Home TV Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su
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《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》 Summ

In the vast online world, there is a person who is respected as “the strongest and unparalleled dung player”. His name is Yangwu Lelang.He devoted himself to the “shit” game that was ignored by the public with an almost crazy enthusiasm, and proved in his unique way that no matter what kind of game, as long as you put in the love, you can enjoy it.

Yangwu Lelang, or player Sang Le, is a super master of video game technology.What makes him unique is not only his skills, but also his game selection.Shizuo usually refers to those games that are ignored by the public and have low evaluations. However, in Yangwu Lelang's eyes, every game has its own unique charm and is worthy of his love and challenge.

One day, a small opportunity led Yangwu Lelang to challenge a video game that is recognized by the public as a masterpiece.He is immersed in this new game world, using his passion and technology to challenge the limits of the game.However, what he didn't expect was that this decision would not only change his status in the video game world, but also bring about earth-shaking changes in his real life.

His unique gaming style and in-depth insights have attracted a large number of fans, and his gaming videos and live broadcasts have attracted countless viewers.His game image of wearing a bird mask and shirtless body became his trademark, and his enthusiasm and seriousness deeply infected his audience.

The story of Yangwu Lelang makes us think, is it wrong to take our interests seriously?His love and devotion let us see that no matter what we do, as long as we devote ourselves to it, we can find fun and value.He proved with his actions that “ who can enjoy playing anything ” is truly the strongest.

The story of Yangwu Lelang also allows us to see that even those games that are ignored by the public and have low evaluations still have their own unique charm.He used his passion and skills to give these games new life, allowing us to see the diversity and possibilities of gaming.

His story encourages us not to be bound by external judgments and to be brave enough to pursue what we truly love.Whether it is video games or any other field, as long as you have passion and dedication, it is possible to create your own excitement.

Yangwu Lelang, the strongest and unparalleled dung player, uses his love and devotion to show us the image of a true game lover.His story tells us that no matter where we are, no matter what challenges we face, as long as we keep loving and staying committed, we can find our own fun and success.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1: The game adventure story is about to begin

In a game world that combines retro elements with near-future technology, there exists a type of game called “shit” - these games appear rough because their production standards cannot keep up with the latest virtual reality imaging technology.However, among these games that have been spurned by mainstream players, there is a special player Yang Wulelang. He is a “dung hunter” who is keen on challenging dung.

Yangwu Lelang's name is well-known among dung game players, and he has devoted great enthusiasm to these neglected games.He firmly believes that even dung works hide their unique charm.This time, he decided to challenge a masterpiece VR game that is completely polarizing from other games and has a total of 30 million players - Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su《.

》Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su《 is a game that integrates the latest virtual reality technology. It has attracted countless players with its advanced graphics and rich game content.Yangwu Lelang knew that this would be a huge challenge for him, but he was also looking forward to it.

Entering the game world, Yangwu Lelang seems to be in a brand new universe.He was driving the most advanced virtual reality equipment and felt an unprecedented sense of immersion.Although he was facing a masterpiece, he did not shrink from it, but instead strengthened his determination to challenge.

In the game, Yangwu Lelang shows off his unique skills as a dung hunter.He is good at discovering those neglected game mechanics, and uses the strategic thinking honed in dung games to carve out his own path in - Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su-.Every operation he makes is full of creativity and surprise, which makes many players sit up and take notice.

Yangwu Lelang's gaming adventures have sparked heated discussions among the player community.His experience inspires more players to challenge dung and discover hidden treasures in the game world.Yangwu Lelang himself also found his own fun and achievements in this masterpiece.

As Yoguraku's adventures in Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》 continue to deepen, he gradually realizes that whether it is a dungeon or a masterpiece, the core of the game is always to bringHappy players.He began to share his gaming experience with more people, hoping that they could find their own fun in the game like he did.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2: Special People

Lelang enjoys the fun of playing Xiangkai as a half-naked character with a bird's head, “Sang Le”, but he is sprayed with poison during a battle with “Rampant Forest”, the regional boss “The Gluttonous Serpent”, and falls into a big crisis.At the same time, Rei Saiga (Psyger-0), who has an unrequited love for Rakuro, is trying to find Sangle in “Fastia”, a town that novice players of the game will definitely visit.

