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《Cheer up Young person》 Summ

It tells the story of the inspirational growth of young boys from Jingshui Middle School during a critical period in their lives.Jin Zhan comes from a superior family, but he is lonely inside. He has lacked family love and companionship since he was a child. It was not until he met friends such as Yu Shu, Du Sha, He Shang, and Xiao Mei that he understood how a true friend should be defined.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Jin Zhan, an energetic young man, was being chased by a group of boys. He tried his best to shuttle through the streets and alleys, and finally got rid of the pursuit with his agility.A can accidentally thrown towards him was about to hit him, but Jin Zhan cleverly caught it and counterattacked, keeping his pursuers at bay.

However, as fate would have it, an inadvertent doll exposed Jin Zhan's shoe prints, making him the target of public criticism again.When he was exhausted, Jin Zhan was rescued by a mysterious woman in a trance. The pursuers fled after seeing this.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

He Shang mustered up the courage to send a love letter to his beloved Xiao Mei. Unexpectedly, this scene was caught by a group of noisy classmates, which immediately aroused a burst of laughter and ridicule.When He Shang was embarrassed and helpless, his friend Jin Zhan stepped forward and used his extraordinary eloquence and sense of justice to save He Shang.

Yu Shu, who happened to be passing by, saw what was happening and joined in. With his academic authority and calm analysis, the group of mockers realized that they were wrong and finally left in anger.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

Jin Zhan accidentally fell asleep last night, and when he woke up, it was time to hand in his homework, which was still unfinished. In desperation, he planned to borrow Yu Shu's test paper for emergencies.However, when Du Sha came to collect the homework, Jin Zhan's emergency plan failed and he failed to complete the homework on time.

What worries me is that if I fail to rank among the top 200 in this exam, my dream of joining my favorite club may be shattered.For this reason, Jin Zhan took the initiative to apologize to Yu Shu and secretly passed the note in class. Unexpectedly, he accidentally dropped the note, attracting the teacher's attention, and ended up being forced to stand in the back row.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

Jin Zhan met Yu Shu during class to comfort the crying Du Sha, and thought to himself that he should be the one to wipe away the goddess's tears.So, he took the initiative to approach Dusha after class, using the pretext of sharing songs, but actually wanting to get closer.However, Jin Zhan's singing did not win Dusha's favor, and instead he was persuaded to return to his seat and concentrate on studying.

This scene, coupled with the intimate conversation between Yu Shu and Du Sha, made Jin Zhan jealous and concluded that the two had a close relationship.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Jin Zhan and Yu Shu had to spend an awkward time together due to an unexpected super glue incident.That night, their right hands were firmly glued together, and they had to go back to Jin Zhan's house for dinner together.At the dinner table, the atmosphere was a little reserved. Jin Zhan's right hand was trapped, but Yu Shu cleverly avoided negative comments about Jin Zhan and instead praised his performance in school in front of Jin Zhao's brother.

When talking about the method of removing glue, Yu Shu suggested using nail polish remover, but Jin Zhao was busy answering the phone and missed the best opportunity.So, the two of them spent a sleepless night carrying the glued drink bottles. In the morning the next morning, they carefully covered it up with clothes for fear of attracting the attention of their classmates and teachers.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

Jin Zhan received a love letter and thought it was sent to him by someone. Someone must like him secretly.Jin Zhan's first reaction was that it was Du Sha, but later he learned that it was Xiao Mei. He Shang was still a little disappointed. After all, the person he had always liked was Xiao Mei, and Jin Zhan had his own good friends.

Jin Zhan later found out that the letter was not for him, so he didn't have to worry about it anymore. In fact, the letter was for Yu Shu.Jin Zhao gave his younger brother tickets to the e-sports competition. After Jin Zhan passed by, he saw someone dressing up as a comic character. Unexpectedly, the person dressed as Xiaowanzi turned out to be Yu Shu.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

When he went to school in the morning, Jin Zhan ran away as soon as he saw Yu Shu. Yu Shu chased him in confusion, not understanding why Jin Zhan was avoiding him.The teacher adjusted the seats according to grades. Some people did not want to sit at the same table as Jin Zhan, but He Shang, Du Sha and Yu Shu were all happy.Finally, Yu Shu succeeded in getting the teacher to agree to sit with Jin Zhan, saying that he could help him study.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

Jin Zhan was still saying that if Yu Shu left without saying a word, he would be careful to file a lawsuit. After all, Jin Zhan now knew how Yu Shu disguised himself as Xiaowanzi. Once his classmates found out, they would definitely laugh.Yu Shu also said that Jin Zhan was threatening him, but Jin Zhan was very honest and said that he was taking advantage of others.In order for Jin Zhan to be admitted as a student with special sports skills, Yu Shu dragged him to practice running every day, hoping to reach the standard as soon as possible. Jin Zhan felt that he was a long-distance runner and would definitely be selected.While Jin Zhan was cleaning, he kept thinking that Yu Shu was hiding something from him, and accidentally fell off the stool. Fortunately, Du Sha caught him.

Jin Zhan and Yu Shu made an appointment, but Jin Zhan was late again, but Yu Shu was quite on time, and even talked about the first time they met, as if it happened yesterday.Today everyone went to the amusement park, and Dusha and her friends also came and had a great time.Xiaomei told Dusha privately that if she also liked Yushu, she could compete fairly. Dusha quickly clarified that they were just good friends, and Xiaomei felt relieved.

Yu Shu came over to tell everyone that Jin Zhan was inviting guests to dinner that night, and also said that he would treat everyone to milk tea.As a result, he left in a hurry after receiving a text message. When Jin Zhan came back after buying milk tea, Yu Shu had long disappeared.It turned out that Yu Shu went to meet a girl and was picking out dolls, so he could only secretly send everyone a message saying that he had withdrawn in advance.

Jin Zhan didn't see Yu Shu when he got home, so he asked him if he had gone to participate in some competition.Yu Shu lay on the bed after taking a shower, feeling his body light and airy, as if he was playing the piano.In class the next day, Jin Zhan asked Yu Shu why he left early last night. Yu Shu said it was fine, but Jin Zhan saw that he was hiding something.Jin Zhan wanted to threaten him with a gift, but Yu Shu was called away by the teacher, who gave them a training plan.

Yu Shu remembered that Jin Zhan said that he was a track and field expert and that the school would provide classes for students with special talents, so he asked the teacher if he could return this year.The teacher shook his head and said no.Jin Zhan saw the flyer and thought it would be good to take the route of being a student with special talents. He confidently said that there would be no problem in cultural classes.

After school, Qi Yu trained with Jin Zhan. Jin Zhan started running confidently, but his result was 9 seconds worse than the worst in the previous session. He couldn't believe it and tried again, but it still didn't work.Yu Shu advised him to practice more and not to think too simply.

In class, Jin Zhan was called to answer a question, and Yu Shu quietly told him the answer from behind, joking that he hoped his cultural achievements would also surprise people.Jin Zhan was more determined to take the path of being a special student. He Shang teased him from the side because he was under great pressure, but he didn't know that Yu Shu was behind him, so He Shang quickly ran away.Jin Zhan promised Yu Shu that he would work hard.

Jin Zhan couldn't do the questions at night, so he sent a message to Yu Shu but got no reply.The next day, Jin Zhan asked Yu Shu if he went to bed too early and forgot key knowledge.Jin Zhan wanted to ask Yu Shu to the library on the weekend, but Yu Shu said he had something to do and refused. Jin Zhan felt that Yu Shu was mysterious.While cleaning, Jin Zhan thought of Yu Shu again and felt that he was hiding something, so he almost fell down. Fortunately, Du Sha held him up.

