Home TV I'm the boss in the last days
《I'm the boss in the last days》 Summ

Five days before the end of the world, I accidentally traveled to a future shrouded in nuclear radiation.In that world, zombies were rampant, and human living space was ruthlessly eroded.Food and water have become extremely scarce, and dangers appear one after another like dark shadows.

I witnessed the collapse of human civilization, witnessed zombies occupying the streets, and the destruction of homes.At that moment, the only wish in my heart was to go back in time and tell people about the coming disaster so that they could have a chance to prepare.

Fortunately, I traveled back in time.Time was frozen in the moment before the end of the world, and I knew that I shouldered the important task of saving my family.I immediately took action, first looking for a safe shelter, which was the first step to protect my family.I used my knowledge and memories of the future to choose a location away from populated areas, with plenty of water, and easily defensible.

Next, food reserves became the key.I ran around buying as much food and necessities as I could.At the same time, I was looking for a stable source of water.In this pre-apocalyptic world, water will become extremely precious.I used my experience to find several possible water sources and marked them just in case.

As the end of the world approaches, people begin to panic and social order gradually collapses.But I always stayed calm because I knew that only by staying rational could I lead my family through this disaster.

Finally, the end has arrived.Zombies swarmed the streets, and humanity fell into chaos.And I am already prepared.I led my family into the shelter and used the food and water reserves to survive.During this time, we not only have to face the threat of external zombies, but also deal with various survival challenges.

However, with my wisdom and the unity of my family, we successfully resisted the zombie attack and protected our home.We are struggling to live in this apocalypse, waiting for the dawn of hope.

Now, every time I think back on that time travel experience, I feel deeply grateful.I'm glad I can come back, I'm glad I can protect my family, I'm glad we're still alive.This experience also made me understand that in the face of disasters and difficulties, only unity, wisdom and courage can enable us to overcome all challenges and protect our homes and families.