Lelang enjoys the fun of playing Xiangkai as a half-naked character with a bird's head, “Sang Le”, but he is sprayed with poison during a battle with “Rampant Forest”, the regional boss “The Gluttonous Serpent”, and falls into a big crisis.At the same time, Rei Saiga (Psyger-0), who has an unrequited love for Rakuro, is trying to find Sangle in “Fastia”, a town that novice players of the game will definitely visit.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3: Black Wolf Night Attack

In the vast swamp, a fierce battle is taking place.The protagonist Sang Le faces the regional boss with whom he is most in conflict - “Dredger”. Despite the many unfavorable factors in the environment, he still does not flinch and deals with the enemy resolutely.

The special nature of the swamp makes the battle extremely difficult.Every move requires a lot of strength, and the muddy ground limits the use of combat skills.However, it was in this difficult situation that Sang Le showed extraordinary wisdom and tenacity.He cleverly used the terrain to start a battle of wisdom and strength with “Dredger”.

Fortunately, Sangle is not alone.His partner Emru is always by his side, providing crucial support.Emru's existence not only provided spiritual encouragement to Sang Le, but also used her power to help him resolve the crisis at critical moments.The tacit cooperation between the two allows them to remain flexible in dealing with difficult situations.

And behind this battle, there is an unknown secret.Sanle's body is engraved with Lucaon's curse, which makes him attract great attention among players.At the same time, Emuru’s existence also increased the popularity of the topic.Players have been speculating, what kind of story is hidden behind these two special characters?

Finally, two brave players decided to take the lead in contacting Sang Le and the others.They hope to learn more details about this mysterious story through conversations with Sang Le.The appearance of these two players undoubtedly adds more uncertainty to the already suspenseful battle.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4: Traveling together

Deep in the Rabbit Country, sunlight shines through the leaves on the quiet paths.Ever since Sanle was recognized by the leader of the Rabbit Kingdom, “Bais Ashou”, he embarked on an unusual journey with the special deadly rabbit “Emru”.The two walked across the vast land of the Rabbit Country, met all kinds of partners, and experienced countless thrilling adventures.

On this day, their adventure road welcomed an unexpected visitor-fellow Bonito.This maverick character, known for his love of shit culture, invites Sangle to participate in a shit fighting game called “Berserk Online Passion”.

In the virtual world of the game, Sanle and Emuru had a fierce battle with Bonito.Every attack and every defense they make is full of creativity and fun, as if they are interpreting the charm of dung culture in a game way.Although the battle was fierce, the atmosphere between the three was extremely harmonious, and the communication between them made Bonito develop a deep friendship for Sanle and Emuru.

After the battle, Bonito and Sangle chatted about the topic of Xiangkai.Bonito, who originally knew nothing about Xiangkai, actually became very interested in this field after hearing the descriptions of Sanle and Emuru.He said excitedly that he would tell one person the big news that Sang Le had started playing Xiangkai, and that person might be able to bring new surprises to their adventure.

As it gets darker, Bonito bids farewell to Sanle and Emuru, and continues his journey of dung-making culture.Sanle and Emlu continued to move forward, looking forward to the next adventure.They know that no matter how many unknowns and challenges lie ahead, as long as they work together, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5: “Dredger”

In the vast swamp, a fierce battle is taking place.Sang Le, this adventurer known for his wisdom and courage, is facing his biggest challenge at this moment - a duel with the regional boss known as “Dredger”.The muddy and unpredictable environment of the swamp added countless variables to this battle, but Sang Le relied on his extraordinary perseverance and wisdom to skillfully cope with every challenge.

