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《Mr. Routine, please indicate》 Summ

In the bustling city, there is a seemingly weak orphan girl named Mo Suqing.Her family was once a leader in the business world, but due to a sudden change, the family business went bankrupt and her parents died, leaving her as the only survivor.Carrying the family's blood feud, Mo Suqing is determined to take revenge. Her target is the culprit that caused the family's bankruptcy - the group president Ye Zhongjue.

In order to get close to Ye Zhongjue, Mo Suqing carefully planned a seemingly accidental encounter.She used her intelligence and feminine charm to set a trap step by step to lure Ye Zhongjue into her trap.Every step is taken carefully, and every step is full of calculation and strategy.She is like a little white rabbit with white skin and black skin. She is innocent on the outside, but full of cunning and scheming on the inside.

However, Mo Suqing never expected that all her plans would be under the control of Ye Zhongjue.The president of the group may seem gentle and gentle on the surface, but in fact he is a black and white wolf.He had already seen through Mo Suqing's true purpose, but he chose to play her trick and play this seemingly simple love game with her.

In this game, both sides consider themselves to be the players in control of the overall situation.Mo Suqing used her beauty and intelligence to constantly test and provoke Ye Zhongjue, trying to find his weaknesses.Ye Zhongjue, with his deep character and sharp eyes, constantly seduces and teases Mo Suqing, trying to uncover the true thoughts in her heart.

However, in this seemingly fierce battle, the two gradually fell into an emotional whirlpool.They began to understand each other, support each other, and even began to care for each other.Mo Suqing, who originally just wanted revenge, gradually discovered that she had real feelings for Ye Zhongjue.And Ye Zhongjue, who originally just wanted to play with Mo Suqing, also began to develop a deep attachment to her.

Ultimately, in this game of love, there are no hunters, both are prey.They are both attracted by each other's charm and tied by each other's emotions.In this seemingly simple but complicated love game, they found each other's value and their true happiness.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Full Summary

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 1 plot introduction

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the city, there is a bar that attracts night-timers with its unique atmosphere.Dim lights, soft music, and guests looking for a moment of peace create a haven at night.

At this time every night, Ye Zhongjue would come here, sit alone at the bar, order a glass of wine, his eyes seemed to travel through the tunnel of time, as if he was waiting for something.He is the heir to the Peerless Group and has a prominent status, but in this dark corner, he is just a lonely man.There are deep secrets in his eyes that only those who know how to observe can detect.

At the same time, Mo Suqing also appeared in this bar.She sat in a corner seat, her eyes showing helplessness and depression about life.Ten years ago, she left Ye Zhongjue, and now she decided to save it all.She knew that it would not be easy to get close to Ye Zhongjue, so she made a plan.

She specially found an actor to act with her.She taught him how to strike up a conversation and create an atmosphere.However, in actual operation, the cooperation between the two was not tacit and even seemed a bit awkward.But Mo Suqing is not discouraged. She believes that as long as the goal can be achieved, the process is not important.

Finally, under Mo Suqing's careful planning, the two successfully arrived at the hotel that had been prepared.Mo Suqing made up a story to deliberately win Ye Zhongjue's sympathy.She hoped that through this story, Ye Zhongjue would have more emotions for her.

However, Ye Zhongjue is not so easily impressed.He had long seen through all of Mo Suqing's plans.The reason why he cooperated was that he had been looking for an opportunity to reunite with Mo Suqing.He has been looking for Mo Suqing for ten years, so how could he not like her?

The next day, when Mo Suqing opened her eyes and saw everything in front of her, she was already happy.She knew her plan had succeeded.She deliberately left some money and her ID card as evidence of their relationship.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 2 plot introduction

The moment Mo Suqing stepped into the house, she had a premonition that it would be a storm.Sure enough, the dark cloudy sky seemed to have already brewed a storm for her.As soon as he sat down, he was met with a biting ridicule from his sister.Mo Suqing has long been accustomed to this. She knows that this sister rarely does anything constructive except add fuel to the fire.

The younger sister mercilessly posted pictures of her having an intimate affair with her so-called current boyfriend, trying to expose her infidelity.However, Mo Suqing's heart was as calm as water. She knew that the truth behind these photos was much more complicated than what her sister showed.

However, what she didn't expect was that the man she once loved deeply chose to escape at this critical moment and refused to acknowledge their relationship.What's even more distressing is that her father, the man she has always regarded as a safe haven, also chose to side with her boyfriend at this critical moment and protect the so-called son-in-law of the moneymaker.

Mo Suqing's heart was completely cold.She understands that this family has become a mess, full of hypocrisy and betrayal.She decided to leave and no longer miss this place that once gave her warmth.Faced with her father's obstruction and order to apologize, she shook her head firmly, turned around and dragged her suitcase out of the house.

Walking on the roadside, Mo Suren felt unprecedentedly free and relaxed.Just then, a familiar voice stopped her.It was Ye Zhongjue. He had been looking for her and found this place by following the address on his ID card.The moment she saw Ye Zhongjue, Mo Suqing secretly rejoiced. She knew that a new life was about to begin.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 3 plot introduction

Mo Suqing followed Ye Zhongjue's reasons for staying and followed him back to his home.Along the way, the atmosphere between the two seemed a bit awkward, but there was a small excitement about achieving their goal hidden in them.They each have different expectations and want to find common ground in this short time together.

