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《The Long Night》 Summ

In a crowded and noisy subway station, a ragged man and his heavy suitcase aroused the vigilance of security personnel.After a chase, the man claimed that there was a bomb in the suitcase, which immediately caused a huge commotion.When the riot police arrived and subdued him, they found a body curled up in the box.The arrested man’s name is Zhang Chao, a well-known lawyer in Jiangtan City.He initially confessed to the crime, but later produced an alibi and recanted his confession in court.

For this reason, experienced criminal policeman Yan Liang quickly joined the task force.Not long after, - Jiangtan Evening News - female reporter Zhang Xiaoqian received an anonymous letter. The sender claimed that she wanted to play a nine-square grid game related to the case.For a time, the case became confusing, and as the investigation deepened, Yan Liang also discovered that the case was actually closely related to a case many years ago...

This film is adapted from Zijin Chen's novel "The Long Night Is Hard to See".

《The Long Night》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

On an ordinary morning in Jiangtan City, the subway station was packed with people.Suddenly, a mysterious man in ragged clothes entered the subway station dragging a heavy suitcase with a hurried look.His abnormal behavior attracted the attention of the staff, who decisively stopped him when he passed the security check.At this moment, the man suddenly started running with his luggage, and the subway station suddenly became chaotic.

At the subway gate, the security guard responded quickly and blocked the man's way.At this time, the man suddenly shouted: “ step back, there is a bomb in the suitcase!”In an instant, people in the subway station panicked and ran away in all directions.Seven or eight police cars rushed to the scene, and dozens of riot police holding shields quickly formed a crescent-shaped team to surround the man.

Episode 1

The police acted decisively and successfully subdued the man.Under the nervous gaze of everyone, the police slowly opened the suitcase.However, what is shocking is that there is a corpse inside!The police immediately launched an investigation and soon discovered that the man was Zhang Chao, a well-known lawyer in Jiangtan City.The evidence is conclusive and Zhang Chao also confessed.

However, in court, Zhang Chao suddenly produced a perfect alibi, claiming that he was not at the scene when the crime occurred.This turn of events surprised everyone, and the case became confusing.In order to uncover the truth, Yan Liang, a master in solving crimes, was ordered to join the task force at the critical moment.

Yan Liang once solved the snowman case that shocked the whole country in Northeast China and made great achievements.However, he also lost his child, divorced his wife, and is now alone.Facing the cunning Zhang Chao, Yan Liang decided to start a fierce contest.He conducted an in-depth investigation, carefully analyzing every detail of the crime scene, and looking for key clues to solve the case.

《The Long Night》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

As night falls, the editing room of Jiangtan Evening News is brightly lit.Female reporter Zhang Xiaoqian holds an anonymous letter in her hand, her eyes full of nervousness and curiosity.The letter contained a partial photo and a line of disturbing text: A game called “Nine-Gongge” is about to begin.

According to the letter, starting now, every three days, the newspaper will receive one-ninth of a complete photo.Twenty-four days later, when these nine photos are put together, the truth about the Jiangyang murder case will be revealed to the world.But if - Evening News - were to neglect for any day and fail to publish the photos on time, then there would be an explosion somewhere in the city.

Episode 2

After urgent discussions between the newspaper's editor-in-chief Yan Liang and the task force, they decided to adopt a strategy of limited sales and targeted distribution of newspapers, aiming to draw out the manipulators behind it.Yan Liang knows very well that this is a dangerous game, but it is also the only clue to uncover the truth.

The Jiangyang murder case has always been a pain in the hearts of Jiangtan citizens.The mysterious death of the victim in the case, Hou Guiping, attracted widespread attention.Yan Liang and his colleague Lin Yueting started with Hou Guiping's relics, hoping to find a clue.

In an inconspicuous notebook, they found a copy of Hou Guiping's ID card.This discovery may seem inconspicuous, but it became the key to their tracking.Through the ID card information, they began to dig deeper into Hou Guiping's social relationships and look for clues that might be related to the case.

《The Long Night》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

In Jiang Yang's originally peaceful life, classmate Li Jing's sudden visit dropped a stone and caused ripples.Li Jing's ex-boyfriend, Hou Guiping, had a shocking incident of raping a woman and committing suicide by diving into the water in fear of crime two years ago.However, there are many doubts hidden behind this seemingly simple case.

