Home TV Love is troublesome but sweet
《Love is troublesome but sweet》 Summ

Huo Yunya, a writer of cold-blooded mystery novels, encountered a bottleneck in his creation and came to a law firm for an internship. He met super worker Nie Rouzhu. From then on, the two began a troubled but sweet and hilarious love.Under the influence of Nie Rouzhu, the ungrounded Huo Yunya realized the warmth and warmth of the world. Nie Rouzhu, who was focused on money and money, also learned to slow down and appreciate the beauty of life with Huo Yunya's help.In the end, Nie Rouzhu became the heroine of Huo Yunya's new book, and the two overcame many difficulties and entered the palace of marriage.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 1 Details

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu are enemies on a narrow road

Well-known mystery novelist Huo Yunya encountered a bottleneck in his creation, and faced criticism from readers when he held a book signing event in a bookstore.Nie Rouzhu, a super migrant worker who works part-time in a bookstore, witnesses Huo Yunya's arrogant attitude and leaves the store early, leaving a bad impression.

Huo Yunya's agent Colin asked his uncle Wang Jianguo for help.Wang Jianguo runs the Law Firm of Requirement, whose members include Wang Jianguo's son Wang Yiyun, who graduated from the law department, and Wang Yiyun's computer-addicted college classmates Xi Yuyan and Nie Rouzhu.

They decided to help Huo Yunya write a female character to enrich the content of the novel.Huo Yunya reluctantly entered the law firm and met Nie Rouzhu again. She was even arranged to become his assistant.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 2 Details

Nie Rouzhu pretended to be ill and was taken care of

Wang Jianguo asked his former client to recreate the scene and tried to express his affection for Huo Yunya.Huo Yunya quickly discovered the flaw, deduced the truth and refused to participate.Nie Rouzhu decided to use a trick to get Huo Yunya to continue participating, but the fake trick came true and she fainted in the office with a high fever.

Huo Yunya had no choice but to send Nie Rouzhu home. At her home, he saw a photo of her with the orphans in the orphanage. He remembered the girl who was separated when he was a child but often appeared in his dreams. By some strange combination, he stayed at her home to take care of her for a night. The next day, they woke up.All feel embarrassed.Huo Yunya asked Nie Rouzhu about the welfare home, but Nie Rouzhu did not answer directly. Huo Yunya thought that she was not the girl in her dreams.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 3 Details

Huo Yunya was moved for the first time

Huo Yunya still refused to participate in the entrusted case. Nie Rouzhu was angry that he did not understand their good intentions. Huo Yunya was touched when he saw the friendship and family shown in the closing report.Nie Rouzhu invited Huo Yunya to have dinner. Huo Yunya rushed to the restaurant and found everyone in the law firm present.

After he got drunk, he expressed his depression about being stuck in a bottleneck, and everyone decided to sincerely help him.Huo Yunya's sister Huo Yuehu suddenly visited the law firm and asked for help in drafting a prenuptial agreement.Wang Yiyun fell in love with her at first sight and actively accepted the commission.

However, Huo Yunya was suspicious of his prospective brother-in-law, and was noticed by Nie Rouzhu. The two met by chance while following his prospective brother-in-law, and decided to cooperate in the investigation.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 4 Details

Huo Yunya confirms Nie Rouzhu’s identity

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu discovered that their prospective brother-in-law was having an ambiguous interaction with a woman.Xi Yuyan found out that her name was Tang Lingling and she had lived in the Little Red Riding Hood Welfare Home.Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu came to the orphanage and found out that Nie Rouzhu was also an orphan here.

He confirmed that Nie Rouzhu was the girl of his dreams, asked about Nie Rouzhu's childhood, and was disappointed to find that Nie Rouzhu no longer remembered him, but suddenly he was inspired to write a new novel.

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu found evidence of their brother-in-law's cheating and told Huo Yuehu. Huo Yuehu vented his feelings by boxing and met Wang Yiyun by chance.Huo Yunya was worried about his sister and his creation stagnated. Huo Yuehu asked Huo Yunya and everyone in the law firm to go out for fun.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 5 Details

Huo Yunya asks for confession

Huo Yuehu played with everyone in the law firm and got drunk.Huo Yunya and Wang Yiyun entered the wrong room, and they were forced to spend a night with Nie Rouzhu and Huo Yuehu respectively.Nie Rouzhu tried to kiss Huo Yunya under the influence of alcohol, but before kissing her, she turned around and vomited all over the floor.

