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《Our Sixteen Year Old》Episode 13 Synopsis

Episode 13

Yin Ke saw Kevin who hurt Wu Tong secretly. Because he had done something wrong, Kevin ran away. Yin Ke took the initiative to stop Kevin and wanted him to apologize to Wu Tong in public.Wu Tong was innocently framed, and everyone present was angry at Lu Tong's shameless revenge. Lu Tong was unwilling to let Wu Tong, who had just transferred to the school and had great popularity, steal the spotlight, so he instigated Kevin to frame Wu Tong.Lu Tong exposed Wu Tong's scars in front of all his classmates, falsely accusing Wu Tong of being transferred to Moon Island because of a major demerit in Canada. The classmates did not believe Lu Tong's lies.

Episode 13

Ban Xiaosong complained for Wu Tong, and Wu Tong finally stood up. He accused Lu Tong of being opportunistic. In the challenge, he didn't bother to argue with the competitive Lu Tong. Now that Lu Tong is going even further to frame him, Wu Tong can't bear it.Kevin apologized to Wu Tong, and Wu Tong left angrily.Ban Xiaosong and Yin Ke looked at Wu Tong with suspicion. Wu Tong knew that they were wondering whether what Lu Tong said was true.

Wu Tong clearly told Ban Xiaosong and Yin Ke that he left Zhongjia because he was given a serious demerit, but he did not make a mistake. The reason why Wu Tong was given a serious demerit was because of his first game against Moon Island.At the end of the day, his teammates cooked hot pot in the dormitory and almost burned down the entire dormitory. Jiang Di went to complain to the teacher. In order to protect his teammates, Wu Tong, who stayed out of the incident, took the responsibility and was given a serious demerit by the school.Ban Xiaosong and Yin Ke blamed Wu Tong for being impulsive, but Ban Xiaosong was very lucky. Thanks to the misunderstanding, Wu Tong was transferred to Moon Island, and Ban Xiaosong had the opportunity to fight side by side with Wu Tong.

Wu Tong fulfilled his wish and became the spokesperson for the school's promotional video. An Mi also fulfilled his promise and approved funding for the baseball team. Tao Xi began to shoot meticulously. All members of the baseball team were ready, and the entire playground was filled with laughter.Lu Tong looked at the baseball team's style from a distance, feeling silently envious in his heart.Tao Xi took a fancy to Lu Tong's potential, and he possessed amazing power. Tao Xi hoped that talents could be used for him, and took the initiative to invite Lu Tong to join the baseball team. Lu Tong hesitated when he got the advantage.The baseball team trained as usual, and Yin Ke was absent again. Wu Tong had long been accustomed to Yin Ke's indifference.

Tao Xi couldn't deal with Feng Chengcheng, a junior high school member of the baseball team, so he took the initiative to hand over the blame to Wu Tong and let Wu Tong find a way to deal with it.Wu Tong instructed Feng Chengcheng to catch the ball and Wu Tong threw the ball. Wu Tong wanted to test Feng Chengcheng's ability.Feng Chengcheng's precise catching ability and explosive power surprised Wu Tong. After systematic training, Feng Chengcheng will definitely become a usable talent.Lu Tong has been watching Wu Tong playing baseball for a long time, and his feelings about baseball are about to change.Lu Tong took the initiative to find Wu Tong and apologized to Wu Tong as a gesture of goodwill. There were no unsolvable misunderstandings between the classmates, only knots that they were unwilling to talk about.

The baseball team members have confirmed that the most important thing now is to make jerseys for the players.Li Zi was concerned about Yin Ke's absence from the baseball team's training. Ban Xiaosong thought that Yin Ke always looked preoccupied and gave people a sense of distance.The baseball qualifiers were imminent, and Yin Ke asked Ban Xiaosong endlessly for leave. Ban Xiaosong wondered why Yin Ke missed the appointment.While Ban Xiaosong was worried, Lu Tong applied to join the baseball team to do his part. Now he has to follow Ban Xiaosong and Wu Tong from enemies to life-and-death teammates.Tao Xi found An Mi and asked her to reimburse her for the cost of filming a promotional video for the school. An Mi saw that Tao Xi had a wrong idea in this matter, and she would never let Tao Xi get what she wanted so easily.

Tao Xi thought the plan had succeeded and celebrated the success in advance. Unexpectedly, An Mi asked Tao Xi to speak with the invoice, which caught Tao Xi off guard.In order to create opportunities for An Mi and Bai Zhou, An Mi's mother took the initiative to invite Bai Zhou to her home in the name of An Mi. An Mi and Bai Zhou looked at each other.In order to solve the thorny problem of baseball team funding, Tao Xi took out the baseball team souvenirs that he had collected for many years and prepared to sell them to An Mi, breaking the tranquility of An Mi and Bai Zhou.Tao Xi suddenly showed his kindness. An Mi felt that he had bad intentions and directly rejected Tao Xi's kindness.

An Mi complained that Tao Xi had brought some gadgets to fool him. Bai Zhou explained that Tao Xi was rarely serious this time. He was able to take out the limited edition companion he had collected, which was a priceless treasure for those who know the goods.Hearing what Bai Zhou said, An Mi suddenly realized that Tao Xi, who usually seemed unreliable, actually cared so much about the baseball team.Tao Xi failed to sell hand toys, and financial problems continued to trouble him. Xia Lu called, and Tao Xi mistakenly thought that Xia Lu had figured it out and wanted to confess to him.The next day, Tao Xi came to the appointment wearing a suit and ties with a large bouquet of roses in his arms.At the dinner table, Xia Lu formally introduced her boyfriend in front of everyone and announced that she would go to Germany to live with her boyfriend. This news was like a bolt from the blue for Tao Xi, which meant that he would never be able to leave with Xia Lu.Together, the bitter lovesickness can finally come to an end.

Tao Xi returned home in despair and threw his shoes on the aisle willfully. An Mi mercilessly asked him to pick up his dirty shoes. The strange thing was that Tao Xi did not refute this time and was as depressed as if he was deflated.The secret love has not yet become a real person, so it is cruelly beaten back to its original shape by reality.