Taglines

1. Fighting violence with violence cannot solve the problem. Only when you are not strong enough will you bully the weak.

2. If something like this happened to a little girl like yours, she would definitely be embarrassed to see me when she came out.

3. If you think crying is a child’s right, then you can just be a child for the rest of your life, okay?

4. Except for those unbearable things, everything he has now, including the future, he wants to give to her.

5. So, let me ask you something, can I chase you?

6. Secret love, it turns out, can be more than just a matter of one person.

7. Homework is a task assigned by the teacher. You cannot let others write it for you. These thoughts are normal in adolescence, but your main task now is to study hard.

8. It is a good thing that someone appreciates you. You can thank him for his appreciation first and then reject him politely.

9. All the warmth I get is given to you.

10. If other children have it, my family must have it too.

11. She secretly discovered a treasure when she was in love.Unfortunately, I couldn't be the one to hide the treasure.

12. Those so-called hidden likes become something that cannot be hidden in front of him.

13. Secret love is probably the sweetest and most painful thing in the world.

14. Do you know?I fell in love with you even when I didn’t know the exact word for your name.

15. From looking for reasons to get close to him, secretly hiding his thoughts, trying to leave traces in his life, to alienating him, and trying his best to forget.

16. Secret love, it turns out, can be more than just a matter of one person.