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《China Before China》 Summ

With millions of years of human history, 10,000 years of cultural history, and more than 5,000 years of civilization history, the beautiful mountains and rivers of China have nourished the only great civilization in the world that has continued continuously and developed in the form of a country to this day.What is the inner context that enables Chinese civilization to continue to develop?When did the strong resilience and vitality of this ancient civilization originate?How was the pluralistic and unified Chinese nation formed?

《China Before China》Episode 1 Details

Episode 1

Qin established the first unified multi-ethnic country in Chinese history. Sinicization educated public opinion and made unification an unchanging identity of the Chinese people for two thousand years.In that era when all parties were involved, people worked hard throughout their lives in the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and slowly built a civilization in the long history of history.

Relying on a century of Chinese archaeological discoveries, historical relics are analyzed from the Qin Dynasty wooden cubes unearthed from the ruins of the ancient city of Liye in Hunan, the Qin Dynasty palace ruins on the Bohai Bay, the Qin Zhidao ruins, the Nanyue Palace Garden ruins in the Han Dynasty, and the tomb of Haihun Hou., see through things and see people, decode the historical process of the unification of the Qin and Han dynasties, and pursue the historical answer to the pluralism, unity and sustainable development of the Chinese nation and Chinese civilization.

《China Before China》Episode 2 Details

Episode 2

Over the past century, relying on the efforts of generations of archaeologists, China's 10,000-year cultural history has been verified.Thousands of years ago, our ancestors struggled to survive in the world.They made stone tools, transmitted fire, made pottery, built houses, developed agriculture, and created the crystallization of wisdom that adapted to the natural environment.

They went further and further away again and again, creating deep roots of Chinese civilization.It takes the audience back to the era when our ancestors lived thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago, starting from the context of the origin of settlement and farming civilization, and showing the cradle of the birth of civilization.

《China Before China》Episode 3 Details

Episode 3

The famous archaeologist Su Bingqi once pointed out that the origin of Chinese civilization is not like a candle, but like a sky full of stars.This episode - Star Dou - is named after this.In this era of shining stars, people from all over the world know each other, interact and unite.

Miaodigou painted pottery swept most of China, and noble jades were also widely spread between the north and the south.After "The Cradle", "The Stars" follows the course of time, starting from the culture of painted pottery and jade, and exploring the ancient civilization that is as bright as the stars on the land of China.

《China Before China》Episode 4 Details

Episode 4

The ancient country is the country of ancient times.Around 5,000 years ago, civilizations in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River embarked on a path of rapid development.In the "Second Stage of the Ancient Kingdom" defined by the Chinese Civilization Discovery Project, the story of this documentary slowly unfolds.

During this period, the ancient Liangzhu Kingdom used advanced concepts and technologies to explore mechanisms for governing complex societies, becoming the earliest regional monarchy in East Asia.Various regions among the great rivers have also entered early state forms and participated in the construction of Chinese civilization as a whole.

《China Before China》Episode 5 Details

Episode 5

Taking Taosi, Shimao and Erlitou as the narrative protagonists, it shows the magnificent process of establishing the Xia Dynasty in this historical period based on the various phenomena of the ancient country.

The Chinese nation is not afraid of hardships and obstacles, and with its indomitable pioneering spirit, it has created material achievements and cultural heritage that illuminate the times, completed the butterfly change from the Neolithic Age to the Bronze Age, and started the integration of political power and ethical order with bronze ritual vessels as the core.The civilization of Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties.

《China Before China》Episode 6 Details

Episode 6

A piece of oracle bone shocked the world.The excavation of Yin Ruins started in 1928 has laid an important foundation for the development of modern archaeology in my country.As the capital of the late Shang Dynasty, Yin Ruins is the ancient capital site with the longest and most frequent archaeological excavations in my country so far. Many national treasure-level bronzes, such as the Houmuwu Ding and the Fuhao Owl Zun, were unearthed.

It can be said that the excavation of the Yin Ruins opened up the study of the history of the Yin Shang Dynasty, expanded the new field of oracle bone research, and trained and trained the first generation of Chinese archaeologists such as Li Ji, Liang Siyong, Dong Zuobin, and Guo Baojun.

《China Before China》Episode 7 Details

Episode 7

When exploring “China Before China”, there is no way around He Zun“.This Western Zhou Dynasty bronze ritual vessel unearthed in Jiacun Town, Baoji, Shaanxi Province, is 38.8 centimeters tall and weighs 14.6 kilograms. There are 12 lines of 122-character inscriptions cast on the inner bottom. Among them, the description of "Zhaizi Zhongguo" is the earliest one in written form that has been seen so far.The written name of ”中国“.

The family-state system constructed by the enfeoffment system and the political concept of matching nature with virtue were embodied in bronze ritual vessels represented by tripods and guis, and materialized into "ritual system".This episode of the documentary - Home and Country - focuses on the Western Zhou Dynasty and answers the question of ”China Before China% from the perspectives of territorial governance, home and state system, ethnic integration, establishment of rituals, etc.

《China Before China》Episode 8 Details

Episode 8

The world is far and near, small and big are like one.《The World》The narrative line of one episode extends from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty.During the hundreds of years of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, it experienced unprecedented collision and integration, and Chinese civilization became the axis of the world's vision in an inclusive manner.In such an era, economy and culture flourished, and the four sides gradually became one, giving birth to the cornerstone of the unification of the world.