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《Perfect Propose》Episode 5 Synopsis

Episode 5: Cohabitation is approaching

Hao Guo, who became the head of the department after Jin Zi resigned, became increasingly busy.Kai hugged Haoguo, who said he didn't have to make dinner because he couldn't go home, teasing and pestering him saying "No, you come back early“".

Hao Guo responded with a smile: Don't worry, I will try to come back as soon as possible.”While teasing Kai, he pestered: “But I still want to eat the dinner you cooked by yourself.That was the moment I enjoyed the most.” He kissed Jia Fei's forehead gently, his eyes full of tenderness.

Kai frowned, gently brushed Hao Guo's hand away, and said seriously: Hao Guo, your body is the most important. Work is important, but you can't sacrifice your health.Don't always worry about me, I can understand your hard work.“

Haoguo felt Jia Fei's care and consideration. He hugged Jia Fei tightly and said gratefully: ”Thank you for your understanding, Jia Fei.I will pay attention to rest and ensure my health.“He decided to arrange his time more rationally from today on and strive to balance work and life.

In the days that followed, Haoguo worked hard to improve work efficiency and tried to complete tasks within normal working hours.He will also cook some simple dinners at home to let Kai feel the warmth and care of home.Whenever Hao Guo comes home, Kai always greets him and says with a smile: Welcome home, Hao Guo.”

Even so, even his subordinates had to bear the burden of continuing to work, and Hao Guo couldn't go home, so Kai cut his favorite hand-made dishes such as Tianjin rice, radish, and ginger braised pork. Looking at these photos, Hao GuoI can't help but miss Kai's home.

On the other hand, Kai learns that the shop owner is about to be discharged from the hospital.Even though Hao Guo's mood has begun to face Kai, the deadline for the two of them to live together is approaching.