Back home, Mo Suqing couldn't wait to ask Ye Zhongjue to take out his ID card.However, Ye Zhongjue seemed to intentionally avoid this request, constantly changing the topic and trying to attract Mo Suqing's attention through other means.His actions seemed to want to lay a deeper foundation for the relationship between the two, but he was interrupted by Mo Suqing tactfully every time.

At Ye Zhongjue's insistence, he finally handed over his ID card.However, just when Mo Suqing got her ID card and was about to leave, Ye Zhongjue suddenly stopped her.In desperation, he blurted out and expressed his desire to take Mo Suqing away from the Mo family.At this moment, his emotions gushed out like spring water, making Mo Suqing couldn't help but be moved.

However, Mo Suqing quickly regained her senses.She couldn't help but have doubts about Ye Zhongjue: How could this man who had only met for the second time know so comprehensively about her situation?This doubt made her start to re-examine the man in front of her.

However, this doubt also provided her with a perfect step.She realized that from the beginning, her goal was to get close to the president of this peerless group.So, she decided to stay and get to know Ye Zhongjue further in order to get to know him better.

Before staying, they made a three-part agreement: they could stay, but they should not have unnecessary associations with each other.This agreement not only protected their feelings, but also set clear boundaries for their future relationship.

In the days that followed, Mo Suqing and Ye Zhongjue began to understand and get along with each other more deeply.They spent many unforgettable times together, and their feelings for each other also quietly heated up.However, they always adhered to that agreement and did not let their feelings for each other cross the line.

With the passage of time, Mo Suqing gradually discovered that Ye Zhongjue was not a simple man.He not only has an excellent business acumen, but also has a deep emotional world.Every move he made revealed his care and love for her, and she couldn't help but be moved by it.

However, Mo Suqing also knew clearly that she could not forget her original intention just because of the momentary emotion.She must keep a clear head at all times to ensure that she does not lose her way in this relationship.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 4 plot introduction

On the first night of contractual cohabitation, what was originally an ordinary night unexpectedly turned into a secret battlefield of identity testing.When the lights in the room went out in an instant, Ye Zhongjue's heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.He, a young man who claimed to be a professional electrician, was standing in front of a pile of messy wires, helpless.

The location of the fuse should have been clear to him, but at this moment he seemed to have lost all sense of direction.Every tiny movement he made became a clue for Mo Suqing to test his identity.Mo Suqing, a thoughtful woman, will not easily let go of any opportunity to reveal Ye Zhongjue's true identity.

Ye Zhongjue's confusion and uneasiness became a cover-up in Mo Suqing's eyes.She followed Ye Zhongjue out, her eyes fixed on the luxury car.How could a young man who calls himself an electrician own such an expensive car?This question continued to amplify in Mo Suqing's mind, and she began to have stronger doubts about Ye Zhongjue's true identity.

Recalling the night when the two first met, Ye Zhongjue heard that what she hated most was rich people who did evil things when she was drunk.Did that sentence become the seed of Ye Zhongjue's disguise?Did he deliberately pretend to be a down-and-out young man in order to win her admiration?

At this moment, Ye Zhongjue was buying fuses in an electrical store on the street.The electrical repair books in his hand became his temporary life-saving straw.He tried hard to recall the contents of the book, hoping to solve the current dilemma as soon as possible.

When the lights came on again, Ye Zhongjue returned home with a trace of luck.He saw Mo Suqing's inquiring eyes and knew in his heart that this temptation was far from over.But he also understood that no matter how much Mo Suqing tried, he would not reveal his flaws easily.Because he knows that this contractual cohabitation is not only a test of identity, but also a process of two hearts gradually getting closer.

As time goes by, the relationship between Ye Zhongjue and Mo Suqing is also quietly changing.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 5 plot introduction

The early morning sunlight fell quietly, and a peaceful and warm atmosphere filled the room.Mo Suqing slowly woke up from her sweet dream, her hazy eyes gradually adapted to the soft light.She stretched lazily and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a figure standing beside the bed, it was her beloved Ye Zhongjue.

Ye Zhongjue was dressed in a crisp suit and leather shoes. He looked like a graceful painter who was concentrating on painting Mo Suqing.His brushstrokes were light and smooth, as if he were capturing her most sincere expression in her sleep.Seeing this, Mo Suqing couldn't help feeling shy. She was about to ask a question, but was interrupted by Ye Zhongjue's sudden move.

Ye Zhongjue suddenly approached, and Mo Suqing's heartbeat accelerated instantly.In the blink of an eye, his lips were close to her cheek.Mo Suqing felt his hot breath and could not hide her inner restlessness.She closed her eyes tightly and quietly enjoyed this beautiful moment, as if time had stopped at this moment.