Although Sanle was at a disadvantage in the battle against the dredgers, he did not give up.On the contrary, he relied on his tacit cooperation with his partner Emru to constantly look for weaknesses in his opponents.Although Emru is young, her wit and bravery are no less than those of San Le. Her presence not only provides San Le with valuable support, but also points him in the direction of victory at critical moments.

However, this battle is more than just a simple contest.The Lucaon curse mark that Emru carries on her body, as well as the special bond between her and Sanle, have attracted huge attention in the player community.Players have speculated about the relationship between the two adventurers and whether they can overcome their curses and become true heroes.

Against this background, two brave players decided to take the lead in contacting Sang Le and the others.They hope to learn more from these two adventurers and contribute to their stories.The appearance of these two players undoubtedly added a bit of unknown color to this already suspenseful contest.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6: 《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》

Sanle's dung friend “Pencil Warrior” aka Arthur Pansilugon is coming.Zaixiangkai is the second-ranked member of the PK team “Asura Club”, and is also famous as the “Game Waste Killer” who specializes in hunting high-level players. She personally takes action to force Sang Le to disclose information about the unique plot.

In addition, Animalia, who is obsessed with Emru, and Psyger-0, who rushes to the scene to rescue him, all players start fighting around Sangle for their own purposes.In a near-future world where games using monitors are called retro, games whose production standards cannot keep up with the latest virtual reality imaging technology and are full of flaws are called “shit”.

Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni, who is extremely passionate about betting on kusoge ni, decided to challenge the masterpiece VR game that is completely opposite to kusoge and has a total number of 30 million players.Idoman to su--.The game adventure story unfolded by the strongest player in the best game is about to begin.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7: In Big Crisis

With the heroic help of Psyger-0 and Emru, Sanle successfully escaped from the pursuit of Pan Xilugon and his party. He jumped into Shadrema and headed towards the Rabbit Kingdom.The Rabbit Country is a new world full of mystery and challenges. What kind of adventure is waiting for him?

As soon as Sang Le arrived in the Rabbit Country, he received the invitation from the Rabbit Country - a challenge that required him to fight 10 monsters in the arena.However, the level of these monsters was far higher than he expected, which made his journey full of difficulties.But Sang Le did not back down. He wore a half-naked character with a bird head and enjoyed the fun of the game as Le Lang.

However, during the battle between “Crazy Forest” and the boss “Glutious Orochi”, Sang Le fell into a big crisis.He was sprayed by the venom of the greedy snake, his health value dropped rapidly, and the situation was precarious.But even in the face of such a dilemma, Sang Le did not give up. He relied on his wisdom and courage to try to find a way to solve the crisis.

At the same time, Saiga Rei (Psyger-0) is also looking for Sangle.She has a unrequited love for Le Lang and is very worried about Sang Le's safety.She decided to go to “Fastia”, a town frequented by novice players, hoping to find Sangle there.With an anxious mood, she searched around the town, hoping to find San Le as soon as possible and help him out of danger.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8: Sang Le is in a tough fight

In the vast world of Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su-, every arena is a place for brave men to prove their strength.Today, Sang Le stood on such a stage, facing a monster with a level as high as 120 - the Arrogant Tree Demon.The mission is deceptively simple: just survive for five minutes.However, for Sang Le, this is a life and death test.

Every attack of the Obsessive Tree Demon was full of power and speed, seemingly leaving no chance for Sang Le to breathe.Faced with this unreasonable continuous attack, Sang Le once fell into a hard fight.Every defense he made seemed extremely difficult, and every attack was easily neutralized by the monsters.

However, it was in this desperate situation that Sang Le began to reflect on his own fighting style.He realized that in Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su--, he always responded to battles with a timid attitude, lacking the unique ideas and operations that a “dung as a hunter” should have.Strategy.So, he decided to change.

After adjusting his mentality, Sang Le began to use his unique skills as a “dung hunter”. Instead of blindly defending passively, he took the initiative to find flaws in the monsters.He used the terrain, environment, and even the attack patterns of monsters to formulate a counterattack plan.