The cause of Hou Guiping's death has always been a mystery lingering in people's minds.There was only 150ml of water in the stomach of the deceased, which is far from the usual characteristics of drowning by falling into water.This discovery aroused great vigilance in the young prosecutor Jiang Yang.With Wu Aike's firm support, Jiang Yang decided to investigate the matter in depth and vowed to uncover the truth.

Episode 3

Jiang Yang's investigation at the Pingkang County Public Security Bureau was not smooth.Captain Li Jianguo used his tough attitude to threaten Jiang Yang, trying to prevent him from going deeper.But Jiang Yang did not back down. He found Chen Mingzhang, the forensic doctor on the case, and obtained Hou Guiping's autopsy report from him.This report gave Jiang Yang a glimpse into the even more shocking secrets behind the case.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaoqian also received the second photo from the mysterious person.The content in the photo seems to be inextricably linked to the case. It is the night view of “Lijing Hotel”.Zhang Xiaoqian immediately handed the photos to the task force.After analysis, the police found that the photos were taken secretly at night, and the clue of “Lijing Hotel” may become the key to solving the case.

In order to find out the truth, the police sent people to retrieve three anonymous letters.Only the fingerprints of female reporter Zhang Xiaoqian and her colleagues were left on the envelope.Through the postmark check, the police found that the letters were sent from a mailbox in an alley, but unfortunately, there was no surveillance video in this area for inquiry.

Captain Ren Yueting led his men and decided to wait near the mailbox, hoping to find something.However, what was unexpected was that that night they accidentally discovered that another force was also secretly investigating the case and was also searching for the person who sent the anonymous letter.

《The Long Night》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

In the office of the Pingkang County Procuratorate, a report on the Hou Guiping case lay quietly on the table.Since there was no new evidence to support the case, the procuratorate decided not to open the case.However, Prosecutor General Ding has deep doubts about the case and personally supports Jiang Yang to continue the in-depth investigation.At the same time, Yan Liang visited Li Jing again and heard this long-lasting past event from her mouth.

Ten years ago, Hou Guiping, a young man full of passion and ideals, came to Miaogao Township to teach.At that time, he was not only Li Jing's boyfriend, but also a good teacher and good friend in the eyes of the children.Hou Guiping's arrival brought knowledge and hope to this remote village.

However, one evening, Hou Guiping witnessed a shocking incident.Weng Meixiang, a female worker in a local factory, was forcibly taken away by the gangster Yue Jun.The next day, Weng Meixiang was found in the women's restroom. She had taken dichlorvos and was dying.Despite emergency rescue, Weng Meixiang failed to survive in the end, and her death cast a shadow on this small village.

Episode 4

Hou Guiping read Weng Meixiang's diary while grieving.From this, he discovered that the truth behind suicide was not as simple as it seemed.In order to uncover the truth, Hou Guiping decided to call the police to the Pingkang County Public Security Bureau.However, this move attracted Yue Jun's revenge.

One day, when Hou Guiping was making out with Li Jing, Yue Jun suddenly broke in and learned about Hou Guiping's call to the police.In anger, he had a fierce fight with Hou Guiping.The fight attracted many villagers to watch, and the scene was very chaotic.In the end, Hou Guiping had to choose to continue investigating the case privately.

On the calendar, Hou Guiping circled the date October 25th.What secret lies behind this date?Why is Hou Guiping fascinated by himself in the mirror?The moment he left the dormitory, where did he go?

With Yan Liang's in-depth questioning of Li Jing, these mysteries gradually surfaced.During the investigation, Hou Guiping discovered many unknown secrets, which were closely related to the cause of Weng Meixiang's death.Due to various reasons, these clues were not accepted by the prosecutor's office.

《The Long Night》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

On a dark and stormy night, Hou Guiping finished his work in the photo studio and returned to the village where he lived.Huang Mao, a man known in the village for drunkenness and causing trouble, came to apologize with wine and food, hoping to calm Hou Guiping's anger.

The two of them sat in the dark room, drank a few glasses of wine, and the atmosphere seemed to relax.Yue Jun, a figure with certain influence in the village, put the money in front of Hou Guiping. He whispered: "As long as you don't sue again, you can figure out how much it costs."% However, Hou Guiping refused the money and resolutely kicked Yue Jun out of the door.

