Home TV There Will Be Ample Time
《There Will Be Ample Time》Episode 16 Synopsis

Episode 16: Dong Jiaxi puts in work

When Zhang Pei came home and saw his mother in the middle of the night, his mother immediately asked who Zhang Pei had gone out to play with. It turned out that it was his parents who saw Zhang Pei through the window. Zhang Pei was speechless for a moment. He bluntly said that he was like this when he was a child. His parents always did it inadvertently.When I saw a photo of myself and my male classmate, I accidentally saw the notebook, and accidentally saw all my privacy.

Zhang Pei felt so familiar and disgusted when he saw the current appearance of his parents. When he was in school, his parents caught him in early love, but now they started to push for marriage. In Zhang Pei's view, these are his own affairs. After all, he isAs an adult, Zhang Pei didn't want his parents to care so much, so he went back to his room.

Dong Jiaxi packed up very early in the morning and got ready to go to work. As soon as she came out of the bedroom, she saw her unreliable old father again. The two talked about Dong Jiaxi going to work. Her mother proudly said that Dong Jiaxi’s current job isThe accountant did not forget to remind Dong Jiaxi to pay attention to the CPA certificate. Dong Jiaxi left impatiently. He changed his appearance as soon as he went out and prepared his own self-introduction.

It turns out that Dong Jiaxi’s job is not an accountant, but a copywriter! At this time, Gou Dandan was live broadcasting. Gou Dandan recommended her good things as before, but the fans did not buy it. The fans bluntly said that they wanted to see the story, so Gou Dandan started to use the third perspectiveTalking about the quarrel between herself and Zhang Pei, although Gou Dandan understood Zhang Pei very well, she still couldn't get over that hurdle in her heart.

The cold war between the two is still going on. After Gou Dandan is off the air, she will still lament that the trumpet is really not good and sooner or later she will get the big one back. At this time, Gou Dandan thinks of what Zhang Pei scolded her for not reading the contract that day! NowAt that time, Zhang Pei went to Qinqin's company to promote insurance. The publicity effect was very good, making everyone realize the importance of insurance. After the meeting, the boss even asked Zhang Pei to talk about future cooperation. Of course, Zhang Pei agreed..

Dong Jiaxi successfully reported there, and then her boss assigned her the job of writing public account tweets. Dong Jiaxi was not very adaptable to the new job, but Dong Jiaxi was on the way to learning, while Wu Yun was having a headache about the situation of animal science popularization in the community., Wu Yun happened to call when Dong Jiaxi was taking a break at noon. As soon as Wu Yun mentioned this matter, Dong Jiaxi had an idea in his mind. Wu Yun liked Dong Jiaxi's idea very much, and then he would put it into action.

Dong Jiaxi's tweet was written quickly, but the boss was not satisfied at the meeting. The boss directly changed Dong Jiaxi's title. Although Dong Jiaxi was a little dissatisfied, she could only delete her original tweet after the meeting.I made a new version of the article and officially posted it on the subway on my way back. Everyone in the WeChat group liked it. The boss also reminded Dong Jiaxi to do it himself next time. Dong Jiaxi was helpless, but still sent a complimentary WeChat message toBoss, then Dong Jiaxi hurriedly rushed to the part-time job of script killing, but the work there was not very smooth. At first, there were not enough players, but after finally gathering enough players, there were still players because of the role allocation.Conflict arose over the matter, and in the end it was even directly spoiled. After Dong Jiaxi acted as the host to stop it, but to no avail, the boss came over directly. Seeing that the situation was difficult to end, Dong Jiaxi had to admit his mistake. Finally, the players stopped arguing. In the end, the boss stillDong Jiaxi’s salary was deducted.

Zhang Pei came home after a busy day and saw Xie Yang's face. Zhang Pei was about to go out, and his mother pulled Zhang Pei back. Zhang Pei reluctantly sat at the dining table, and his mother took care of herself.He talked about Zhang Pei and Xie Yang, and even talked about what happened between the two in middle school. Zhang Pei became even more angry when he mentioned this, and directly asked Xie Yang if he had talked with him before, and Xie Yang gave a negative answer.Zhang Pei seemed to be even more resentful about the slap, and then rushed out of the door. Xie Yang quickly followed. At this moment, Zhang Pei's parents finally realized their problem.

Xie Yang chased for a long time before he found Zhang Pei. Zhang Pei's tears couldn't stop flowing. Then he confided his new life to Xie Yang. Xie Yang was so moved that he confessed again. Zhang Pei bluntly said that he valued love very much.Hope was so casual and then left.