After school, Jin Zhan went to Yu Shu's house. Yu Shu's father happened to go out. He met Yu Shu's sister and learned that Yu Shu had gone to see his beautiful sister%.Jin Zhan bribed his sister with toys, and after learning the location, he went straight to the coffee shop.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Yu Shu playing the piano. It turned out that he worked part-time here.After Yu Shu was busy, he saw Jin Zhan and asked him what he was doing.After Jin Zhan learned the truth, he was surprised and embarrassed. It turned out that he had misunderstood Yu Shu again.He didn't expect Yu Shu to have to work so many part-time jobs and still maintain good grades. He was really impressed.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9

Jin Zhan's heart has been scratching his head lately, always wondering whether he likes Dusha or not.He was actually so childish that he decided by picking flower petals. He Shang also caught him doing this, which made him extremely embarrassed.Jin Zhan's mind was still in a mess, thinking about when Yu Shu got close to Sister Hong from the coffee shop, and he made up a bunch of plots, but Yu Shu just threw a book over to pull him out of his fantasy.reality.

Jin Zhan didn't give up and asked Dusha in a roundabout way what he thought about the relationship between sister and brother. Dusha thought Jin Zhan was testing their relationship and shyly said that it was not unacceptable.Jin Zhan also boldly asked if it was okay to be ten years younger, which directly pissed Du Sha off, thinking he had some evil intentions.

Jin Zhan didn't give up and asked the teacher about puppy love again. The teacher was quite open-minded and didn't object to the sibling relationship.Jin Zhan suddenly realized that this was where he was struggling.

In the physical education class, Jinzhan won the first place in the race, and he happily said that he would treat everyone to a meal, and the place was Yu Shu's dessert shop.Xiaomei was so considerate to Yu Shu, and Jin Zhan deliberately made trouble to bring them together.He Shang became anxious when he saw it, and pulled Jin Zhan away directly, saying that he liked Xiaomei. Jin Zhan also argued that he was helping to find out what was going on, which made He Shang feel depressed, as if he was attending his own wedding.

Jin Zhan then made a bunch of remarks about "falling in love as early as possible". In fact, he just wanted to see Yu Shu's attitude towards Xiaomei so that he could judge the other people in Yu Shu's heart.After returning home, he told his brother about Yu Shu's part-time job in a cafe. He thought it was normal, but Jin Zhan thought it was fishy and said that Yu Shu was getting close to an older sister with a good figure.

One day Yu Shu was playing the piano while Jin Zhan was watching and felt that Yu Shu was quite stylish.He approached and said that he also worked in a coffee shop, and told the proprietress that he could improve his performance, but the condition was that she stay away from Yu Shu.After saying that, he left, leaving behind a handsome figure.

Jin Zhan worked very hard as a waiter, and even invited his brother to join him. It turned out that his brother and the boss's wife, Sister Hong, were old acquaintances, and the two had a lively chat.Jin Zhan's trick of "curve to save the country" was actually to distract Yu Shu. Unexpectedly, he got his brother involved. Jin Zhao was so fascinated when he saw Sister Hong that he thought about how to change clothes to see her every day.

Jin Zhan also didn't forget to get close to Yu Shu's sister, hoping to find out some of Yu Shu's personal affairs from her.Later, Yu Shu received a call saying that his sister was hospitalized because she was allergic to chocolate beans.Jin Zhan blamed himself so much that he didn't know that his sister was allergic to chocolate.After Yu Shu was busy in the hospital, Jin Zhan also helped apologize and explained to Yu Shu's father.Yu Shu didn't blame Jin Zhan, but blamed himself for neglecting his sister because of his part-time job.Through these few days of getting along, Jin Zhan has figured out his sister's preferences and told Yu Shu one by one. Yu Shu was both happy and grateful, and the relationship between the two became closer.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10

During class, Jin Zhan was pounding in his heart, fearing that the teacher would call on him. However, he was so afraid that the teacher just called him.Jin Zhan was so anxious that he winked at Yu Shu, hoping that Yu Shu could help him, but Yu Shu pretended not to see it.Jin Zhan had no choice but to call Yu Shu's name loudly. As a result, the teacher not only criticized Yu Shu but also punished him for copying the text.He Shang, who was watching the fun next to him, didn't think it was a big deal and was pulled up by the teacher to answer questions.

After class, Jin Zhan asked Yu Shu why he didn't help. Yu Shu said seriously: "The teacher has taught this question many times, you have to learn it by yourself."%

On the other side, a teacher felt sour when he heard that Chen Xiaohong dressed up specially for a blind date.In physical education class, Jin Zhan and Yu Shu became sit-up partners. Jin Zhan took the opportunity to retaliate against Yu Shu for not helping him, and deliberately reported lower grades to the teacher.He Shang looked on stunned.

Later, the teacher accidentally locked himself in the activity room and his cell phone ran out of battery. Jin Zhan was asked by Chen Xiaohong to read English. Although he tried hard to cope with it, Yu Shu's excellent performance made him feel inferior.Chen Xiaohong was dissatisfied with both of them and asked the whole class to read the text thoroughly.As a result, Yu Shu became even more dissatisfied with Jin Zhan and always found trouble in class.

The physical education teacher was locked up in the equipment room. Fortunately, Chen Xiaohong passed by to save the situation. The two almost bumped into each other, and the atmosphere was subtle.Jin Zhao is obsessed with Sister Hong, while Jin Zhan hopes that his brother can be with Sister Hong and decides to assist.

Yu Shu discovered that his sister secretly threw medicine. Although he was harsh, his eyes were full of love.His sister advised Yu Shu to be tolerant, and Yu Shu also began to reflect on himself.During the monthly exam, Jin Zhan's cell phone ringtone betrayed him and was confiscated by the teacher.The teacher announced that his grades had improved, and Jin Zhan proudly showed off to Yu Shu.

After class, Jin Zhan was busy copying notes. Yu Shu deliberately wiped the blackboard to delay time. In fact, he was waiting for Jin Zhan.In the end, Yu Shu took the initiative to apologize and also revealed his feelings for Sister Hong and the story behind giving up the piano - his deep longing for his mother.After hearing this, Jin Zhan had a deeper understanding of Yu Shu.

Jin Zhan also went to Yu Shu's house to play with his sister, and learned more about Yu Shu and the piano's past from Yu's father. The misunderstanding and estrangement between Yu Shu and Yu Shu gradually dissipated in his heart.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11

Jin Zhan tried his best to encourage his brother Jin Zhao to confess to his beloved Sister Hong. Unexpectedly, the flowers he held were actually several bunches of wheat. The situation was awkward for a time. Yu Shu walked out at this time. Jin Zhan was quick to think and pulled Yu Shu.He hurriedly left on the pretext of eating ice cream, leaving everyone with stunned faces.Although Sister Hong was surprised by Jin Zhao's special gift, she gladly accepted it and invited him to have lunch.

Afterwards, Jin Zhan was heartbroken when he learned that there was no romantic relationship between Yu Shu and Sister Hong.As the campus drama festival approaches, He Shang actively calls on Jin Zhan to participate, but is declined.During lunch, He Shang once again tried to unite with Yu Shu. The class was under pressure due to the monthly exams. Yu Shu was concerned about Jin Zhan's emotions and rushed to the office to inquire about Jin Zhan's results before eating.After learning that Jin Zhan was still at the bottom of the class despite his remarkable progress, Yu Shu felt pity for him and comforted him with bread, encouraging him to regain his confidence.Jin Zhan was pleasantly surprised by his improvement in ranking and decided to devote himself to drama performances to bring honor to his class.

