Home TV captivating the king
《captivating the king》Character Info
  • Shin Se Kyung

    Jiang Xixiu/Jiang Mengyu

    Go gambler, careful craftsman.The daughter of Jiang Xun, the leader of the government.His mother died young, so he learned Go from his father since he was a child, and became a sel ...

  • Cao Zhengshi

    Li Ren

    Actor:Cao Zhengshi

    An infinitely powerful but miserable king, he was detained until the Qing Dynasty and became a hostage. Ben made up his mind to live a life devoted to his life as a courtier loyal ...

  • 赵成夏




  • Zhang Ronnan


    Actor:Zhang Ronnan

    Li Ren's biological mother, the late king's second wife, and Pu Xuanhuan's sister.

  • Li Xinyong

    Kim Young Ha

    Actor:Li Xinyong

    Bingcao judged Jin Zhongpei's son.Not only was he a scholar-official who was proficient in the Four Books and Three Classics, he was also good at archery and swordsmanship, and cou ...

  • Han Dongxi

    Hong Qiang

    Actor:Han Dongxi

    prostitute, Liu Xuanbao's sister, and Jiang Xixiu's best friend who regards her as life.Although she was a noble woman, she was abandoned by her family after being brought to the Q ...

  • Song Xiangen

    little girl

    Actor:Song Xiangen

    Kang Hee Soo's friend and maid.She is a woman with an impatient personality who acts before words. Although she is the same age as Kang Hee Soo, she treats Kang Hee Soo like her ow ...

  • Yang Jiongyuan

    Liu Xuanbao

    A subordinate of Kim Jong-bae.As the eldest son of a noble family, he works in the Li Cao Bureau and emphasizes logic. However, in fact, he is a treacherous villain who will do any ...

  • Li Gyuhui

    Park Minghuan

    Actor:Li Gyuhui

    Li Ren's uncle and Wang Dafei Park's brother.Very good at discerning when to keep your head down and when to raise your head to give orders.

  • Son Hyun-joo

    Jiang Xun

    Actor:Son Hyun-joo

    Kang Hee Soo's father and Li In's teacher.He was a loyal minister and a good teacher, but he was not a good father, because national affairs always came first.

  • Cui Daixun

    Li Xuan

    Actor:Cui Daixun

    King of Korea.Li Ren's half-brother, the king, called his father's step-concubine Park as his mother since he was a child after his mother died.