However, the beautiful atmosphere was broken by a sudden alarm sound.Mo Suqing opened her eyes and saw Ye Zhongjue standing in the corner of the kitchen, busy preparing breakfast.He apologized and said that he accidentally pressed the alarm clock and interrupted Mo Suqing's sleep.Mo Suqing looked at his busy back, and a warm current surged in her heart. She couldn't help but feel shy that she was still having erotic dreams at such an old age.

In order to change the subject, Mo Suqing deliberately brought up the unfinished task last night during the meal.She hinted that she wanted to work at Peerless Group, hoping to share more responsibilities for her family.When Ye Zhongjue heard this suggestion, his reaction was extremely unnatural.He frowned, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.However, in order to show his poor status, he finally decided to stage a drama of interviewing himself.

Mo Suqing watched all this quietly from the side, and couldn't help but smile knowingly in her heart.She couldn't help but feel warm when she saw that the CEO of a peerless group in front of her actually put aside his dignity for the sake of his family and interviewed her in person.She knew very well that this was Ye Zhongjue's love and care for her, and it was also a reflection of the deep relationship between them.

Although Ye Zhongjue's reaction was a bit unnatural, Mo Suqing understood that this was his sacrifice and effort for his family.She was so grateful that she decided to cherish this hard-won happiness even more.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 6 plot introduction

Recently, a shocking incident occurred within the company.The improper relationship between two senior employees, Mo Suqing and Gu Jiannan, was exposed, triggering widespread attention and discussion.It was originally just a prank among colleagues, but they didn't expect that the two of them actually took the bait, and behind it all, there were actually deeper motives and complex emotional entanglements hidden.

It is reported that Mo Suqing has been framed and bullied by her sister Mo Sulian in the company, and her dissatisfaction and anger have accumulated for a long time.In order to teach this ignorant sister a lesson, she teamed up with Gu Jiannan to stage a seemingly absurd drama.However, things developed beyond her expectation. The two's improper behavior in the hotel was discovered by other colleagues in the company, which made the whole incident more complicated and difficult to deal with.

When Ye Zhongjue at home learned that Mo Suqing was injured, he was furious.He always thought that Mo Suqing was injured by Gu Jiannan. He was so angry that he looked for ice cubes to heal her injuries and almost broke the refrigerator.However, Mo Suqing was confused as to why Ye Zhongjue was so angry.

Just when things seemed to be over, there was a new twist.After Mo Suqing fell asleep, Ye Zhongjue secretly came to the company to find Gu Jiannan, trying to use equity in exchange to protect Mo Suqing from being hurt again.However, their conversation was secretly recorded by an assistant, and their private equity transactions were exposed.

It turns out that behind all this lies Ye Zhongjue's deep love for Mo Suqing.He couldn't bear to see Mo Suqing being bullied in the company, but now he couldn't stand it when he saw her hurt.For her, he was willing to trade 30% of his equity, which was touching.

This matter caused extensive discussion and reflection within the company.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》 Episode 7 plot introduction

In the ever-changing situation of Peerless Group, Jian Jian has always been regarded as the right-hand man and confidant of the old chairman.Her loyalty and intelligence have given her a high status in the company.However, a series of recent events have left her deeply disappointed and angry.

In order to regain the group that was eroded by bad forces, Jian Jian fully supported Ye Zhongjue's return.However, Ye Zhongjue's behavior was beyond everyone's expectations.For the sake of Mo Suqing, he actually used his own equity to buy Gu Jiannan. This move completely angered Jian Jian.

The cheating video of Gu Jiannan and Mo Sulian spread rapidly within the company, causing an uproar.Gu Jiannan knew nothing about this and still acted arrogantly on the board of directors.Jian Jian found Ye Zhongjue angrily and asked him why he didn't participate in the board of directors.However, the information given by Ye Zhongjue made Jian Jian more curious.

In order to calm down the turmoil, Gu Jiannan actually put pressure on Mo Zhenfeng, asking him to come forward and ask Mo Suqing to testify.Mo Suqing could clearly see this poor acting.But faced with her father's cruel tricks, she had to compromise.Back home, when Mo Suqing was alone in a daze, Ye Zhongjue came back unexpectedly and bought her medicine.While applying the medicine to her, Mo Suqing tentatively asked Ye Zhongjue if he had a beautiful girlfriend.Ye Zhongjue firmly denied it, which made Mo Suren curious, and then asked him if he had any important arrangements for the next day.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 8 plot introduction

In the bustling social reception, everyone has their own purpose and mask, looking for suitable prey or prey.But in this brightly lit and crowded occasion, a well-planned encounter unexpectedly turned into an emotional carnival.

“Ye Zhongjue, have you really made all the arrangements?”A gentle female voice sounded in Ye Zhongjue's ears, revealing a little worry.He nodded slightly, a hint of confidence flashing in his eyes, indicating that she didn't need to worry.

Following the melodious melody of the music, Gu Jiannan slowly walked into the venue with Mo Suqing.Ye Zhongjue's eyes fell on Mo Suqing inadvertently. His heart tightened, and he quickly picked up the wine glass on the table and covered his face, for fear of being recognized by Mo Suqing.