Huo Yunya cleaned up Nie Rouzhu and left.Back at the law firm, Nie Rouzhu felt embarrassed when facing Huo Yunya.Nie Rouzhu asked Yi Ning to analyze her emotional state towards Huo Yunya, and Yi Ning asked her to verify it herself; Huo Yunya narcissistically analyzed that Nie Rouzhu fell in love with her during the conversation with Colin.He asked Nie Rouzhu for a confession, but Nie Rouzhu was hurt by Huo Yunya's narcissistic attitude and refused on the grounds that he had someone he liked.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 6 Details

Nie Rouzhu is jealous

Nie Rouzhu and Huo Yunya fell into a cold war. Former colleague and female star Tang Yiyi confessed to Huo Yunya, but Huo Yunya refused.Yi Ning sent Nie Rouzhu photos of Huo Yunya and Tang Yiyi being taken on a suspected date. Nie Rouzhu pretended not to care but vented her anger on Huo Yunya.

Nie Rouzhu and Tang Yiyi met. After a conversation, their love rivals turned into friends. Tang Yiyi told Nie Rouzhu that her confession to Huo Yunya was rejected, and encouraged her to boldly pursue love.Nie Rouzhu decided to face her heart, but when she saw the scandal between Huo Yunya and Tang Yiyi spread on the Internet, she felt aggrieved again. Huo Yunya finally understood the reason for Nie Rouzhu's anger.Yi Ning suddenly called Nie Rouzhu for help.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 7 Details

Huo Yunya's confession about contracting the amusement park

Nie Rouzhu learned that Yi Ning was harassed by her stalker ex-boyfriend Huang Xiao. Huo Yunya heroically rescued the beauty and solved the Huang Xiao incident but was injured himself. Nie Rouzhu felt distressed and gave him medicine.Huo Yunya sincerely confessed to Nie Rouzhu, but Nie Rouzhu did not respond to Huo Yunya, but cooked instant noodles for Huo Yunya.The next day, Huo Yunya invited Nie Rouzhu for a date. Under Yi Ning's guidance, Nie Rouzhu, who worked part-time, refused to accept the invitation.

Wang Yiyun got drunk at the restaurant where Nie Rouzhu worked part-time, and Nie Rouzhu asked why but to no avail.That night, Nie Rouzhu hurried to the amusement park to keep her appointment.Huo Yunya contracted the amusement park because he just wanted to share a beautiful night with Nie Rouzhu, and the two fell in love and kissed each other.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 8 Details

Nie Rouzhu responded to the confession

Huo Yuehu told Nie Rouzhu that Wang Yiyun confessed to him.Wang Yiyun asked Nie Rouzhu what Huo Yuehu said, but Huo Yunya mistakenly thought that the two were in love.After the misunderstanding was resolved, everyone asked Wang Yiyun who he liked, but Wang Yiyun refused to reveal it. In order to appease Huo Yunya, Nie Rouzhu decided to respond to him that night.

Huo Yunya knocked on the door of Nie Rouzhu's house with a bouquet of lollipops. Nie Rouzhu finally responded to Huo Yunya's confession. Huo Yunya told Nie Rouzhu that they had met in the Little Red Riding Hood Orphanage when they were children. He was also an orphan like Nie Rouzhu. After separation,He was very sad and never forgot her. Nie Rouzhu was moved by such fate.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 9 Details

Huo Yunya falls into plagiarism crisis

Huo Yunya's new novel was shortlisted for the Novel Festival, and Nie Rouzhu suddenly received the news that Huo Yunya was accused of plagiarism by a man named Hai Tianxia.Huo Yunya remembered that Hai Tianxia was a contestant in the novel competition for which he was a judge. Because he had plagiarized the original manuscript of Huo Yunya's novel, Huo Yunya did not point it out directly, but instead satirized him with a vicious tongue, so that he did not receive a score.

