Home TV limited 72 huos of love
《limited 72 huos of love》Episode 14 Synopsis

Episode 14

Mu Yun bought breakfast and asked Nuan Nuan to get up and have breakfast. Nuan Nuan stayed up late last night and although she didn't want to get up, she didn't want to blind Mu Yun so she got up to wash up and have breakfast. After eating, the two of them met again.Went to see an art exhibition.Nuan Nuan just wanted to feel the atmosphere of the art exhibition. She didn't know much about modern art, but Mu Yun kept telling her about the categories of modern art, its representatives, and his personal opinions on these modern arts.

Episode 14

When he told the story of Marina and Ulay, Nuannuan couldn't understand why Ulay and Marina broke up in an extremely painful way.Mu Yun told her that both of them were performance artists, so the way they broke up was naturally different.Marina has a work called Rhythm Zero, which is to let everyone use tools to hurt her at will, but she will not resist. After everyone hurt Marina, they were afraid that Marina would retaliate after regaining consciousness, so they all ran away.

Hearing this, Nuannuan was suddenly worried. If one day her blind box boyfriend found out that she had caused everything by opening the blind box, would he take revenge on her.After Nuan Nuan returned home, she lamented that human nature is really terrible, and Mu Yun comforted her with psychological knowledge.Nuannuan feels that Mu Yun is calm and rational and knows what she is thinking, but she does not know what Mu Yun is thinking.After Mu Yun left, Nuannuan asked Damai to go to Mogan Mountain to relax in order to relax. However, the car ran out of gas halfway. Fortunately, the owner of the B&B they booked met them and took them to the B&B.Nuan Nuan saw the owner of the B&B and his wife laughing and having fun and living a very happy life. She felt that this was the married life she wanted.

Xu Can went to Mu Yun for psychological consultation. He didn't know why he was still nervous when he saw his ex-girlfriend. Mu Yun analyzed that it was because he felt guilty about his ex-girlfriend.After sending Xu Can away, Mu Yun chatted with his colleague Lao Wang, saying that he loved his girlfriend very much but was incompatible with her life.Shi Jing wanted to date Xu Can and asked Xu Can to have dinner to express his feelings, but Xu Can had no such idea.

Mu Yun came to Nuan Nuan's house, but he didn't see Nuan Nuan and didn't answer her phone calls. He was very anxious.Nuan Nuan, who had been playing in the mountains for a day, called Mu Yun back in the evening. Mu Yun wanted to know how they got together. Just when Nuan Nuan was about to answer, there was one minute left to reach 72 hours, but the phone suddenly disconnected., it seems that the blind box does not want her to tell Mu Yun the true likeness.When Nuan Nuan came to the company, she received a warning document that she had plagiarized other people's plans. Nuan Nuan had to bring the design draft to Mr. Ma because she wanted to prove that she had not plagiarized others.But Mr. Ma said that since she did not plagiarize, why did she take the ideas given to others and use them herself during the meeting? This was a sign of disunity with her colleagues.