Yu Shu failed to mobilize the whole class, so he had to adopt a designated method to form a team.Jin Zhan, He Shang, and Du Sha responded positively, and Fu Min also volunteered to join. Although the line practice seemed awkward at first, the team gradually took shape.The script was selected - Sleeping Beauty -, and in terms of role allocation, Dusha recommended himself as a director because of his love for fighting dramas. Fu Min encountered setbacks after trying out the role of a princess, but Yu Shu had a keen eye and suggested that she switch to an elf role, which would better suit her personality..

During the rehearsal, the rivalry between Jin Zhan and Du Sha caused an episode. Jin Zhan's passionate kiss made Du Sha dumbfounded and quickly stopped.Fu Min took the initiative to apologize and accepted the role adjustment. Dusha reluctantly agreed to play the princess after everyone's persuasion.Jin Zhao witnessed his younger brother rehearsing and was dumbfounded by his exaggerated performance, while Jin Zhan prepared his acceptance speech with great anticipation.

On the eve of the drama festival, Yu Shu's younger sister was eager to participate in the rehearsal, but was slightly disappointed after being gently rejected by her brother.At the rehearsal site, there was a strong atmosphere of competition between Class 2 and Class 5 in plays with the same theme. The provocation of the other boy angered Jin Zhan, and he stood up to defend his teammates.On the official performance day, each class gave its best, and the stage was filled with youthful brilliance and sweat. Every scene embodies the students' efforts and dreams.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12

That day, Fu Min carefully dressed up Dusha. Dusha's makeup made her look completely new and beautiful.Not to be outdone, Jin Zhan put on handsome and attractive clothes and was fully prepared.Yu Shu was on the side, recording this beautiful moment with his camera.However, at the critical moment when she was about to set off, Dusha suddenly realized that she had forgotten to bring her crucial pair of high heels, and she was so anxious that she almost ran back to get them.

Unfortunately, at the door, Dusha ran into a classmate from Class 2. The other person seemed to have deliberately delayed the event with lies, in order to prevent Dusha from arriving at the event on time.As the game time approached, Dusha was still late, making everyone present extremely anxious.Especially Jin Zhan, he knew that if Dusha could not play the elf, Fu Min would have to play the princess instead, which would disrupt the entire show.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, Dusha finally discovered the truth - her high heels were hidden by a classmate in Class 2 as a prank.In anger, Dusha punched the opponent without hesitation, causing the opponent to faint from seeing blood.This sudden incident directly led to Yu Shu being ordered to take over the role of Du Sha and play the princess as a boy.Although this was beyond everyone's expectation, Yu Shu's serious attitude won the admiration of the judges in the audience.

Jin Zhan, as a prince, completed this unique performance with Princess Yu Shu and achieved unexpected success.But after the performance, Jin Zhan did not forget to seek justice for Dusha. He found the classmate who took away the high heels and asked him to apologize.This move triggered a conflict between Class 5 and Class 2. Fortunately, the dean appeared in time and calmed the turmoil, but Jin Zhan's face had already left several scars.

Afterwards, class teacher Chen Xiaohong understood the ins and outs of the matter, criticized everyone's impulsive behavior, and emphasized the importance of communication to solve problems.Dusha was also scolded by the teacher and told to notify her parents to come to school.Faced with all this, Yu Shu felt sorry for Jin Zhan's injury, but also worried that he would continue to act impulsively, while Jin Zhan insisted that his classmates should not be wronged.

After school, Jin Zhan and Yu Shu planned to relax, but they encountered Dusha being debt-collected on the road.The two men stood up to protect Dusha without hesitation, and finally successfully rescued the siege through the deterrence of the police and cameras.While Dusha was grateful, she also revealed her family's difficulties. It turned out that her father had broken up the family due to debt problems, but she was still strong and dependent on her grandmother.

As night falls, Jin Zhan escorts the drunken Yu Shu home. Yu Shu's confusion and coquettishness make the journey full of warmth and fun.In the end, Jin Zhan sent Yu Shu home safely, and inadvertently discovered the wrong-question notes that Yu Shu had compiled for himself. This intention made Jin Zhan feel warm in his heart.

Although this day was full of twists and turns and challenges, it also witnessed friendship, courage and growth.In the days to come, they will continue to move forward hand in hand and face every challenge in life together.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 13 Details

Episode 13

Early the next morning, Jin Zhan's urging broke Yu Shu's dream. He mentioned that he would be late for school, and Yu Shu sat up suddenly. All the dreams of last night seemed to have disappeared.Xiao Mei was thinking about how to confide her feelings to Yu Shu. In her world, Yu Shu was the only scenery.At this time, He Shang quietly gave Xiao Mei the photos taken on the performance day. While being full of gratitude, He Shang was even more eager to develop a further relationship with Xiao Mei.

The approaching exam season has made the campus atmosphere suddenly tense. However, the news brought by He Shang is like a breath of fresh air - the summer cram school has been cancelled!This good news made everyone cheer, as if the wings of freedom were about to unfold.He Shang took the opportunity to invite Du Sha to go with him, but in fact the drunkard's intention was to use Du Sha's power to get closer to Xiao Mei.Just as joy filled the air, Chen Xiaohong's appearance brought order to the classroom instantly. Only Jin Zhan, who was concerned about the end of the semester, still refused to leave after school. Yu Shu saw this and took the initiative to stay and tutor for him.

The final exam came as scheduled, and Jin Zhan went all out. Yu Shu's careful teachings echoed in his mind. Every key point was like a brand, profound and clear.After the exam, at the campus cultural exhibition, Jin Zhan and Yu Shu stood side by side, and the camera captured this friendship.When the results were announced, Jin Zhan actually surpassed Hong Zefeng, which made the latter unbelievable.As a reward, Jin Zhan got his favorite game console and invited everyone to his home to enjoy the fun. Du Sha even thoughtfully brought homemade glutinous rice, but he paid special attention to Yu Shu, fearing that he would get drunk.Unexpectedly, Jin Zhan himself was too drunk and kept talking drunkenly. Not only did he express his gratitude for meeting Chen Xiaohong, but he also called Chen Xiaohong in a daze and called her by his first name. The scene once got out of control and everyone couldn't help laughing.

The next day, Jin Zhan woke up and wanted to continue playing, but saw everyone immersed in their homework. Yu Shu told him that he had lost his temper after drinking, and Jin Zhan regretted it.Jin Zhao appeared at the right time, comforted people with snacks, and encouraged everyone not to abandon or give up.As for himself, he has fallen in love with Sister Hong. In the decompression game room, the relationship between the two quietly heated up amidst laughter and excitement.

The night of the full moon is approaching, Xiaomei proposes to enjoy the moon together, and everyone happily agrees.Although Yu Shu could not go with him due to family commitments, he did not forget to call Sister Hong to share his expectations.Jin Zhan was invited by Yu Shu's sister to have dinner at her home, which was full of warmth.Facing the upcoming super moon, everyone decided to make homemade surprises and draw lots of ice cream sticks to give each other gifts, adding to the sense of ceremony.

He Shang was lucky enough to draw Xiao Mei, and his love was quietly revealed at this opportunity; Yu Shu chose to make a cake by himself as a special gift to Jin Zhan.After dinner, a warm gift exchange took place at Jin Zhan's home. Each gift carried deep friendship and blessings.Although Yu Shu's cake was slightly flawed, the wishing session under the moonlight made everyone's hearts closely connected and they prayed for a better future together.

On this night, whether it was the warmth of family or the laughter among friends, they became the most precious memories in their hearts.Under the super moon, they learned to cherish the people in front of them, enjoy every moment of life, and believe that the days to come will be even brighter.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 14 Details

Episode 14

Jin Zhao carefully selected a place full of romantic atmosphere and invited Sister Hong to have dinner. During the dinner, he even peeled shrimps for Sister Hong. This scene made Sister Hong feel warm in her heart.On the other side, Jin Zhan returned home and unexpectedly found a gift placed by the door. When he opened it, he found that it was his school uniform from Heilong Middle School, and that uniform had long been shelved by him.At school the next day, Jin Zhan ran into Gu Fei in school. He was standing next to Chen Xiaohong's office, looking particularly eye-catching.