Everyone in the law firm was about to find the original manuscript of Huo Yunya's novel together, but Huo Yunya told them that it was too late and the novel had been deleted.Netizens turned to attack the law firm and him, and Huo Yunya decided to resign.Nie Rouzhu accompanied him to submit his resignation letter. Everyone in the law firm refused to accept the resignation letter and accompanied him to look for evidence.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 10 Details

Huo Yunya becomes a god again

Huo Yuehu, Yining and Colin also came to the law firm to help, and Yining and Xi Yuyan fell in love at first sight.Nie Rouzhu asked an old fan of Huo Yunya to get her printed copy of Huo Yunya's blog and uploaded it to the Internet to prove that the original manuscript of his novel actually existed, and public opinion was reversed.

Hai Tianxia went online and claimed that the evidence was forged by the P picture, but his ID was exposed.Nie Rouzhu accompanied Huo Yunya to persuade Hai Tianxia to agree to clear Huo Yunya's reputation.Huo Yunya disappeared suddenly. Nie Rouzhu and everyone in the law firm analyzed that he had been kidnapped by Zhao Fenghuan, and everyone rushed to rescue Huo Yunya.Huo Yunya regained the title of god at the novel ceremony.Everyone discovered that the other nominee turned out to be Fang Zhou, the owner of the coffee shop opposite the law firm.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 11 Details

Nie Rouzhu meets Huo Yunya’s parents

Huo Yunya decided to stay in the law firm, and everyone was happy.At noon, Nie Rouzhu and Huo Yunya had a sweet lunch together.In the evening, Nie Rouzhu took Huo Yunya to the beach. Huo Yunya invited him to meet his parents together. Nie Rouzhu agreed with complicated emotions.Nie Rouzhu discovered that Huo Yunya always showed up at her various part-time jobs and even brought her love lunches.

Under Yi Ning's guidance, Nie Rouzhu wore the clothes Huo Yunya bought for herself and went to see Huo's father and Huo's mother.Huo's father and Huo's mother liked Nie Rouzhu very much and urged Huo Yunya to marry her quickly.After separating from Huo's father and Huo's mother, Huo Yunya contracted Nie Rouzhu's part-time job as a doll catcher and caught a little pink pig for her.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 12 Details

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu quarrel

Nie Rouzhu was dissatisfied that Huo Yunya always contracted part-time jobs for her. She wanted to make money on her own. Huo Yunya was confused and the two quarreled.Nie Rouzhu's electric motorcycle suddenly ran out of power. Fang Zhou appeared to help her push the motorcycle and send her home. Huo Yunya, who was waiting downstairs, was jealous of this and broke out into a bigger quarrel with Nie Rouzhu.Wang Yiyun and Huo Yuehu confirmed their relationship.

Xi Yuyan and Yi Ning interacted sweetly on WeChat.Tang Yiyi suddenly came to the door and asked the law firm to help resolve the brokerage contract dispute.Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu received Tang Yiyi with sympathies and discord.Everyone encouraged Wang Yiyun to help Tang Yiyi with the lawsuit, but he backed down.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 13 Details

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu reconcile

Wang Yiyun accepted the commission under the agitation of everyone, and was scolded back during the first interview with the other party's lawyer.Wang Yiyun thought of what Huo Yuehu told him and thought about the problem from another angle. He thought of using fans' public opinion, tracing the breach of contract by the agency, and scrutinizing legal provisions to help Tang Yiyi solve the problem.

In the end, Tang Yiyi successfully terminated the contract, Wang Yiyun grew up, and everyone celebrated in the coffee shop.Nie Rouzhu and Huo Yunya finally reconciled. When it came to the problem of part-time jobs, Nie Rouzhu said that she had thought of a solution, which was to work part-time in a coffee shop. Huo Yunya could come here to create without sacrificing the time they spent together.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 14 Details

Huo Yunya takes Nie Rouzhu home

Huo Yunya, who was working part-time with Nie Rouzhu in a coffee shop, was called by Colin to go see the boss.Wang Yiyun suspected that Huo Yuehu was pregnant but did not tell him.Huo Yunya's novel was bought and adapted into a drama by the employer, and he was asked to be the producer. In order to prepare for the production of the drama, he had to get busy, and Nie Rouzhu fully supported it.

