Home TV Can't hide a secret
《Can't hide a secret》Finale plot analysis

Finale plot analysis

After some hard work, Duan Jiaxu finally took a successful step in starting a business in Nanwu.Step by step, he built the office from scratch and gradually built the studio into a place full of vitality and creativity.

However, although his career is booming, Duan Jiaxu's heart has always been about his beloved Sang Zhi.Although Sang Zhi was very busy participating in competitions at school, Duan Jiaxu decided not to wait any longer and expressed his feelings to Sang Zhi's parents.

One night, Duan Jiaxu and Qian Fei went to Sang Yan's bar for dinner. In their spare time, they chatted about the plan.Qian Fei expressed his support and encouraged Duan Jiaxu to pursue happiness bravely.

After returning home, Duan Jiaxu decided to call Sang Zhi's parents to express his sincerity and determination.He told them he had something he wanted to talk to them about and wanted their blessing.Sang Zhi's parents were very happy and expressed their willingness to meet Duan Jia Xu and promised him their support and blessings.

Just when Duan JiaXu was about to visit Sang Zhi's parents again, Sang Zhi's call came.Duan Jiaxu reported his recent situation to Sang Zhi in detail to reassure her.Sang Zhi also hung up the phone with relief. She loved Duan Jiaxu deeply and believed that he could make the best decision.

Duan Jiaxu was in a happy mood and called Sang Yan's name one by one.He knew that he was moving towards his own happiness, not only with career success, but also with deep love for Sang Zhi.He decided not to hesitate and to move bravely into the future.

Not long after, Duan Jiaxu visited Sang Zhi's parents again with full expectation and love.He expressed to them his determination and his true love for Sang Zhi.Sang Zhi's parents felt Duan Jiaxu's sincerity and talent, and they readily accepted Duan Jiaxu and expressed their support for their decision.

Duan Jiaxu and Sang Zhi finally came together, and their love had a happy ending.Duan Jiaxu's hard work and persistence made him successful in his career, and their love also made their lives more fulfilling and complete.They support each other and face the challenges and happiness of the future together.

Two years later, Sang Zhi finally graduated successfully.On this day, everyone came to the beach together and planned a romantic and unforgettable proposal ceremony. But I didn’t expect that the person to propose today would be myself.I was extremely surprised and moved.Duan Jiaxu specially invited my parents and my good friend Sang Yan to participate. After a lot of thinking and planning, he finally chose this method. He wanted to surprise me and promised to take care of and protect me for the rest of his life.Amidst the blessings from relatives and friends, Duan Jiaxu personally put on a shining diamond engagement ring for me.

Afterwards, Duan Jiaxu told me a little secret. It turned out that he had already fallen deeply in love with me before I expressed my love for him.I was very surprised and happy to hear this news.We decided to work together to realize each other's dreams. I used my tenderness and care to heal Duan Jiaxu's childhood wounds, while he fulfilled my youthful longing for first love.

This is a story that started when Duan Jiaxu was twenty-two and ended when I was twenty-two.In the past two years, we have experienced growth and struggle together, and finally found the happiness that belongs to each other.I am deeply grateful for the love and care Duan Jiaxu gave me. He made me believe in the power of love and filled me with hope and courage for the future.We believe that in the years to come, we will create a better life together and spend our lives guarding and cherishing this deep love.