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《Pegasus》Episode 9 Synopsis

Episode 9

Pegasus episode 9 plot introduction: Lin Zhendong hid his family and joined the Speeding Racing Team

Episode 9

Lin Zhendong wanted to stay in the team as a newcomer. At this time, Xiaohe was about to leave the city, but he hesitated after arriving at the airport. After that, he took many flights back and forth, hoping to get Zhang Chi to stay, but what he didn't expect was that Zhang Chi was in Dakar.News of something happening.A few months later, Xiaohe rushed to the hospital and spoke a lot of heartfelt words to Zhang Chi, who was unconscious. At this time, Zhang Chi's heartbeat accelerated, and his consciousness immediately returned to Lin Zhendong. Zhang Chi's consciousness suddenly returned to where he was a few months ago.He immediately ran to the airport to find Xiaohe. He didn't want to break up with Xiaohe at all. Xiaohe hesitated at the airport and then turned around and walked towards the airport. Lin Zhendong saw Xiaohe and called Shanshan's name in desperation. Suddenly he realized that he missed the name and hurriedly corrected it. Thank youYou haven't left yet, Xiaohe said that he and Zhang Chi had broken up and the team had disbanded.Lin Zhendong said that as a newcomer, he hopes that her old manager can help him win the championship. Ji Xing and others have returned to the team, and they also hope that she can come back.

Xiaohe agreed to join the team. That night Sun Yuqiang was very happy holding the plaque, and Ji Xing held the screwdriver and expressed that he was very happy to see them.While the clan members were eating and chatting, Lin Zhendong analyzed why his prediction failed to avoid a broken leg. Was the method wrong? He must put everyone on the right track. He wanted to become a top driver, and hisThe navigator is Hong Kuo, not Sun Yuqiang.Xiaohe advised Lin Zhendong to be cautious. Hong Kuo is a newcomer, and he is also a newcomer. It is too difficult to learn from scratch.Lin Zhendong accidentally revealed Zhang Chi's movements from the room. Everyone was a little surprised. Lin Zhendong was able to move around Zhang Chi's room that night. He gave Ye Gong his only bank card and told him to swipe it away quickly, otherwise his mother would give himLocked.

The more Sun Yuqiang thinks about it, the more confused he becomes. Which Lin Zhendong is really for them? One is the car expert, the other is Mr. Xiao Lin. What is his plan? Everyone feels that Green Zhendong, who does not wear glasses, is a bit like Zhang Chi.Regardless of driving techniques or small movements, they are very similar to relaxation.In the evening, Ye Gong thanked Xiaohe for returning to the team. As the two chatted, Lin Zhendong on the rooftop greeted Xiaohe in a disgusting manner.The next day, my uncle learned that Lin Zhendong had not gone abroad and announced in public that he had become a driver. He must not let his sister know about this, otherwise he would have to kill his son.

In the evening, Lin Zhendong checked his mobile phone and found that he was going to fly to London, but why did he come back? He found an unfamiliar number on his mobile phone, so he called it, but the other party hung up the phone.Then the phone rang and it was his mother. He said he had arrived in London. At this time, Ye Gong came in to ask him for something. His mother heard Chinese words and expressed doubts. Lin Zhendong explained that he lived in Chinatown and hurriedly hung up the phone on the pretext that something was wrong.He told Ye Gong that Lin Zhendong was in the UK at this time and not to speak Chinese. Hong Kuo was worried about Lin Zhendong and called his uncle to verify and lied about whether Charles had received him?What time is it over there?Lin Zhendong cursed Hong Kuo repeatedly while checking the time in London, and finally lied. Unexpectedly, Hong Kuo directly spoke English. Lin Zhendong was dumbfounded. As a relaxed person, he did not understand English.In the future, Xiaohe received a call from Wei Qianli. He informed Zhangchi in the video that he had won the championship of Bayinbuluke. When the unconscious Zhangchi heard the news, his heartbeat immediately accelerated, and his consciousness was pulled back and separated from Lin Zhendong's body..

Losing his relaxed consciousness, Lin Zhendong returned to normal communication with Hong Kuo in English.His uncle greeted Lin Zhendong from the side. Lin Zhendong skillfully talked about the local weather and time, and sent his uncle daytime photos of London. However, his uncle did not believe it and said that he would tell his sister about the press conference.The next day, Lin Zhendong woke up, washed up, tidied the room, which was definitely different from Zhang Chi's lazy personality, and even cleaned the warehouse.The teammates came to the warehouse and saw that the hygiene had improved. Lin Zhendonghai put on glasses and knew that he had changed his personality again.

Lin Zhendong said that he would definitely qualify for the competition. Xiaohe hit him mercilessly, saying that Lin Zhendong's current driving skills were too poor, and there were more than 50 old people competing with him in front of him. Ye Gong told Dakar about the harsh environment.Lin Zhendong and Zhang Chi's generation were all inspired by Yu Tai'ang to strive for success. It was Yu Tai'ang who brought Chinese racing to the world more than ten years ago. The more Ye Gong talked about it, the more excited he became. He admired Yu Tai'ang wholeheartedly, even though he was missing., and still admire him.But what he didn't know was that Lin Zhendong sitting in front of him was Yu Taiang's son.It turned out that Lin Zhendong received a call from Yu Taiang at the airport, saying that he would return home after competing in Dakar.