Mo Suqing didn't seem to notice anything strange about Ye Zhongjue. She walked towards the crowd and began to tell the story about Gu Jiannan and Mo Sulian's affair.Gu Jiannan knew that this was just a show, but he didn't expect that Mo Suqing would take this opportunity to confess to Ye Zhongjue.Her words were warm and sincere, as if she were praising a hero in her heart.

Gu Jiannan frowned as he listened, feeling that this scene seemed a bit too much.He approached Mo Suqing and tried to remind her to restrain herself, but Mo Suqing seemed to be trapped in her own world and ignored his reminder.

When Mo Suqing finally said Ye Zhongjue's name, the entire venue exploded.People were talking, thinking that Mo Suqing was deliberately insulting Gu Jiannan, and some even asked the security guards to kick her out.At this moment, Ye Zhongjue stepped forward. He walked to Mo Suqing and gave her a passionate kiss, proving with his actions that her words were not groundless.

Afterwards, Ye Zhongjue mercilessly exposed Gu Jiannan's true face. Gu Jiannan was furious and eventually fainted from anger and was rushed to the hospital.Mo Suqing was aggrieved on the way back. She blamed Ye Zhongjue for concealing his identity and deceiving her, but Ye Zhongjue was delighted with her confession at the reception.The relationship between the two became more complicated, and this unexpected encounter became an unforgettable page in their lives.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 9 plot introduction

Mo Suqing denied the remarks made at the reception, and the strategy behind it is thought-provoking.Obviously, she was playing a trick of indulgence, trying to stimulate Ye Zhongjue's deeper emotions.And Ye Zhongjue, a man who seemed unable to let go of the past, once again recalled the horrific experiences of his childhood.At that time, he was kidnapped by bad guys and forced to pretend to be mute. It was at the most critical moment in his life that Mo Suqing came like an angel and rescued him from the darkness.From then on, he had feelings for Mo Suqing, and this feeling continues to this day.

Ye Zhongjue carefully prepared a surprise proposal, a bright ring and a romantic proposal scene, all waiting for Mo Suqing's arrival.When she steps into this loving space, her reaction is one of surprise and confusion.She asked directly: “Is this a proposal to me?”Although Ye Zhongjue knew that she might have some affection for him, he still proposed marriage without hesitation.Their relationship is finally confirmed when she responds to his passionate kiss.

In order to record this beautiful love, the two came to the photography studio to take wedding photos.However, the process was not smooth.After browsing all the wedding dresses, Mo Suqing didn't like any of them.Ye Zhongjue tried to explain that wearing a white wedding dress symbolized the beginning of happiness, but Mo Suqing thought it was a kind of bondage and the beginning of a curse.The two had a dispute, and Mo Suqing even prepared to leave angrily.

However, at the moment she was about to leave, she suddenly saw a black wedding dress.The beauty of that wedding dress completely attracted her, as if it was tailor-made for her.She decided to wear this wedding dress and finally completed the wedding photo shoot.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 10 plot introduction

As soon as Mo Suqing stepped into the house, her physical and mental fatigue felt as heavy as a mountain.She hurried into the bathroom, and the hot water flowed through every corner of her body, as if it could wash away the fatigue and dust of the day.When she came out of the bathroom, she habitually shouted Ye Zhongjue's name and asked him to dry her wet hair.

Looking at the wedding photos taken during the day, a faint smile appeared on Mo Suqing's face.In those photos, she stands side by side with Ye Zhongjue, her eyes full of happiness and joy.Recalling every detail of the photo shoot, those happy times seemed like just yesterday.

In the kitchen, Ye Zhongjue was busy preparing dinner.Mo Suqing stood quietly at the door of the kitchen, looking at his back, feeling a warm current in her heart.Such a life, although dull, is full of truth and warmth.She suddenly felt that such a life was actually not bad, simple and happy.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight spilled into the room through the curtains, Mo Suqing woke up.She saw that Ye Zhongjue had prepared breakfast for her, and the table was filled with her favorite foods.She enjoyed this breakfast alone, feeling the peace and beauty of the morning.After the meal, she leisurely picked up a book and immersed herself in the world of books.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.Someone from the construction company came to the house and asked if there was anything that needed to be improved.During the conversation with the visitor, Mo Suqing learned that Ye Zhongjue had specially hired someone to build this house for her.When the people from the construction company took out the drawing, Mo Suqing was stunned.She looked at the drawing, and memories from her childhood emerged in her mind.

It turns out that Ye Zhongjue is the little mute she knew when she was a child.And this drawing was exactly what she drew when she was a child.At that time, she dreamed of owning a home of her own, but now Ye Zhongjue actually built a complete home for her according to the drawings she drew.

However, memories are not always good ones.Mo Suqing thought of that dark day, when she and her mother broke away from the bad guys. On the way to escape, her mother encountered a car accident in order to save her and left this world forever.But at that time, Ye Zhongjue, whom she needed most, chose to run away alone.

Although Ye Zhongjue now takes good care of her, Mo Suqing can't forget that painful memory.She decided not to expose Ye Zhongjue's past and let this guilt become a secret between them.She believes that as long as they truly love each other, this guilt will no longer matter.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 11 plot introduction

In the busy city, Mo Suqing is immersed in the data collection work of the newspaper office.Among the piles of documents, she carefully selected project information related to the Peerless Group.These projects are all important projects invested by Peerless Group, and she knows that the information involved is crucial to the company.