Wang Jianguo asked Wang Yiyun to go to Huo Yuehu with maternal and infant supplies. A surprised Huo Yuehu told Wang Yiyun that she was not pregnant and doubted Wang Yiyun's motives for being with him. The relationship between the two reached a deadlock.Nie Rouzhu was kicked out by her landlord, and Fang Zhou took her home on a motorcycle to pack her luggage.Huo Yunya blamed her for not telling her what happened and took Nie Rouzhu back to his home.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 15 Details

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu live together

Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu started living together.After the two said good night to each other, Huo Yunya suddenly received a mysterious email.In the morning, Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu ran and had breakfast together.Huo Yunya sent Nie Rouzhu to work part-time in a coffee shop, and Fang Zhou taught Nie Rouzhu how to make cakes.

Huo Yunya dug out the anonymous email he received last night, which stated that Nie Rouzhu was the biological daughter of the Huo family, forcing Huo Yunya to reveal his adopted son's identity.Huo Yunya investigated Nie Rouzhu's life experience without telling her, and secretly performed a paternity test on her and her father and mother.Huo Yunya tentatively asked Nie Rouzhu if she had ever thought about finding her biological parents. Nie Rouzhu said that she was very happy now and didn't think about it anymore.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 16 Details

Huo Yunya doubts Fang Zhou

The paternity test report showed that Nie Rouzhu was the biological daughter of the Huo family.Huo Yunya told Nie Rouzhu her life experience, but she couldn't accept it for a while.Huo Yunya came to the law firm and investigated with everyone who was the person who sent the mysterious email.Wang Yiyun used an excuse to invite Huo Yuehu and wanted to get back together with her. Huo Yuehu said that she needed time to think about the following.

Xi Yuyan went to the pet hospital to ask Yi Ning about the situation, and Yi Ning teased Xi Yuyan.Nie Rouzhu came to the Little Red Riding Hood Welfare Home and listened deeply to Grandma Nie's story about her childhood.Huo Yunya finally suspected Fang Zhou.He rushed to the orphanage, hugged Nie Rouzhu in front of Fang Zhou, and vowed not to let Nie Rouzhu be hurt again.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 17 Details

Nie Rouzhu and Huo Yunya get engaged

Huo Yunya announced his adopted son's identity to the public. Nie Rouzhu felt distressed and moved, and finally recognized Huo's father and Huo's mother.Nie Rouzhu decided to get engaged to Huo Yunya and disclosed Nie Rouzhu's life experience at the engagement party.Everyone in the law firm helped Nie Rouzhu and Huo Yunya prepare for the engagement party.The engagement banquet was held as scheduled, and Fang Zhou was invited to come with gifts. When he saw Huo Yunya revealing Nie Rouzhu's life experience, he felt mixed.

Huo Yuehu and Wang Yiyun reunited.Nie Rouzhu went back to the orphanage to see Grandma Nie, and met Fang Zhou again. Fang Zhou expressed her blessings to Nie Rouzhu, and Grandma Nie invited them to attend the birthday party of Xiao Hei, a child in the orphanage.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 18 Details

Fang Zhou confesses to Nie Rouzhu

After Huo Yunya finished his work, he came to the orphanage carrying a gift for Xiao Hei. He wanted to surprise Nie Rouzhu, but he saw the harmonious scene of Nie Rouzhu and Fang Zhou with the children and became jealous.That night, Huo Yunya told Nie Rouzhu that he would soon join the crew to revise the script. Nie Rouzhu was also a little disappointed. The two understood and comforted each other and reconciled as before.

The next day, Huo Yunya invited everyone to dinner at the Together Cafe and told everyone to take good care of Nie Rouzhu after he joined the group. During the words, Fangzhou and Huo Yunya were tit for tat.The law firm suddenly received a commission from anchor Mo Xi, and Huo Yunya and everyone in the law firm solved the commission together.Fang Zhou suddenly confessed to Nie Rouzhu.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 19 Details

Nie Rouzhu gives Huo Yunya a surprise

Nie Rouzhu rejected Fang Zhou and resigned from the coffee shop.Xi Yuyan and Yi Ning's love affair was discovered by everyone.Huo Yuehu gave Nie Rouzhu an album of Huo Yunya's childhood black photos as a consolation gift for her and Huo Yunya's breakup.Huo Yunya observed the subtle triangular relationship between the first male lead Xu Heyun, the first female lead Qin Susu, and the second female lead Bai Yingying during the script reading meeting before joining the cast.

