Home TV Can't hide a secret
《Can't hide a secret》Jiang Ying's illness

Jiang Ying's illness

In the play, Jiang Ying still clings to the male protagonist Duan Jiaxu after he pays off the debt, unable to accept the idea of ​​abandoning her to fall in love with another woman. Jiang Ying's paranoia about Duan Jiaxu exceeds the level of ordinary people, and she has reasonable doubts about her sanity.There are problems, and there are traces of them all.

After Jiang Ying's father passed away, her mother finally chose to join a new family, which also caused her to indirectly lose her mother. Jiang Ying, who was suddenly without a trace, urgently needed care from the outside world.

And Duan Jiaxu was always there when she needed him.For example, writing a letter of apology, giving her homework help, etc.From the moment his father lay down on the hospital bed and never got up, Duan Jiaxu took on responsibilities that should not have been his.

He studied and worked at the same time, and always showed up on time and at the agreed time and place to repay the money.Because of his guilt, he always agreed to Jiang Ying's unreasonable requests and tolerated her unreasonable and capricious demands.

Between the lack of her parents and the meticulous care of the opposite sex, even if it was just what she thought was care, Jiang Ying's emotional balance began to tilt.She even believed that Duan Jiaxu would take care of her for the rest of her life, and this feeling became stronger and stronger as she grew older.Duan Jiaxu took care of Jiang Ying just out of his responsibilities as a son. With his father lying in bed and his mother passing away, he was the only one who could repay the debt.

For Jiang Ying, he had no other feelings except guilt.As time went by, Duan Jiaxu discovered that Jiang Ying's relationship was getting more and more deviated. He kindly reminded her, but unfortunately the other party didn't listen at all.