Chen Xiaohong announced to the class that Gu Fei had joined the class as an exchange student from Heilong Middle School and had achieved outstanding results.This news caused quite a stir in the class, especially Gu Fei's handsome appearance, which quickly captured the hearts of many classmates.However, for Jin Zhan, Gu Fei's arrival made him feel complicated. There seemed to be an unspeakable past between the two.Once upon a time, Jin Zhan and Gu Fei were good friends who talked about everything, but now, that friendship has drifted apart and is irretrievable.

Yu Shu, as a close friend of Jin Zhan, was keenly aware of the subtle atmosphere between the two.When Gu Fei accidentally sprained his ankle on the court and deliberately sought Jin Zhan's help, Jin Zhan felt mixed emotions.What made him even more angry was that Gu Fei used this as a threat and took out photos of women's clothing that Jin Zhan had drawn privately and asked Jin Zhan to take care of him until he recovered, otherwise the photos would be made public.

On the weekend, Jin Zhan and Yu Shu were supposed to spend time together, but it was ruined because of Gu Fei's intervention.Yu Shu carefully prepared a pair of sneakers as Jin Zhan's birthday gift, but accidentally bumped into Jin Zhan and Gu Fei walking together in the cinema, and was inevitably disappointed.Jin Zhan, on the other hand, didn't suddenly remember his birthday until he was celebrating at home, and even more aware of his negligence towards Yu Shu.He hurriedly looked for Yu Shu, hoping to get forgiveness, and personally sent him an apology for being late and coffee.

When the test day came, Gu Fei was late for some reason. When he knelt down, Yu Shu was surprised to find that the sneakers he gave to Jin Zhan were actually on Gu Fei's feet.Under the misunderstanding, Yu Shu felt heavy and became indifferent to Gu Fei's words.Gu Fei's excellent results put him firmly at the top of the campus rankings, all of which made Jin Zhan feel unbelievable.

At the same time, Chen Xiaohong's personal life has quietly become a topic.The frequent messages she received made Teacher Li guess that she might have fallen in love, and the blind date mentioned by Chen Xiaohong made Teacher Li jealous even more.On the other side, Yu Shu opened the book in the dead of night and found the encouragement and care left by Jin Zhan between the lines with his brush. This delicate emotion made him feel warmer.

The story slowly advances amidst misunderstandings and understandings. The friendship between Jin Zhan and Yu Shu has gone through tests, but has become stronger.Facing the upcoming senior year of high school, they encourage each other and move forward together. Gu Fei's arrival may be just an episode in the growth of this friendship, making each other cherish the person in front of them even more.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 15 Details

Episode 15

Last night, Yu Shu did not deliver the photos to Jin Zhan, but Jin Zhan took advantage of Yu Shu's unpreparedness and took several photos during the break, but the results were not satisfactory, so he decided to wait for a better time.Soon after, when Yu Shu walked to the window, Jin Zhan quickly captured the moment. Although Yu Shu realized that he was being secretly photographed, he did not blame him.Jin Zhan excitedly shared the photo with his friends, thinking about the upcoming school spirit evaluation, vowing to protect the glory of Jingshui Middle School and not let Gu Fei win the championship easily.

After Xiaomei heard the news, she immediately expressed her full support for Yu Shu, and everyone immediately divided their work and cooperated to start a tug-of-war for voting around Yu Shu and Gu Fei.When Yu Shu walked into the library, he noticed the strange eyes around him and learned from Fu Min that he had unexpectedly become a popular candidate for the school election.He found Jin Zhan and wondered why he signed up without permission. He thought this was a waste of time and he should focus on his studies.Jin Zhan firmly believes that only Yu Shu can take on this important task, and he must not let Gu Fei succeed easily.

On the same day, the results of the mock exam and the school's selection were announced. A double blow caught Yu Shu off guard - Gu Fei actually won the crown at the same time.Chen Xiaohong privately blamed Yu Shu for failing to set an example as the squad leader and his performance dropped sharply.When Jin Zhan saw this, although he was worried, he still tried his best to comfort Yu Shu. He was surprised that Teacher Chen knew about Yu Shu's piano playing outside school, but he didn't know that it was Gu Fei who secretly revealed it, not him.

Jin Zhan made remarkable progress in this exam, and rumors spread that Yu Shu's failure was blamed on him.Gu Fei stood up to defend Jin Zhan, but Jin Zhan blamed himself and worried that he would become a drag on Yu Shu.Gu Fei talked to Yu Shu in private, and Yu Shu took the ranking of the school's top students indifferently, but in fact he had an insight into the intrigue behind Gu Fei's ranking.Gu Fei admitted frankly that he just wanted to take this opportunity to let Jin Zhan get to know him, and then the two started a race. Gu Fei easily led, but Yu Shu fell down midway, and Jin Zhan hurriedly stepped forward to check.Chen Xiaohong also comforted Yu Shu with warm words.

Jin Zhan questioned Gu Fei's intentions, and Gu Fei said that he only wanted to be friends with Yu Shu, and emphasized that he was unwilling to accept the competition and was willing to prove his sincerity with practical actions.Jin Zhan left angrily.

At night, Yu Shu returned home and expressed his true feelings to his father's comfort.Although his father was surprised that Yu Shu participated in the race, he was also pleased with his sense of competition.The next day, Jin Zhan took the initiative to talk to Yu Shu, but Yu Shu had a cold attitude.After school, Yu Shu asked Jin Zhan about the content of Teacher Chen's conversation, but Jin Zhan remained silent.Later, Jin Zhan met with Gu Fei in private and showed his photos to express his sincerity in making friends. Gu Fei responded with indifference. After Jin Zhan left, a playful smile appeared on his lips.

On the other side, the warm interaction between Jin Zhao and Sister Hong in the kitchen was caught by Yu Shu, and the scene was slightly embarrassing.Yu Shu handed over the items to Jin Zhan for an excuse. When he entered his room, he accidentally found that the sneakers he had given him were hidden in the cabinet. He suddenly realized that the sneakers had not fallen into Gu Fei's hands.

In class, the teacher arranged for Yu Shu to sit at the same table as Gu Fei, and Jin Zhan was secretly worried.However, Yu Shu assured Jin Zhan that he would surpass Gu Fei in the next mock exam and regain the top spot.The story continues to move forward amid subtle emotions and competition. Everyone is working hard for their own goals, and at the same time, they are inadvertently affecting the life trajectories of others.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 16 Details

Episode 16

In an ordinary physical education class, the teacher summoned the students to gather and prepare to start training. However, Dusha was temporarily summoned to the office by the teacher and was unable to return to the team in time. The teacher did not wait long, and the training began immediately.Jin Zhan was enthusiastically cheering Yu Shu on the side. Although he could see Yu Shu's inner anxiety, he kept giving encouraging words.As the test time approached, Gu Fei also joined the cheering crowd, but Yu Shu's performance was still lagging behind.At this time, Dusha finally arrived, but his mind did not seem to be completely focused on training.

During the girls' run, Dusha absentmindedly fell at the end of the team, and there was a subtle sense of impatience in the air.After class, Xiaomei asked about Dusha's status with concern, and Dusha revealed that the idea of ​​transferring to another school stemmed from her mother's concerns about her studies.She suggested that if she could break into the top five in this test, she might be able to avoid the risk of transferring to another school.This news happened to be heard by Jin Zhan. He mistakenly thought that Dusha was unwell, so he drank the cold drink prepared for her without authorization, but Dusha scolded him.