Back inside the house, Hou Guiping sat alone at the table and finished the wine.He got up and walked to the empty playground of the school. Under the moonlight, he remembered Weng Meixiang's look in her eyes asking for help.The self-blame and guilt in his heart made Hou Guiping burst into tears.He knew there was nothing he could do to undo anything, but the guilt and pain still followed him.

Episode 5

Just as Hou Guiping was about to go back to his house to sleep, local widow Ding Chunmei knocked on his door.She claimed that she came to borrow hot water, but this scene was accidentally seen by Li Xue who was returning home from an outdoor movie.Li Xue was suspicious, but didn't say anything more.

However, the next day, Hou Guiping's body was found in the lake.This peaceful village was instantly shocked, and the villagers were talking and speculating.Jiang Yang, a young man with a strong sense of justice, decided to investigate the case alone.However, the case seemed to lead to no clue, and he was threatened one after another and even began to consider giving up.

Just when Jiang Yang was in trouble, Chen Mingzhang recommended him Zhu Wei, a deputy captain of criminal investigation.Zhu Wei, known as "Pingkang Baixue", is well-known in the criminal investigation community, and he took over this case.Zhu Wei told Jiang Yang that many years ago he received an anonymous call saying that Hou Guiping had been wrongly accused.

《The Long Night》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Jiang Yang and Zhu Wei embarked on a journey to find the truth.Their goal is to investigate a confusing case starting with a widow named Ding Chunmei.

The two came to Ding Chunmei's home in Miaogao Township. Everything in front of them seemed peaceful, but it couldn't hide a hint of weirdness.Here, they found a boy who called Ding Chunmei “mom”.The boy's appearance surprised the two, because Ding Chunmei had neither remarried nor adopted a child.

Zhu Wei was keenly aware that something was wrong, and he questioned Ding Chunmei.Facing the inquiry, Ding Chunmei seemed extremely nervous. After she made several calls, a man named Huang Mao suddenly appeared.The appearance of Huang Mao made the two of them more convinced that there must be an unknown secret behind this.

Episode 6

Jiang Yang decided to continue talking to Ding Chunmei at the canteen, trying to dig out more information from her.Zhu Wei wisely locked Huang Mao in the car to prevent him from interfering with the investigation.With the clever cooperation of the two, Ding Chunmei finally revealed the truth of the matter.

It turned out that Huang Mao had given Ding Chunmei 10,000 yuan to seduce Hou Guiping into having a relationship with him.The news shocked the two people, and they began to suspect that the cause of Hou Guiping's death was not as simple as it seemed.However, just when they were about to inquire in depth, Huang Mao suddenly broke out of the car and warned Ding Chunmei not to reveal more information.The inquiry was interrupted, but Jiang Yang and Zhu Wei had realized that the case was far more complicated than they imagined.

《The Long Night》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

In the process of tracing Zhu Wei's disappearance, Yan Liang and Jiang Yang discovered a series of shocking clues that led them to a huge conspiracy.Zhu Wei returned to Ding Chunmei's house after performing other tasks, only to find that Ding Chunmei had disappeared and there were blood stains at the scene.They took immediate action, caught Huang Mao, and learned through him that Li Jianguo was behind it, and finally exposed the involvement of Sun Chuanfu, chairman of the Kahn Group.

Episode 7

Zhu Wei and Jiang Yang led a group of police officers to arrest Hu Yilang and Sun Chuanfu, but the interrogation was interrupted due to incomplete procedures.However, they did not give up and continued to investigate further.Yan Liang and Ren Yueting began to investigate the explosion of the unfinished building. They found that the explosion was inextricably linked to the Kahn Group.At the food stall, Yan Liang finally figured out the rationale for the first explosion, which provided important clues for their subsequent investigation.

During the investigation, Yan Liang and Xiao Ma recovered the elderly handrail from the crime scene in the garbage treatment plant.By checking the internal production date, they were surprised to find that the elderly handrails at Zhang Chao's parents' home were only produced in June 2009.

《The Long Night》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

During the long journey of investigation, Yue Jun became the only clue to the case.Jiang Yang and Zhu Wei acted quickly and drove to Miaogao Township.However, on the way they unexpectedly encountered Hu Yilang and his associates, who attempted to cover up the truth by killing people and silencing them.At the critical moment, Jiang Yang and Zhu Wei teamed up to rescue Yue Jun, and finally forced him to reveal his long-hidden secret.