During the process of sorting it out, Mo Suqing backed up some key information and handed it over to Ye Zhongjue.Ye Zhongjue is another important figure in the company, and his decisions often affect the direction of the company.When Ye Zhongjue took the information, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he seemed to understand the mystery instantly.

The next day, the company's internal meeting was held as scheduled.Ye Zhongjue used the information compiled in advance to explain his views in an orderly manner, leaving Mr. Bai and others present speechless.His performance not only won the respect of everyone present, but also impressed Mo Suqing.

After the meeting, Mo Suqing came to Ye Zhongjue's office with more information.But there was no one in the office, and her eyes inadvertently fell on Ye Zhongjue's personal seal.Just when she was about to check further, Jian Jie suddenly broke in and stopped her action.She told Mo Suqing succinctly and seriously that she had not officially joined the job yet and had no right to enter the office of a director or above.

Just when the atmosphere became awkward, Ye Zhongjue appeared unexpectedly.He easily resolved the tense atmosphere, and gently stamped Mo Suqing's hand as a joke, jokingly saying: "If “ stamps my stamp, you are mine."”This sentence made the two people present a little stunned, but it was more of an inexplicable emotional fluctuation.

At the same time, Jian Jian became jealous because she liked Ye Zhongjue and decided to find someone to investigate Mo Suqing's background.Just when Mr. Bai came in, he sarcastically accused Jian Jian of being sentimental, which made Jian Jian even more angry.She did like Ye Zhongjue, but she never dared to confess her love because she was afraid that she would not be able to be friends even if she was rejected.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 12 plot introduction

In a busy afternoon, Mo Suqing's stool accidentally broke. This unexpected incident unexpectedly revealed a series of complex interpersonal relationships in the company.She simply called Ye Zhongjue and asked for help moving a stool to the office.However, this seemingly insignificant move caused quite a stir among colleagues.

When Ye Zhongjue moved the stool to Mo Suqing's office, his colleagues all cast surprised glances.Someone even quickly made a cup of coffee for Mo Suqing as a sign of friendship.Gu Jiannan, a colleague who is usually known for being acrimonious, happened to see this scene and took the opportunity to sneer at Mo Suqing, implying that her life in the company would not be easy, especially when Jian Jian was around.

Mo Suqing felt confused. She knew nothing about the relationship between Jian Jian and Ye Zhongjue before.This incident made her begin to realize that there seemed to be some unusual connection between the two, which made her feel very unhappy.

When everyone left after get off work, Jian Jian suddenly became curious and took a peek at Mo Suqing's computer.She originally just wanted to know about Mo Suqing's work in the company, but unexpectedly she discovered some shocking secrets.After Mo Suqing joined the company, she was only assigned to compile financial statements for one quarter, but she accidentally viewed financial statements from fifteen years ago.Such a discovery makes people wonder, what is Mo Suqing's real purpose in joining the company?

Full of doubts, Mo Suqing continued to use Ye Zhongjue's computer to search for relevant information after returning home.She discovered that fifteen years ago, Ye Zhongjue's father had transferred an account to her father.The reason behind the transfer was a complete mystery to her.

The next day, as soon as Mo Suqing arrived at the company, she witnessed a fierce quarrel between Jian Jian and Ye Zhongjue.Jian Jie accused Ye Zhongjue of being irresponsible for the company's security by casually handing over confidential documents to a person he didn't know as a secretary.The two quarreled louder and louder until Ye Zhongjue suffered from stomach cramps due to emotion.

At this moment, Mo Suqing, who brought in the information, witnessed all this.She wanted to step forward to help, but accidentally joined the quarrel.For a moment, the three people fell into chaos.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 13 plot introduction

As the years go by, some past secrets and events gradually surface, making people re-examine everything in the past.A car accident that year changed the fate of several people and left deep pain and regret.

Bai Yue, a young and promising girl, accidentally killed her innocent mother with her car due to a moment of negligence.This car accident not only caused Suqing to lose her mother, but also made Bai Yue bear heavy guilt and guilt.However, Bai Yue did not choose to face her mistakes, but chose to escape.She married Mo Zhenfeng, and Mo Zhenfeng concealed the truth for money.All of this was seen by Su Qing, and she was filled with hatred in her heart.

Su Qing and Jian Jian were at odds because of Ye Zhongjue's incident.Su Qing has always been secretly in love with Ye Zhongjue, while Jian Jian is Ye Zhongjue's good friend.The conflict between the two reached a climax at Ye Zhongjue's birthday party.Because of jealousy and anger, Suqing made rude remarks to Jian Jian, causing the relationship between the two to break down.However, the next day, Jian Jian took the initiative to apologize to Ye Zhongjue for the sake of work.Ye Zhongjue's attitude is very clear. He only wants to maintain a working relationship with Jian Jian and does not want to get involved in other personal matters.