Jin Zhan learned a “legend” from Xiao Mei - making a wish with a friend's eyelashes can come true.So, he pestered Yu Shu to ask for eyelashes, and even couldn't calm down during class. In the end, he was caught by the teacher. Not only did he fail to get what he wanted, but he was also criticized.The unwilling Jin Zhan did not give up, while Dusha secretly used Xiaomei's eyelashes to make a wish for good results in the physical test.

Later, Jin Zhan couldn't forget Yu Shu's eyelashes, and Gu Fei's participation made the battle for eyelashes even more subtle.In the end, Gu Fei offered to donate his eyelashes, and Yu Shu agreed out of jealousy and helplessness, but the additional condition was that Jin Zhan should not be entangled again.After the physical education class, Gu Fei encountered a bicycle breakdown and Jin Zhan extended a helping hand. This scene happened to be caught by Du Sha. She mistakenly thought that the balance of friendship was about to tilt, but Xiao Mei persuaded her not to interfere.

In class, Jin Zhan unexpectedly answered the question correctly. It turned out that this was the wish he had silently made.Yu Shu mistakenly believed that Jin Zhan's success was due to Gu Fei's eyelashes, while Du Sha was worried about his midterm exam.Amidst Yu Shu's hesitation, Jin Zhan's sincere request for help made her finally agree to help.The truth was revealed, and Jin Zhan's good results were actually due to Gu Fei's nightly tutoring, not the power of his eyelashes.

On the other side, Yu Shu met Jin Zhao by chance and learned that Gu Fei was about to become an exchange student. Jin Zhao's worries prompted Yu Shu to promise to supervise Gu Fei.Gu Fei felt unhappy after learning that Jin Zhan had obtained eyelashes and made a wish.At dinner time, Jin Zhan's house was bustling with activity. Jin Zhan was overjoyed by Yu Shu's arrival and planned to cook in person, but for some reason he changed to takeout.Gu Fei's sudden visit made the atmosphere delicate. His act of declaring sovereignty was intertwined with Du Sha's “ assist”, and finally Yu Shu decided to stay at Jin Zhan's house.

In the dead of night, an unexpected power outage caused Jin Zhan to rush upstairs to check on Yu Shu's condition.In the darkness, Yu Shu's panic was gently resolved by Jin Zhan's night light, and the misunderstanding between the two also dissipated.Jin Zhan confessed that he knew about Yu Shu's night blindness, and explained the real reason for asking for eyelashes - that innocent friendship and care.The next day, the test came, and Yu Shu surpassed Gu Fei with amazing progress, not only proving his own strength, but also deepening the friendship with his friends.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 17 Details

Episode 17

On a sunny weekend, the day of outing came quietly. Jin Zhan specially put on his colorful shirt, looking particularly energetic.He noticed that Yu Shu not only came as promised, but also brought a notebook with him. His desire for knowledge made people marvel at his eagerness to learn.Teacher Li and Chen Xiaohong sat side by side, adding a bit of warmth to the journey.Du Sha cleverly occupied Yu Shu's position, as if looking for a slightly different experience.After Xiaomei joined, Jin Zhan generously gave up his seat close to He Shang. He Shang's face was filled with a satisfied smile, and the picture was harmonious and beautiful.

On the other side, Jin Zhao was wandering alone in the cafe, full of doubts about Sister Hong's words, not knowing whether they were a true expression of true feelings or a lighthearted joke.Just as she was hesitating, Sister Hong quietly appeared in her sight.A question from a subordinate interrupted Jin Zhao's thoughts, but she had an idea and invited Sister Hong to her home to enjoy TV time in the evening, and Sister Hong happily agreed.

In the afternoon, Dusha was immersed in the tense atmosphere of preparing for the exam, never leaving his books.Everyone set up a tent in an open area, while Jin Zhan and Yu Shu were busy barbecuing. The two of them laughing and playing attracted the attention of others, especially Gu Fei. Witnessing this scene, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.Jin Zhan also quietly revealed that he would prepare a special surprise for Yu Shu that night.

Xiaomei and Dusha met Hong Zefeng while taking photos. Out of curiosity, they invited Hong Zefeng to join the group photo.During the process, Dusha noticed the scars on Hong Zefeng's hands, which were caused by almost falling while supporting himself.Du Sha was so grateful that he not only gave him the ointment, but also applied it to him personally. This scene made Hong Zefeng's eyes become extremely soft.

At the same time, Jin Zhao was still worried about how to express his love to Sister Hong, thinking over and over again about his words.As night fell, Sister Hong was full of praise for a sumptuous dinner. Jin Zhao mustered up the courage to confess his feelings and said that he would persevere until he received Sister Hong's approval.Surprisingly, Sister Hong also gave a positive answer.

On the other side, during the photo shoot episode between Jin Zhan and Yu Shu, Xiao Mei tried to muster up the courage to confess her love, but was temporarily put on hold due to Yu Shu's attentive care.Jin Zhao appeared at the right time and brought a surprise with a wishing card. Together, the two hung it on a big tree in the suburbs, making good expectations for the future.

Teacher Li noticed Chen Xiaohong's loneliness. It turned out that she had just ended an inappropriate blind date.Teacher Li held her hand tenderly, expressed his deep affection, promised to prove his love with actions, and was willing to get married immediately.Chen Xiaohong blushed at the sudden confession and fled the scene shyly.

As night fell, Yu Shu came to the wishing tree alone. After confirming that the wishing card was safe and sound, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.Du Sha noticed something unusual about Yu Shu, and Jin Zhan rushed over immediately. It turned out that Yu Shu's cell phone was out of battery, and he didn't dare to leave alone.Jin Zhan not only found Yu Shu, but also generously gave him his outdoor watch for emergency use.Gu Fei was dissatisfied because of Jin Zhan's delay in returning, but soon the happy weekend came to an end.

The next day, Yu Shu found that Jin Zhan was absent from class. After learning that he had taken leave for some reason, he couldn't help but feel worried.After school, he immediately contacted Jin Zhao and learned that Jin Zhan actually asked for leave because of a toothache, and that the blood stains on the coffee table at home were just a false alarm.Yu Shu rushed to Jin Zhan's house, took good care of him, cooked porridge and fed him, and the friendship between the two quietly grew in subtle ways.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 18 Details

Episode 18

Jin Zhan saw Yu Shu approaching and hurriedly stuffed the game console deep into the drawer, fearing that his friend would confiscate his “baby”.He explained softly that when he was a child, his parents were both workaholics and rarely accompanied him. He was often entrusted to the care of neighbor aunts.Due to long-term depression, her mother eventually suffered from depression, which often shrouded Jin Zhan's mood in a haze.It wasn't until Yu Shu noticed the fatigue revealed in Jin Zhan's words and touched his forehead that he discovered that he had a high fever.

Yu Shu was so distraught that he immediately sent Jin Zhan to the hospital.Coincidentally, Jin Zhan's father was also waiting here because Jin Zhan's wisdom teeth were inflamed and needed to be extracted.Knowing that Yu Shu was Jin Zhan's best friend, Jin's father repeatedly asked him to take more care of Jin Zhan.Yu Shu found Jin's father in private and sincerely suggested that he spend more time with his children. After all, a sense of distance had quietly developed invisibly.Jin's father was silent for a moment, leaving only a bag of candies for Yu Shu, and mentioned that he had a friend named Yu in college, which seemed to imply some unspeakable emotion.

