Home TV Back to the future
Back to the future

Back to the future

《weekly comics TIMES》a comic of the same name serialized on
  • Reg:Japan
  • Genre: Rom Sci-Fi
  • Premiere:Jan 18, 2024
  • No. Ep:Total 10 Episodes
  • Ep Duration:45 Minutes
  • Actor: Meet Akari early Hagiwara Toshihisa
  • Freq:It will be broadcast on Yomiuri TV every Thursday night from January 18, 2024 at 11:59.
《Back to the future》 Summ

Artist and illustrator Kai Wei has a secret that he cannot tell his beloved wife Hui - he suffers from a disease that will return to the past if his feelings fluctuate violently.And one day, he was suddenly informed that his wife had died after falling from the company's emergency stairs.Why did the cheerful and innocent wife die? Was it suicide or an accident?In the process of returning to the past, what I see is the unknown side of my wife and her interpersonal relationships. Can the future be saved through time travel that cannot be controlled by personal will?

Kai Lai is sitting in his studio at home, his hand holding the paintbrush trembling slightly.He looked at the sketch on the drawing board, feeling heavy and powerless in his heart.His wife replied, whether it was the love of his life or his unspeakable secret, she had left him.Kai Future's heart is full of pain and questions.

A few days ago, Kai received a shocking phone call.The voice on the other end of the phone told him that Hui accidentally fell and died on the company's emergency stairs.Kai can't believe the news in the future. His wife has always been cheerful and innocent. Why did such an accident happen?Or was this really an accident?

Kai has been hiding his illness in the future, which causes him to go back to the past when his emotions are ups and downs.He recalled the last time he saw his wife, and there was nothing unusual about their relationship.He began to suspect that perhaps there were more facts hidden behind all this that he didn't know.

In pain and confusion, Kai decided to use his illness in the future to try to find the truth and save the world.He closed his eyes and concentrated, hoping to go back to the time before the accident.

When Kai Lai opened his eyes again, he found that he had returned to an afternoon a few days ago.He realized that he had successfully traveled back in time.However, his time is limited and he doesn't know how long he can stay.

In the future, Kai decided to observe his wife Hui's every move as an ordinary bystander.He found that the image of Hui in the eyes of outsiders was completely different from the one he knew.She is a smart, independent and charming woman, but she also hides many secrets and pain.

As time goes by, Kai sees more and more people around Hui in the future, and some of them seem to have some kind of relationship with Hui.He began to suspect that perhaps Hui's death was not a simple accident, but a carefully planned conspiracy.

Kai is determined to uncover the truth and save the future.He keeps going back to the past, looking for clues and solving puzzles with Hui.However, no matter how hard he tried, he could not change his fate.Every time he returned to the past, his efforts were reversed by fate, and Hui's death seemed destined to be irreversible.

At the moment when he returned to the past for the last time, Kai Lai looked at the memories in front of him and tears fell down.He understood that no matter how hard he tried, he could not save it.He could only accept this cruel fact and bear the pain of losing his lover.

Despite this, Qi Future does not regret what he has done.During that time, he saw the unknown side of Hui and felt the complexity of interpersonal relationships.He learned to cherish the courage and strength of the people in front of him and his loved ones.

Although he cannot change the past, Kai is determined to turn this experience into the power of his creation.He used his paintbrush to record those unspeakable secrets to commemorate the love and memories between him and Hui.

The future may not be saved through time travel, but he will miss her forever and keep her in his heart.And that secret that can never be told has become the deepest memory in his heart.

《Back to the future》Cast
Meet Akari early/ | return Hagiwara Toshihisa/ | Kai future
《Back to the future》Character Info
《Back to the future》Stills
  • Back to the futureStills

  • Back to the futureStills

  • Back to the futureStills

  • Back to the futureStills

  • Back to the futureStills

  • Back to the futureStills

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