Nie Rouzhu held a reader meeting for him without telling Huo Yunya. Huo Yunya saw through it and cooperated with Nie Rouzhu.Fang Zhou gave Nie Rouzhu a bear in the name of a friend; Huo Yunya noticed a reader wearing a clown mask.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 20 Details

Huo Yunya protects his wife domineeringly

After the readers' meeting, Nie Rouzhu prepared a farewell party for Huo Yunya and asked Huo Yunya to give him gifts.After Huo Yunya joined the crew, Nie Rouzhu missed her endlessly. She heard that accidents occurred frequently on the crew and asked Colin to help her sneak into the crew's male lead Xu Heyun as an assistant.​

When Nie Rouzhu and Xu Heyun played against each other, Huo Yunya became jealous and took Nie Rouzhu away and made Nie Rouzhu his assistant.The first female lead, Qin Susu, suddenly fainted from allergies before filming, Nie Rouzhu was framed, and Huo Yunya domineeringly protected his wife to find the culprit.The crew resumed filming, and Huo Yunya was suddenly knocked unconscious by a chandelier.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 21 Details

Huo Yunya loses his memory

Huo Yunya was in a coma in the hospital and lost his memory when he woke up.Everyone from the law firm came to Huo Yunya's house to introduce themselves to him again, and decided to help Huo Yunya find his memory together.The crew was facing a shutdown crisis and needed to hire a producer of the same level as Huo Yunya. The director asked Fang Zhou but was rejected.

For Huo Yunya's work, Nie Rouzhu personally requested Fang Zhou, and Fang Zhou agreed, but asked Nie Rouzhu to play the third female lead, and Nie Rouzhu could only agree.Nie Rouzhu took Huo Yunya to the law firm to recreate the scene of their first meeting, but he still couldn't remember anything and fell into collapse.Fang Zhou directed Nie Rouzhu in acting and gave her a cake.Nie Rouzhu hurried home and found that Huo Yunya had a nightmare.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 22 Details

Nie Rouzhu helps Huo Yunya find his memory

Nie Rouzhu took Huo Yunya to the welfare home, where they ate sticky bean buns and listened to Grandma Nie's story about their childhood.That night, Nie Rouzhu brought Huo Yunya to the set to help him find memories in the place where he had forgotten himself. The two accidentally ran into a snow machine, and Huo Yunya and Nie Rouzhu danced in the snow.

The two spent the night in the hotel room of the crew, and Nie Rouzhu told Huo Yunya his novel. Huo Yunya had another headache. Nie Rouzhu felt distressed, and secretly decided not to force Huo Yunya to recall, and prepared to propose to him.Nie Rouzhu overheard that Fang Zhou wanted to add drama to herself and expressed her intention to replace Huo Yunya.Fang Zhou took the opportunity to confess his love to Nie Rouzhu again, but was rejected again.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 23 Details

Nie Rouzhu proposes to Huo Yunya

Nie Rouzhu proposed to Huo Yunya, but Huo Yunya suddenly fainted.After waking up, Huo Yunya broke up with Nie Rouzhu, who was shocked and sad.It turned out that he was stimulated and fainted after Nie Rouzhu's proposal. When he woke up and regained his memory, he found that his home was bugged and deduced that the person who had been targeting him was Fang Zhou, so he broke up with Nie Rouzhu in order to protect him.

Nie Rouzhu, who was broken up, asked everyone in the law firm to look after Huo Yunya. When they arrived, they were surprised to find that Huo Yunya had recovered his memory.Huo Yunya told them that he planned to investigate Fang Zhou, and they were all willing to cooperate.Nie Rouzhu soon discovered that everything was done by Fang Zhou and asked to meet him.

《Love is troublesome but sweet》Episode 24 Details

Three CP couples held a wedding together

Nie Rouzhu asked Fang Zhou why he did this. Fang Zhou told him that he was the only one who found him when he played hide and seek with her in the orphanage when he was a child. Nie Rouzhu was shocked by such a past.Huo Yunya arrived, and Fang Zhou furiously poured out his hatred for being replaced by Huo Yunya and entered the Huo family. Huo Yunya said that he had found out that Fang Zhou was tortured at his adoptive parents' home.

He told that when he was a child, he also found Nie Rouzhu while playing hide and seek, and now he is still willing to be friends with him.Fangzhou reconciled with him and Nie Rouzhu.Everyone in the law firm was happy that they had solved the knot.Three pairs of lovers finally got married.