Yu Shu conveyed his father's thoughts to Jin Zhan and told him that his father actually cared about him, but the way of expressing it was different.As the news spread, students made plans to visit Jin Zhan after school.Gu Fei, Du Sha, Hong Zefeng and others all came to the hospital with gifts, and the ward was filled with laughter and laughter.Gu Fei secretly gave the game console to Jin Zhan. Although Yu Shu confiscated it again, the tacit understanding and jokes between the brothers made the atmosphere even warmer.

After recovery, Jin Zhan returned to school just as his English results were announced.He waited uneasily, but the result was unexpectedly good, and he was overjoyed by the significant progress.Gu Fei encountered the subtle tension between Jin Zhan and Yu Shu in the office, and thought to himself.On the way home from school, Gu Fei encountered a power outage and was worried about Yu Shu, who had night blindness, so he finally decided to return. Fortunately, he found that Yu Shu had prepared a flashlight. The familiar watch reminded Gu Fei of the past when he asked Jin Zhan for help but failed.A smile appeared.

There are many happy events on campus. Chen Xiaohong and Teacher Li finally got married, receiving blessings from their classmates.Jin Zhan gave up sweets due to health concerns, and Yu Shu cleverly gave him milk tea made by himself in the name of his sister, which made Jin Zhan feel warmer.Yu Shu did not forget to bring cat food and prepared to feed the kittens in the back garden of the campus after school. Jin Zhan was deeply moved by this attentiveness.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 19 Details

Episode 19

As soon as Jin Zhan stepped into the house, he was suddenly surprised by his brother Jin Zhao at the table.Without saying a word, Jin Zhao pulled him and said that he should help him get in good shape as soon as possible.It turns out that when watching a movie yesterday, Sister Hong was full of praise for the actor's muscles, which aroused Jin Zhao's fighting spirit and vowed to become the “Muscle God” in Sister Hong's heart.

From the second day onwards, Jin Zhao started exercising like crazy.Jin Zhan followed suit and moved twice, but soon he was out of breath and it was difficult to lift even the lightest dumbbell.Seeing this, Jin Zhao also tried the heaviest dumbbell, but both of them were defeated.At this time, Yu Shu passed by, raised his hand slightly, and the dumbbell was steadily raised above his head, leaving the brothers stunned.

In order to build muscle, Jin Zhao drank protein powder every day, but as soon as he drank one bag, he felt bad all over. It turned out that he was allergic to protein powder.He was in a hurry to see Sister Hong, but he fainted before he could speak. Sister Hong was so frightened that she rushed him to the hospital.After waking up, Sister Hong was both distressed and moved. She praised Jin Zhao as a person who loves life and hoped that he could take good care of himself.

Jin Zhao was not idle this time when he was hospitalized. He quietly prepared a confession plan and called all Jin Zhan's friends to help.Everyone worked together to make the decoration warm and romantic.The roll-up accidentally chose the wrong color, and Yu Shu immediately rushed to reprint it, and met Gu Fei by chance.After Gu Fei heard about it, he helped with printing without saying a word. It turned out that his family ran a printing shop, which saved a lot of trouble.

On the day of the confession, Sister Hong was invited to the scene and was moved to tears when she saw everything Jin Zhao had prepared for her.Holding flowers in hand, Jin Zhao confessed to Sister Hong affectionately under the witness of everyone, and the two finally came together.The salutes were fired, and amid the laughter and laughter, the love between the two received the best blessings.

On the other side, Jin Zhao also noticed Dusha's little habits, such as not liking the smell of durian and having messy hair.He not only helped Dusha arrange her hair, but also put hairpins on her hair, which made Dusha angry and funny.Jin Zhao was also busy preparing for the engagement party. Jin Zhan was surprised and happy to see his brother so serious, and expressed his full support.

However, on the eve of the engagement party, Jin Zhao was late for class because of attending the engagement party, and his name was recorded by Du Sha.Jin Zhan met Yu Shu on campus who was worried about independent enrollment. It turned out that the teacher was asking him about his choice of Tsinghua University or Peking University, which made Jin Zhan laugh at himself.At the same time, He Shang's art performance was not satisfactory and he was hesitating whether to re-study; Du Sha was wavering between studying abroad and domestic development, and even threw away her boxing gloves out of irritation. Fortunately, Jin Zhan dissuaded her in time and encouraged her not to give up her dream.

Dusha's lucky coin became Yu Shu's life-saving straw, helping him relieve the pressure of choosing a school.Jin Zhan, on the other hand, was watching all this silently, worried about the future of his friends but also pleased with their growth.As for Xiaomei, she mustered up the courage to confess her love to Yu Shu, but was unable to do so due to the wrong timing, but her innocent emotions were moving.

In this season full of changes and challenges, everyone is working hard for their dreams and future.The love between Jin Zhao and Sister Hong, the friendship between Jin Zhan and his friends, and everyone's choice and persistence for the future all constitute the most touching chapter in this youth story.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 20 Details

Episode 20

Jin Zhan and Yu Shu were busy looking for the coin that symbolized luck. While searching, Yu Shu lamented the uncertainty of life and asked Jin Zhan what he would choose if it were him.As for Jin Zhan, he was busy looking for something and forgot that he was still wearing a suit. As a result, he accidentally soiled his pants while squatting on the ground.He simply took off his pants and washed them. He originally wanted to find an excuse to ask for leave to attend his brother's engagement party, but he was afraid that the teacher would not approve.Coincidentally, Teacher Li also lent his pants to Jin Zhan for emergency use.But Jin Zhan still felt sorry for missing his brother's engagement party.

There was a test that afternoon, but Gu Fei didn't come. Chen Xiaohong was quite surprised.Unexpectedly, Gu Fei appeared in front of Jin Zhan at night with a newly bought suit and said it was for him. Jin Zhan was extremely happy.At the engagement party, Jin Zhao and Sister Hong both got drunk. Jin Zhan was also tired after a long day, but he felt very satisfied when he saw his brother and sister-in-law looking happy.He also took advantage of his drunkenness to give Yu Shu a funny hairstyle and teased him by taking out photos of Yu Shu wearing hairpins when he was a child. Yu Shu was so shy that he asked to delete the photos.

Yu Shu was helping Gu Fei clean the classroom because Gu Fei was punished for not coming to the exam in the afternoon.Jin Zhan also came to help, and the atmosphere was quite warm.In the evening, Gu Fei invited everyone to a dinner and said that his time as an exchange student in Jingshui was coming to an end and he would go back next week.He apologized to everyone for his previous impulsiveness, and Du Sha also said that everyone was not really angry. The misunderstanding was resolved and the relationship became stronger.Jin Zhan asked Gu Fei privately about his life in Jingshui. Gu Fei confessed that he had thought about snatching Jin Zhan away from Yu Shu, but later found that it was not a real friendship at all. The experience in Jingshui made him grow.

At the dinner table, Xiao Mei asked Yu Shu about his college aspirations. In fact, everyone used the lucky coins to confirm their inner choices.Xiaomei wanted to let go of her feelings for someone, but Heshang saw that she was reluctant to let go, but he silently supported her.Gu Fei decided to study abroad, while Yu Shu planned to apply for Aviation University, and encouraged Jin Zhan to pursue his dream.Du Sha found the boxing gloves picked up by Hong Zefeng in the boxing gym and regained her confidence.

Jin Zhan told stories with Yu Shu's sister in the evening, and he went home first because he had to prepare for the game the next day.His sister gave him a hairpin, and Yu Shu also gave him her eyelashes as lucky charms, hoping that he would get good grades.The next day, Jin Zhan was so nervous that he even broke his hairpin.Teacher Li appeared in time to cheer him up and revealed that Yu Shu would come to watch the game.Yu Shu met Gu Fei when he was catching the bus. Gu Fei lent him his bicycle so that he could arrive at the scene on time.

