Home TV Meet Yourself
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1. When the wind blows, there is no cloud in the sky.

2. Everyone can bear different weights. Don’t use your own imagination to easily evaluate the life experienced by others.

3. Don’t force yourself. People must learn to get along with themselves.

4. Birds all go to the south to spend the winter. When people feel tired and cold, they also need to move to warm places to find the power of happiness, joy, beauty, or the power of starting over.

5. Only what you own is yours.

6. Life is elsewhere, and everything in front of you is contentment.

7. Everything will pass. There is nothing in life that is difficult to overcome. What is difficult to overcome will also pass.

8. When you are in a very painful stage of life, you will only have random thoughts and be seriously mentally exhausted, which will not help solve the problem at all.

But at this time, as long as you go out for a walk, chat with more people, breathe fresh air, bask in the sun more, and eat more delicious food, you will slowly gain strength.

9. On the road of life, it is inevitable to experience some ups and downs and pains, and only in this way can a life grow.However, fortunately, these pains will dissipate quickly. Time will take away everything and heal everything. The most ruthless is time, and the most gentle is also time.

10. You always feel that everyone is staring at you, but in fact no one cares at all. No matter how sensational something is, it will be over in a few days. So many things happen every day, how many can you remember?

11. Wherever the wind reaches, the poetry of life is scattered.

12. I wanted to let it go before, but now I don’t want to let it go, and I can’t let it go. The things we cherish in our hearts have weight, and we must get used to living well with this weight.

13. As long as people don’t cause trouble to others or do things that harm others, people still have the freedom to choose the life they want.

14. The flavor of taking your time has a very important ingredient, which is time.In this world now, there are fewer and fewer things that take things slowly.Everything is getting faster and faster, and people are treated like machines.

15. The fast pace of life makes people anxious, even lost, and forgets life itself.

16. If people race against time, they will always lose.

17. A peaceful and happy life is my ideal. I found it by crossing mountains and seas.

18. Don’t tighten yourself too much, otherwise problems will arise, such as world-weariness, avoidance, anxiety, irritability, and all kinds of diseases.