In the ensuing battle, Sang Le showed amazing fighting skills and wisdom.He nimbly dodged the monster's attacks while looking for opportunities to deliver a fatal blow.After a fierce battle, Sang Le finally succeeded in defeating the Clinging Tree Demon and completed the mission.

However, the challenges are not over.In the swamp, Sang Le met the regional leader who was most at odds with him - the dredger.The nature of the swamp made the battle more difficult, but Sanle did not give up.With Emuru's help, he flexibly dealt with the Dredge's attack and eventually succeeded in defeating it.

The performance of Sanle and Emru attracted the attention of players.The cooperation between them and the Lucaon curse mark on Sang Le have become the focus of conversation.Soon, two players took the initiative to contact Sang Le and the others, hoping to learn more about their stories.

This battle not only made Sang Le realize his shortcomings, but also allowed him to find the true meaning of being a dung hunter%.He learned how to adjust his mentality in difficult situations and use wisdom and skills to defeat powerful enemies.At the same time, he also gained a deep friendship with Emru and the recognition and respect of the players.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 9 Details

Episode 9: The gorgeous sea of ​​trees

In the Asura Society, there has always been an overly stable atmosphere.Pan Xilugon felt extremely dissatisfied with such an environment.He is eager to challenge stronger opponents and seek the real thrill of battle.Therefore, he made an astonishing decision - to leave this comfortable guild and challenge “the tomb-guarding guard Zaaemon”, one of the “seven strongest species”.

Wei Zha Aimeng is the most mysterious being among the seven strongest species. He guards the ancient cemetery and is said to have endless power.Pan Xilu Gong is full of curiosity and desire for this. He believes that only in confrontation with such an opponent can he truly break through himself and reach a higher realm.

At the same time, in another corner of the Asura Society, Sang Le was experiencing an unexpected adventure.During Shadrema's exploration, he unexpectedly met Saiga-0.Saiga-0 is a game master. He has shown a strong interest in Sang Le and hopes to become game friends with Sang Le.Sanle was a little surprised by Saiga-0's enthusiasm, but he readily accepted the friendship.

Soon after, Sang Le, under the guidance of Saiga-0, entered a new area called “Mangrove Sea Cave”.The beautiful scenery here is breathtaking. However, just as Sang Le was immersed in the beautiful scenery, a group of insect monsters suddenly attacked.These monsters were muscular and fast as lightning, catching Sang Le off guard.

Faced with the sudden attack, Sang Le quickly adjusted his state. He used his skills and experience to launch a fierce battle with the insect monsters.Although the battle was extremely difficult, Sangle finally succeeded in defeating these monsters with his firm will and excellent skills.

This experience made Sang Le deeply aware of his own shortcomings, and at the same time inspired him to work harder to improve himself.He knows that there will be more challenges and opportunities waiting for him on the road ahead.And with this determination and courage, he will continue to move forward, continue to explore and grow.

In the Asura Society, the story of Pansilugon and Sangle is only part of it.There are many other members of the guild, each with different goals and dreams.But no matter who they are, they have found their own sense of belonging and challenges in this guild.It is this atmosphere that makes the Asura Society a dynamic and passionate guild.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 10 Details

Episode 10: Let’s make a scene in the cemetery

In the most popular virtual game world at the moment, a player named Sang Le has become the center of attention with his superb gaming skills and unique strategic thinking.He recently announced that he would fight against the powerful boss in the famous “Mangrove Sea Cave” area in the game - “Harlequin Spider”, and vowed to clear the level for the first time without any injuries.

“Mangrove Sea Cave” is famous for its intricate terrain and powerful lineup of monsters, and “Harlequin Spider” is the top boss in the area. Its unique attack mode and powerful defense capabilities have attracted countless players.This broken piece fell into the sand.However, Sang Le seems to be confident, and he plans to use the new skills he has honed in the Colosseum to face this unprecedented challenge.

