Home TV Perfect Propose
《Perfect Propose》Where to read comics

《Perfect Propose》The comic can be found on Weibo Chaohua. There are 6 chapters in total and a small extra chapter.The manga is written by Tsuru Genmao.

Where to read comics

Things you need to survive = sleep, delicious meals, you.

The love life of a cool man who is excellent at housework and a tired social beast Lehman.

The social beast Lehman's Hao Guo is troubled by the heavy workload and the power to harass his boss.

When he was tired of everything and gave up on himself, Kai, who used to take care of him, came to visit him again after 12 years.

“The one who is being taken care of is himself...”《The Perfect Proposal》It describes the protagonist, Watari Hirokuni, who lives a sleepless life every day because of being harassed by his boss at work, and the cool young man, Fukaya Kai, who is excellent at housework.The cohabitation life of BL.One day, Kai, a good friend from middle school, turned into a beautiful young man and appeared in front of Hao Guo, and the story began.Kai, who had no place to live, moved into Hirokuni's house and started living together on the condition of cooking every day.Kai uses delicious food to heal Hirokuni, who is exhausted from work.The single volume will be released by Neptune Society, and the radio drama will be released on CD in 2021.

Hirokuni is played by Kaneko Hayabusa, and Kai is played by Nomura Kouta.Regarding the original work, Jin Zi said: After reading it, I felt the warmth of people. Loving others and being loved by others is such a beautiful thing, and my mood became warmer.“Nomura said that ”Hokuni's wavering face in the face of Kai's forceful actions is very cute, please pay attention!%, and conveyed the highlights.