Although Jian Jian was a little disappointed, she also understood Ye Zhongjue's position.She originally wanted to invite Ye Zhongjue to celebrate her birthday, but Ye Zhongjue politely refused.Ye Zhongjue has an appointment in the evening to discuss some work matters with Mr. Li.Jian Jian originally wanted to go together, but Ye Zhongjue refused on the grounds of work.Jian Jian was a little angry, but she had no choice but to leave.

Just when he was going out, Jian Jian met Suqing holding coffee.The animosity between the two was clear, and neither would give in.After Suqing came in, Ye Zhongjue no longer had a sullen face and directly told her that he would come back to spend Valentine's Day together after get off work.However, Suqing refused, saying that she had an appointment with a friend and it was not convenient to disturb Ye Zhongjue.Seeing Ye Zhongjue's aggrieved look, Suqing couldn't bear it, but she still firmly refused.

All this stems from the car accident that year and the subsequent concealment.If Bai Yue could bravely face his mistakes, and if Mo Zhenfeng hadn't concealed the truth for money, maybe none of this would have happened.However, it is meaningless to say this now.Everyone must be responsible for their own choices and actions. Whether it is Bai Yue, Mo Zhenfeng, Suqing or Ye Zhongjue, they must face their inner pain and regret.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 14 plot introduction

In the bustling city, the lights of the bar are dim and blurry, adding a mysterious color to the night.In this unique space, Suqing and her best friends were drinking to drown their sorrows, and their conversation revolved around the man they both loved and hated - Ye Zhongjue.

While drinking, Suqing complained to her best friend: “Jian Jian knows Ye Zhongjue too well. She can always see through his thoughts easily, which makes me very uneasy.After hearing this, her best friend patted her hand gently, with a hint of slyness flashing in her eyes: ” Suqing, you must firmly hold Mr. Ye's heart and don't let Jian Jian have the chance to cause trouble.Otherwise, if the truth is not found out in the end, and the wife is compensated and the troops are lost, it will really be more than worth the loss.“

At this time, Ye Zhongjue was busy at work.When he returned home, he found that Suqing was not there.Just when he was wondering, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.He followed the sound and found out that Suqing and her best friend had drunk too much and were lying on the sofa.Looking at Su Qing in front of him, Ye Zhongjue felt a warm current in his heart.She drank a little too much, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were sparkling with tears.He walked gently to her side and asked softly: ”What's wrong? Who made you angry?“

Suqing raised her head and glanced at him, muttering: "You are just a big fool, you don't know anything."I just don't like simplicity. She always acts like she knows you very well in front of me, which makes me angry.”Hearing this, Ye Zhongjue finally understood why Suqing was so unhappy.It turned out that she was unhappy because she was jealous.He felt warm in his heart and couldn't help but hug Suqing tightly and gently kissed her forehead.

On the other hand, the concise birthday was extremely deserted.She was sitting alone in the bar, drinking.She sent a message to Mr. Ye, but got no reply.At this moment, Suqing suddenly broke in. When she saw Jian Jian alone, she immediately started making trouble again.She asked Mr. Ye: “Have you made an appointment with her a long time ago?If you hadn't come, would you have gone on a date with her?”

Mr. Ye looked at the little wife in front of him, feeling helpless in his heart.He knew that Suqing was so excited because she cared about him.He gently held her hand and said softly: “Stop making trouble, you are the only one in my heart.”Hearing this sentence, Suqing's mood calmed down a little.She looked at Mr. Ye, with a firm light shining in her eyes: “I will not let you leave me.”

At this time, there was a problem with the company's patented product, which gave Mr. Ye a headache.He didn't want his work to be affected by personal matters.So, he told Jian Jian directly: I will handle the matter, you don't have to worry.% After hearing this, Jian Jian was a little disappointed, but she also understood Mr. Ye's situation.She silently put down the glass of wine in her hand and decided to work hard to solve the problem herself.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 15 plot introduction

In the company, interpersonal relationships are always complicated, especially when it comes to workplace competition and personal grudges, which can easily cause turmoil.Recently, an incident caused by a health pot occurred in the company, which involved several female employees in a war without gunpowder.

Mo Suqing, an employee who works in the company's warehouse, usually works diligently, but she is always deliberately made difficult by Jian Jian.This time, Jian Jian deliberately asked Mo Suqing to go to the warehouse to take inventory in the name of counting the inventory of health pots.However, the goods put into the warehouse were from Mo Zhenfeng's company. This made Mo Suqing feel very strange, but she still followed the simple instructions.

After returning home, Mo Suqing couldn't help complaining to Mr. Ye about this matter.After hearing this, Mr. Ye felt that Jian Jian was not boring enough to deliberately tease her, which made Mo Suqing even more angry.She counted back and forth five times by herself, fearing that she would make a mistake and be caught by Jian Jian.However, at this moment, something happened to the company.

It turned out that there was something wrong with the batch of health pots that Suqing put into storage, causing the company to suffer losses.Everyone blamed the mistake on Mo Suqing, believing that her negligence led to the accident.But in fact, all this was concisely designed to seize Mr. Bai's advantage.

