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《Homesick》Episode 4 Synopsis

Episode 4

Suifang took her son to see a famous local qigong master. She thought that her son's brain would be much better after being adjusted by the qigong master. Unexpectedly, her son was always thinking about eating ice cream, but when she returned, Wen Zhuo blurted outSuifang was very surprised when he recited a famous poem by Haizi and recited it in a round and neat manner. At that time, Suifang took her son back to see the qigong master.

Episode 4

The qigong master concluded that karma is difficult to cure. After hearing this, Suifang knelt down in front of the qigong master guiltily, praying that the master would show kindness and save her son. Wang Chongjiang was also there. This qigong master was brought by Wang Chongjiang to fool people. Suifang was the only one.After pleading hard, the qigong master was extra merciful and said that he would stay and specially treat Wenzhuo from now on, but he would need to go to Jigong Mountain to do Qigong every day.The treatment was for a week first, and the treatment cost was 5,000 yuan. Suifang was grateful to Wang Chongjiang and immediately promised to send the money the next day.

That day, Li Chengtian took Chen Youxi to buy cakes. Chen Youxi was very envious when he saw the cakes on the first day, so Li Chengtian bought several kinds for her.After returning home, his wife came back very late. After telling Li Chengtian his plan, Li Chengtian immediately refused. He was worried that his wife would be cheated, so he immediately used all his family savings to buy growth insurance for Chen Youxi the next day.Suifang found out that her family's bankbook was out of money, and her husband had bought insurance for Chen Youxi. The two had a quarrel that night, and all the bowls were smashed to pieces.

That night, Li Chengtian cleaned up the mess and admitted his mistake to Suifang, hoping that Suifang could forgive him and promise to use all his future wages to treat his son.Chen Youxi was not present at the time, and Suifang blurted out that Chen Youxi was not their daughter at all. Li Chengtian asked her to stop talking. He reminded Suifang that if they don't be kind to Chen Youxi now, they can't count on their stupid son to provide for them in the future.Li Chengtian spoke clearly, but Suifang just couldn't listen.

After a night, in the morning, Suifang deliberately called Wang Chongjiang in front of Li Chengtian and asked Wang Chongjiang to drive to pick her up and go to Jigong Mountain with Wenzhuo.Li Chengtian saw Wang Chongjiang driving his wife and children away through the curtains, and felt really sad.Soon Li Chengtian thought that not long ago, a buddy came to him to discuss business. He had an unused suite in the factory and the key was with him. In order to have a car to take his wife and children to the mountains for recuperation, Li Chengtian lent the factory to his friend.use.A friend used this house to open a video studio, but he also lent Li Chengtian a small truck with a trailer.

Li Chengtian used the two small trucks to pick up Wenzhuo and Suifang in Jigong Mountain. When he arrived there, he specially picked a few blooming wild flowers to give to his wife. When he returned, because there could only be one person in the cab, Li Chengtian insisted on meeting Wen Zhuo and Suifang.Zhuo sat in the back compartment.

Soon after, Suifang received a courier. The DNA test results on it confirmed that there was a parent-child relationship between Chen Youxi and Suifang. The answer on this piece of paper shocked Suifang.

Cheng Wei couldn't help but go to Wang Chongjiang alone. After drinking two kilograms of wine, Wang Chongjiang told him that Xiaoxiu had gone to Guangzhou to participate in the beauty pageant. He also said that Xiaoxiu had high vision and was not from the same group as them.After Chen Youxi heard Cheng Wei's story, she didn't believe it at all. She went directly to Wang Chongjiang and asked Wang Chongjiang to tell her the truth. Suifang was also there at the time. In order to prevent Chen Youxi from pursuing further, Suifang admitted that Xiaoxiu saw her at that time.He had an affair with Wang Chongjiang, so he used this incident as a coercion to get the gold watch.Chen Youxi didn't believe it and felt that Xiao Xiu was not the kind of person Wang Chongjiang said at all. Wang Chongjiang played a video for Xiao Xiu. This video was about Xiao Xiu's preparation for the Guangzhou beauty pageant. In order to successfully enter the competition, Xiao XiuXiu also did not hesitate to appear in front of the camera in her underwear.Chen Youxi burst into tears after seeing it, and rushed out. On the way, he met Cheng Wei and told Cheng Wei about the video tape.

It was raining heavily outside. Chen Youxi was walking aimlessly in the rain alone, thinking about how there was such a big difference between what Xiaoxiu usually said in her letters and what she just saw. It turned out that for such a long time, Xiaoxiu wasLie to her.On his way back, Li Chengtian saw Chen Youxi in the rain. He jumped out of the car anxiously and asked Chen Youxi to get in the car quickly to take shelter from the rain.Chen Youxi cried and hugged Li Chengtian and said that now she has no relatives.

Cheng Wei stole the videotape. There was no video recorder at home at the time, so he took the videotape to the video hall and asked for a small private room. He saw Xiaoxiu wearing a bra and posing in front of the camera, and felt very sad.At this time, the friends in the video hall pranked Cheng Wei on the bed and took the videotape to the hall for everyone to watch.

After Xiaoxiu's clip was played, there was a black scene in the middle, and the following content was even more shocking. Suifang was recording a video, in which she broke up with Li Chengtian. It turned out that Wen Zhuo was her and Wang Chongjiang's son, and she confessed that she still loved Wang Chongjiang very much., wanted to elope with Wang Chongjiang.This became an open secret. Li Chengtian drank medicine and committed suicide. Suifang hurried to the hospital after hearing the news.