Sanle's new skills were acquired through countless life-and-death battles in the Colosseum. These skills not only enhanced his survivability, but also gave him a new fighting style.He will use these skills as weapons to challenge the limits of “Harlequin Spider”, and strive to complete the level without injury and show his unparalleled strength.

At the same time, another important figure Pan Xilu Gong was also acting secretly.He invited Sanle and professional player Bonito to meet in another game and made them a shocking invitation.Although Sang Le and Bonito have just started to play the game, Pan Xilugon has high expectations for them.

This meeting not only surprised Sangle and Bonito, but also made them keenly interested in Pan Xilugon's intentions.They don't know what this mysterious man plans, but they know that this invitation will bring them new opportunities and challenges.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 11 Details

Episode 11: True Glory

In a distant continent, there is a legend about an epic showdown between the brave Sangle and the tomb guard Zaamon.The news quickly spread throughout the kingdom like wildfire, causing countless people to pay attention and speculate.Among them, a woman named Emulu couldn't help but feel an inexplicable panic in her heart after hearing the news.

Emru and Sanle have a deep connection.She was well aware of the power and terror of Wei Zha Aimeng, an existence that even the gods were afraid of.Sang Le is undoubtedly embarking on a road full of unknowns and dangers.Her heart was filled with worries, but she could not stop Sang Le's decision.

At the same time, Ba Yi Xiu felt the firm will in Sang Le's heart.He understood that this young brave man was ready to face all difficulties.As the most prestigious blacksmith in the kingdom, he decided to support Sanle in his own way.He decided to reforge Sanle's weapons so that his weapons could exert their maximum power at critical moments.

Under the careful craftsmanship of Ba Yishu, Sang Le's weapons took on a new luster.He held this weapon with gratitude and confidence in his heart.He knew that he was no longer alone. Behind him was the silent support of Emru and the full help of Basius Ash.

Following Pan Xilugon's guidance, Sangle and additional bonito embarked on a journey to the “Mythological Age Iron Ruins”.Their goal is to find the legendary mysterious power to enhance their strength and better cope with the upcoming challenges.

During the journey, they encountered countless difficulties and obstacles, but they always strengthened their faith and moved forward bravely.Their stories became popular in the kingdom, inspiring countless people to pursue their dreams and challenge the unknown world.

《Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su》Episode 12 Details

Episode 12: Regret always comes from the past

Deep in the iron ruins of the Mythical Age, Sangle and Bonito are immersed in the tension and excitement of leveling.Their goal is to defeat the legendary powerful enemy - the tomb guard Zha Aimeng.This is not only a challenge, but also the only way for them to grow.

The depth and tranquility of the underground lake were broken by the huge figure of the Lifetide Lake Snake.Facing this powerful monster, Sanle and Bonito showed unprecedented fighting spirit.Every swing of the Fate Tide Great Lake Snake seemed to shake the entire ruins, but the two did not flinch, but instead strengthened their determination.

In the fierce battle with monsters, they not only improved their skills, but also tempered their will.Finally, after a hard fight, they successfully defeated the Lifetide Lake Snake.Before the joy of victory came, they received an invitation to talk with Pan Xilugon.

In Pan Xilugon's words, they learned a surprising news: before they crusade against the tomb-guarding guard Zha Aimeng, they must talk to an NPC with a unique plot on the day of the full moon.This information seemed like a puzzle, making them full of curiosity and expectation for the upcoming challenge.

Sangle and Bonito understand that this is not just a game mission, but also a journey full of unknowns and adventures.They decided that on the night of the full moon, they would embark on a journey to find that unique NPC, uncover the mystery, and prepare for the final challenge.

As the full moon approaches, the atmosphere in the Iron Ruins becomes increasingly tense.Sang Le and Jian Jiabao are already ready. They are looking forward to the arrival of the full moon, the encounter with the mysterious NPC, and the final battle with the tomb-guarding guard Zha Aimeng.