It turns out that the Huangmao gang where Yue Jun belongs has been looking for young women for the Kahn Group.Hou Guiping, a young man with a sense of justice, accidentally discovered this criminal act and mastered the list and photos of Hu Yilang and others who used sexual bribes to win over officials.The exposure of this list undoubtedly touched the chain of interests of the Kahn Group and also brought about the murder of Hou Guiping.

Episode 8

In order to consolidate the evidence, Zhu Wei recorded this important statement for Yue Jun in the car.Just when they were about to take Yue Jun back to the bureau for interrogation, Li Jianguo and Yue Jun's lawyers unexpectedly appeared.After a fierce conflict, Zhu Wei was sent to the police academy for three years of further training due to misconduct, while Li Jianguo successfully took Yue Jun away.

When Yan Liang interrogated Zhang Chao, another person involved in the case, he discovered a puzzling doubt: Zhang Chao's parents had passed away as early as 2008, but why were elderly handrails installed in their home in 2009?This detail undoubtedly adds more mystery to the case.

Jiang Yang, the detective who always insisted on justice, made a difficult decision when facing tremendous pressure and difficulties.He didn't want his girlfriend Wu Aike to be implicated anymore, so he resolutely chose to break up.At the same time, his teacher Zhang Chao and his former lover Li Jing announced their engagement. Zhang Chao also warned Jiang Yang not to let Li Jing get involved in this dangerous case again.At this point, almost all the supporters and partners around Jiang Yang have left, and he can only face the next challenge alone.

《The Long Night》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Gu Yiming searched for Zhu Wei's figure in the corners of the city. The fate of the two always seemed to be such a coincidence, always passing by each other at critical moments.At this moment, the fifth photo appeared in front of Gu Yiming's eyes. It was the last photo taken before Zhu Wei was sent to the police academy for further training three years ago for shooting and threatening Yue Jun.

Three years have passed by so quickly, and so many changes have taken place during this period.Jiang Yang, the partner who once fought side by side with them, is about to get married; Chen Mingzhang also decided to leave his stable public office and start a new entrepreneurial path in Jiang City.These changes make everyone deeply emotional, and time flies by.

Jiang Yang suddenly received an important clue.In order to reduce his sentence, a gangster named He Wei actually reported Wang Haijun's crime of killing a Miaogao Township woman and abandoning her body in a well.And this woman is probably Ding Chunmei who disappeared that year.

Episode 9

Zhu Wei and Jiang Yang immediately launched an investigation. With Zhu Wei's assistance, they found Ding Chunmei's body in the abandoned well, and the suspect Wang Haijun was also successfully arrested and brought to justice.This discovery made them excited, and it seemed that the truth was right in front of them.

Just when they were about to touch the truth, Li Jianguo suddenly appeared and forcibly took Wang Haijun away.What is even more shocking is that Wang Haijun died suddenly during the interrogation. The cause of death was sudden death from hypoglycemic shock.Jiang Yang rushed to the morgue to inspect the body. Under Chen Mingzhang's guidance, he discovered a fresh needle hole in the neck of the deceased and initially concluded that this was death caused by excessive insulin injection.

The power of money appears again.Wang Haijun's family refused to conduct an autopsy, and the body was hastily cremated, and the only evidence was destroyed.

《The Long Night》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

Jiang Yang was afraid that his past would involve his beloved wife and innocent children, so he chose to divorce and bear all the pressure and pain alone.He knew that once he stepped into this muddy water, he might never be able to look back.

Hu Yilang, as the mastermind behind it, tried to seduce Jiang Yang with money and beauty, hoping that he would stop pursuing the truth.But Jiang Yang firmly refused, and he proved with his actions that his principles cannot be shaken.However, it was all caught on a hidden camera and used as evidence against him later.What's even more sinister is that Hu Yilang sent someone to hide 300,000 in cash at Jiang Yang's home in an attempt to slander him and demand bribes.This plan was vicious and cunning, putting Jiang Yang in an extremely disadvantageous situation.

Episode 10

Zhang Chao, as Jiang Yang's defense lawyer, tried his best to defend him, but unfortunately, the defense failed.Jiang Yang was convicted and imprisoned and spent three long years in prison.In the past three years, he not only lost his freedom, but also suffered tremendous psychological pressure and misunderstanding from the outside world.

After being released from prison, Jiang Yang's life did not become easier.In order to make ends meet, he opened a mobile phone repair shop with the help of Chen Mingzhang.Although life was difficult, he never gave up the pursuit of justice in his heart.

