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《Daily Dose of Sunshine》Episode 7 Synopsis

Episode 7: "The Ones Left Behind"

On a quiet afternoon, Zheng Daen's world was completely shattered by a phone call.Shocking news came from the other end of the phone - her friend Shuwan committed suicide by jumping off the building.This news was like a bolt of lightning, instantly hitting Zheng Daen's heart and making her feel suffocated.She couldn't imagine that Shu Wan, who was always full of life and vitality, would choose such a way to end his life.

Episode 7: "The Ones Left Behind"

Zheng Daen's world became gloomy as a result. She locked herself in her home and refused to communicate with the outside world.She doesn't answer anyone's calls.Her heart was full of confusion and pain. She didn't understand why Shu Wan would choose such a path, and she couldn't accept this cruel reality.

At the same time, when the police were handling the case of Shu Wan's suicide attempt, they suspected that she might have suffered a mental illness.As a psychiatrist, Kong Zheyou was called to the hospital urgently.He suspected that Shu Wan might suffer from schizophrenia and might have had severe hallucinations before the incident.

Shuwan's death was a huge blow to her family. They could not accept the fact and believed that the hospital had been negligent in treating Shuwan.Professor Park, as Shuwan's attending doctor, became the target of their venting.Although Professor Park has seen countless lives and deaths, he still feels extremely painful and helpless in the face of the accusations and anger of his family members.

In the psychiatric ward, everyone felt sorry for Shu Wan's death.The same goes for Dong Guyun. He silently prayed for Shu Wan in his heart, hoping that she could rest in peace in another world.At the same time, he was also worried about Zheng Duoen's condition. He knew that she needed time to heal the trauma in her heart, but he hoped that she could get out of the gloom as soon as possible and face life again.

However, Zheng Daen's situation is not optimistic.She couldn't face the reality of Shu Wan's death, and she even began to doubt her own memory.She clearly remembered the scene when Shu Wan was discharged from the hospital, but others told her that Shu Wan had passed away.This contradiction made her feel extremely confused and painful.

At the same time, Cui Junki is also going through his own ordeal.After the death of his wife and children, he fell into deep pain.He could not accept this cruel reality, and his heart was filled with endless sadness and despair.His mental condition began to suffer. He repeatedly recalled painful experiences from the past and even began to harm himself.

As a psychiatrist, Huang Ruhuan began to pay attention to Cui Junji's situation.She hopes that with her help, he can come out of the shadows and face life again.She used Cui Junji's case to talk about the psychological conditions of suicide survivors at the seminar, hoping to attract more people's attention and understanding.

During this difficult moment, Dong Guyun has been by Zheng Daen's side.He tried to comfort her and let her know she wasn't alone.He hoped that she could face reality bravely and get out of the shadow in her heart.Zheng Daoen also tried to pretend to be strong. She told Dong Guyun that she was fine, but no one knew the pain and confusion deep in her heart.

However, when Jung Da Eun saw the billboard on the roadside, her reaction surprised everyone.She claimed that this was the game mentioned at the end of the book, but Dong Guyun, who was sitting aside, knew nothing about it.This makes people begin to wonder whether Zheng Da Eun is really fine as she said, or has she begun to show symptoms of selective amnesia?