At the critical moment, Mr. Bai broke in and took out the property she had with Mo Zhenfeng before she got married, proving that she had nothing to do with this incident.Seeing that she had become a scapegoat, Suqing quickly moved out Jian Jian, saying that her work was all arranged by Vice President Jian, and she was just obedient and did as he was told.

However, neither brevity nor simplicity has benefited from this turmoil.Jian Jian can't understand Mo Suqing more and more, and Suqing also feels helpless about her situation.In the end, the company learned the truth through investigation. It turned out that the problem with the health pot was caused by a problem with the supplier and had nothing to do with Mo Suqing.The company decided to hold the supplier accountable and dealt with the relevant responsible persons.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 16 plot introduction

In the hustle and bustle of the city, a well-planned contest quietly unfolded.Simplicity, a woman full of determination and strategy, held a video and handed it to Ye Zhongjue.This video was filmed by her in a bar. The content involves Suqing, a seemingly innocent woman who hides her secrets.

Ye Zhongjue, a leader in the market, has long understood the truth behind all this, but chose to remain silent.He didn't want to expose Suqing's true face, maybe because of his feelings for her, or maybe because of other reasons.However, Jian Jie was unwilling to give up and insisted on revealing Su Qing's true face.

So, with Ye Zhongjue's acquiescence, Suqing was asked to leave temporarily.She obediently obeyed the order and returned to their old house.This decision may seem simple, but it has deep meaning.And all of this is concisely and carefully planned.

Regarding the foundry matter, Jian Jie deliberately set a trap to put Suqing into trouble.This move made Ye Zhongjue feel very dissatisfied.He knew that this was intentional for simplicity, but why would she do this?Is it to reveal Suqing's true face, or does it have other purposes?

However, things didn't end there.Jian Jian took action again. She took Ye Zhongjue to eavesdrop on the conversation between Mo Zhenfeng and Su Qing.It turns out that Peerless Group is suing Mo Zhenfeng because of the health pot incident.And Mo Zhenfeng would only look for this forgotten daughter Suqing when he was in trouble.The conversation between the two was clearly heard by Ye Zhongjue and Jian Jian.

After returning home, Suqing and Ye Zhongjue sat back to back, and the atmosphere was a bit tense.Ye Zhongjue asked Suqing whether it was harder to lie to herself or to others.Unexpectedly, the two people's answers were surprisingly consistent.Suqing took off the ring and told Ye Zhongjue that if he felt unbalanced in his heart, he would just get divorced.This sentence is full of determination and helplessness.

Although Suqing shows a tough side, the softness deep inside her heart cannot be concealed.She couldn't ignore her father, so she tried her best to find a lawyer for him.Even if it costs a lot of money, she doesn't hesitate.In the process, she suddenly remembered that the marriage certificate was still in the drawer.This detail may indicate a turning point in the relationship between the two.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 17 plot introduction

Late at night, the moonlight is like silver and everything is silent.In this quiet night, a figure sneaked into this mansion quietly.She is Suqing, a woman full of stories.The purpose of her trip was clear - to retrieve her marriage certificate to Ye Zhongjue.However, by a twist of fate, she met a drunk man on her way back.

Ye Zhongjue, a powerful figure in the business world, has sharp eyes and thoughtful thoughts.When he saw this man sneaking around at the door, he immediately became vigilant and suspected that the man had evil intentions.But when he entered, the sight in front of him stunned him.

Suqing was sitting by the bed, holding a marriage certificate and a divorce agreement that had been prepared.Her eyes were firm, as if she had already made a decision.Ye Zhongjue's heart sank instantly, and he understood Su Qing's intention.In anger, he tore up the divorce agreement, but Suqing remained unmoved.

“I have hired a lawyer for Mo Zhenfeng and I want to file a lawsuit.” Suqing's voice was firm and cold.Even though Ye Zhongjue told her that she would definitely lose the lawsuit, she still persisted.In order to protect her own rights and interests, she did not hesitate to confront Ye Zhongjue.

Ye Zhongjue looked at Su Qing with mixed feelings in his heart.He didn't want Suqing to be hurt, so during the meeting, he dropped the accusation against Mo Zhenfeng in front of everyone.This decision caused concise dissatisfaction. She left the board of directors angrily and told her lawyer to prepare to transfer Ye Zhongjue's shares to her name.

Mr. Bai, on the other hand, faced Mo Zhenfeng in front of him, speechless.She has followed Ye Xueli from the beginning and has never been short of money, but in order to rely on her children to gain power, she did not hesitate to stay with Mo Zhenfeng.However, she didn't expect Ye Xueli's ruthlessness. He would rather adopt Jian Jian as his goddaughter than recognize Mr. Bai's daughter.This made Mr. Bai always hold a grudge, but she didn't expect that it would be Suqing's mother who would be sacrificed in the end.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 18 plot introduction

On the twists and turns of life, true emotions can always find a way out inadvertently.Suqing, a seemingly strong but soft-hearted woman, finally realized the power of true love after going through a series of twists and turns.

When Suqing's friend helped her find a suitable lawyer and planned to have in-depth communication with the other party, Mo Zhenfeng's unexpected appearance disrupted her plan.Mo Zhenfeng praised Suqing without hesitation for being a good daughter, and asked Jueshi Group to withdraw the lawsuit as soon as he took action.While this surprised Suqian, it also made her start to think about the truth behind it.Ye Zhongjue, the man who has been silently supporting her, how much effort has he put in behind the scenes?