One day, Prosecutor Wu visited Jiang Yang and handed him a list of sexual assaults and several photos left by Hou Guiping.This evidence may be able to clear Jiang Yang's grievances, or it may reveal a greater truth.Jiang Yang, Zhu Wei and Chen Mingzhang gathered together. At this moment, Jiang Yang discovered that his wallet was missing.This touching scene reminded him of all the hardships and pains he had experienced over the years.He huddled in the corner and cried loudly, as if telling the world his unwillingness and helplessness.

After a violent cough, Jiang Yang found that he had vomited blood.he

《The Long Night》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

A newspaper that was supposed to publish anonymous photos has been delayed in publishing, arousing widespread concern and speculation among citizens.However, what is shocking is that the vehicle responsible for transporting the newspaper was hijacked on the way.For a time, the entire city was shrouded in a mysterious haze.

Just as people were talking about it, in the evening, these mysterious photos were uploaded to the official forum of Jiangtan Evening News.For a time, the forum exploded, with countless netizens speculating on the truth behind the photo.At the same time, Yan Liang stood in front of a map marked with multiple locations, frowning and thinking hard.

After careful consideration, Yan Liang finally settled on one of the locations - the Kahn Paper Mill.He immediately informed the task force of this information, and the task force acted quickly and arrived at the Kahn Paper Mill in time.After some intense investigation, they successfully avoided a possible explosion accident.

Episode 11

Yan Liang did not stop there. He knew that there must be a bigger secret behind it.After several days of tracking and investigation, he finally found the person who sent the anonymous letter at the East Lake Water Station - Zhu Wei.From Zhu Wei's mouth, Yan Liang learned more about the people involved in the plan, including Zhang Chao, Chen Mingzhang, and a mysterious woman named Zhang Xiaoqian.

After Zhu Wei was taken to the police station, he revealed a shocking news to Yan Liang: In the past ten years, they had been extremely close to the truth several times, but each time they lost the opportunity due to various reasons.He felt deeply regretful and helpless, but at the same time, he also said that now he could finally reveal all his secrets.

In front of all the leaders, Zhu Wei released the complete photo of Jiugongge.As the photos were displayed, a huge black power group and their victims slowly emerged in front of people.These photos reveal the various crimes behind the mafia group and also allow people to see the pain and helplessness of the victims.

The exposure of this incident aroused widespread concern in society, and people expressed strong indignation and condemnation for the crimes of the black power group.At the same time, they also expressed their sincere admiration and gratitude for the bravery and wisdom of Yan Liang and other members of the task force.

《The Long Night》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

Under Yan Liang's firm protection, Zhang Xiaoqian's return journey was full of dangers.The Kahn Group, the dark force hidden behind the scenes, even at the critical moment of life and death, still tried to kidnap Zhang Xiaoqian at all costs in an attempt to cover up the truth.But the force of justice never flinched, and a thrilling struggle began between the police and the Kahn Group.

During this struggle, the police relied on their wisdom and courage to finally capture all the prisoners involved and successfully escorted this key witness.When Zhang Xiaoqian appeared in front of everyone, the ironclad evidence she brought made the truth finally known to the world.

Just when people thought justice had won, Jiang Yang's story took an unexpected turn.After being released from prison, Jiang Yang was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. Facing the countdown to his life, he was filled with unwillingness.In order to get a fair trial for the Hou Guiping case, he decided to join forces with Zhu Wei, Chen Mingzhang, Li Jing, Zhang Chao and Zhang Xiaoqian to stage a carefully planned murder and body dumping case.

Episode 12

The purpose of this case is to attract the intervention of a high-level investigation team, hoping to bring those evil forces to justice through legal means.Jiang Yang's plan seems crazy, but in fact it is full of wisdom and courage.With the help of Chen Mingzhang, he completed his suicide through an elderly handrail machine, pushing this "murder dumping case" to a climax.

After the police learned of the situation, they immediately launched a comprehensive arrest operation.They not only want to hunt down the criminals involved in the case, but also protect the safety of Jiang Yang and others.In this battle between justice and evil, the police once again demonstrated their professionalism and firm belief.With the efforts of the police, all the prisoners were successfully arrested and brought to justice. Jiang Yang's sacrifice brought the truth to the Hou Guiping case to light.