During the game, Jin Zhan performed well.But an accident happened. Yu Shu was hit by a ball outside the fence, and Jin Zhan hurriedly took him to the hospital.Fortunately, it was nothing serious, but Jin Zhan still blamed himself.The father who originally planned to take his sister to a parent-child camp safely left his sister in the care of Jin Zhan. Jin Zhan and Yu Shu worked together to ensure that his sister was not disappointed.

At home, Jin Zhan played a prank that Yu Shu couldn't see, but Yu Shu“ counterattacked”. The two laughed and joked, and their friendship became deeper.During the days when Yu Shu's eye was injured, the two supported each other, made progress together, and cheered for each other's dreams.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 21 Details

Episode 21

Jin Zhan has been accompanying Yu Shu recently because Yu Shu's eyesight is not yet clear.Xiaomei was very considerate. After hearing about this, she even brought water over and mentioned that Yu Shu's birthday was coming soon.Yu Shu didn't originally intend to be lively, but Jin Zhan knew that this was the last birthday of his high school career, so he took the initiative to hold the party.

In the evening, Jin Zhan took Yu Shu to the square. Although Yu Shu couldn't see it, he could feel the joy.The two of them were playing by the fountain, as if they were back in their carefree childhood.Yu Shu spent most of this time living at Jin Zhan's house, and the relationship between the two brothers grew deeper.

Coincidentally, Jin Zhao had just finished the physical education exam, with gratifying results and a stable academic record. Key universities were beckoning to him.He ran home excitedly, wanting to show off to his father, but as a result, although his father looked calm on the outside, he was so excited inside that he rushed back to celebrate his son without even changing his clothes.Unfortunately, not long after the celebration, the hospital called my father away with a phone call. It seemed that there were a lot of things going on at home.However, Jin Zhan knew in his heart that his father's love for his son was hidden in those unspeakable actions.

Yu Shu's eyes finally healed, and he wanted to eat cake.Jin Zhan was particularly attentive to his food and carefully brought the cake into the room, only to find that Yu Shu was missing. It turned out that this kid was hiding downstairs to eat!Being caught by Jin Zhan, he had to put the cake back in the refrigerator and eat it later.While Jin Zhan was decorating the room, he lamented that Jin Zhao's thoughts were all on Sister Hong and he didn't even offer any help, making him redundant.

Fortunately, Yu Shu came to the rescue in time and helped with the arrangements.At the party, everyone had a great time, and Yu Shu made a wish, hoping it would come true.As a result, during the group photo, Jin Zhan inadvertently sat on the cake. Yu Shu had been looking forward to the cake all night and didn't even taste it, making everyone laugh.

The next day, Xiaomei gave Yu Shu a cake to make up for the regret from the night before.Yu Shu was busy taking the individual examination, and Jin Zhan felt a little lonely.Du Sha also teased Jin Zhan about whether he could not live without Yu Shu, but Jin Zhan refused to admit it.After school, Jin Zhan played with Yu Shu's sister and asked Dusha to help take photos, hoping to prove that he was also working hard in life and did not fall behind in his studies.

In the evening, the classmates were chatting in the group. Jin Zhan looked at the daily life shared by everyone, feeling envious and anxious.He dreamed that he had not been admitted to college and had to repeat his studies, and he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.After waking up, he became more determined to do well in the exam.The classmates cheered him on and asked him to adjust his mentality and face it positively.

Jin Zhan was a little depressed at first, but the good news about Yu Shu and Xiao Mei was like a gust of wind, blowing away the gloom.Yu Shu successfully passed the exam, and Xiaomei also got her wish.Although Jin Zhan was worried about himself, he did not forget his agreement with Yu Shu - to go to the Aerospace Museum.However, Yu Shu reminded him that the most important thing now was to prepare for the college entrance examination.On this day, Jin Zhan's father was invited to the school, and Jin Zhan was very nervous.

He went to see teacher Chen Xiaohong, and his father also took the time to come.Teacher Chen analyzed Jin Zhan’s situation and encouraged him that as long as he works hard, one line is not a problem.But Jin Zhan knew in his heart that he was still far from his goal.What made him even more unexpected was that because of their children's learning problems, the two fathers decided to temporarily reduce the number of contacts between the two families, and even the children were not allowed to have more contact for the time being.Both Yu Shu and Jin Zhan felt puzzled and helpless.

However, none of this affected their friendship and dreams.Jin Zhan knew that only by being admitted to the ideal university could he continue to move forward side by side with Yu Shu and his friends.He secretly made up his mind to go all out and not let this period of youth leave any regrets.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 22 Details

Episode 22

Jin Zhan and Yu Shu gathered with their friends, wondering why the two fathers were suddenly so angry, leaving everyone confused.Dusha also made a wild guess as to whether there was some conflict between their fathers.Actually, both dads like Jin Zhan and Yu Shu very much.Yu Shu had an idea and thought of a trick. He asked Jin Zhan to go to Yu Shu's father and talk to him to find out what was going on.

Jin Zhan did as he was told, and Yu Shu was not idle either. He ran to tell Jin Zhan's father that he no longer wanted to be friends with Yu Shu.As soon as these words came out, Jin Zhan's father was certainly not happy.Later, while the two fathers were chatting, they opened up old accounts from more than ten years ago.It turned out that Yu Shu's father used to be a policeman and was seriously injured during a mission. Although the operation was successful, a dispute in the hospital almost made him rush forward again, but fortunately Jin Zhan's father stopped him.After this incident, the relationship between the two became a bit awkward, and Yu Shu's father had to leave the police force due to physical reasons.

When Jin Zhan and Yu Shu heard this, they were shocked. It turned out that there was such a deep connection between the fathers.They quickly told their friends about this, and Du Sha also joked that Jin Zhan was more like Yu Shu's father's biological son, while Yu Shu was like a replica of Jin Zhan's father's overachieving son.

One day, Jin Zhan took a nap during class and woke up to find a few hairpins on his head. He didn't understand what the teacher was saying. It wasn't until he touched the hairpins on his head that he realized it was Yu Shu's prank.After school, Yu Shushuo thought of a solution, which was to let the two fathers meet again to resolve the misunderstanding.With one operation, the two children forced their fathers to sit at the dining table.The dads were embarrassed at first, but as they chatted they started talking about Jin Zhan and Yu Shu becoming good friends, saying it was fate.Jin Zhan's father also proposed to let Yu Shu live in his house. Of course Yu Shu's father was not happy, but he was finally persuaded by the two children.

In order to help Jin Zhan with tutoring, Yu Shu moved into Jin Zhan's house.Jin Zhan stayed up late studying and was extremely sleepy during self-study in the morning.Yu Shu teased Jin Zhan with a photo of Jin Zhan's childhood, but accidentally, the photo fell on the floor and was picked up by teacher Chen Xiaohong. Jin Zhan was so embarrassed that he quickly snatched it back and hid it.Jin Zhan felt that Yu Shu was a good student in front of the teacher, but he liked to make mischief in private. However, Yu Shu said that although Jin Zhan was often embarrassed at the same table, he was also very happy.

Here, He Shang and Xiao Mei came to Jin Zhan. Jin Zhan could tell at a glance that something was wrong with them, but He Shang said that he should focus on studying first and talk about it after the college entrance examination.Xiaomei decided to confess her love to Yushu, but was rejected and left sadly.He Shang hurriedly chased her out to comfort her, and expressed his love to Xiao Mei, hoping that she would not be alone.