Suqing returned to the beach house with mixed emotions. She carefully entered the password, opened the door, took out the ring she had thrown away before, and put it on her hand again.This action seems to be a confirmation of one's own intentions and an expectation for the future.

However, Ye Zhongjue was questioned by most shareholders for letting Mo Zhenfeng go, and even his assistant was puzzled by it.They don't understand whether Ye Zhongjue is really worth doing this for Mo Suqing.

At this time, Ye Zhongjue received a call from Suqing.Listening to the familiar and gentle voice on the other end of the phone, he could no longer contain his excitement and rushed to the beach house quickly.When he saw Suqing sitting blankly on the sofa, all the fatigue and troubles seemed to disappear.

Suqing began to blame Ye Zhongjue for his impulsiveness. She was worried that he would face unknown difficulties because of letting Mo Zhenfeng go.But Ye Zhongjue's answer shocked her even more.He told Suqing that since her mother passed away, no one cared about her as much as he did.This sentence moved Suqing so much that she finally understood Ye Zhongjue's intentions and dedication.

The misunderstanding between the two was resolved at this moment, and all the suspicion and confusion turned into affectionate hugs and kisses.They understand that there is no quarrel between husband and wife that a kiss cannot resolve.In each other's arms, they regained their lost trust and dependence.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 19 plot introduction

In the tide of business, the situation is unpredictable.Mo Zhenfeng's sudden disappearance was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.Suqing and Ye Zhongjue are worried about this matter and the severe situation they are about to face.

While the two were talking, Suqing's cell phone suddenly rang, breaking the silence around them.Gu Jiannan's name appeared on the screen, and his invitation made Suqing look a little uncomfortable.This subtle change was immediately captured by Ye Zhongjue.He quickly and decisively took the phone and after browsing the messages, jealousy spread in his heart.

Although she was a little dissatisfied, Suqing decided to see Gu Jiannan after a short discussion.Gu Jiannan's sudden visit brought shocking news: he planned to sell his shares.It turned out that his huge debt in the casino forced him to make this choice.Although Suqing and Ye Zhongjue felt that something was fishy, ​​they decided to take over his shares after careful consideration.

However, what they didn't expect was that this turned out to be a trap.Bai Yue, the opponent who has been hiding behind the scenes, will do whatever it takes to deal with Ye Zhongjue.On the company's board of directors, she spoke sharply and pointed her finger at Ye Zhongjue.She revealed the truth behind the health pot incident and accused Ye Zhongjue of replacing old products with new ones, which led to the emergence of counterfeit products on the market.To make matters worse, she also revealed her signature and personal seal on the tea house contract, which put Ye Zhongjue into an irrefutable situation.

Faced with Bai Yue's accusation, Ye Zhongjue woke up from a dream.Only then did he realize that he had already been involved in a huge conspiracy.The business empire that originally seemed stable now seems to be crumbling.

《Mr. Routine, please indicate》Episode 20 plot introduction

The atmosphere in the spacious and bright boardroom was tense and serious.Everyone is having a heated discussion surrounding some of Ye Zhongjue's actions.Bai Yue, Gu Jiannan and others insisted that there must be something fishy about Mr. Ye's frequent visits to the abandoned tea plantation, and even produced documents with Mr. Ye's signature and seal as evidence.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open, and Mo Suqing hurriedly walked in.Her appearance surprised everyone present.It turns out that she came here to prove Ye Zhongjue's innocence.She held another contract in her hand and asked everyone to carefully compare the signatures and seals on the two contracts.

Everyone took the contract with confusion and began to compare it carefully.They discovered that Mr. Ye's seal had been accidentally knocked when he secretly took it before Suqing, leaving a small gap in the seal.The seal on this contract was intact, so it was obviously not a recent contract.In addition, there are obvious differences in the signatures on the two contracts.

This discovery shocked everyone present.It turns out that all of this was a trap deliberately set by someone.The husband and wife's tacit cooperation completely exposed each other's conspiracy.

At this time, Ye Zhongjue seemed extremely calm.He had known for a long time that Jian Jian was acquiring shares behind the scenes, but he did not make it public.At this moment, he directly gave up the position of president to Jian Jian.

Jian Jian was very surprised. She didn't understand why Mr. Ye made such a decision.She thought that Mr. Ye had never known about her behind-the-scenes purchase of shares, but now it seemed that Mr. Ye had actually known about it for a long time.

Ye Zhongjue looked at Jian Jian and said affectionately: “ Jian Jian, I don't care about the position of president of Peerless Group.What I care about is just being able to live every day with the woman I like.Three meals a day, four seasons for two people, this is the happy life I desire most.”

After listening to it concisely, I felt mixed emotions.She was touched by Mr. Ye's deep affection, but also felt ashamed of her previous suspicion and uneasiness.She understood that the reason why Mr. Ye chose to give up his position as president was not because he did not cherish this power, but because he cherished his relationship with her more.