On the other side, Jin Zhan was very happy when he saw the marriage certificate of his brother and Sister Hong, and even planned to travel to get married.He asked Yu Shu to borrow money, nominally to buy exercises, but actually he wanted to buy a game console.Yu Shu is in charge of financial power, so he will naturally not let him spend money randomly.At night, Jin Zhan secretly played games and yelled, making Yu Shu unable to sleep. Yu Shu reminded him to keep his voice down. The two also had a little quarrel because of their different living habits.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 23 Details

Episode 23

Jin Zhan hurriedly took Yu Shu's clothes to be washed by hand, thinking that he could do him a small favor. Unexpectedly, the hand washing failed, but instead it got worse and worse, making the clothes even dirtier.When Yu Shu saw it, he became furious. Jin Zhan was so frightened that he ran away.Now, Yu Shu had no clean clothes to wear, so he had to make do with Jin Zhan's clothes.But who would have thought that Jin Zhan’s clothes were printed with“Master is a legend” was written in big characters, and it was embarrassing for Yu Shu to put it on. Jin Zhan waved his hands aside and said that he did not mean to do so.

On the other side, Xiaomei and Heshang were cheering for the college entrance examination, and Heshang also expressed his willingness to follow Xiaomei to her favorite school.Once when everyone was playing ball, he saw the basketball heading straight for Du Sha. Jin Zhan had quick eyes and quick hands and pushed Du Sha away. The two got so close. Du Sha blushed and his heart skipped a beat. Then he handed Jin Zhan a bottle of water to express his gratitude.grateful.Xiao Mei saw the clue and quietly asked Du Sha if he had new feelings for Jin Zhan. He Shang also nodded and said that the way Du Sha looked at Jin Zhan was different.Dusha was tough at first, saying it was brotherly love, but he couldn't hide the little secret in his heart.

Xiaomei encourages Dusha to show more of her charm.In order to ease the relationship with Yu Shu, Jin Zhan simply wrote "“I'm a fool”, just making fun of myself.Du Sha dressed up specially and came to Jin Zhan wearing a bow-tie hairpin. This gentle look stunned both Jin Zhan and Yu Shu.However, Dusha didn't last long and turned back to her carefree self. It seemed that the gentle route was not suitable for her.

After school, Du Sha met Hong Zefeng by chance and enthusiastically bought him milk tea. Later, she learned from Xiao Mei that Hong Zefeng was lactose intolerant. This was good. Hong Zefeng didn't say anything about his stomachache and left first.In the evening, Jin Zhan and Yu Shu were busy in the kitchen. Jin Zhan accidentally rubbed his eyes with his hands stained with onions, which made tears flow.When Yu Shu took him to wash, he happened to meet two fathers returning home together.Jin Zhan's father also bought snacks. He was about to leave, but Yu Shu's father stopped him and said that it was rare to get together and he had to have a meal with the children.At the dinner table, Jin Zhan suggested clinking glasses. The atmosphere was warm. The relationship between the two fathers seemed to have eased a lot. The children saw it and were happy in their hearts.

It was late at night, and Yu Shu asked Jin Zhan to memorize a collection of poems, but when Jin Zhan saw Yu Shu sneezing, he felt distressed and asked him to go to bed early.Yu Shu might have a fever, so Jin Zhan took care of him and was extremely worried.Before Yu Shu was called to the office by the teacher, he specifically told Jin Zhan not to talk nonsense.But as soon as Jin Zhan turned around, he sent Yu Shu a photo of himself taking care of Yu Shu when he was sick. In the photo, Yu Shu lost his usual coldness and looked particularly soft.

As graduation approaches, everyone leaves their names on their school uniforms as a souvenir.Jin Zhan also wanted Yu Shu to sign his clothes, but Yu Shu declined.On the way home from school, the two of them were chatting about college, and Yu Shu kept encouraging Jin Zhan.But when he returned home to study, Jin Zhan was very sleepy, so Yu Shu drew a few strokes on his face like a prank.Jin Zhan woke up with a confused look on his face. Yu Shu looked at his face, struggling to hold back his laughter.It wasn't until Jin Zhan went to look in the mirror that he realized that he was“disfigured”, dumbfounded.

Xiaomei encourages Heshang to stick to his dream even if he cannot go to the same school.Du Sha also often came to Jin Zhan's house to study together, and the atmosphere was strong.As the college entrance examination day approached, Yu Shu, like a big brother, carefully reminded Jin Zhan to check his school supplies and kept cheering him up.Although Jin Zhan was nervous, he felt a little more at ease with Yu Shu by his side.

《Cheer up Young person》Episode 24 Details

Episode 23

The big day of the college entrance examination is approaching in a blink of an eye, and every candidate is trying his best to achieve their heavy expectations and dreams.The exam bell rang and the dust settled. Everyone was relieved and had relaxed smiles on their faces.He Shang carefully spread a piece of paper on the ground for Xiaomei who had just approached, for fear that she would get dust.Jin Zhan planned to destroy the test papers that witnessed his sweat one by one. When Dusha saw this, he couldn't help laughing. Jin Zhan also joked that the notebook would be a family heirloom and would be passed on to his children in the future.Later, Jin Zhan invited Yu Shu to join the group.“Tearing down the queue to celebrate”, everyone shouted “Happy Graduation”. At that moment, the hustle and bustle of youth and reluctance intertwined into the most beautiful scenery.

Time flies by, and the three-year friendship between teachers and students and classmates is about to come to an end.Teacher Li and Chen Xiaohong got married, adding a warm touch to this time.Hong Zefeng felt mixed emotions. He mustered up the courage to apologize to Dusha. Dusha was surprised and touched by this sudden apology. He even joked that Hong Zefeng thought she was suitable to play Mulan.In fact, Hong Zefeng hid his feelings deeply and never expressed his love for Dusha. It only turned into standing side by side when taking pictures to record this youthful look.

Jin Zhan is full of nostalgia for this time, especially he doesn't want his friend Yu Shu to leave in a hurry.He begged Yu Shu to wait until the results were announced before leaving, but Yu Shu had made up his mind due to the heavy burden on his family.Although Jin Zhan was reluctant to give up, he could only respect Yu Shu's decision.On the other side, He Shang mustered up the courage to confess his love to Xiao Mei, but Xiao Mei responded shyly, and the interaction between the two was full of youthful sweetness.Jin Zhan shared with Du Sha his reluctance to leave Yu Shu and his longing for his partner.——Gentle and introverted, which is very different from Dusha's personality. This makes Dusha feel a ripple in his heart, but he also silently hides his emotions.

Du Sha originally planned to give the match tickets to Jin Zhan, but learned that his feelings could not be responded to, so he placed his hope on Xiao Mei, hoping that she could bring good luck to Hong Zefeng.Xiaomei gave the ticket to Hong Zefeng, encouraging him to go all out in the boxing match and cheer for Dusha. This also became an opportunity for Hong Zefeng to express his feelings.After the game, Hong Zefeng gave him a bouquet of fake roses. Although the meaning was fake, the love was true. He narrowed the distance with Du Sha by learning boxing.

At the same time, although Yu Shu and Jin Zhan are in two places, their hearts are closely connected.At night, Yu Shu stared at the gift given by Jin Zhan, thinking a lot; Jin Zhan also tossed and turned in his thoughts.In the end, the two met unexpectedly on the road, and the needless tacit understanding and care made the two cherish each other's friendship even more.They are looking forward to their future college life and whether they can continue to move forward side by side. Jin Zhan is even more outspoken and hopes to be lifelong good friends with Yu Shu.

Youth is like the bright sunshine, sometimes dazzling and sometimes confused.But it is the beacon of ideals that illuminates our way forward.Jin Zhan is grateful to every friend he met, who made this journey of youth rich and colorful.They believe that as long as they have dreams in their hearts, the future will be brighter and more brilliant.Youth is beautiful because of friendship and immortal because of dreams.